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This file defines the layout of the data dictionaries and the alternate indices for all files on the system.
The fields in the STANDARD.SELECTION record are split into two parts System and User defined. All the system (T24)
defined fields begin with SYS and cannot be modified. The user defined fields begin with USR.
The dictionary and alternate indices for the data file are built when the STANDARD.SELECTION record is 'Authorised'.
Note: The building of alternate indices requires the EXCLUSIVE use of the data file and should only be carried out when
there are no other users on the system.
FILE.NAME Defines the field to be used to return an enrichment value if no other enrichment value is specified.
REBUILD.SYS.FLDS Validation Rules:
Must be a valid SYS.FIELD.NAME or USR.FIELD.NAME with a SYS.TYPE or USR.TYPE of D - DATA.
SPARE.3 1-18 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
SPARE.4 Optional Input
SYS.ALT.INDEX Defines the datafile to which the dictionary field names will relate. This should be a filename without
SYS.CNV.TYPE the "Fxxx" prefix.
SYS.CONVERSION The data filename specified here must be a valid entry on the F.FILE.CONTROL file. One exception to
SYS.DISPLAY.FMT this rule is when the 'NOFILE.' prefix is used.
Use the 'NOFILE.' prefix when defining the details for Enquiries which do not use a data file for
selection but instead use a routine to return the record keys.
SYS.IDX.FILE Validation Rules:
SYS.INDEX.NULLS 1-32 type A (alphanumeric) characters
SYS.REL.FILE Flag to force the rebuild of the application defined fields and the dictionary.
SYS.RESERVED To cause the rebuild of the application defined fields within the STANDARD.SELECTION record and a
SYS.SINGLE.MULT rebuild of the Dictionary associated with the file, specify any valid character here.
SYS.TYPE Note: The application defined fields and the dictionary will only be rebuilt when this record has been
SYS.VAL.PROG 'Authorised'.
Validation Rules:
USR.CONVERSION 1 type A (alphanumeric) character.
USR.FIELD.NAME Reserved Field
USR.FIELD.NO No input allowed
USR.LANG.FIELD Reserved Field
USR.REL.FILE No input allowed
USR.SINGLE.MULT Reserved Field
USR.TYPE No input allowed
T24 Common
HelpText Fields Reserved Field
No input allowed
Reserved Field
No input allowed
Indicates whether their is to be an alternate index associated with the field name specified in SYS
FIELD NAME (Field 1.1)
If an alternate index is to be associated with the field name specified in SYS FIELD NAME (Field 1.1)
then this flag should be set to 'Y'. Otherwise it should be set to 'N'.
If an existing alternate index (i.e this field is currently set to 'Y') is to be deleted then 'N' should be
specified here.
Note: The creation/deletion of alternate indices is performed when the record is 'Authorised' and
requires EXCLUSIVE use of the data file. So before 'Authorising' a record that creates/deletes
alternate indices ensure no other users have the file open.
Validation Rules:
1 alpha character. N - No alternate index. Y - Create/Build alternate index.
System maintained. No manual input.
Validation Rules:… 1/7
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System maintained, no manual input

Specifies the conversion to be performed when the field is displayed using the various INFORM "List"
and "Select" statements.
This can contain any of the legal conversion specifications that are available with the Info/Basic
OCONV function. It is used to convert the stored data value to a desired output format.
Example: D2/E - Converts the internal date to dd/mm/yy format.
For further details on this field refer to the PRIME INFORM Reference Guide.
Validation Rules:
1-50 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
System maintained. No manual input.
Specifies the output format for the data when it is displayed.
The contents of this field specifies the length and justification for the data to be displayed. The
general format for this field should be:
field.size [bkgnd] just [conv] [mask]
field.size- Size (width) of the display field.
bkgnd - Field-padding character (default is blank).
just - Justification (R, L, or T)
conv - Conversion expression (for output).
mask - Output format pattern Example: 30L -Field size 30 with Left justification.
For further details refer to the PRIME INFORM Reference Guide.
Validation Rules:
1-50 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
System maintained. No manual input.
Defines the field name by which the contents of FIELD 3.1.1 (SYS FIELD NO) will be identified.
The field name specified here will be used in application ENQUIRY.SELECT to display the fields
available for selection.
If the entry in FIELD 2.1 (SYS TYPE) is 'D' or 'I' (i.e Data or I-type field) then this field name will also
be written into the dictionary of the data file.
Validation Rules:
1-18 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
System maintained. No manual input.
Specifies the Concatfile name, Data Record field number, Dictionary I-type expression, Routine name
or the field join specification depending on the field type specified in SYS TYPE (Field 2.1)
The contents of this field is dependant on the field type specified in SYS TYPE (Field 2.1), this can
either be the Concatfile name, Data Record field number, Dictionary I-type expression, Routine name
or the field join specification.
