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in high school but other Spider-Man actors who played as Spiderman

Who is The Best looked like they were pushing to 30. Let’s talk about Tom Holland. His
age was 21 and his face looked

Spider-Man Actor?
younger than his age. His gymnastic skills helped him much while
acting in the fighting scenes. He's genuinely funny compared to the other
actors been a bit of stretch, he understands the internet as you could see in
the movie, Tom had filmed his private video diary.
Before Spider-Man Homecoming 2017 release, we had seen Tom
By: Pannavich Torsavetpong
Holland Spider-Man before in Captain America Civil War like five
minutes only. At that time everyone said Maguire was the best but until
the 2017 film was released. Everyone said Tom was the best.
------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What are Dark

By: Pannavich Torsavetpong
The websites that you access in your daily life such as Facebook,
Google, LinkedIn, etc., are called “surface web”. You might think that is
Have you heard about spiderman? The most famous superhero all the internet is, but it is just four percent of the internet. Subsequently,
from a great comic company named “Marvel comics” is Spiderman. He 80 percent of the internet is called “Deep web”. It stores academic
was the first superhero comic in the world that has a teenager to be a information, government secrets, and personal information which you
superhero and this comic succeeded. They made many Spider-Man movies can’t access it. The left 16 percent is called “Dark Web”. It is the place to
with many Spiderman actors. My favorite Spiderman is Tom Holland access and do something illegal in there without being caught by the
because he has very good gymnastic skills. police.

Based on the research done by Sparapani Tim, it suggests that the

dark web is the website that hides from the normal browser for examples,
Spider-Man in Marvel comics has playful characteristic and
Google, Firefox, and Opera. It has the secret URL that only knows in a
because he was bitten by a spider made him very strong and it gave him a
small number of people. The dark web is full of weird and illegal stuff such
spider sense that made him sensitive. He could climb walls like spiders
as drugs, fake driver license, fake credit card, hacked personal information.
and he could shoot webs, that’s his selling point. The Spider-Man 2002
80 percent of searches in the dark web related to child pornography.
acted by Tobey Maguire. He did it very well, Spider-Man in the comics
Consequently, the government tried to shut down the whole dark webs on
was a funny person but in the Spider-Man 2002 film, Tobey Maguire
the internet but, they can’t even access because the website is encrypted
played like a serious person. “The Amazing Spider-Man” was the remake
by their own protocols instead of using HTTPS, HTTP, or others.
version the Spider-Man acted by “Andrew Garfield”, his face was similar
Moreover, the only way to access the dark web is to access by using the
to the comic, but, was Garfield’s depiction of Peter Parker(Spider-Man’s
Tor browser.
real name) a bit too much? Let’s talk about Spider-Man Homecoming
2017. Spider-Man is the incredibly hard character to act because Peter was (All pictures found on this page are lifted online)
Hamburgers are the most common food in Thailand.
Therefore, many European fast food companies that come to invest
and sell franchises here.
The hamburger is usually a beef placed inside a sliced bread
roll or bun. Hamburgers are often served with lettuce, cheese,
tomato, bacon, onion, pickles and are frequently placed sesame seeds
on the bun. You could add ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard inside
of the hamburger for better taste. That’s why you should choose the
best ingredients and techniques to make hamburgers.

It is the door to deep web or dark web. You can access the internet
anonymously without detection by the government and hackers.
VPN is the tunnel to access the internet to protect your internet
activities from the hackers by using the secret server. Yes, Tor has
tons of VPN servers, it randomly uses many VPNs at the same time
to safely protect your information but, how do they pay the money
online anonymously? Yes, the cryptocurrency or the online currency
such as bitcoin and Ethereum. It doesn’t have the personal
information in it and the sellers have their unique ways to deliver
their products

However, the dark web is still undetectable. There’s a lot of

scams and viruses in the tor browser so, don’t access the dark web.
Bread is one of the most important ingredients of the

How to Make A hamburger. We should choose the best bread for our hamburgers.
European bread had a hard texture, hard crust because it had a small
amount of sugar but lots of butter and they are baked with lots of
flour which had soft texture because Asians always love eating soft

Perfect texture food. Japanese bread had a small amount of butter which
made the bread softer but it had a high amount of sugar too. We can
make it softer by putting one little bowl of water on the pan with buns

and steamed it for 10 minutes. The bread wouldn’t be dry and crusty.
Furthermore, bacon should be fried without oil for eight minutes
because it already has lots of fats. You would have the best bacon,
crispy but low fat because it would release the fat and grill it. I can’t
By: Pannavich Torsavetpong recommend which bacon brand has the lowest fat but I would
recommend “Dakin Farm Bacon”. This brand included the lowest
sodium level which means it’s the healthiest one. My favorite beef
doneness is the medium rare one. It’s not too raw and not too done,
juicy and delicious like the smoothie.
“If you follow the recipe, your burger would be more
delicious than McDonald and Burger King” Taiki the owner of
Hamburg(the best omakase hamburger restaurant in Thailand) said.

