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&ochimica et t3canmchimjca

Acta, lQ68, Vol. 82, pp. 6QQto 786. Persamon Prew. Printed In Northern Ireland

Petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks of the Central North Island,

New Zealand, as indicated by a study of SF/Sp ratios,
and Sr, Rb, K, U and !l!h abundances
Department of Geophysics and Geochemistry, Australian
National University, Canberra, A.C.T., Australia

(Received 23 June 1967; accepted in rev&d form 10 February 1968)

Ab&rao-The data cover the Pleistocene to Recent basaltic, andesitic, and especially rhyolitic
(including lavas, ignimbrites, and pumice deposits) volcanic rocks of the Taupo Volcanic Zone,
and adjacent aress. Analytical data are presented for approximately one hundred volcanic
samples, including forty-four new Sr isotope determinations. In addition, limited data are pre-
sented on the Triassic-Jurassic eugeosynclinal and miogeosynclinal greywacke-argillite sequences
which fltmk the western and eastern margins of the volcanic zone.
The following points are shown by the data: (a) The rhyolitic extrusives have relatively low
concentrations of Rb (average 103 ppm), Sr (126 ppm), K (2*69%), U (2.53 ppm), and Th
(11.3 ppm), when compared with recent estimates of average “granite” concentrations, sug-
gesting that the rhyolitic magmss have no history involving strong fractional crystallization
processes; (b) a complete continuity exists, for the elements studied, through the basalt-
andesite-dacite-rhyolite compositional range; (c) the initial (i.e. present day) Sr isotopic ratios
of the andesitic, d&tic, and rhyolitic extrusives are identical, and exhibit a small but similar
range of variation (O-7046-0-7067). This variation is possibly real. The initial Sr isotopic ratios
of the bssalts are identical within experimental error (0*7041-O-7044), being consistently lower
than the Sr isotopic ratios of the intermediate and acidic volcanics; (d) only minor differences
exist between the rhyolitic eruptive types in their element abundances. For example, the ignim-
brites have slightly higher average Rb, K and Sr abundances than the rhyolite lavas, while the
pumices have lower average Rb, K, U, and Th, and higher Sr than the rhyolitic ignimbrites and
lavas; (e) the element ratios R/Kb, U/K, Th/K, and Th/U exhibit a greater range of variation
in the basaltic and sndesitic volcanic rocks compared to the rhyolitic rocks; (f) the Triassic-
Jurassic eugeosynclinal greywacke-argillite sediments (referred to as the “marginal facies” of
the New Zealand geosyncline) have present day Sr isotopic ratios which are closely similar to
those of the rhyolitic and sndesitic volcanics. The Sr isotopic ratios of these sediments vary
according to lithology. The overall composition of the sediments is andesitic to da&tic.
It is suggested that the rhyolitic magmas were derived by widespread partial fusion of these
eugeosynclinal greywack+argillite sediments, although this suggestion is based on a number of
assumptions concerning the lateral and vertical extent of the sediments. It is shown that such
an origin is consistent with the main chemical and mineralogical characteristics shown by the
rhyolitic volcanic rocks.
The data presented for the andesites are interpreted to be inconsistent with their derivation
by fractional crystallisation from the outcropping bssalts, or by direct mantle derivation
involving a single stage process. The data are believed to be most consistent with crustal
hybridisation of basalt, or of a primary andesitic magma (as the data cannot be interpreted to
be inconsistent with the existence of a third primary magma type). It is concluded, in the light
of the data presented, that the Mesozoic eugeosynclinal greywsck~argillite sediments would
constitute the most logical choice of crustal material involved in this process.

* Present address: Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Queensland,

St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
t Present address: Institute of Marine Sciences, 1 Rickenbacker Causeway, University of
Miami, Miami, Florida.
700 A. EWART anrl J. J. STIPP

This geochemical investigation was undertaken to provide new data which might
help elucidate the various petrogenetic relationships of the tale-alkaline volcanic
rocks of the Central North Island, New Zealand. The following aspects were
specifically considered :
(1) To establish whether a geochemical continuity exists between rocks in the
series basalt~ndesite~acite-rhyolite. This problem has a bearing on the number of
“primary” magmas involved, and the importance of contamination processes.
(2) To establish any systematic differences between the various types of effusive
rhyolitic rocks i.e. the ignimbrites, rhyolite lavas, and pumice deposits. Such
differences might give clues as to differences in crystallization history and/or
magmatic history between the three types, as shown, for example, by MCBIRNEY
and WEIIX (1966).
(3) In addition, data have been obtained on the associated Mesozoic greywackes
and argillites of the region, as these rocks have been suggested as potential sources
for the rhyolitic magmas. The recent data of PETERMAXet al. (1967) indicate that
such sediments must be considered in discussion of the origin of acidic magmas.

Detailed information on the regional setting is given by HEALY (1962, 1964), HEALY et al.
(1964), and GRINDLEY (1960). The Taupo Volcanic Zone (Fig. 1) extends northeastwardsfrom
Ruapehu to White Island, a distance of about 150 miles. Activity commenced in the Pleistocene
and continues to the present day. Rhyolitic volcanism is dominant, occurring in the form of
lavas and domes, very voluminous welded ignimbrites (and unweIded “pumioe breceias”), and
as blanketing air-fall pumice deposits. HEALY (1962) estimates of the orderof 4000 cu. miles of
rhyolitic material. Andesitia lsvss (totslling of the order of 200 cu. miles of outcrop), have
their main occurrence at the extreme ends of the Taupe Voloanic Zone, particularly in the
Tongariro-Ngauruhoe-Raupehu area at the southwesternend. A few isolated andesitic cones,
however, do outcrop within the central part of the Zone. Basaltic outcrops probebly amount to
no more than 10 cu. miles, and with one exception, occur as isolated flows and scoria cones
distributed throughout the area. The one exception was the violent scorimeous eruption of
Mount Tamwer& in 1886 (previously entirely rhyolitic~. D&tic lrtvas occur as five isolated
domes, also distributed through the region. Their volume, relative to the rhyolitic eruptives, is
very small.
The rhyolitic volcanism appears to have been largely concentrated in four centres, three of
which are controlled by ring struotures. The centres are, from south to north (Fig. l), the Lake
Taupe Volcanic Centre, Mokai Ring Structure, Rotorua Caldera, and Okataina Volcanic Centre.
Each centre is marked by con~nt~t~ons of rhyolite domes, and are flanked by extensive ig-
nimbrite plateaux. The following very generalized sequence of eruptions is believed to have
occurred from each centre (with overlcipping between centres): (1) Ignimbrite eruptions
(possibly from circumferential fractures marking the periphery of the centree); (2) Viscous
rhyolite domes, typically extruded around the periphery of the centres; (3) Localized glowing
avalanche eruptions giving rise to partly welded or unwelded pumioe aocumulrttions(“pumice
breceias”); (4) A younger resurgentphase or rhyolite domes and flows, frequently eruptedwithin
the central portions of the volc&niccentres; (5) Violent ash-fall eruptions, resultingin pumice
deposits which blanket the region. The most extensive of these deposits were erupted frum the
north-eastern Lake Taupe region.
To the north-west of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, in the W&hi--Tauranga region (Fig. l), are
slightly older intermediate and aoidic volcanic rooks. These are mapped &8Upper Pliooene-
Lower Pleistocene (HEALY et al., 1964).Mineralogioallyand ohemioahy, these rooks are very
Petrogenesisof the volcau.icrocks of the Central h’orth Island, New Zealand 701

5-- 0 5 IO !5 Mlh
\ S 0 5 10 I5 20 f(m

] Lake Taupe Volcanic ~cntre J

Pumice Breccias (Rhyolific - Glowing Avalanche Reposits)
Dacite Laws
Andcsite Lsvar

0 Holocene Alluvial. Fluviatile+ and Lacustrine deposirr.Laharr ant

Pumice Breccias (Pleistocene) not referred to in this accent

0 Superficial Pumice Stmplsr

Fig. 1. Generalizedgeologica map of the Taupe VoloanioZone, CentralNorth Island. The sample
loo&ions are indicated. Numbers prefixed by “P” belong to the petrological oolleotion of the
New Zealand GeologicrtlSurvey. Numbers with no PI-&X belong to the Dept. Geophysics and
Geochemistry, Australian National University.
702 A. EWART and J. J. STIPP

P.20269 L

Taupe Volcanic Zone

“Shelf Facrer”

U. Palaeozo~ to Mesozoic Greywacke -

“Marginal Facier”
Argillite Sequences.
Pfulonic derived

Fig. 2. Generalized geologic4 map of the North I&and, NW Zealand, showing the
extent of the Upper P&l~ozoic-M~o5oic ~~~k~~ sequences of the
New Zealand Geosynchne. The approximate boundarisss between the three
“faoiea” divisions are also shown. These sediments form the ok&b outcropping
rocks in the North Island. Sample locations are indicated (see Table 4). (After
Cope and REED (1967) and J. 5. REBD and D. tilur, N.Z. Geological Survey,
personal communication.)

similar to those in the Teupo Volcanic Zone, although dacitic eruptives are somewhat more

Poorly fossiliferous interbedded geosyn&.ual greywaokes fsendstones) and argihite~ (silt-

