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From: ReldNelscn

To: lchnfcnler; W; Lrnnefiichmcnsi; Icmflsgulloch

Subject: FW: ACHP Call Notes
Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 11:20:18 AM


-----Original Message-um-
m: Goodfellow, Sue sEs OPNAV,N45[
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 11:11 AM
To: Reid Nelson
Subject: FW: ACHP Call Notes

Reid— I’ve asked CAPT Amy to encourage the May01 to reach out to you and
Kate directly with her concerns


-----Oiiginal Message——~-~
From: Amy, Matthew L CAPT NAS Whidbey Is., N00
Sent: Tuesday, December 11,2018 9: 17 PM
To: Gray, Christopher S RDML Navy Region NW, N00
; Goodfellow, Sue SES OPNAV, N45
', Nashold, Elizabeth A SES USFF, N46IDirector
; Riker, Tracy V CIV USFF, N46
Cc: Cecchini, Joseph D CIV OASN EI&E ', Clancy,
Justin E CAPT OPNAV, N4 ', Sander,s Jerry N JR OPNAV
N4 N458 ; Campbell Kendall D CIV NAVFAC NW, PRW4
>; Manley, William R CIV NAVFAC HQ, EV
, Thedwall, Craig S CDR NLSC, RLSO NW, SJA

Subject: RE: ACHP Call Notes

RDML Gray,
I'd like to provide some insight as to where some of the consulting parties
. stand on the ACHP public meeting

Mayor Hughes called me today to discuss her dislike of the ideaof a public '
meeting. She feels that it doesn't benefit the public at this point. She is
very concerned about security and that the meeting will become a venue for
people to vent about subjects outside the 106 process which will make it
unproductive. I infonned her that we, as the federal agency, are tasked in
this to support ACHP in their established process. I also told herI felt
the public would want more time to vent than they would want to hear me
speak, but ACHP requested that Navy discuss the topic and that's what we'll
do. She has received calls from the Governor and Congressman‘s offices
asking about community support for an agreement if they could get the Navy
up to $2.5M. She feels there are many people in the community who don't
support an agreement at all.

Needless to say, the happy consulting parties are elements such as COER, SDA
and other activist representatives.


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