(All pictures found on this page are lifted online)

Why Should Based on Thairath news in 2018, they suggested that 7
billions of plastic bags were used in each year. but, Only 9%
was recycled. Where do you think the rest plastic goes? I told

We Ban Using you plastic is light, so, plastic bags could travel long distances
by wind and water and they end up in the ocean or the soil. It
will pollute the air, soil, and especially water.

Plastic Bags in

Plastic was invented in 1907 and becoming popular in the

By: Pannavich Torsavetpong 1950s, and the plastic from the 1950s still floating in some
forms of plastic in the ocean right now, because plastic takes
about 500 years to decompose. I have some cases that will tell
When we’re going to buy something in 7-11, they gave
you that plastic harm marine animals. First, there was a pilot
you a plastic bag. When we’re going to drink a bubble tea, they
whale died from eating 80 plastic bags in Southern Thailand.
gave you a plastic straw. When we’re going to drink water, you
And another one is the turtle in Costa Rica which had the plastic
might buy a bottle of water which made of plastic! but, Why
drinking straw stuck in its nose for years. the helper team had to
these are all made out of plastic? Yes! plastic has a lightweight,
pull it out for 10 minutes. In my opinion, it was too severe for
cheap, and very convenient to use and it’s also one of the biggest
me. How to decrease the number of plastic bags in Thailand? I
problems in Thailand. Good afternoon, Today I’m going to
want to present a starch plastic bag that invented by Kevin
convince you to ban plastic bags in Thailand RECORDED- 47
Kumala. It made from sugar-cane. It’s totally harmless. You can
seconds Body: Based on Thairath news in 2018, they suggested
drink it. Animals can consume it. It can even dissolve in water.
that 7 billions of plastic bags were used in each year. but, Only
so I think this is the hope for us to help marine animals.
9% was recycled. Where do you think the rest plastic goes? I
told you plastic is light, so, plastic bags could travel long
distances by wind and water and they end up in the ocean or the In conclusion, I don’t agree on using plastic bags and
soil. It will pollute the air, soil, and especially water. Plastic was straws in daily lives. Plastic takes about 500 years to decompose
invented in 1907 and becoming popular in the 1950s, and the which is too long. We can use paper straws and cloth bags
plastic from the 1950s still floating in some forms of plastic in instead. a starch bag. and ban the plastic bag forever.
the ocean right now, because plastic takes about 500 years to ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


(All pictures found on this page are lifted online)

bank in the entire world should grow up supremely fast and open tons

Should The of franchises with great managers from all countries.I'm pretty sure you
guys should ask that what the import and export corporations' CEOs
will do next? I believe that the smart guys like that should go to be bank

Whole World Use

managers instead but, the central bank managers won’t be like normal
ones. They will get higher salaries too because when all adults must
deposit the money to the only bank in the world, it will have tons of
money to invest and get richer. Furthermore, what you think the richest

The Same
By: Pannavich Torsavetpong
Currency is the specific kinds of money that uses in every
country, each country has a different currency which uses for paying
and trading goods, but some of the countries don’t have their own
currency. They use the same currency with others, for instance,
Netherland, Puerto Rico that using the US dollar. I suggest that using
the universal currency should be better than using the different one man in the world will do? Yes, donations, they will make big donations,
because we will travel a lot easier and cheaper, online shopping too. money give-back, higher interest. Everyone will get richer, richer, and
richer. Online shopping is a common way to buy things today because
we are getting more lazier than 90’s adults. We are too lazy to drive to
the department store to buy washing powder, baby pampers, and even
sauces. Luckily, We will buy goods from online shopping cheaper
because many things in our country were imported from abroad which
will cost cheaper in the transportations especially by shipping.

However, I have really interesting support from last year. It’s

called “cryptocurrency” and one of the most famous ones is “bitcoin”.
It is digital money which is encrypted in a specific pattern. Moreover,
Now, some countries have a high cost of living but some have a
It can use to pay as money in many stores especially in computer shops.
lower cost of living. For examples, American workers get 3,000 dollars
It invented by a Japanese named “Satoshi Nakamoto”. It started selling
per month which are about 100,000 baht but If I work in India, I will
at 0.0003 US dollars. Therefore, in 2017, they cost nearly 20,000 US
get only 10,000 Indian Rupee which is only 4500 baht. If I keep 10
dollars. That shows us the bitcoin was very interesting, it used as a
percent of my salary and give it to my parents, they will receive 10,000
universal currency but sadly, there were no countries that accepted the
baht if I work in America and they can use the money for many months.
bitcoin as their country currency. There were many people those
Therefore, if they use it in America, they can survive less than 10 days
invested in bitcoin for more than million US dollars and they ended up
(Deshpande, 2015). If we change into a single currency, we will travel
with supreme profits.
without using a calculator in foreign countries. We don’t need to worry
about the price similarity because if we use the same currency, the
lowest price will be found easily. The currency exchanger and trade
businesses will be destroyed. Moreover, the import and export We should use the single currency because it will give you a lot
businesses will die too because of the single currency, they can’t make easier life, cheaper goods. The universal currency is still in progress of
lots of profits like before. Therefore, the import and export goods will ideas but if we all vote and ask for it from
be immeasurably cheaper than now. In a blog post by Aspick Green ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tech’s CEO Tyag Krish(2017). He said that if the world adopt to use
the universal currency, the world bank will be created, with a single
currency, they can give us incredibly high interests due to the only one (All pictures found on this page are lifted online)
The Humanity’s Let’s imagine if the human species has outlived almost everything else
in the universe. What would be our last, most sustainable, practical and