&ones md shales), ranging from Permit to Jurassic, outcrop over a very ext+maive portion of
New Zealand. The distribution of these aedimente in the Central North I&and is ~~t~~ in
Fig. 2, and their ciose spa&al rel&ionship to the Teupo V~kanic Zone is ulearly evident, The
Petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks of the Central North Island, New Zealand 703

sediments have been divided into three distinct lithological groups, depending upon their
provenance. The western and central groups are eugeosynclinal in character. The most westerly
group, known as the “shelf f&es” (REED, 1865, pp. 1036-1041 and Table 24) is aomposed
dominantly of rhyolitio vitrio tu&, volcanio-derived greywaake and conglomerate, and tu%ceous
silt&one. The volcania fragments are of both rhyolitic and andeeitio oharaeter. Burial meta-
morphism has resulted in widespread zeolitization. The provenance is dominantly volcanio
(acidic and intermediate types). The aentral belt of greywaoke and argillites, known looally as
the “marginal f&es”, is also eugeosynalinal in Character, although being intermediate between
the western “shelf” and eastern “axial” facies. The voloanio sources are still dominant but
minor plutonic-derived material is present. The volcanic-derived fragments are predominantly
andesitio with subsidiary d&tic and very little rhyolitic material.
The eastern belt, known as the “axial faoies”, forms the bulk of the main axial ranges of
New Zealand, and is characterized by structural complexities, and a rook assemblage consisting
of quartzofeldspathic greywacke and argillite, and minor intraformational conglomerate, inter-
calated spilitic lavss, and oherts. The provenance is from a granitic plutonic terraine.
The boundary between the eugeosynclinal “marginal” facies sediments and the miogeo-
synclinal “axial” sediments is believed to be close to the exposed western edge of the “axial”
belt. A small area of the “marginal” facies sediments are known from the northwestern part of
the “axial” belt (Fig. 2). This interpretation implies that these three faoies of the sediments are
true lateral veriations, and that, for example, the “marginal” sediments are not underlain by
the “axial” sediments at depth. Az yet no direct evidenoe, such aa from deep drilling, is available
to con&m the interpretation.
Petrographically, the “marginal” eugeosynclinal greywackes consist of angular to sub-
rounded, relatively coarse (l-1.5 mm) fragments, most of which are of andesitia type showing
microcrystalline and traohytic textures. Very oocaeional spherulitio fragments are present. Other
elastic fragments inolude common phenocrysts of basic zoned plagioclase, minor quartz, augite,
oarbonate (shell material), epidote, oxyhornblende, iron oxides, and rare “granitic” fragment
comprising biotite, acid plagioclase, alkali feldspar, and micrographia intergrowths. Seaondary
chlorite, carbonate, and prehnite may occur. The argillites are similar mineralogically, but of
much finer size, and with a slightly higher proportion of granitio derived material. The “axial”
miogeosynchnal sediments consist of interlocking angular to subrounded fragments of quartz,
a&d feldspars, muscovite, and biotite. Calcite veining is common.
Chemically, the eugeosynclinal sediments are andesitic to da&tic, and the analyses Nos. 10
and 12 (Table 1) may be regarded se close to the extremes of composition. The “axial” sediments
are of overall granitic composition. A significant point, common to all the greywaokes, is their
sodio nature although the assooiated argillites are more potassic (REED, 1957). The enrichment
of potassium in the voloanic derived argillites is much less pronounced than in the “axial”
types (the example given in Table 1 (No. 12) being an extreme potash-rich variety).

Chew&y and mineralogy of the volcanic rocik

Chemical analyses of the main effusive rock types are given in Table 1. CLARIX (1960) has
referred to the basalts as non-porphyritic aluminous types; they have tholeiitio afEnities.
Phenocrysts are not abundant (total phenocryst contents are less than 10 per cent), and
comprise olivine, augite, and subordinate plagioclase (labradorite-bytownite). Groundmass
augite and hypersthene occur. The andesites (all containing more than 53 % silica), are char-
acterized by abundant phenocrystic plagioclaae (An,,,,_so; generally between 20 to 30 modal%),
hypersthene, augite, and titanomagnetite. Less commonly, oalcia hornblende, and rare quartz
phenocrysts (or xenocrysts?) occur. The andesites from the northern part of the volcanic zone
appear to have slightly higher SiO,. It should be noted that there are distinct textural difference
between the basalts and andesites.
The classification within the andesite-daoite-rhyolite sequence is made on the basis of
SiO,. The rhyolites are characterized by high SiO, (70-77x), and typically have NasO/KzO
ratios greater than 1, i.e. there is a relative deficienoy of potassium. This slightly unusual
chemistry is reflected in the phenocryst mineralogy: Plagioclaae (andesine), hypersthene,
titanomagnetite, ilmenite (all invariably present), quartz, hornblende, and biotite. Sanidine
Table 1. Chemical analyses of effusive rocks of the Taupe volcanic zone and selected examples of the Mesozoic greywackes and argillites

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

SiO, 74.22 73-85 70.60 67.4 67.23 61.2 5690 51.16 4952 54-7 64.7 66.6 71.1
4303 13.27 13.56 13.23 153 15.12 16.9 1690 17.12 17.32 15.4 155 16.2 I.39
%+3 0+8 1.26 0.75 3.6 3.33 2.4 2.10 2.40 3.81 0.6 097 0.46 tr
Fe0 0.92 0.60 1.39 1.1 0.50 4.0 6.30 7.25 7.03 3.3 4.80 3.0 2.7
Kg0 0.28 0.30 0.30 1.0 2.02 3.7 6.20 6.12 6.01 1.75 1.97 1.10 1.3
C&O 1.69 1.53 1.56 3.4 4.25 69 S-40 11.41 11.41 92 2.35 1.50 1.8
K%@ 4.24 3.71 4.56 4.6 3*66 2.9 260 2.28 2.50 3.45 3.95 3-20 3.7
K*O 3.18 360 2-86 2.4 2.20 1.53 190 0.54 0.33 1.95 2.05 4-50 2.3
TiO, O-28 0.23 0.20 0.71 0.34 0.17 0.76 0.80 l*.Ui 0.8 0.78 0.63 0.50 ?
P8% 0.06 0.06 0.04 O-20 0.11 0.02 o-10 0.13 0.19 o-17 0.17 0.14 0.10
Z$+ 0.05 0.69
OS05 0.11
3.26 0.4
0.10 0.68
0.09 0.31
0.02 0.16
tr 0.27
0.18 0.19
0.25 2.38
0.3 2.30
0.11 2.25
0.05 o-05
19 $

1. Average composition of rhyolite Iavaa and domes (average of 25 analyses).

2. Average composition of ignimbrites (average of 17 analyses).
3. Avenge composition of Taupe Pumice Deposits (EWART, 1966).
4. Da&e f~‘~S~~~~ (P.29177). Analyst J. A, Ritehie.
5. Da&e from Tauhara (GXZAX~IG, 1937).
6. Ande&e, Mount Edgecumbe (P.29166).
7. Andesite, Ng&oe lava of 1954 (STEINIGR,
8. Baa&&&@h.i, Tarawera (&&AN~E, 1937).
9. &W&i, &%‘i& (CRANW, 1937).
10. “Margin@ (Excel) f&es greywaoke. Man& Kill quctrfy, Coromandel Peninsula, P.22768.
Il. “%rgin&’ (eu~~cl~&l) f&es greywaoke. Karapiro quarry, Kasapiro. P.26184.
12. Argihite from near boundary between “msrgin&l” and “shelf” facies (eugeosynclinal). Runtly, P.26186. This rock is an especially
clay-rich variety.
13. Composite greywacke sample from Wellington (REED, 1957; Table 1, No. 1). “Axial” (miogeosynclinal) fakes.
Petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks of the Centrel North Island, New Zealand 705

occurs only very rarely. The da&tic rocks are mineralogioally similar to the rhyoliti, with
slightly more calcic plagioclaee. chemically, however, they form a fairly distinct group, with
SiO, &out 6p-88 per cent (Table l), there being a small but d&tin& gap between SiO, contents
of the da&es and rhyolites.

Cm (1960) and STEINER (1958) have emphasized the existence of two parent magmaa of
the region, a primary basaltic magma, and 821a&ho magma derived by on&al fusion. The
former ie considered to be represented, for example, by the Tamwera and K-Trig bass&
(Table I). STEINERhas postulated that ther3etwo parent magmas have given rise to three
distinct series: (a) a main baaia series, showing oontinuous variation from basalt to dacite;
(b) a continuous rhyolitic series; and (c) an aooumulative series of basic andesites (and baa&a?).
Sm~mm (1958) considers that the main basio series haz been derived from an olivine basalt
parent by selective a&m&&ion of acid gneiss, followed by limited fractional cryatallizetion

Younger Rhyolite Lavar

compositional field

I Average IgntmDritet

2 Average Older Rhyolitelavas

3 Average Younger Rhyolire lavar.
4 Average Taupe Air-Fall Furnice deposits

Fig. 3. Normative components of average chemical compositions of the main

rhyolitic eruptive types and phasea, plotted in system Ah-Or-Q-H%O (w
and BOW~N, 1968). Crosses indicate minim& on boundary curvef3.

producing compositions of the andesite-dacite range. C~aag considem that the andesitic and
da&tic magmaa were mainly produced by contamination of the parent basalt magme. Most
other workers have essentially reiterated these views to varying extents (e.g. IZmmy, 1964;
EWART,1900). With the exception of BAT~YEY (1966), all workers have agreed on the crustal
fusion origin for the rhyolitic magmas. BA~EY suggests different&ion of mantle-derived
liquida as an alternative possibility.
EWART (1966) has cotidered the average compositions of the different phasea of acidic
volcanism in tern of the experimental granite system (Trrrrnu and BO~XN, 1958). As seen
&om Fig. 3, there ie some evidence of & progremive enrichment in normative Ab, and depletion
in normative Q, from the ignimbritic composition, through the average older and younger
rhyolite lava oompoeitions, to the Taupe pumirte compositions. This trend also corresponda to a
progrwsive time sequenoe, aa noted previously. The interpretation placed on tbia observed
~ornp~tion~ change (and the general chemicctl ch~~~~~i~ of the roc&) w&8either: (a) of a
progressively increasing depth of crustal melting, giving rise to sucaessive magma fractions of
slightly changing compositions; or (b) the trend was due to progressive melting of a more sodic
(ad P= ably more basic) source oomposition. On the other hand, BATDGY (1966) has noted
that the oompoaitiona of the acid magmaa (lying on the Ab side of the minima, Fig. 3) could also
be produced by fractional crystallization of andesite or basalt.
706 ak EWART and J. J. STIPP


!Z’h, U a9zd K. Thorium, uranium, and potassium were determined by gamma-ray spec-
trometry using the same equipment and techniques described by HEIER et al. (1965, p. 646).
Briefly, the equipment consists of a 200 multi-channel analyser connected to a d-in. Tl activated
NaI crystal. Using approximately 450 g of crushed rock sample, Th was determined from the
T1208 peak (2.62 MeV); V from the Bi 214 peak (1.76 MeV); and K from the K 40 peak
(l-47 MeV), The equipment was calibrated against the W.S.A.E.C. uranium and thorium
standards. reproducibility of the me~~ements presen~d herein is 5-7 per cent. Potassium
was also determined in certain samples by flame photometry, using the method of COOPEB (1963).
All analysed rocks were fresh, and showed no microscopic evidence of weathering, hydrothermal
alteration, or leaching.
Rb and Sr. Rubidium and strontium were determined on a Phillips PW 1540 X-ray
fluorescence spectrometer using a molybdenum tube. General analytical procedures followed
those described by NORRISH and CHAPPELL (1967) in which approximately 2 g of sample
crushed to minus 200 mesh were pressed i&o l-in. boric acid backed pellets. Pulse height
analysis of the secondary X-rays from the irradiated sample was then carried out. Background,
dead time, and interelement (tail) effects were allowed for and mass absorption corrections were
measured and applied. Equipment and procedures were checked against standards G-l (Rb =
210; Sr = 247 ppm) and W-1 (Rb = 22, Sr = 183 ppm). Based on 25 replicate analyses of
these standards (made over a period of approximately one year), the standard deviation of Sr
and Rb is 1 per cent and 1.5 per cent respectively. At low levels, the figure is approximately
4 per cent for Rb.
~5%isotopes. Present day strontium isotopic compositions were measured on a Nuclide
Analysis Associates, 12.in. radius of curvature, 60” sector, mass spectrometer. Alternate peak
measurements utilized the technique of voltage switching described by Arriens (in preparation).
The output is digitally presented utilizing a voltage-to-frequency converter. Sample prep-
aration procedures followed that described by COMFSTON etal.(1965) wherein the Sr is con-
centrated from the dissolved sample by ion exchange and loaded as a chloride on the side
filaments of a triple filament bead. The Sr8’lS~ ratios have been normalized to the Srss/Sr8s
ratio of 0.1194. Because the samples measured are all less than 2 million years no correction has
been applied and present day ratio and initial ratio are considered to bo identical. The ratio
Rbs7/Srs6has been calculated from the X-ray fluorescence data. Following the suggestion of
IFEDUE (1966) the Srs7/Srssratios are also presented aa deviations (A) from the M.I.T. Eimer
and Amend reagent SrCO, standard. That is, (Srs7jSr85 unknown-Srs’/Srs* standard) x 1000.
The Srs7/Srssratio for this reagent determined in this laboratory is 0.7081. The precision a8
indicated by 16 replicate runs on this standard is 0+0045 (A = O-45)at the 96 per cent confidence


