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Job Shadowing

By: Alisha Kozin

Where and who did I job shadow?

● On March 4th, I went to Media Children’s house and job

shadowed Jackie Zingani

● On March 22nd, I went to Bethel Springs Elementary School and

job shadowed Mrs Uniacke
Who/why I chose to job shadow these jobs

Jackie Zingani is a teacher assistant at Media Children's House

● I know Jackie because we’re family friends

● I chose this job because I want to work with kids when I am older

Mrs Uniacke is a 1st grade teacher at Bethel Springs

● I was recommended to job shadow her
● I chose this job because I want to work with kids
The day at Media Children’s House

-When I first got there, the kids were playing with toys

-Lunch time


- Circle time (days of the week, weather etc.)

-After circle time, a spanish teacher came to do spanish with the kids

The Day at Bethel Springs

-When I first got their, they got a little bit of free time

-They started off the day with math


-Writers workshop

-Recess / Lunch

-Readers workshop


Work Environment

● Bethel Springs:

The bethel springs work environment was more quiet than the preschool

It was very clean and everything was put away / organized

I could see myself working as a 1st grade teacher because I like the age group and it seems like a
lot of fun

● Media Children's House:

The Media Children's work environment was neat and organized as well

It was a little noisy but only during lunch and free time

I don’t know how I would feel about myself being a preschool teacher
● Bethel Springs
Mrs Uniacke always explained what they were doing to me before they started

She just always made sure I was involved and she was super nice

I could see myself working in her position

● Medias Children's House

I worked with Jackie and she helped and explained to me what to do with throughout the day

Just like Bethel Springs, she always made sure I was involved with the activities

I can see myself in this position because its super fun

Above and Beyond
● Bethel Springs
Mrs Uniacked provided me to help out with the science activity and let me check their math problems

With the math problems, I walked around each table and checked their math problems to see if they
were correct or incorrect

The science activity she help me with her example of the lesson then put me at a table to help and watch
them do the activity

● Medias Children's House

Jackie provided me to help out with the science station

With the science station, Jill and I got plastic bags full of pasta and had to dye them colors and prepare
for the activity
Finishing Up The Day
● Bethel Springs
Finishing up the day was when they started to go specials, the whole class said “thank you”

The last follow up was when I sent the “Thank You Note”

I think email is a good contact because she always answered really fast

● Media Children’s House

Finishing up the day was when the spanish teacher left

Circle time they went around and shared an activity they did

the whole class thanked me and some kids gave us hugs goodbye

The last follow up was the “Thank You Note”

Texting / Calling is a good and the easiest way to contact someone

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