Ultimate Source
Of Energy
By: Waris Tuchinda

- Nuclear fusion refers a process when multiple atomic nuclei collide with each
other, so hard, they fused together into a new atomic nucleus and gives out
excess energy. This is what happens inside stars, just like our sun. The specific feasible source of energy for us? My candidate is the black hole.
method of implementation varies, from relatively simple stuff like, building
solar panels, deploying individual satellites to orbit around stars to a super Black holes are created when supermassive stars collapsed under its own
fancy idea like building superstructures called ‘Dyson spheres’ around stars. gravitational pull. To understand how to capture energy from a black hole, we
must first understand that they are 2 types of black holes, spinning black holes,
and non-spinning black holes. The one that we can take advantage of is the
spinning black holes. Spinning black holes spin really fast. This is because of
its angular momentum. An object that spins will spin faster as its mass moves
closer to the axis of rotation. When spinning black holes were stars, they spin.
As they collapse and get smaller, their mass moves closer to the center. This
resulted in the black holes having very high angular velocity.

However, the main premise is still to collect excess energy from a stars’
nuclear fusions. Another noteworthy point is when a star goes out, we can
simply migrate to one of the other countless planets, that is close to a star and
feed on their solar energy with our technologies. This seems to be what most
people think of when they talk about the most sustainable source of energy,
possible. I, be that as it may, oppose this idea. Simply because it is not the
energy source that will last the longest. What are we going to do when the last In an article by Unnikrishnan Menon (2017), he proposed an idea which
remaining star of the universe dies out? Where can we find energy, now? Does can be further developed into one of the ways we can harvest these angular
that mean life, cannot exist after the death of the last star? The second aspect velocities. Simply firing a simple 2 stage rocket straight into a black hole, at
is the practicality and the feasibility of the idea. For example, imagine if the an angle. As the rocket enters a region called ‘ergosphere’ we then fire the 2nd
human species outlived everything and is currently inhabiting the last stage giving it the boost to escape the ergosphere. The escaped rocket will have
remaining, super advance, space station. The station is currently orbiting a a much higher velocity, as it was boosted by the black hole. Then the next step
supermassive body. Onboard, there are large water pools. We decided to create is to simply convert the velocity of the rocket into a form of usable energy.
a lot of electrical generators which collect wave energy, caused by the
gravitational pull of the supermassive body. If this were to be our last resort
for collecting energy, will it be feasible enough to sustain the whole human
population? and if so, is it practical to do so? And most importantly, is there a (All pictures found on this page are lifted online)
better way?.
even more. But when there’s too much of it, stress can be quite dangerous.
For example, it will affect your health in a bad way as well as lower the
quality of your work. So having too much stress is no good. You cannot
avoid stress as it is a part of our daily lives. What you can do, however,
learn to deal with it. Exercising is one of the most efficient ways to relieve
yourself from stress. Exercising pumps your body with endorphins. It is
also very easy to perform. Simply going outside and move around will also
help with your built up stress. Another great way to deal with stress is to
simply do things that you enjoy. It is a good idea to take breaks and reset,
to maintain both your comfortability and productivity. In this case, sitting

We can picture an ergosphere as a whirlpool. If you swim in the

same direction, as the whirlpool, you can increase your velocity. But you
will slowly move closer to the ‘point of no return’. Or in a black hole’s
case, an ‘event horizon’. If your rocket went past that point, we simply
cannot retrieve the velocity or the rocket. So we need a second boost in
order to escape the ergosphere. However, this will cause the spinning black
hole to slow down. But to solve this, we simply need to add more mass to
the black hole. Dropping asteroids seems to make the most sense.
around trying to anticipate questions that you may encounter in the
interview, for too long and getting stress out is not the best use of your
Unfortunately, like any other sources of energy, one day we would effort and time.
run out of things to ‘feed’ black holes and it will, one day, stop rotating.
However, this idea is still superior to its competitors. Simply because black
holes are what is left after the death of stars so they, in a sense, last longer.
This is also more practical than building a superstructure, Dyson sphere, While a little bit of stress is necessary, you should not be too
to envelop a whole star. It is also, arguably, more powerful than nuclear stressed out. Because it clouds your vision, worsens your health and
fusion reactors. Hence, more feasibility. At the end of everything, the last compromises the quality of your work. But most importantly it gets rid of
days of the universe. Everything will go dark. They will be no light. But happiness in your life
in the midst of the darkness, the last glimpse of hope for the humanity
shines within, the darkest region possible, the very last black hole.


Facing An
By: Waris Tuchinda

Have you ever been offered a chance to go to an interview and

wonder what is the best way to prepare for it? There are certainly many
things to prepare for when it comes to facing an interview. However, I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
personally think that one of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to
remember to always stay calm and avoid stress.