The detailed analytical data are presented in Table 2. The bass&s, andesites and
dacites are grouped together. The rhyolitic rocks, however, are grouped aoeording
to the four volcanic centres with which they are considered to be associated. This
geographical grouping is easily established for the rhyolite lavas, but is not so
certain for the ignimbritic rocks. The latter, therefore, are grouped in Table 2
according to their proximity to one of these centres. The locations of the various
specimens are given in Fig. 1. As already noted, the ignimbrites are mostly of rhyo-
litic Gom~sition, but wtiain ignimbrites from the Tauranga region are of dacitic
composition. It should also be pointed out that for several of the ignimbrites, a
series of samples have been analysed from the one unit. This is because some of the
ignimbrites (e.g. Whakamaru Ignimbrite) exhibit considerable systematic chemical
variations (EWART, 1966). In Table 3, the meana and standard de&&ions of the
Table 2. Analytical data for Rb, Sr, K, U, and Th, volcanic rocka of the Central North Island, New Zealand
(Note: All ratios calculated before figures showu were rounded off)

(l?l&WlCl 9%
Sample Sr Rb photom- (y- u Tb U/K Th/K
No. Deswiption PPm PPm Rb/Sr KjRb etw) speet.) ppm ppm x IO* x 101 Th/U Sirs’/Sr= A* EtW/W6
I’.36036 Terewera SC&S 300 16.1 0.06 297 - 0.46 0.46 I.61 1.02 3.36 3.29 -
3106 W=.ob 308 10.6 0.03 429 0.45 0.46 0.33 1.23 0.73 2.73 3.73 0.7043 -3.8 O-10
3116 Orakeikorako 338 3.9 0.01 649 0.27 0.26 0.13 0.63 0.60 2.48 4.92 0.7042 -3.9 0.03
P.29206 K-Trig 328 9.6 0.03 366 0.33 0.36 0.18 1.07 0.60 3.04 6.08 0.7042 -3.9 0.08
3133 K=WMaPe 508 23.9 0.05 616 0.71 0.76 0.76 3.20 0.99 424 4.26 0.7044 -3.7 0.14
Andeaitio lavaa
P.17472 Wkite Islend 166 82.2 0.60 231 I.95 - - - 0.7061 -2.0 1.43
3096 wbt&a x44 Co-3 - - - - - 0.7063 - 1.8 0.81
P.2S166 Edgeoumbe 239 49.6 0.21 267 1.27 - - - 0.7061 -2.0 0.60
3109 Titlraupellga 274 17 0.06 381 0.70 0.66 0.40 2.21 0.62 3.41 6.49 0.7046 -3.6 0.18
3131 Kekwismes (Y) 276 11.9 0.04 675 0.68 0.69 0.73 4.31 I.07 6.28 6.89 0.7055 -2.6 0.43
3136 K&&r&mea 228 40.4 0.18 283 1.13 1.14 1.10 6.19 O-96 4.66 4.74 0.7062 -2.9 0.51
3130 K&wiunea 380 67-2 0.15 236 1.35 1.36 1.14 6.26 0.85 3.90 4.69 0.7064 -2.7 0.43
31386 Pih4mgz& 227 68.8 0.30 206 1.48 1.42 1.56 6-01 1.10 4-24 3.86 0.7064 -2.7 0.87
3138b Pihfmga W7064 -2.7
3188 Tongariro 223 79.3 0.38 214 1.79 1.69 1.64 7.49 0.97 4.42 4.67 0.7067 -2.4 1.02
3166 PUke?&ki0re 264 42.4 0.15 269 - 1.10 1.20 3.71 1.10 3.38 3.09 0.7063 -2.8 0.46
P.29114 1964 Ngsuruhoe 228 36.1 0.16 236 0.83 - .- - 0.7060 -2.1 0.44
P.17171 Twm Lakes 232 24.6 0.11 306 0.76 - _- -
3140 Tanm Lakes - - - - -- 0.7066 -2.6
3141 Tamis I&a 233 34.6 0.16 282 0.95 0.97 0.77 4.01 0.79 4.11 6.18 0~7068 -2.3 0.43
3162 Twvhti &lls 258 74.6 0.29 222 1.68 1.66 1.83 6.64 1.11 4.02 3.64 0.7062 -1.9 0.83
3170 South Ruapehu 269 87.0 0.32 214 1.87 l-86 1.78 7.60 0.96 4.04 4.23 0.7066 -2.6 0.93
Dlroitio lavas
P.29177 I+f~mwow~nga 242 73.3 0.30 270 1.99 X.99 1.70 a.27 0.86 4.15 4.87 0.7064 -2.7 0.87
3297 ~mwong=ng~ 26B 80.1 o-31 260 - 2.00 1.82 a.19 0.91 4.09 4.61 -
3290 Tlbti 315 63.2 o-20 280 1.77 1.93 7.88 1.09 4.46 4.09 0.7049 -3.2 0.58
Aoidio eruptive rooks? (Arrmged aooording to volcanio centres)
I. Mokai Ring struotwe
Centrsl and southern IWJB
P.29116 Rbyolita lsvs
Younger phwe 114 101 0*88 264 2.66 - - 0.7046 -3.6 2.64
3294 Rhyolite lava
Younger phaee 124 104 0.84 272 - 2.83 2.68 11.8 o-91 4.17 4.68
Table 2 (continued) 2
..-- -_-

Sample Sr Rb
(Jzie K%
photom- (y. U Th U/K Th/K
No. Description PPm PPm Rb/Sr K/Rb et@ spect.) PPm Ppm x 104 x IiF Th/U &F/&*6 A* Rb”7/Srss

P.29210 Rbyolite 16~s

Younger phase 112 104 0.93 240 --- 2.50 2.81 11.0 1.12 4.42 3.94 _^_
P.29690 Rhyolite leva
Younger phase 74.7 113 1.51 235 - 2.04 2.73 11.3 1.04 4.30 4.15 _._
P.29688 Rhyolite lava
Yamrger phwse 82.3 109 1.32 247 .- - 2.68 2.66 12.2 O-99 4.66 4.59
3296 Rhyolite lava
Yoagwr phase 147 103 0.70 245 ,. 2.52 2.40 LO.9 0.9<5 4.34 4.66 -
P.29662 Rig&&e lsva
Yeunger phase 74.f 91.7 1.24 303 -- 2.78 2.80 12.5 I.01 4.61 4.47 .“-
P.291359 Rhyolita lava
60.8 111 1.83 226 .- 2.5i - _.._ _ _.
Y_ Pbe
P.29672 Rhyajifze lava
Yoaoagpn phase 09.1 115 1.66 243 - 2.19 2w 11.9 0.95 4~21 4.50 _._.
3299 ‘G_ .I,
pamian brecoia 161 90.5 0.66 266 2.41 2.33 9.84 0.97 4.09 4.23 _^
3300 “W&i?dM’
pun&e bwccia 174 85.7 0.49 236 --- 2.04 1.48 9.80 0.73 4.81 6.61 -
3287 Wwimltei
ignimbrite 210 87.6 0.42 266 --.- 2.33 2.08 9.88 0.89 4.25 4.75 -
Eastern l&ml%

91.7 128 1.39 234 --- 3.00 2.88 13.2 0.96 4.41 4.46
3286 175 101 0.68 288 -- 2.91 3.19 12.7 1.10 4.35 3.97

Pa29587 Rhyaiita levs

Oxaaiphase 80.8 135 1.67 234 - 3.14 3.09 13.6 0.99 4.38 4.41
P.27364 RhyoMe lava
Qldfn‘ phaw 86.9 98.8 1.14 285 2.82 _- -
P.28200 Rhyo&e lave
ohk phase 144 105 0.12 247 -- 2.58 2.13 12-7 1.06 4.73 4.12
P-29199 Rhyo&e Esvs
Older phese 151 106 0.70 232 2.46 2.46 10.7 1.00 4.36 4.36
3114 Wbaliwnam
ignimbrite 200 92-1 0.46 290 -.- 2.67 2.44 10.6 0.91 3.97 4.35
3129 WbalwINru
i@mbrite 158 102 0*65 256 --- 2.62 2.46 10.7 0.94 4.10 4.36 0.7048 1.86
3113 Wh%Jc%maru
ignimbrite 183 93.6 0*61 257 - 2.40 2.10 10.3 0.87 4.30 4.94 0.7058 -2.3 1.47
P.21834 Wh%k%maru
ignimbrite 169 94.8 056 246 2.32 - - -
P.20111 Wb%k%m%nl
ignimbrite 160 113 0.71 260 2+J3 -- -.- - -
P.20112 Wh%k%maru
ignimbrite 133 127 0.95 243 3.08 - -_ - -
P.20113 Wh%Jmm%m
ignimbrite 110 141 1.28 243 3.42 - --
P.20116 Wh%k%m&uw
ignimbrita 99.6 I41 1*4X 241 $39 -- -_
P.20116 Wh%k%m%m
ignimbrite 107 142 1.32 238 3.38 - -_
P.20118 WhEkmn%m
ignimbrite 117 134 1.10 243 3.26 - - -
3288 R%ngimli
ignimbrite 193 87.9 0.45 298 - 2.62 2.64 11.9 I.01 4.53 4.50 0.7060 -2.1 I.31
North, northeaetem, and northern central area
3291 Pumiae bwoia
deposit 156 92.0 0.69 236 -I_ 2.17 2.14 10.2 0.99 4.70 4.77 -
P.29616 Rhyolite lava,
Younger phase 129 104 0.81 236 ___ 2.46 2.69 11.0 1.06 4.47 4.25 -
3289 Rlmgite
ignimbrite 119 124 l-04 172 -_ 2.13 2.03 9.15 0.96 4.30 4.61 -
3119 Pa%ro%
ignimbrita 69.6 126 1.41 271 -_ 3.43 2.89 15.7 0.84 4.69 5.44 0.7054 -2.7
3123 hWO8
ignimbrite 151 109 0.73 252 - 2.76 2.44 11.4 0.89 4.14 4.67 -
3126 P%L?miS 109 125 1.15 255 - 3.21 3.23 14.1 1.01 4.41 4.37 -
3120 Te Wets
ignimbrite 163 165 1.01 201 - 3-32 2.79 12.8 0.84 3.85 4-58 Q.7058 -2-3 2.92
II. Northern Lske Taupe v&s& centre
P.28840 Pumice deposit
(130 A.D.) 160 99.4 0.63 225 2.24 2*46$ 2.37 10.3 0.95 4.17 4.37 0.7062 -1.9 1.81
P.28854 Pumioe deposit
(MOO B.C.) 127 102 0.80 224 2.28 2.56# 2.75 11.5 1.07 4.47 4.16 0.7060 -2.1 2.31
P.28381 Rhyolite lava 80.4 122 1.52 242 2.95 - - - 0.7045 -3.6 4.38
P.29839 Rhyolite lava 171 93.6 0.66 235 - 2.20 2.53 9.89 1.15 4.51 3.91 -
P.29640 Rhyolite lava 169 103 0.65 232 - 2.39 2.21 to.1 O-92 4-22 4.68 -