Field join enables data to be extracted from related files and used in the selection. The syntax is
FIELDA>FILEA>FIELDB, where FIELDA is a field in this standard selection record which is used as the
key to FILEA and FIELDB is returned. FILEA may be an I-type on this record. This allows the fillename
to be soft coded. For example,
2. 5 SYS.TYPE....... I
Will return the file name of the file which originated the contract held in CONTRACT.ID to contract
file. By setting up I-types on these applications for often used field names (e.g customer) it is
possible to access the customer of a contract given that contacts id.
2. 6 SYS.TYPE....... J
Only field names, not field numbers, are accepted and the fields can be data fields, I- types or other
field joins.
Multiple joins can be specified e.g.
Note: This field is sub-valued to allow large I-type expressions to be split over multiple lines.
A concatfile definition can additionally specify fields to be saved when selecting the concatfile,
rather than the id which is the default. This is specified by the value 'SAVING' followed by the field
name from the selected file to be saved eg:… 2/7
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2.1 TYPE C
3.1.1. .... FD.UNCONF.BROKER
This will cause the system to select the file FD.UNCONF.BROKER file saving the values in the field
FIDUCIARY.NO as items to select the FD.FIDUCIARY file. The field FIDUCIARY.NO may be a field, or
and I-descriptor on the file FD.UNCONF.BROKER.
Validation Rules:
1-50 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
System maintained. No manual input.
Indicates whether this field has been input manually or generated automatically from the program.
When this STANDARD.SELECTION record is authorised, then the application program (if one exists)
that maintains the file specified in FILE NAME (field 0) is called to retrieve the application defined
field names. The record is updated with these field names and this field is automatically set to 'Y' for
each one. However for fields which do not belong to the application itself but have been input
manually, 'N' should be specified here.
Note: The application defined field names are updated each time the STANDARD.SELECTION record is
Validation Rules:
1 type alpha character. N - Input manually. Y - Generated automatically. (System maintained. No
manual input)
Specifies to which version (Live or History) the alternate index is to apply.
If the SYS ALT INDEX field is set to 'Y' then specify here the types of files the alternate index should
relate to i.e the History or Live version of the filename specified in FILE NAME (Field 0).
This field is sub-valued to allow the input of both LIVE and HISTORY.
Validation Rules:
1-7 type A (alphanumeric) characters. HISTORY - History file. LIVE - Live file
System maintained. No manual input.
Indicates whether null alternate key values are to be indexed.
This field only applies if field SYS ALT INDEX (field 7.1) has been set to 'Y'.
If null data values are to be maintained in the alternate index for the data field then this field should
be set to 'Y'. Otherwise it should be set to 'N'.
Validation Rules:
1 type alpha character. N - Do not index null values. Y - Index null values.
System maintained. No manual input.
Indicates whether the field is multi-valued in association with a language code.
Validation Rules:
1 type alpha character. N - No association with language code Y - Associated with a language code. S
- Sub-valued language field.
System maintained. No manual input.
Identifies the related file which can be accessed using SYS.FIELD.NAME as the key.
If the SYS FIELD NAME field above can be used as the key to another file then that file should be
specified here. It is used, primarily, by the SMS system to validate data held on a related file to the
This setup restricts the user to inputing funds transfer to accounts belonging to account officer 1. The
link is established by the SYS.REL.FILE field in FUNDS.TRANSFER. Hence SMS can test data in any file
related to the application.
Validation Rules:
1-24 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
System maintained, no manual input
Reserved for future use.
Validation Rules:
No Input system field
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Specifies whether the data field is Single or Multi-valued.

Validation Rules:
1 type alpha character. S - Data field is single valued. M - Data field is multi-valued.
System maintained. No manual input.
Defines the field type.
This field specifies the type of the field that is to appear in SYS FIELD NO (Field 3.1.1). It is used by
the enquiry system to determine what type of selection is to be made.
2 C - Concatfile containing list of keys to the main datafile. Note, wherever possible build an
ALTERNATE INDEX for the data field instead of using a concatfile.
D - Data field on the record.
I - Dictionary I-type field. (See the PRIME Information INFORM Reference Guide for a description of I-
R - Info/Basic routine to perform the selection and return the list of keys. This should only be used
for NOFILE type Enquiries.
J - Field join specification. Allows selection to be performed on data in related files - see
SYS.FIELD.NO for specification syntax.
S - Selection prompt for enquiry. An item can be supplied which does not refer to a true field in the
enquiry and will not be used in the actual selection of the file. These items can be referenced by
enquiry selection routines or can be used to pass constant information to an enquiry. Any item
passesd to enquiry in the selection criteria can be extracted and be processed as any other field.
P - A pseudonym for an existing field. This type may be used if an existing field name is amended, the
previous name should be defined as type P, the FIELD.NO should be set to the new name. This will
then ensure that exsiting enquiries and versions still recognize the old name. A pseudonym will
assume all the attributes of the field it is linked to in FIELD.NAME Note: All fields specified as D or I
will be created as field descriptors in the Dictionary file.