Some amount of stress is necessary in life as it motivates us to do

(All pictures found on this page are lifted online)
certain things, in this case, it may cause you to prepare for the interview,
Immediately, I asked my mother to buy me one. She was, however, against
it. She said that it would fill me up and stop me from enjoying ‘real food’.

My Fancy Tooth
But in the end, my perseverance triumphs and she finally bought me the
cracker. I, immediately, I took a big bite. Then it happened. I felt odd. I
tasted something foul-tasting. I was disgusted. I then pulled the cracker
out. I was shocked that one of my front teeth was stuck on the cracker,

and The
with blood filling in my mouth. I felt awful. The evening, for me, was

That great moment was ruined by a single choice I made. However, the

Japanese Rice
consequence was very small, compared to other things that could happen
in real life. So live in the moment, try to prepare for things that are coming
and bare the consequences are what I learned from this experience.


The Actual
By: Waris Tuchinda

Have you ever done something that looks fine but actually is not? More
precisely, have you ever eaten anything and regretted it? I did. It was a
Effects Of
nice cold day in Japan, where I was currently at, everything seemed fun
and interesting to an 8 years old, like me. Then I saw it, the nice round and
crispy-looking Japanese rice cracker. Despite the challenges, I finally got
my snack-craved hands on the cracker, courtesy of my mother’s mercy.
It was a long summer break from the school. My family decided to go
to Japan for a long-awaited vacation. When we got there, the first place we
visited was the great Fuji mountain. There, we spent the whole day around
the area. The interesting part started when the Japanese people started
setting up stalls for the fair that was taking place near the Fuji mountain By: Waris Tuchinda
viewpoint. I remembered feeling excited. The light from Japanese’ classic
lamps contrasts with the darkening sky quite well. There were kids running The issue of human overpopulation has been thought of, by some,
around, tourists taking pictures and foods being prepared. I was feeling as an extinction level threat. To answer this, we must first understand, what
great. Then, I saw the stall that was selling the Japanese rice crackers. really are the effects of overpopulation and, more importantly, is it even a
threat at all?

The worst case scenario, possible, is that human overpopulation

will actually happen. Presumably, people would go to war and fight for
resources constantly. But will this actually happen is another story. To
answer the question, we must, first, understand the characteristic of which
organisms repopulate. The concept of logistic growth model, a model of
growth that basically says that the larger a population gets the slower it
grows, and carrying capacity, the largest size that a population can grow
into, was introduced.

(All pictures found on this page are lifted online)

Human population also follows the logistic growth model. The
carrying capacity of human population on the earth has also been
Porgs, A
Rebellious Bunch
By: Waris Tuchinda

Everybody has their own favorites when it comes to animals. Most

animals are undeniably adorable. I am certain that you have one too, right?,
I also have a favorite. They are called Porgs. Porgs are my favorite
imaginative animal with a very interesting background.

Making their debut in the 8th Star Wars movie, Star Wars : The
calculated to be, approximately, 100,000,000,000 person. So, with the Last Jedi they stole everyone's’ heart. Porgs resemble the real-life penguins
current information, it is safe to say that as our human population with the most noticeable differences being overly enlarged eyes, brown
approaches the carrying capacity of 100,000,000,000 people, the growth and white colored fur, no visible ears, beakless face, and duck feet. Porgs
rate will, naturally, decreases and stabilises itself. Looking from the grand live around the sea area, on the planet Ahch-To. Male porgs are slightly
scale the problem seems to be false. However, what we failed to consider bigger than the females and the males will have a slight shade of orange
is that, in order to maintain the population, certain things will happen. For colored fur around the eyes. They are lighter than they look, thanks to their
example, the death rate increases, humans have shorter lifespan, the quality body, being mostly composed of feathers. Porgs can fly but only for short
of life noticeably go down. From these things we can infer that life, distances because they have relatively tiny wings.
although possible, would not be very pleasant. After understanding the
threat, the next step is to come up with viable solutions. One of which is As for their behavior, they are a very curious species of birds. They
the colonisation of other planets like mars or even our own moon, for
example. The other alternatives is to create more living spaces, multiple
family living in one tall building. Acquiring free energy to create and
synthesize other essential resources are examples of things that need to

The issue of human overpopulation is not really extinction level.

But in order to maintain our civilization, it is best to keep from happening.
The solutions varies. Yet, we should do something, before it is past the
point of no return.

feed on the fishes around their native island. They also watch over their
offsprings, also refer to as porglets. Porgs build their shelters from hair,
fiber or grass. They also love to decorate the shelters with shiny objects,
that they found. They like getting petted and scratched. Another interesting
thing about Porgs is their origin. They actually originated from a problem
on the set of Star Wars The Last Jedi, in the scenes that took place on an
island. They are these birds called Puffins.


(All pictures found on this page are lifted online)

When I was in Europe, I had a wonderful chance of visiting one of
the most scientifically advanced research facilities in the whole world, The
Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire or CERN. CERN houses a
series of circular particle accelerators with the largest one being dubbed
‘the Large Hadron Collider’ or LHC.