III. Rotorus oalder%

P.29660 Rhyolite lava
Younger phase 115 96.0 0.84 254 - 2.44 2.89 11.2 1.19 4.59 3.87
Table 2 (continued.)
(Flame K%
Semple L-3, Rb photom- (Y- U Th U/K Th/K
NO. Deaoription PPm PPm Rb/Sr K/Rb etw) spect.) PPm PPm x-104 x 104 Th/U Ew/SrR6
___. _
P.29664 Rhyolite leva
Younger phase 11.2 102 1.31 263 2.68 - - - 0.7059 -2.2 3.79
P.29171 Rhyotitv lava 123 98.8 0.80 262 2.49 -. 0.7056 -_2.5 2.32
Older phase
P.30228 AI&m&u
ignimbrite 166 95.1 0.61 248 %3G 0.7087 -2.4 1.76
IV. Oketaina volcanio centre
Heroham Complex
102 109 1.08 262 2.86 2.89 12.3 1.01 4.29 4.24
102 107 1.06 249 - 2.66 2.48 Il.0 0.93 4.13 4.44 -
98.7 107 1.08 249 2.66
131 93.6 0.71 248 2.32
127 95.0 0.76 262 2.49 0.7052 -2.9
114 93.4 0.82 262 2.46 0.7054 -2.7
125 94.7 0.76 263 2.49
118 97.3 0.83 253 - 2.46 2.33 9.72 0.95 3.96 4.18 -
3301 210 74.5 0.36 214 _ 2.04 1.68 8.28 0.82 4.04 4.92 -
92.2 109 1.17 265 2.99 2.85 2.52 11.9 0.88 4.18 4.73 0.7062 -- 1.9 340
76.5 126 1.65 239 - 3.02 2.86 12.2 0.95 4.04 4.27 -
92.2 107 1.16 278 2.96 -- - - 0.7058 -2-3 4.33
96.0 133 1.38 222 - 2.95 2,95 12.8 1.00 4.35 4.34
94-9 116 1.22 243 2.82
95.5 115 1.21 239 2.76
110 115 1.05 232 2.68 0.7060 -2.1 3.01
3097 M&abina
ignimbrite 101 116 1.14 269 - 2.99 2.43 11.7 0.81 3.02 4.82 0*7067 -1.4 3.29
3101 Mat&in*
ignimbrite -- - - 3.00 2.82 11.9 0.04 3.06 4.21 -
31O4 l&.&din8
ignimbrite - - 2-90 2.50 11.4 O&6 3.94 4+&
3102 M&&in8
ignimbrite - - -- 2.91 2.50 12.0 0.86 4,12 4.79
3103 Mat&ha
ignimbrita 08.5 116 1.17 256 - 2.95 2*&O 12.2 0.86 4.14 4-89 -
3100 Mi&Abina
ignimbrite 116 109 l-14 240 - 2.88 2.56 11.6 0.92 4.17 4.62 0.7060 -2.1 2.73
Southwestern area
P.29194 Rhyolite lava
Younger pbnae 80.4 112 1.38 252 2.80 - - _.- -
P.296O3 Rbyolite lsvs
Younger phese 123 111 0.90 236 - 2.61 2.77 11,4 1.06 4.37 4-12
P.29611 Rhyolite 1~8
Older phase 97.9 106 1.08 254 - 2*70 2.78 11.8 1.02 4.37 4.27
P.29609 Rhyolite lava
Older phase 104 106 1.00 257 - 2.69 2.25 X0.8 0.84 4.03 4.81
Tamwera aompiex
3292 Rhyolite lavs 100 I04 I.04 254 - 2-64 2.66 10.2 f-01 3.66 3-82
v. W&i-Tsuranga region
3083 Ignimbrite 86.6 133 1.64 260 -- 3.46 2.89 14.7 0.84 4.26 5.10 0.7066 -1.5 4.39
3081 Ignimbrite 99.1 113 1.14 254 -- 2.87 2.67 11.8 0.90 4.11 4.58 0.7060 -2.1 3.27
3088 Waitaariki 221 86.1 0.30 237 - 2.04 1.85 7.42 0.91 3.64 4.02 0.7061 -2.0 1.12
3283 P8pamoa
ignimbrite 299 51-l 0.17 292 -- 1-49 1.16 5.99 0.78 4.03 6.16 0.7064 -l-7 0.49

l See l&DOE (1066).

t Where possible, the samples are placed in order of assumed deweasing age.
$ Samplea used for gemma-ray apeotrometry not exact duplicates to those on which other detwmin8tiona were made.
Table 3. Average concentrations of Sr, Rb, K, U, and Th in the volcanic rocks of the Taupe-Rotorua region
Sr Rb K/Rb K% U Th U/K x 10’ Th/K x 10’ Th/U S@‘/SP
wsul s Mean S Mean S Mean S Me&n S Mean S Mean S Mean S Mean S Mean S 1
-- I-._. . .
lava 106.6 26-3 106.6 10.6 251 17 2.66 0.20 2.64 0.24 11.6 1.3 1.00 0.08 4.31 0.20 4.32 0.26 0,7054 1: 0~00055 2.7
Ignimbritos 140.1 54.8 112.8 22.1 251 25 2.82 0.45 2.48 0.45 11.4 2.2 0.90 0.07 4-15 0.22 4.62 0.3.5 0.7060 + 0.00042 2.1
RhyoIitic I?+
0.7061 ‘.I) z
deponits 164.4 24.4 90.6 9.1 244 20 2.20 0.13 2.23 0.38 10.2 0.61 0.94 0.10 4.37 0.32 4.72 0.87
ltWaS 270.7 32.1 12.2 6.9 267 12 1.92 0.11 1.82 0.09 8.11 0.29 0.95 0.10 4.24 0.17 4.49 0.32 0.7052 + 0~00023 1.9 z
50.9 49.7 23.3 281 94 I.26 0.42 1.22 0.46 5.23 1.63 0.95 0.15 4.24 0.77 4.53 0.82 0.7056 + 0.00043 2 5 e
lsvea 242.7
77.0 12.6 6.7 451 122 0.46 0.17 0.37 0.22 0.7043 2; 0~00005 ::.E( ,2
B&W&+3 356.4 1.63 0.88 0.76 0.23 3.17 0.61 4.45 0.98
Average G
baa& 466* 30’ o*sat 0.6f 2.q 0.6Ot 2.q 4.q
AW%ge c(
andesite 73% 0.928 $
rhyolite 23511 217f 4.448 $
AVera(Ie 2iw* 150: 4.53% 4.P 17* 1.34 4.9t 3.54
120* 2.555 2.61 9.37 1.02 3.65 3.58

* TAYLOR (1966). $$NOCKOLDS(1964). Mean = arithmetic moan; S = standard deviation.

t El- and Rooms (1963). 11TWREKIAN and KULP (1956).
$ Hnmm and ADAMS (1963). 7 CLARK et al. (1966).
P&rogene& of the volcmi~ rot&s of the central North I&nd, New Ze&nd 713

values for the vsxious rock types are given (calculated from the data in Table 2)
together with recent estimates of the “aver&ges” for the elements in question, in
comparable rock types. The element abundance data from Table 2 are presented in
histogram form in Figs. 4 to 6, and 9 to Il.


Rhyolirlc Pumice Deposits

Rhyolite Lavas

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I.0 I .2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6

Fig. 4. Hi&ogrm showing the frequency distribution of potassium in the various
volcmio rook types of the Tmpo Volcmio Zone.

Potahum, rzlbXum and strontium

Figures 4 and 6 illustrate the ~tribution of K snd Rb in the various rock types.
As already noted, the rhyoiitic rocks are Iow in K, compared to most talc-alkali
rhyolites (e.g. NOUKOLDS, l&54). However, it is clear that the ignimbritic rocks show
a greater range of values than the lavas, and the average value for the ignimbrites
(Table 2) is also higher. Although part of the reason for the higher K may be due to



Rhyolitic Pumice Deposits

Rhyofite Lavas

Rb p.p.m

Fig. 5. EEstogran showing the frequency d~tr~butio~ of rubidium in the various

volcanic rock types.

high level differentiation processes (e.g. EWART, 1966), it is also considered to be a

primary feature of many of the ignimbritia magrnaEl(IQ. 3). In contra& the xhyo-
litic pumice deposits show a tendency for lower K values. The other point of interest
is the continuity ofK between the various volcanic rock compositions, with no bred,
and the relative spread of values in the a&x&~ (O*6-2~O~O). &m&r ~~~~ apply
to the Rb data (Fig. li), which very closely paraMs the K d&~. The relatively low
values of Rb, compared with “avemge” granites cknd~~~ori~, is seat, md
suggests tha;t the Tanpo rhyolitic rooks are not highly ~~ion~~d, a conelusion
borne out by the other trace element data.
Petrogenesie of the volctanic rooks of the Central No&h Island, New ZeAnd 71.5



is Ignimbrites

7 Rhyolita Iwar
60 80 100 120140 160 180200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 SW 520 $40
Sr p.p.m
Fig. 6. Eistegmm showing the frequenoy distribution of strontium in the vaxious
voleauio rook types.

