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A. Summary of COT Ratings

B. KRA 1 – Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
a. OBJECTIVE 1 – Modeled effective applications of content knowledge within
and across curriculum teaching areas.
a1. MOV 1 – COT Rating Sheets about effective applications of
contentwithin and across curriculum teaching areas.
a2. MOV 2 - Lesson Plans/Modified DLLs used in demonstration teaching
highlighting integration of content knowledge within and across subject
b. OBJECTIVE 2 – Collaborated with colleagues in the conduct and application
of research to enrich knowledge of content and pedagogy.
b1. MOV 1 - Copy of the research proposal focused on enriching
knowledge of content and pedagogy.
b2. MOV 2 - Proof of participation and/or contribution to a collaborative
research (e.g email, actual output submitted, terms of reference, etc.)
c. OBJECTIVE 3 – Developed and applied effective teaching strategies to
promoter critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher order thinking
c1. MOV 1 – Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet using
effective teaching strategies to promote critical and creative teaching, as
well as other higher-order thinking skills
c2. MOV 2 – Lesson Plans/modified DLLs used in demonstration teaching
highlighting different teaching strategies that develop critical and creative
thinking/ and or HOTS
C. KRA 2 – Learning Environment and Diversity of Learners.
a. OBJECTIVE 4 – Worked with colleagues to model and share effective
techniques in the management of classroom structures to engage learners,
individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on
activities within a range of physical learning environments.
a1. MOV 1 – Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet about
sharing effective techniques in the management of classroom structure
a2. MOV 2 – Lesson Plans/modified DLLs used in demonstration teaching
highlighting effective classroom management strategies that engage
learners in activities/tasks in different physical learning environments.
b. OBJECTIVE 5 – Exhibited effective and constructive behaviour management
skills applying positive and on-violent discipline to ensure learning-focused
b1. MOV 1 – Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet about teacher
management of learner behaviour
c. OBJECTIVE 6 – Worked with colleagues to share differentiated,
developmentally appropriate opportunities to address learners’ differences in
gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.
c1. MOV 1 – Minutes of LAC session/s highlighting one’s sharing of
strategies on differentiated and developmentally appropriate opportunities to
address learners’ differences.
C2. MOV 2 – Lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting strategies on
differentiated and developmentally-appropriate opportunities to address
learners’ differences.
a. OBJECTIVE 7 – Developed and applied effective strategies in the planning and
management of developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes to
meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.
a1. MOV 1 – Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet about using
effective strategies in implementing developmentally sequenced teaching
and learning process.
a2. MOV 2 – Results of learners’ assessment during the actual teaching
a3. MOV 3 – Lesson plans/modified DLLs in demonstration teaching
highlighting developmentally sequenced teaching-learning process.
b. OBJECTIVE 8 – Reviewed with colleagues, teacher and learner feedback to
plan, facilitate and enrich teaching practice.
b1. MOV 1 – Implemented LAC/FGD Plan
b2. MOV 2 – Minutes of LAC/FGD sessions on use of teacher and learner
feedback to enrich teaching practice with proof of attendance.
c. OBJECTIVE 9 – Advised and guided colleagues in the selection, organization,
development and use of appropriate teaching and learning resources, including
ICT, to address specific learning goals.

c1. MOV 1 – Teaching and learning resources developed by colleagues

and critiqued on their alignment to learning goals.
C2. MOV 2 – Lesson plan by colleagues critiqued I n terms of the
alignment of the teaching and learning resources to the indicated
learning goals and appropriateness to the target learners.
a. OBJECTIVE 10 - Worked collaboratively with colleagues to review the design,
selection, organization and use of a rage of effective diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements.
a1. MOV 1 – Any proof of collaborative review if the test is designed
based on its purpose (e.g. diagnostic, formative, summative)
a2. MOV 2 – Any proof of collaborative review of the alignment of the
test with the curriculum
b. OBJECTIVE 11 – Interpreted collaboratively monitoring and evaluation
strategies of attainment of data to support learner progress and
b1. MOV 1 – Collaborative interpretation of the index of mastery
obtained from 1 class.
b2. MOV 2 – Collaborative interpretation of item analysis of quarterly
b3. MOV 3 – Collaborative interpretation of results of performance
c. OBJECTIVE 12 – Applied skills in the effective communication of learner
needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders, including
c1. MOV 1 – Sample agreement for learners at risk signed by parents
and corresponding evidence of improvement.
c2. MOV 2 – Record of dialogue and/or parent-teacher conferences and
corresponding evidence of improvement
c3. MOV 3 – Anecdotal record communicated to and signed by the
learners and/or parents with corresponding evidence of improvement.
c4. MOV 4 – Attendance sheet/ minutes of parent-teacher conference
a. OBJECTIVE 13 – Performed various related works/activities that
contribute to the teaching-learning process.
a1. MOV 1 – Certificate of Recognition or participation
a2. MOV 2 - Observed classes of Teachers I – III
a3. MOV 3 – Certificate of Speakership
a4. MOV 4 – Committee Involvement in Evaluation and Promotion
a5. MOV 5 – Coordinatorship/chairmanship
a6. MOV 6 – Authorship

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