The director of the movie says in an interview that "It's a wildlife preserve
and everywhere you look there are hundreds of birds dotted around the
landscape." So the solution they came up with was to CGI the birds into
Porgs are, in a word, amazing. Or as the Darth Vader would say, in
the previous chapter, “The force is strong with this one.”

The Large Hadron Collider circumference measures to be around 27.6

The Large
kilometers. It is, perhaps, one of the largest man-made structure ever
created. The whole purpose of this 50 Billion dollars scientific equipment
is to somehow crash unbelievably small subatomic particles together, with
incredible speed. Then capture and analyze the impact residues, hoping to

Hadron Collider,
unravel some hidden meanings to the workings of the universe itself.

The First
Glimpse Of The
Universe’s Inner
Workings To me, CERN acts not only as a scientific facility but also as a
beacon of humanity’s bravery. We are attempting to understand something
By: Waris Tuchinda we are not even sure is comprehensible to our very minds. When I was
there, I was reminded of the continuous attempts of humanity’s quest of
There are just some experiences that are way too overwhelming. making sense out of our very own existence. I felt energetic, hopeful,
Some things represent way more than its face value and someplace holds excited and, at the same time, nervous, of what may peek out from the
much more than what is to see. curtain of reality.

(All pictures found on this page are lifted online)

After taking in more contexts and mission, regarding the HLC, I
had a question. If there is such a thing as a god/creator. It is entirely
possible that we are just one of “his” creations. The scientific boundaries
like quantum particles, a matter that cannot be separated anymore. Maybe
because of the limitation in programming our creator uses. The idea of
finding errors or boundaries, as we may find in video-games, can be a great
step towards realizing how the universe came to be.
Despite many other important fields of scientific studies, none even
come close to the statue of CERN. It was truly, a magnificent experience.


Tools for Feeling Music By Rawipol Prasertboon
By Rawipol Prasertboon When I was a kid, I always wanted a phone that suited me in every
way. Now there are many phones that came out with the difference prices
In our everyday life, phone comes to play an important role. and qualities. IPhone Xs is the fastest phone and the phone that I want to
Everybody needs to have their smartphones with them all the time. You have.
can’t deny that you need a smartphone. So one very useful gadget that Iphone Xs is the kind of phone that everybody wants to have. It
everybody must have, in my perspective, is the apple airpods, which is an comes with 3 colors which are silver, space grey, and gold. It is relatively
apple first Bluetooth earphone. heavy, compared to other smartphones. But it looks gorgeous. It is pretty
For me, it is very useful for those who love music or use their much the same as the last year’s iPhone X but it does come with the bigger
headphone a lot. You might also wonder why it has to be airpods, Apple size option, which is the iPhone Xs Max. The iPhone Xs comes with the
5.8 inches display, and the iPhone Xs Max comes with 6.5 inches display
which is very big for normal smartphones. For the function of the iPhone
Xs and the iPhone Xs Max, these two iPhones are the same as each other
in every way, the iPhone Xs Max only has a bigger display. Both come
with the all-screen OLED multi-touch display. Last year’s iPhone X that
came out with the A11 bionic chip which I think is very fast, probably the
fastest in that time. This year, Apple put the A12 bionic chip in the iPhone
Xs which is even faster than the A11 bionic chip. The camera of the new
iPhone is also outstanding. The new iPhone comes with true depth camera,
which could use the portrait mode with the advanced bokeh and depth
control. This high quality phone also comes with very high price. The
iPhone Xs is 999 USD, and the iPhone Xs Max comes is 1099 USD.
The iPhone Xs is outstanding and very well made with all the
hightech function. But this iPhone also comes with the very high price,
which I think is too much for smartphone.

airpods deliver an unparalleled wireless headphone experience which can

be easily connected to your iPhone immediately. You can simply put them
in your ears and it is now ready to be used. Not only that, you don’t need
to worry about the battery will be run out soon. Airpods have more than
24 hours of battery life with the charging case which came with it. You
can listen up to 5 hours of music straight and took only 15 minutes to
charge it. If you are an android user, you can still connect your airpods
with your android phone too. So this gadget can be used with any
smartphone out there. The only concern about this gadget is the price is
quite high for the earphone. Apple Airpods cost 6900 baht which is very
high for this sound quality earphone, but with the features that come with
it, the apple airpods is still worth buying
Airpods have pros and cons, but I see no reason not to buy one.
Airpods comes with good sound quality and features. In facts, Airpods
delivered you many comforts when it comes to the earphone.
(All pictures found on this page are lifted online)
Fever cause by sleeping
Making with phone
A By Rawipol Prasertboon