The strong coherence between K and Rb is well established (e.g. TAYLOR, 1966),
and a very close correlation exists between these two elements in the present suite
of rocks. The K/Rb rs,tios of the acidic rooks lie between 200 and 300, averaging
about 260 (Table 3). From Fig. 7, it is evident that the K/Rb ratios show s tendency
to inoresse with decre&ug y0 K, but probably the most significant feature is the
spread of ratios in the basalts and psrtioularly the andesites. In fact, some of the
andesites have ratios lower than the rhyolitio rooks. This would suggest that these
particular andesites could not have been produced by a simple proaess involving
mixing of basalt and rhyohtic magma (at least of the types exposed, and analysed in
this study).
Figure 6 illustrates the distribution of Sr in the various rock types, and a con-
tinuity seems to exist through the compositional range. The Karangahape basalt
(3133) is somewhat anomalous among the basalta with its high Sr (snd also higher
Rb). It is also si~c~t tha;t the ignimbrites and rhyolitic pun&es tend towards
higher Sr values compared to the rhyolite lavas. In terms of a oomparison of the
A. EIVART and J. J. Smm

Taupo rocks with “averages” of comparable rock types (Table 3), the Taupo suite
appears to be consistently low in Sr, although the low Sr in the basalts makes them
somewhat comparable to the “Yrimitive” Hawaiian Lavas and Northwest Pacific
“Tholeiitic basalts” analysed by TUREKIAN and Krrr,r (1956).
Figure 8 illustrates a plot of Rb vs. Sr. The most notable feature is the complete
continuity of the data through the range of rock compositions, although there is a

Fig. 7. Plota of potaaaiurn versus pot~i~/~bidi~ ratios and thorium/

potmsium mtioa in the v~~rious volcanic types of the Taupe Volmnic Zone.

break in trend in the da&e range. These trends observed in Fig, 8 ape also valleled
by Rb-Sr (and Ca-Sr) plots for total rook-residual glass d&a (EWABT et al.,
1968), and is the result primarily of a relative difference in the uptake of Sr by
the andesitic and rhyolitic plagioclase phenoarysts. For example, the andesitic
plagioclases (450-620 ppm) have generally lower Sr concentrations than the rhyolitic
plagiocleses (480-830 ppm) in spite of the muoh higher Sr contents of the andesite
whole rock samples. Thus, the rhyolitio residual liquids are depleted in Sr more
rapidly than the &nde&ticresidual liquids, for any given stage of plagioclase crystalli-
zation. It is silent to note, however, that a p~~~srn exists between the whole
rock trends a;nd the whole ro~k-~~du~ glass trends and thus provides evident that
an essential liquid + crystal ~latio~~p links the various emotional types.
Some Merenoes between the v&rio~ rhyolitic eruptive types ttre also evident
from Fig. 8. For example, the rhyolitict pumices exhibit oonaiafsntly lower Rb/Sr
ratios than the othsr types, while the rhyolite lavas have, in general, the higher
Rb/Sr ratios. The analyzed “marginal” (eugeosynclinal) greywacke-argillites
sediments (Table, 4) are shown in Fig. 8 tir comparative purposes. Their Rb/Sr
ratios fall within the Barnerange as the sndesita, but they d#er in their appreciably
higher Sr abundances. In contrast, the argillites are characterized by signifloantly
higher Rb than any of the volcanica.

Figures 9 md 10 i&&r&e the ~t~butio~~ of the U and Th abundances in the

various rock types, while a plot of K vs. ThjK r&ios is presented in Fig. 7. A
Petrogeneeisof the ~olcdo rocks of the Centrd North Island, New Zealand

El fgnimbrites

s Rhyolite IZWS

f Rhyoiitic pumice deposits

+ Da&es

4 Andesites
II. Basafts /

0 Greywacker and Argillites

of *’ Marginal Facie%” &
/ i/

Fig. 8. Plots of rubidium vs. strontium in the vtiou~ volomia rook types.
Table 4. Rubidium, strontium and potassium data for the Mesozoic int~erbedded
greymacke and argillite sediments
(Sr and Rb in ppm; K in %)

81 :Rb K Rb/lSr K/Rb WJ’/SrR6 A RbB’/SrXB

Axial facies
P.23554 Greywacke 289 78.5 1.91 0.27 243 0.7084 j-O.3 0.77
P-23656 Greywecke 319 63-l 1.30 0.20 190 0.7976 -05 0.57
P.23557(a) Greywaoke 255 56.3 I.11 o-22 197 0.7089 -ILO‘8 O-64
P.23557(b) Argillite 120 232 4.75 1.93 205 0.7183 + 10.2 5.68
P.23555 Argillite 131 119 2.44 0.91 205 0.7132 +5-l 2.62

Marginal facies
P.26184 Greywacke 381 26.7 0.81 0.07 303 0.7055 -2.6 0.20
P.26192 Greywaeke 382 61.5 1.67 0.16 272 0.7057 -2.4 O-46
P.20292 Greywaeke 429 55-9 1.46 0.13 261 07054 -2.7 0.38
P.22768 Greywacke 446 61.6 1.78 0.14 289 0.7057 -2.4 0.40
P.20269 Greywacke 471 30.6 1.01 0.07 330 0.7045 -3.6 0.19
P.9232 Greywacke 415 31-o 1.04 0*08 335 0.7052 -29 0.22
P.28682 Argillite 291 200 4.05 0.69 203 0*7095 + 1.4 1.99
P.7709 ArgiIIite 261 134 3.02 051 225 0.7092 +1*1 1.48

Shelf facies
P.26186 Argillite 221 139 3.49 0.61 251 0.7107 +2.6 1.77
P.26188 Argillite 211 146 2.84 0.69 195 0.7109 +2*s 2.00

histogram exhibiting the variation of the ThjU ratios is illustrated in Fig. 11. The
following points arise from the data : (a) A progressive decrease of U and Th con-
centrations occurs from the rhyolitic to the basaltic compositions. There is no
significant difference between the rhyolitic lavas and ignimbrites. Compared to the
“average” granite values, the Taupo rhyolitic rocks are lower in both U and Th,
though comparable to ~ano~orites ; (b) there is a strong coherence between K,
U, and Th, for the volcanic suite. This coherence has been clearly established by
HEIER and ROWERS(1963), in magmatic rocks, particularly in certain di&rentiated
suites; (c) the U/K, Th/K, and Th/U ratios exhibit evidence of a greater variability
in the basaltic and andesitic rooks, relative to these ratios in the rhyolitic eruptives.
From Fig. 7, it is evident that the ThfK ratios also show a tendeney to decrease in
the andesites and basalts, this berg smear to the Rb-K behaviour. The~a~t~onation
between Th and U in geological process is attributed by HEXERet al. (1965) to the
oxidation of U, and the formation of the soluble (UO,)s+ ion. It is of interest that
the Th/U ratios in the rhyolitic rocks are somewhat higher than normal (Table 3).

The isotopic data is discussed in two parts, the first dealing with the volcanics
and the second with samples of the Mesozoic greywac-ke-argillite sediments which
outcrop adjacent to the volcanic region, and which have been postulated as possible
source rocks for the rhyohtic magmas.
Petrogenesis of the volcrtnic rooks of the Central North Island, New Zealand 719

Rhyolitic Pumice Deposits


7 -

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I.0 I.2 I.4 I.6 I.8 2.0 2.2 .2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4
U p.p.m

Fig. 9. Histogram showing the frequency distribution of uranium in the volctio

rock types.


I -

, r

, -


Fig. 10. H&ogram showing the frequency distribution of thorium in the volcanic
rock types.
720 ,4. E:WART and J. J. STIPP


Fig. 11. Histogram ahowing the frequency distribution of thorium/uranium

ratios in the various volcanic rock types.

1. Volcanic roch. The d&a are presented in Table 2, and summarized dia-
grrtmatically in Fig. 12. The average values for each rock type, together with the
standard deviations, are given in Table 3. In compiling Table 3 (and Fig. 12), the
various Sr isotopic values for the Whakamaru and Matahina Ignimbrites were each
averaged (0.7053 and 0.7062 respectively), snd only the average value of each used.
Three significant points arise from the data:
(a) The relatively low initial (i.e. present day) Sr isotopic compositions of all
the volcanic rooks analysed (which fall in the range 0*7042-0.7067). These values
correspond with the lower range of Sr isotopic compositions of continental bassaltic
and felsic volcanics presented by HEDGE (1966). The rhyolitic results do not,
therefore, provide an obvious interpretation in terms of an origin by crustal anatexis
(FAURE and HUXLEY, 1963).
(b) A complete overlap of Sr isotopic ratios exists between the and&tic, da&tic,
and rhyolitic voloanics. There is a spread of approximately 0.2 and 0.3 per cent in
the Sr isotopic compositions of the andesitic and rhyolitic eruptives respectively.
(c) The consistently lower Sr isotopic compositions of the analysed basalts, which
average 0.7043. These basaltic compositions are identical within experimental
error, and agree closely with the average initial Sr ratio of 0.704~for “basaltic” types
(GAST, 1967).
Petrogenesisof the volcanic rocks of the Central North Island, New Zealand 721

msDn = 0 7043


4- Anderitsr


2 - rn,P” - 0.7056


II mean i 0~7051



2- ill.01 : 0.7060

I -

I-5.11 [-4.11 r-3. I] I-2. I] [-I.11 c-o.11

SPY Srn6(lnitial)

Fig. 12. Histogram showing the frequency distributionof present day (i.e. initial)
Sf17/S#@ ratios in the various volcanic rock types, (The Sr isotopic ratios are
also expressed aocordingto the method of HEDUE, 1966.)
72x A. EWART and f. 6. STIPP

The acid extrusivea have again been divided into three main eruptive types in
Fig. 12. The average Sr isotopic compositions for the ignimbrites and rhyolite lavas
show a small difference (which is significant, using the t-test, at the 98 per cent
probability level). In view of the considerable overlap of isotopic compositions

Rotorua Caldcra I


; I

iY Complex (within Okataina Volcanic Centre)

% 2

4 I mean = 0.7053 Younger Rhyolite Laws

Older Rhyolite Law

I Plarahinr lgnimbrite
mean = 0.7062

0,704 0,705 0.7% 0,

1-4.1 ] [-3.1 ] t-2.1 ] [-I.[ ] t-o.1 ]
W‘/Sr8~ (lnltial)