Classic It has become a habit of a lot of people, especially for teenagers to

sleep with their phones. Not many seem to notice, but sleeping with our
Carbonara phones can cause a bad fever. Furthermore, it can cause even brain cancer.
Sleeping with your phone seems safe but it is actually very dangerous.
By Rawipol Prasertboon Many scientists and the California Department of Public Health approved
that sleeping with your phone near your head can cause a brain cancer
(Atherton, 2017). According to Blodget. H. a massive amount of
Have you ever made a classic carbonara? Most of the time when Americans people sleep with their phone every night. Up to 90% of 18-
we talked about carbonara, we might think of cream and white sauce. The 19 years old sleep with their phone and 95% use their phones before going
classic carbonara doesn’t have cream at all. Classic carbonara only needs to bed (Blodget, 2016). This proved that most of the people used their
an egg mixture and splash of water. phones all the time even when they were sleeping. Ma. A. also agrees that
It is all about skills and the right technique to make this perfect, about 44% of Americans citizen who did the survey couldn’t make it a day
and classic Italian dish. The sauce of the carbonara is just splash of a without their phones. The other 52% have to check their phones every 5-
noodle water and egg mixture. The egg mixture is basically the egg and 10 minute. Oreva D. said that the phones can put your health at risk due to
cheese mixed together. Some people use Parmesan, but the more classic the radiation. Normally mobile phone transmitted the radiation signal
one is the “Pecorino Romano”. You could add some more pepper in the
egg mixture if you want, but not the salt because the bacon and the cheese
are already salty. Then you will cook the egg by mixing it with the noodle
water. Pour the egg mixture into the pan. The tip here is that you turn the
gas off before you put the water and the egg mixture. The egg is an
amazing ingredient and very important for this dish. If you don’t treat it in
the right way, your spaghetti will turn into egg noodle. So turning the gas
off is very important. Remember that even if the gas is off, the pan is still
hot and the egg is still cooking. The pan will help cook the egg gently but
to not scramble it. Toss it and splash it with more water to help cool down
the egg, because we don’t want to overcook it.
Classic carbonara is easy to cook and very delicious, with only a
few ingredients and the right technique you could make this amazing dish
at home.

around 900 MHZ which could lead to a headache, muscle pain, and
other health issues. Not only that but sometimes it could prevent you from
sleeping or even set your pillow on fire (Oreva, 2018).
This had become one of the major problems of those who loves to sleeps
with their phones. The solution to this problem can be solved easily if you
take this issue seriously. Just avoid using your mobile phone before you
sleep and put it away from your head, and you will be saved from many

(All pictures found on this page are lifted online)

Teacher should have stricter
Lost in Japan dress code in
By Rawipol Prasertboon

By Rawipol Prasertboon
Most of us would prefer to wear comfortable clothes to work or to
go to school. Unlike students, teachers don’t have to wear a school uniform
Have you ever been lost or dress code to school. Like it or not, our appearance is the first thing that
before? In another country with no phone and no parents beside you? I had can remind yourself of who we are. From my perspective, the teacher
an experience when I almost got lost. If I wasn’t holding my mother’s should have a dress code or an outfit to make them look more professional
hand, I would have gone for nowhere in Japan by now. and to remind themselves of their responsibility for what they should act
I was on a trip to Japan with my parents. I was about five to six years old. for the student to look after.
On the day that the accident was about to happen, we went to a train station One of the advantages of a having dress code or outfits for teachers
to travel to another city. This was the first time that I’ve been to Japan, and is for them to look more professional. Every parent is entrusted teacher to
I was so young that I couldn’t understand English at all. The story began taking care of their students, so they all expect that teacher should be an
at the train station. My parents and I were waiting for the next train to expert that can teach and take care of their students. To look like an expert,
come. It was so long so I decided to go buy something to eat. After I came appearance is one factor that helps you a lot. But in an article by Alix
back, the train already arrived. I was in a hurry to catch that train because (2012) state that there are many complaints about teacher dressing
I don’t want to wait any longer. So I ran and jumped in the train, but my inappropriately across the United States. Furthermore, some schools are
mom and my dad were still at the door. All the sudden, the door closed. taking this problem more seriously because this issue could distract
Lucky for me I was holding my mother’s hand at that moment. So the door students from learning in class. This for sure is not what every parent want
bounce back and my mother pulled me out of the door. I could have gone for their kids. Having a stricter rule of dress code or having an outfit could
nowhere in Japan without my parents. It was so scary at that moment be a solution. But still, an outfit has yet to be applied in most school.
because I was about five to six years old and I wasn’t able Orlando (2013) reports that one of the characteristics of a great teacher is
to maintain professionalism in all area including the appearance. In other
words, it is important for teachers to look professional in school.
All students including teachers need to have their own
responsibility in the school. One of the main reason for students to have
their outfits is for the reminder of themselves. To remind themselves that
they are a student and their responsibility is to learn and participate in the
classroom. Refers to DeMitchell (2015) 60 percent of a high school student
in Carolina have a lower misbehavior after wearing the school uniform.
The same thing goes for the teacher, uniform might help teachers to
participate in their work more. Moreover, it can be a reminder for teachers
to act well for the students to look after them.
In conclusion, teachers should have a dress code or outfits to make
them look professional and to be a reminder for their responsibility for
what they should act for the student to look after. Everybody needs
to communicate with anybody. After this happened to me, I responsibility to be achieved in their life. For me as a student, I believed
decided to learn English so that I can communicate with foreigners. that appearance for teachers is important for teachers to look reliable and
This was a very close situation where I could have died. This story for me to look up to them.
is a lesson for me. I started to think that being able to speak English is very
important. So I started to learn English from that day until now.

(All pictures found on this page are lifted online)

How Greece went bankrupt
By Matthew J.
Bankruptcy can be a severe problem for everyone because in Stylianu, L.R. Greeks lost their jobs and homes due to this crisis.
today’s society money has become an essential part of our lives. We Greece’s social benefits were discontinued including health care
all know the causes of bankruptcy, but what causes a country to go which caused roughly 800,000 people without health care due to
bankrupt? Greece experienced this crisis in 2015. poverty. Greece’s suicide rate increased by five percent and many
Greeks, seeing that their country was slowly falling, immigrated and
It’s hard to believe that a developed country like Greece at continued their lives elsewhere.
one point in time went bankrupt. Amadeo, K. states that Greece's
financial crisis didn't actually start in 2015, but in 2009. Greece had Greece may have gone
very generous social benefits such as a pension, health care, and through a truly frantic financial
unemployment just to name a few. These social benefits made Greece crisis but Greece still stands to
a country that people saw as developed and made the people of see another day. Greece is still
Greece satisfied. However, Greece’s social benefits were very costly recovering to this day but a mere
financially which made their income 12.9 percent lower than their shadow from its past self. What
expenses. As the years go by Greece slowly decrease their budget would you do if you found
deficit but it was not enough to save them from their debts. Greece out your country that you
simply did not have the funds to pay off their debts which made currently live in went
Greece fall into this financial crisis. Luckily the European Union gave bankrupt?
Greece a second chance and gave a loan to Greece. Greece may have
survived this tragedy but it harmed Greece severely. Greek citizens
were also sorely affected. During this crisis, Greece’s unemployment
rate skyrocketed and their economy dropped greatly. According to

My Goalkeeping Accident
By Matthew J.
Sometimes you may think that today doing the drill until I was halfway done, Then the doctor came and said this might
will just be another ordinary day, but then I told my coach that I couldn’t do it hurt a little. He started pulling on my pinky.
accidents happen unexpectedly. Sometimes anymore It was one of the most painful experiences
accidents may even teach you something. because my of my life. The nurse put a cast on it and I
pinky hurt. My was pretty much free to go home.
Every Sunday, I attend football coach said just
goalkeeper training. I wake up at six and do give it time and A lot of accidents are unfortunate
my morning routine. Then I drove my told me to go especially if that accident involves an injury
motorbike to the football field. By the time I get a water or death. With that being said I am still
got there, it break. I thought thankful
was about that it was just for this
seven thirty. bruised because accident.
I put on my as a goalkeeper However,
goalkeeper these things happen all the time, but this it does not
gloves and time it hurt more than usual. So I took my mean that I
got on the glove off and I saw my pinky bone sticking will try to
field. In one out a little bit strange and it was pretty dislocate
of my clearly dislocated. So I told my coach and my finger
Sunday he didn’t know how to correct it. I called every time
training, my coach and I did a few drills but my dad and asked him if he could pick me I play football. I am thankful for this
with this drill, we were practicing catching up. accident because it taught me how to
low balls. My coach kicked the ball and it prevent it from happening again.
hit directly on My dad took me to the local hospital. I
my left pinky because I didn’t position my filled out a form and did an X-ray. The
hands properly. It hurt but I just kept on nurse told me to get on a little bed, so I did.

Why religion isn’t real?

By Matthew J.

The debate of the existence of gods have been going on for many millennia, but why hasn’t this topic been justified yet? Why hasn’t anyone found
any concrete evidence to stop this argument once and for all? There are two main sides to this conflict, the believers and the non-believers. These non-
believers are classified as atheists. There are about 450 million atheists worldwide. Why do so many people turn to atheism? I personally don’t believe in
gods and think that all religions with spiritual beliefs are false because it is more likely that people made it up and there is no evidence back up its validity.

Back then, people didn’t have much knowledge of science, but they did have a lot of creativity, so people
could come up with as many theories as they want even though they might not be realistic. Religion is something
that was made many millennia ago but how were religions actually created? McGreal(2014) notes that due to the
lack of knowledge of science in the past, people would make a religion out of the unknown, for example, the
Greeks didn’t understand the science behind waves so they made up a god named Poseidon the god of the sea. In
Greek mythology when the waves got violent resulting in tidal waves or tsunamis, they believed that Poseidon
was angry. Thanks to modern-day technology, scientists are able to prove that this is simply not true. Another
reason why people would make up religions would be to teach morals to not only kids but adults as well. People
would make up stories teaching what you do is what you get, these stories sometimes include gods punishing the
person who didn’t obey him. This was a common way to promote religions. A good example of this would be the
story of Atlas rebelling against Zeus. The story results in Atlas having to hold the earth on his shoulders for all
eternity as a punishment. These stories lead religions to have more followers because people would fear what
would happen to them if they didn’t follow the will of God.