Fig.13. Ei&ogramoomptkng the S@7/Ekse Irzvas

and ignimbritee
(oIde&) from the Earohsro Complex (a 1 voloti~ centre within the
Ok&&m ~olmnio Gentre, see Fig. I) and the Rotonrs Cbldera.

between these two rhyolitic extrusive types, the geocrhemiea.1signifi~~~~~ of this

difference is doubtful, but it would seem to indicate that the small range, of variation
of Sr isotopio ratios within the aoidio vohtaniocsas a whole is real.
In Fig. 13, Sr &otopio data is presented for the rhyolitia extruGve.s from two of
the volcanic centree (Fig. l), comprising rhyolite lavas and the H.&&U ig&mbrite
from the Oktttaina Volcanio Centre, and rhyolite lavws and the ~ abate
from the Eotorua Caldera. From this d&a, it is evident that the emptives are
essenW.ly id&&al within each centre, although the data for the go-e& rhy&te
lava from the Okataiua Centre may indicastisa small decrease in the Sr &&opic ratio.
In this connection, it is signifkant to note that the two younge& rhytilite lavas
Petrogen&s of the volcanic rocks of the CentrtklNorth Isfand, New Zealand 723

analysed from the northern Lake Taupe Centre and Xokai Ring St~et~e (Fig. 1,
samples P.28361 and P.29116 respectively) have the lowest Sr isotopic ratios of any
of the analysed rhyolites.
In Fig. 14, an “isoahron” plot is presented, incorporating allthe rocks on which
isotopic measurements have been made. It is clear that the Taupo volcanic suite,
from basalts to rhgolites, cannot have evolved from a homogeneous parent in a single
stage process, although it would not rule out some multistage process. The andesite
data show a weak positive correlation. If it is assumedthat the andesites were derived
by fractional crystallization of basalt (as represented by those analysed) then by
O-708 -0,l

Fig. 14. Plot of Sti7/Srs6 rstioa vs. Rb8’lS~%ratios for the various volaanic Mck
types. (The Sr isotopic ratios we also expressed according to the method of
IfICDOE, 1966.)

considering the average Sr*7/Sr*~andRbs7/Sresratios,it wouldseem that the separation

of the andesites would have to have occurred at least 100 my. before their eruption,
which is regarded as excessively long. The Rb/Sr ratios of the acid eruptives show
no positive correlation with their respective Sr isotopic ratios. This indicates that
fractionation from their parent source occurred g~lo~~ally very recently, a con-
clusion that is in accord with the field relatio~~ps of the region.
2. ~e~~~~~~~Z~e ffea~~~ff. The Rb, Sr and Srs7/Srs6isotope data are pre-
sented in Table 4, and a histogram ~~trat~g the ~~bution of the isotopic data in
Fig. 16. The samples are drawn mostly from the “marginal” (eugeos~~~al~ and
“axial” (miogeosynolinal) facies. Three features arise from Fig. 16: (a) The
argillite lithology is characterized by higher Sti’/Sr8@ ratios, compared to the grey-
wacke lithology, this being the result of the higher Rb concentration (presumably
concentrated in micas and chlorite) in the more argillaceous material; (b) the
isotopic ratios are higher in the “axial” sediments. This is at least partly due to the
higher overall Rb in the “axial” greywackes, and their derivation from a granitic,
rather than mixed volcanic source. The e~ra~la~ initial ~‘/S~ ratios of the
“marginal” sediments, at their time of deposition, is app~~a~ly O-704, while the
“axial” rocks give O-707; (a) the range of Sr isotopic ratios for the “marginal”
(eug~s~c~al~ greywaokes (excluding the ar~llaa~us types) is identical with the
524 A. EWABT a.ncl J. J. S~rpp

ratios measured for the rhyolitic and intermediate extrnsives. The SFisotopic ratios
of the “axial” (miogeosynclinal) sediments, on the other hand, are decidedly higher
than those of the volcanics, and this would seem to rule out this particular facies as
potential sources for the Taupo rhyolitic extrusives.
The overlap of the Sr isotopic compositions of the eugeosynclinal “marginal”
greywackes with those of the rhyolitic extrusives is of considerable petrological
interest, and similar results have been presented by PETERMAE et ul. (1967). A

0.704 0,705 0.706 0 707 0-m 0.709 0.710 0.711 0.712 0.713 0.714 O~?llJ 0,719
I-411 [-3-I] [-2,II [- 1.1: f-O.11 [+0.9] [+ I .9] [+ 2.91 [+3*1 [*4.9] (+ss] [‘9.9] [*IO 9J
Srx-/SP (Present Day)

Fig. 15. Histogxsm showing the distribution of present day Sfe7fSrssratios in the
Triassic-3u.rassic greywaoke and argillite sediments from the cent& No&h

number of important assumptions, however, must be made when considering these

sediments as sources for the rhyolitic magmas:
(a) The greywackes are interbedded with signifificantargillaceous material, which
has been shown to have higher contents of radiogenio Sr. Thus, the average overall
present day S+r,Srs6 ratio for the combined greywacke and argillite will be somewhat
higher than the measured greywacke values, depending upon the relative ~o~t~bution
of Sr between the two rock ~th~ogies, and their relative volnmes. An approximate
estimate of the relative vohrmes (based on measured field sections by D. KBAR,
N.Z. Geologhl Survey ; persoml communioation) is 60: 40 (greywacke : argiflite
respectively). Using the average Sr isotopic compositions of the “marginal” gray-
wackes and argillites (which are admittedly meagre, but nevertheless consistent),
a weighted Sr isotopic composition of the composite 3.m~ginal”-tt~~p~greywacke-
argillite sedimentary material is ealonlated to be 0~7066. This is slightly hiplherthan
most of the analysed rhyolitic volcanios, but is still extremely close to these Sr-
isotopic oompositions, espeoially in view of the varions assnmptions made (see below),
and the ~~~a~ties of sampling. A knowledge of the “bulk” isotopic emotion
is Ned as there wonld provably be equ~bra~ion of isotopio ra;dioebetween a
m-a (espe&a%y if water-rioh) and pa&i&y fused ~~8n~.
Petrogenesis of the volcanio rooks of the Central North Island, New Zealand 725

(b) The assumption is made that these “marginal” sediments are not underlain
by an ancient sialic basement characterized by much higher Sr isotopic com-
(c) It is also assumed that these “marginal” sediments do, in fact, extend
eastwards beneath the volcanic region, into the source region for the rhyolitic
(d) The essential geochemical characteristics of the sediments remain unchanged
at depth.
The assessment of these last three assumptions is uncertain, owing to lack of any
positive information as to the nature of the “basement” structures beneath the
volcanic zone. No outcrop of old sialic basement (i.e. older than Permian grey-
wackes) is known in the North Island, although COPEand REED (1967) infer the
presence of a buried Paleozoi+Precambrian basement beneath the western con-
tinental shelf of the North Island. Granitic xenoliths within the Taupo acid
volcanics have been interpreted by EWARTand COLE(1967) to represent crystalli-
zation products of the same magmas giving rise to the rhyolitic eruptives, and not
part of the basement. The origin of the “gneissic” xenoliths in the Ngauruhoe
andesitic lavas (STEINER,1968) will be discussed in a later part of this paper, and are
here not regarded as representing material from any deep seated sialic basement.
Unfortunately, seismic evidence of the detailed structure of the crust in the Central
North Island is somewhat contradictory (EIBY, 1957 ; THOMSON and EVISON,1962).
Gravity evidence indicates a “normal” crustal thickness of over 30 km (REILLY,
The low Sr isotopic compositions of the rhyolitic magmas are inconsistent with
an ancient sialic basement, with characteristically high Sr isotopic composition,
underlying the geosynclinal Mesozoic greywacke sequences. If the rhyolitic magmas
were derived from a source below some such ancient basement, it would seem anoma-
lous if interaction had not taken place between the magmas and the basement,
especially in view of the volume of the magmas involved and their low Sr contents,
causing greater variability in the Sr isotopic compositions of the rhyolitic magmas.


The geochemical data which are considered important to considering the petro-
genesis of the rocks can be summarized as follows: (a) The rhyolitic extrusive5 are
“unfractionated” i.e. their abundances of K, Rb, U, and Th are considerably lower
than recent estimates of these elements in average “granites,” and are somewhat
more comparable to granodioritic abundances. This suggests that the rhyolitic
magmas have not undergone a history involving strong crystal differentiation ;
(b) a complete continuity exists, for the elements studied, through the basalt-
andesite-dacite-rhyolite compositional range; (c) the initial (i.e. present day)
Sra7/SrE6ratios of the andesitic, dacitic, and rhyolitic extrusives are identical,
exhibiting a very small but apparently real variation (0~7046-0~7067). The initial
Sr isotopic ratios of the basalts are identical within experimental error (0.704~
0.7044) and are consistently lower than the Sr isotopic ratios of the intermediate and
acidic volcanics ; (d) the rhyolitic ignimbrites have appreciably higher abundances,
726 ii. %VART and 6. J. f+iTIPP

on average, of Rb and especially Sr compared to the rhyolite lavas; (e) the element
ratios K/Rb, U/K, Th/K, and ThjU exhibit a greater range of variation in the
basalts and andesites relative to these ratios in the rhyolitic eruptives; (f) the
present day Sr isotopic compositions of the eugeosynclinal “marginal” facies grey-
wackes are identical with the Sr isotopic compositions of the acidic volcanic rocks. A
calculated “bulk” Sr isotopic composition for the combined greywacke-argillite
sediments gives a value of 0.7066, which is still extremely close to the rhyolitic
Additional data which must be oonsidered in discussing the possible origin of the
volcanics have been briefly noted in the introducto~ section, and include volume
relationships, the association of the rhyolitic eruptive centres with wide zones of
superficial faulting (interpreted by HEALY (1962) to indicate that melting or large
scale intrusion has taken place comparatively close to the surface), the brief volcanic
history of the region (in which the activity appears to have been concentrated during
the Pleistocene), the bulk chemistry (for example, the relatively high Na,O/K,O
ratios of the rhyolitic rocks), and the somewhat ‘Cbasic” mineralogy of the rhyolites
(for example, the plagioclases of basic andesine composition, and the magnesian
hypersthenes) .

Petrogenesis of the acidic magmas

The following possible sources would appear to be most acceptable, on the basis
of current ideas : ( 1) Partial fusion of luwer cm&d rocks ; (2) partial fusion of upper
crustal rocks with approp~ate Sr isotopic compo~tions; (3) combination of 2 and 3;
and (4) fractional crystall~ation of basaltic or andesitic magma.
Data which seem to argue against a fractional crystallization origin from a
basaltic parent include observed volume relationships (for example, the relatively
very small basalt and dacite volumes), lack of evidence of a complementary basic-
ultrabasic accumulative fraction, even as xenoliths (although minor olivine-rich
andesites have been desoribed by CLARK, 1960), and the relatively low abundances
in the rhyolitic rocks of K, Rb, U, and Th, which are expected to be very significantly
concentrated during crystal fractionation processes. The small but distinct gap in
Sr isotopic ratios between the rhyolitic and basaltic rocks also precludes a single
stage process of fractional ~ryst~ization in a closed system, from basalt, in geo-
logically recent time {i.e. <20 m,y.). In contrast, the lack of positive correlation in
the rhyolitic eruptives between their RbjSr ratios and Sr isotopic compositions
(Fig. 14) indicates that fractionation of the rhyolitic magmas occurred geologically
very recently. The previous geochemical arguments do not apply to the same extent,
however, if the rhyolitic magmas were derived by fractional crystallization from an
andesite parent (of primary or hybrid origin) ; this is espeaially trne of the isotopic
data which are identical for the andesitio and rhyolitic rocks, Furthermore, the major
element compositions (Fig. 3) of the rhyolitic eruptivesare consistent with derivation
from an andesitic or basaltic parent (BATTEY, 1966), as is the observed geochemical
continuity of the elements studied. Field data are, however? still oonsidered as strong
evidence against such an origin from andesites, as well as the small but distinct
hiatus in major element compositions (in parti~ul~ SiO,) between the &cites and
rhyolites (STEINER, 1958).
Petrogeneais of the volcanic rocks of the Central North Island, New Zealand 727

As previously noted, an origin by crustal fusion is advocated by the majority of

previous workers as being most oonsistent with the field data. This hypothetical
source has been generally considered as “sialia basement” (e.g. STEINER,1968), the
implication being fusion of upper crustal material. An origin by partial fusion of
lower crustal material for the rhyolitio magmas is impossible to evaluate, owing
to the laok of knowledge of the nature and extent of the lower crust in New Zealand.
The geochemical data presented in this paper are believed sufficient to suggest a
possible upper crustal source for the rhyolitic magmas, namely the Triassic-Jurassic
eugeosynclinal (“marginal” facies) greywacke-argillite sediments (Fig. 2) which
have an overall andesitic-dacitic composition (Table 1). This suggestion is similar
to those made by, for example, THOMPSON and TALWA~I(1964) and PETERMAN et al.
(1907) for the Western United States. The geochemical data are considered to be
consistent with this hypothesis for the following reasons: (a) The close similarity
of the present day Sr isotopic compositions of these sediments and the rhyolitic
volcanic rocks; (b) the relatively low K, Rb, U, and Th abundances, which can be
accounted for if partial melting occurs from a parent material in which the abundances
of these elements are comparatively low anyway (e.g. the high K/Rb ratios of the
“marginal” greywackes). Although these elements should be concentrated within a
partial melt, the degree of concentration must reflect the original element abundances
in the parent material; (c) the derivation of a rhyolitic partial melt from a parent of
dominantly andesitic-dacitic character could also account for the observed trace
element continuity in the Taupo andesitedacite-rhyolite volcanic sequence. This
would require the present andesites in the Taupo region to be chemically similar to
the andesites from which the eugeosynolinal sediments were largely derived; (d) the
relatively low Sr abundances of the Taupo rhyolitic extrusives might appear anoma-
lous, if their magmas were derived from predominantly greywacke-type sediments
characterized by appreciably higher Sr abundances (Table 4). If, however, the bulk
of the Sr in the sediments is contained in basic plagioclase (which is to be expected),
then according to WINKLER(1965, pp. 183-199) such plagioclase is likely to be one
of the more refractory components during partial fusion. Components initially most
reactive during fusion would be the nonporphyritic (i.e. residual liquid) fractions of
the original volcanic material, which exhibit depletion of Sr (EWART et al.,
1968); (e) the projection of the rhyolitic compositions on the Ab side of the
ternary minima in the Ab-Or-Q system (Fig. 3) is also readily explained if melting
has occurred from an andesitic-dacitic parent; (f) there is evidence, on both a
regional and local scale, that volcanism has migrated eastwards with time (KEAR,
1969; EWART, 1968). This is consistent with the “marginal” (eugeosynclinal)
sediments flanking the western margin of the volcanic zone.
Considerable experimental data has been published on the production of granitic
and granodioritic liquids during partial fusion of sediments, for example, WIXKLEB
and VON PLATEN (1958, 1960, 1961, based on illite-quartz clays, calcite-bearing
illitic clays, and greywackes). ROWERS(1966) has reported melting data on New
Zealand “axial” (miogeosynclinal) greywackes and argillites, with results comparable
to those of TUTTLEand BOWEN(1968). Unfortunately, no data are available on the
melting behaviour of the “marginal” greywackes and argillites, but in view of their
more calcic nature, it would be anticipated that their temperatures of beginning of
728 A. EWAILT tlnclJ. J. STIPP

melting would be higher than for the “axial” sediments (VON PLATEN, 1965). This
may explain, for example, the occurrence of plagioclase of basic andesine composition
in rhyolitic magmas.
No regional estimate of the geothermal gradient has yet been published for the
Taupo volcanic region, to test whether sufficiently high temperatures could be
predicted at reasonable depths to be consistent with the hypothesis of partial fusion
of the eugeosynclinal sediments. This, however, could provide a ready test of the
Dacitic Eavu,a.As only three dacite analyses are presented, little can be deduced
as to their petrogenetic relationship to the associated andesites and rhyolites. With
the possible exception of Sr, the elements studied show a gradation from andesite to
dacite to rhyolite. The dacitic Sr abundances are higher than most of the rhyolitic
abundances by a factor of nearly two (Table 3). If this relatively high Sr is confirmed
as a characteristic feature of the other dacites in the region, it would constitute some
evidence against the origin of the dacites by crystal differentiation from andesites
(or probably basalts), or the result of mixing of rhyolitic and either basaltic or
andesitic magmas. In these processes, Sr should be markedly depleted in the dacites,
relative to the andesitic Sr abundances. If, however, the model of the origin of the
rhyolitic magmas is correct, an argument could be made in favour of the dacites
representing local pockets in which fusion had reached more advanced stages. This
would also be consistent with he small volumes of dacite that outcrop in the Taupo

Recent papers suggest a number of alternative hypotheses to account for the

origin of talc-alkaline andesites. For example: (a) Fractional crystallization of
basalt under oxidizing conditions (ROEDER and OSBOM, 1966) ; (b) some form of
hybridization between basaltic and acidic magmas (summarized by WILKINSON,
1966), possibly followed by fractional crysta~zation (TILLEY, $950); (c) derivation
of a primary ~desitic magma from the upper mantle (O’HAELA,1966 ; TAYLOR and
WHITE, 1966; DICKINSON and KATHB~BTON,1967). In this category falls the two
stage model proposed by T. H. GREEN and RINCIWOOD(1966), culminating in the
production of andesitic liquids by the partial fusion (at depths of 109-140 km) of
sinking blocks of quartz eclogite.
On balance, the geochemicd data presented in this paper is believed to be in-
consistent~th the de~v&tionof the andesites by factional cessation from basalt
(as represented by those outcropping). For example, differences between the Sr isotopic
compositions (assuming a single stage process) suggests that the separation of the
andesites would have to have occurred at least 100 m.y. before their eruption, as
previously noted, while the small break in the Sr isotopic compositions of the basalt8
and andesites argues against a ~ntinuous derivation of the andesites from the
basalts (as analysed). It should be noted however, that a contidty of the elements
studied does exist between the basalts and andesites. Nevertheless, the field relation-
ships, as currently known, are certainly inconsistent with a fractional crystallization
origin of the andesites.
Petrogenesisof the volcanic rocks of the Central North Mand, New Zealand 729

The Sr isotopic compositions of the andesites are interpreted as evidence against

their direct upper mantle derivation (O’HARA, 1965), assuming that the basalts (as
represented by those analysed) are also derived from the upper mantle, as seems
reasonable from experimental data (GREEN and RINOWOOD,1967). Many of the
previous arguments would also apply to the model proposed by GREENand RINQWOOD
(1966). For example, the isotopic data would still seem to require that the andesites
separated from the quartz eclogite at least 100 m.y. before their eruption, assuming a
similarity of Sr isotopic compositions of the analysed basalts to the original basalts
Table 5. Rb, Sr, and Sr isotopic data on a Ngauruhoe xenolith and a Tertiary sediment
from southeast of Ruapehu

Sample No. Sr Rb K K/Rb S$7/Sres A Remarks

P.16867 168 125 2.38 190 0.7119 +3.8 Banded vitrified “gneise” in
1954 lava flow. See analysis
no. 46 in STEINER(1958)
P.16974 258 82.3 1.76 214 0.7098 $1.7 Upper Tertiary (Opoitian)
sediment from Desert Road.
Sample comprises 2-cm thick
sandstone layer interbedded
with l-cm thick shale layer

from which the quartz eclogite blocks were derived, and also assuming that Rb was
not depleted during the crystallization of this original basalt to an eclogitic mineralogy.
Possible role of hybridism. The production of andesites by a process involving
assimilation of granitic material by basaltic magma has been specifically proposed
for the Taupo region (STEINER, 1958; CLARK,1960). STEINER has described quartzo-
feldspathic xenoliths in varying stages of assimilation occurring in unusual abundance
in the 1954 Ngauruhoe andesite lava flows (specimen P.29114, Table 2), which he
interprets as being derived from an acid gneiss basement underlying the Mesozoic
greywacke geosynclinal sediments. STEINERinterprets the xenoliths as evidence for
the production of the andesites by selective assimilation of acid gneiss by olivine
basalt magma. BATTEY(1949), however, suggested that similar xenoliths occurring
in older Ngauruhoe lava flows represent inclusions of Tertiary sediments, which
outcrop along the south and southeastern margins of the andesitic complex, of which
Ngauruhoe is part.
In Table 5, Rb and Sr data are presented for one of the 1954 quartzo-feldspathic
xenoliths and also a Tertiary sandstone-&stone sample. The xenolith has a
relatively high Sr isotopic composition, although in the range of both the “axial”
(miogeosynclinal) sediments (Table 4) and the Tertiary sample (Table 5). The
xenolithic Sr isotopic composition is, however, substantially higher than the com-
positions of the volcanics and the “marginal” (eugeosynclinal) greywacke sediments.
If the Sr isotopic compositions of the rhyolitic magmas do, in fact, reflect the com-
position of the sialic basement underlying the volcanic region, then it would seem
that the xenolithic material does not represent such basement acid gneiss, and would
730 A. EWART and J. J. STIPP