It’s easy to deny the existence of spiritualism because there’s only as much proof as you want there to be meaning there is none. This is a common
reason why many people don't believe in religions. Because there is no evidence supporting the existence of Gods. Cinman(2015) states that some people
may say that there are tons of evidence proving that Gods are real. However, all of these pieces of evidence are controversial, there are hundreds of
possible reasons why a particular event happened. As long as there are multiple possibilities other than it happened because of God, people won't have any
evidence that will be compelling to skeptics. Sure maybe the possibilities are low that a certain event happened in some way, but just because there’s a low
possibility doesn't mean that it happened because of God. I also believe that just because you want something to happen and you pray for it, it will have as
much of a possibility happening than if you didn’t pray for it. For me, if I want something to happen I would actually do something to increase the chance
of it happening rather than praying for it.

Do I believe religions are real? No, I don’t, but am I trying to stop other people from believing in their religions? By all means no. I believe that
you can believe in whatever you want. These are just compelling reasons why I stand by my claim. Nobody can definitively say that Gods are or are not
real. Are religions real? This question will probably never have a definitive answer and remain a controversial topic forever.

My way!
By Matthew J.

My name is Matthew Jedrzycki. My father is Canadian and my mother is Thai. I was raised doing things the Thai way or according to my mom,
“it’s the “right way,” but when I reached the age of 12 I broke out of that behavior.

When I was young, I never gave much thought about how I wanted to act or how I wanted to behave because I was living life how my mother
taught me with no questions asked. I was brought up as a Buddhist by my mother but as I grew older I realized that I don’t believe in Buddhism or any
religion for that matter. My father is an atheist and that’s where I got my
beliefs from. When I found out about doing things my way instead of other
people’s way I started to question the way I was living my life. Then I
realized that I was more a foreigner than a Thai. I started doing things
in a more Canadian fashion rather than Thai. I began to do things with reason
rather doing what I was told. The way I acted and the way that I acted
changed completely. I was finally living how I wanted to instead of how the
Thai society wanted to. In Thailand, you aren’t allowed to argue with
your elders that include your parents, but when I finally did it I realized
that I'm good at arguing and I could do things my way. I never did get
along well with my Thai friends very well, no matter how many Thai friends
I had I couldn’t connect with them. Then at 15, I went to Canada for a
month. I connected with the people there very well and that confirmed
that I got along with Canadians better than Thais.

Here is some advice from someone who has had experience with
doing things by someone else's way rather than your own way. Stand up to
them and say that you would rather do it your way than doing it their
way. If they don’t agree to it, you could either complain to your friends for
the next few years about it or you could do it anyway because it’s your life and you control it, but keep in mind that your way isn’t always the right way.

What makes Noah Calhoun special
By Matthew J.

not least even though he is selfless he can also be ignorant. When he

has an argument with his lover, she often blames it on his ignorance.
There are many characters in
The Notebook. Every single one of A movie may have many characters with many
them has unique personalities. different characteristics, but Noah Calhoun is genuinely a unique
Personalities that you don't see in character and he is what makes The
your everyday life. Everyone one is Notebook special.
unique in some way, maybe it's your
smile, your charm, or your way of
thinking but this essay is going to be
about Noah Calhoun. Noah, as
handsome as the devil himself but has
the heart of an angel. There are many positions
in football including strikers,
Noah Calhoun has midfielders, defenders and of
many unique personalities and characteristics. He is also the main course goalkeepers. For
character of The Notebook. In the movie, goalkeepers, there are many
they portrayed him in three different techniques in catching the ball
ages. The teenager, the young adult, and the and it is important to execute
elder. Noah was attractive. he had a
mixture of blond and black hair, a light
complexion with clear skin, light brown
eyes, a pointy nose, a long stubble, and
a medium build. He looked masculine
yet friendly. Noah is a person who is
devoted. He even rebuilt a two-story them well.
house even though it took him years.
One of the most memorable
characteristics that he has is that he is
very passionate. He even said “When I see Handling can
something that I like, I gotta, I love it.” help avoid
but the thing he is most passionate about is love. What I believe is the conceding goals for keepers. Deflecting the ball is the most popular
most unique characteristic that he has is that he is brooding. he has technique for preventing a goal. However, deflecting can cause
deep feelings and deep thoughts no matter whether it’s about love, life rebounds which if the ball were to land at the opponent’s feet then
or happiness. He can be selfless at times. He sometimes cares about your team has a very high chance of conceding a goal. So if the keeper
others more than himself especially if it's someone he loves. Last but caught the ball, the keeper would have full possession of the ball

instead of his or her opponents. The most recommended way to catch technique, you must embrace the ball tightly to avoid letting it slip out
the ball is by of your arms at the exact time that the ball reaches your hands.

Handling for goalkeepers Handling is one of the most important statistics of

By Matthew J. goalkeeping and just by
using the “W” or the contour catch. This technique is useful when the catching a ball can be the
ball is coming at you from the waist up. To perform this technique, difference between winning
simply position your hands into a “W” shape. Your arms should and losing a match.
always be extended but don’t lock your elbows, just make your arms
firm. One of the most important things to know is to always put your
hands behind the ball. Another technique for catching the ball is the
inverted contour. This technique is used when the ball is coming at
you from the waist down. This technique is a little bit more difficult to
perform but will definitely be worth learning. To perform this


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