therefore most readily be explained as being derived from superficial Tertiary

The production of the andesites by a process of simple mixing of the basaltic and
rhyolitic magmas seems to be definitely ruled out by the analytical data. For
example, assuming the Sre7/Srssratios of the basaltic and rhyolitio magmas to be
O-7043 and 0.7060 (average basalt and ignimbrites respectively, Table 3), with Sr
abundances of 300 and 150 ppm respectively, then a 1: 1 mixture (which is reasonable
from major element composition) would result in a Sr isotopic composition of O-7049
for the hybrid magma. To obtain a Sr ratio for the hybrid magma of 0*7056 (average
andesitic value) would require, on the previous figures, a mixture of basalt : rhyolite
in an approximately 1: 6 proportion. This conclusion is also supported, for example,
by the K/Rb ratios which are lower in some of the analysed andesites than the
rhyolitic magmas.
PUSHKAR (1967) has appro~hed a similar problem of partial assimilation in
Central American ignimbrites and andesites simply by calculating the Sr*7/Sre@
ratios and Sr concentrations of hypothetical contaminants required to raise the
Sre7/Srs6ratio of a basalt magma (of known Sr composition) to some higher required
value.* This has been done in Fig. L6, for differing degrees of assimilation (x in
Fig. 16). The basaltic S~7~Srs6ratio and Sr abundance is taken as 0.7043 and 300
ppm respectively (data from Table 2), while the required Sr isotope ratio of the
contaminated magma is taken as 0.7066 throughout (being the average andesite
ratio). In Fig, 16, no account is taken of the actual Sr concentrations of the con-
taminated magma, and thus as PUSEEAR(1967) notes, allowance is made for sub-
sequent fractional crysta&ation processes which may modify the Sr concentration
of the contam~ated magma, but not the Sr isotopic composition.
The analysed sediments and xenolith (Tables 4 and 5) are superimposed on
Fig. 16 for comparison. Reference to this data indicates that theoretically, the
“axial” (miogeosynclinal) greywacke-argillite sediments, the Tertiary sediments,
and the xenolith all have Sr isotopic ratios and Sr concentrations that would give
the andesitie Sr isotopic ratio if the basalt assimilated slightly less than half its
own weight of these materials. In contrast, the basalt would have to assimilate
more than twice its weight of the “marginal” (eugeosynclinal) greywaeke-argillite
sediments to produce the required Sr isotopic ratio.
The degree to which a basaltic magma can assimilate such sedimentary materials
is obviously critical to this argument, and it is therefore significant to note the
comments of SMITH(1963, p. 197) that some melting of host rocks by magmas must
be general. His preliminary calc~ations suggest that the thickness of a granitic wall
rock partially melted on both contacts of a gabbroic intrusion is equal to the width
of the intrusive mass. An additional important factor will be the extent of isotopio
* Equation used is:

where Srb and Sr, = Sr conoentrationsof baElaltand contaminant respectively; (Sr*‘/Stia)b, e,

and ,, refer to Sr isotopic compositions of basalt, contaminant, and hybrid respectively; x =
wt. proportion of contaminant assimilated by 1 part of magma.
Petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks of the Central North Island, New Zealand 731

equilibration which occurs during assimilstion. For example, the values of x in

Fig. 16 (degree of essimilation) may well represent maximum figures for any given Sr
composition, if isotopic equilibration occurs rapidly between the magma and partially
melted country rook. It is sign%cant to note, however, that isotopic equilibration
has not occurred between the Ngauruhoe lava, and its xenoliths, despite advanced

0 700 ,
SO 100 100 300 400 so0
p.p.m Sr in Contamlnrnr

Fig. 16. Srs7/S@* ratios versus Sr abundances of hypothetical aontaminants re-

quired to produce the average Sr isotopio composition of the andesites (average
Srs7/Srs6 = 0.7066) from the average Taupo basalta (Srs7/Srs6 = 0.7043; Sr =
300 ppm) assuming vsxying degrees of assimilation of the contaminant by the
baaaltia magma (z). (After PUSEDUR, 1967). The sediments and xenolith from
Tables 4 and 6 are also plotted.

vitrification of the latter.

The Sr isotopic data are regarded as being more consistent with the production of
the andesites by partial assimilation of sedimentsry material by basaltic magma
(es represented by the anslysed bass&s) than by the other proposed mechanisms
(previously discussed). Three possibilities srise from the data presented: (a) By
high level a&nil&ion of Tertiary sediments. This may certainly apply to the
Ngauruhoe andesites. It should be noted, however, that the recent Ngauruhoe lsvas
732 A. EWART emcl J. J. QTIPP

are not typical of other andesites of the region, in (i) containing abundant recog-
nizable quartzo-feldspathic and also less common talc-silicate xenoliths, and (ii) in
certain mineralogical features, the most important being the absence of pheno-
orystic magnetite. This suggests a difference in crystallization history; (b) by
assimilation of “axial” (miogeosynclinal) greywacke-argillite sediments. This may be
a real possibility for the largest mass of andesites at the extreme southwestern end of
the volcanic zone (see Fig. l), but in view of the distribution of these sediments (as
currently known, Fig. 2) it seems unlikely as a general hypothesis for all the
andesites of the region; (c) the andesites may be produced by assimilation of tit<>
“marginal” (eugeos~c~al} gre~acke-argillite sediments by prolonged contact
with basaltic magma. If in fact these sediments do constitute the parent material
from which the rhyolitic magmas were derived, it is almost certain that the upward
transfer of heat was accomplished largely by the widespread intrusion of convecting
basaltic magma bodies. This in turn would imply at least some assimilation.
Although Fig. 16 would seem to require the basalt to assimilate, on average, more
than twice its weight of these sediments to produce the required Sr isotopic ratios
(which is unreasonable), under such circumstances of regional crustal melting,
widespread Sr isotopic equilibration may well take place between these sediments
and the basalt magmas. This hypothesis could account for the following features:
(1) The complete overlap of the rhyolitic and andesitic Sr isotopic compositions;
(ii) the small variability of these Sr isotopic composition (due to varying degrees of
eq~libration) ; (iii) widespread assimilation by basalt could possibly overcome the
problem of what happens to the refractory residue which would exist after the pos-
tulated partial melting of these eugeosynclinal sediments; (iv) the almost invariably
high phenocryst contents, especially plagioclase, of the andesites (usually 30-40
modal %) may be consistent with the assimilation hypothesis, representing crys-
tallization in response to heat lost in response to assimilation, In this context it is
significant to note that the basalts, which occurred only as relatively localized
scoriaceous eruptions, have low phenocryst contents (with very little plagioclase).
The above hypothesis is consistent with the deductions of HEALY (1962) based
on field relationships. HEALY (1962, p. 156) has noted that “Large-scale eruptions
of basalt, or of andesite produced by mixing of basalt with acid material at the base
of the granitic part of the crust, would expectably originate from lower levels than
the rhyolitic magma, and support for this is found in the a~ociation of volcanoes of
the andesitic-basaltic type with deep-seated fractures rather than with wide zones
of superficial faulting”. HEALY notes that the latter type of faulting is typically
associated with the rhyohtic volcanic centres.
One geochemical factor not considered in the previous discussion is the high Sr
concentrations in both the basalts and the “marginal” greywacke-argillite sediments,
relative to the andesites. In principle, crystal fractionation and the removal of some
plagioclase could be invoked to produce the observed lower SF contents of the
andesites. It has been noted, however, that the andesite Sr concentrations are
surprisingly similar, in spite of marked variations in major element chemistry, which
is difficult to reconcile with crystal fra~tiouation. Other geochemical features which
may be regarded as consistent with a hybrid nature of the andesites include the
relative variability of K, Rb, U, Th, and the K/Rb and ThjU ratios. Furthermore, if
Petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks of the Central North Island, New Zealand 733

the an&sites are in reality of hybrid origin, then it implies that signific&nt quantities
of andesitic volcanics (or plutonic equivalents) should underlie the extensive volume
of rhyolitic extrusivea.
An alternative modification of the above proposed origin for the ctndesites which
must be noted here is “contamination” of a primary andesitic magma, which is
certainly not excluded by the data. The same arguments would apply in principle
as used for the basalt hybridization hypothesis. Such an origin would also imply
the widespread occurrence of buried andesite in the region, and recent data from
drilling indicate that extensive buried andesite flows do, in fact, occur (J. HEALY,
personal communication).
Conclzlsionsfrom andesite data. It is believed that the data presented are most
consistent with a hypothesis involving assimilation to account for the origin of
the andesites. The data are believed to be inconsistent with their origin, in this
area,, by fractional crystallisation of basalt (as represented by those outcropping)
or by some single stage process of mantle derivation. Nevertheless, the existence of
primary andesitic magmas on a much larger scale has been convincingly argued in
recent papers (e.g. GREEN and RINGWOOD 1966, 1968; TAYLOR and WHITE, 1966;
and DICKINSON and HATHERTON, 1967), and it must be emphasized that the
data presented are not inconsistent with the existence of a primary andesite
magma in the Taupo region. If such a magma were modified by assimilation
processes prior to eruption, the lines of reasoning previously used would still
apply in principle, although the degree of assimilation of crustal material required
would be less than if basalt magma was involved. One of the authors (5. J. S.)
prefers such an explanation to account for the andesites.
As no direct independent evidence has been obtained to indicate either the
existence or the initial chemistry of a third primary magma type in the region,
the inferred process of assimilation can only be discussed from the point of view of
the possible modification of the known chemistries of the outcropping basaltic
and acidic volcanics and the eugeosynclinal sediments. The possibility that it
primary andesitic magma could also be produced from the lower crust must,
obviously be considered, but unfortunately cannot yet be evaluated in the New
Zealand region owing to the complete lack of data on the lower crust.

Acknowledgements-This project was made possible by the use of the maas spectrometers and
associated laboratory facilities of Drs. W. COMPSTON and P. A. ARJLIENS,and the X-ray
fluorescenceequipment and associated facilities of Dr. KNUT HEIER. The authors wish to thank
these people for so generouslyproviding these facilities. Acknowledgementsare particularIydue
to Dr. P. A. ARRIENSfor the use of the excellent programshe has developed for the calculations
involved in this project. The writers wish to thank Drs. S. R. HART (CarnegieInstitution of
(Australian National University) for critically reading various drafts of the manuscript, and
offeringnumeroushelpful suggestionsfor its improvement. Thanks are also due to Messrs. G. W.
GRINDLEY,D. RISHWORTH,and B. N. THOMPSON of the New Zealand Geological Survey for
assistance in the collection of some of the samples. The work was undertaken during the
secondment of one of the authors (A. E.) to the Australian National University from the N.Z.
Geological Survey.
734 A. EWART and J. J. STIET


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