V - Virtual field in the record
These fields will not have dictionary and they are used to provide the lookup information.
The Associated FIELD.NO for virtual field can accept the following values
1) A valid I/J Desc field name
2) A User defined subroutine with Arguments.The Arguments can be any hard-coded
value or any valid field name in table as argument.
eg: S <<subroutine name>>,"Hardcodedvalue",<<Valid field name>>
3) A Local ref field name
(Please refer user guide for further information)
Validation Rules:
1 type A (alphanumeric) character. C - Concatfile D - Data field I - Dictionary I-type R - Called routine
J - Field Join S - Enquiry Prompt V - Virtual Field
System maintained. No manual input.
Specifies the Info/Basic validation routine to be called to modify the user input prior to comparison.
The routine specified here will be used to modify the user input prior to the comparison stage in the
ENQUIRY.SELECT application.
A standard 'T24' IN2 routine can be specified here (i.e to convert customer mnemonics etc.) by
specifying IN2xxxx where xxxx is a valid IN2 suffix, i.e CUS, AMT etc. The remaining portion of the 'T'
parameter can be specified by using '&' as a field mark separator and a ']' as a value mark separator.
Example: IN2AMT&- would allow the input of negative amounts.
This field is sub-valued to allow multiple conversions to be performed, where the result of the first
conversion is supplied to the next one.
Validation Rules:
1-50 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
System maintained. No manual input.
Indicates whether their is to be an alternate index associated with the field name specified in USR
FIELD NAME (Field 14.1)
If an alternate index is to be associated with the field name specified in USR FIELD NAME (Field 14.1)
then this flag should be set to 'Y'. Otherwise it should be set to 'N'.
If an existing alternate index (i.e this field is currently set to 'Y') is to be deleted then 'N' should be
specified here.
Note: The creation/deletion of alternate indices is performed when the record is 'Authorised' and
requires EXCLUSIVE use of the data file. So before 'Authorising' a record that creates/deletes
alternate indices ensure no other users have the file open.… 4/7
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Validation Rules:
1 alpha character. N - No alternate index. Y - Create/Build alternate index.
Specifies the conversion to be performed when the field is displayed using the various INFORM "List"
and "Select" statements.
This can contain any of the legal conversion specifications that are available with the Info/Basic
OCONV function. It is used to convert the stored data value to a desired output format.
Example: D2/E - Converts the internal date to dd/mm/yy format.
For further details on this field refer to the PRIME INFORM Reference Guide.
Validation Rules:
1-50 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
Specifies the output format for the data when it is displayed.
The contents of this field specifies the length and justification for the data to be displayed. The
general format for this field should be:
field.size [bkgnd] just [conv] [mask]
field.size- Size (width) of the display field.
bkgnd - Field-padding character (default is blank).
just - Justification (R, L, or T)
conv - Conversion expression (for output).
mask - Output format pattern
Example: 30L - Field size 30 with Left justification.
For further details refer to the PRIME INFORM Reference Guide.
Validation Rules:
1-50 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
Defines the field name by which the contents of FIELD 16.1.1 (USRS FIELD NO) will be identified.
The field name specified here will be used in application ENQUIRY.SELECT to display the fields
available for selection.
If the entry in FIELD 15.1 (SYS TYPE) is 'D' or 'I' (i.e Data or I-type field) then this field name will also
be written into the dictionary of the data file.
Validation Rules:
1-18 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
Specifies the Concatfile name, Data Record field number, Dictionary I-type expression, Routine name
or the field join specification depending on the field type specified in USR TYPE (Field 15.1)
The contents of this field is dependant on the field type specified in USR TYPE (Field 15.1), this can
either be the Concatfile name, Data Record field number, Dictionary I-type expression, Routine name
or the field join specification.
Field join enables data to be extracted from related files and used in the selection. The syntax is
FIELDA>FILEA>FIELDB, where FIELDA is a field in this standard selection record which is used as the
key to FILEA and FIELDB is returned. FILEA may be an I-type on this record. This allows the fillename
to be soft coded. For example,
Will return the file name of the file which originated the contract held in CONTRACT.ID to contract
file. By setting up I-types on these applications for often used field names (e.g customer) it is
possible to access the customer of a contract given that contacts id.
15. 6 USR.FIELD.NAME. CUSTOMER 16.2. 6 USR.TYPE....... J 17. 6. 1 USR.FIELD.NO
Only field names, not field numbers, are accepted and the fields can be data fields, I-types or other
field joins. Multiple joins can be specified e.g.
Note: This field is sub-valued to allow large I-type expressions to be split over multiple lines.
A concatfile definition can additionally specify fields to be saved when selecting the concatfile,
rather than the id which is the default. This is specified by the value 'SAVING' followed by the field
name from the selected file to be saved eg:
This will cause the system to select the file FD.UNCONF.BROKER file saving the values in the field
FIDUCIARY.NO as items to select the FD.FIDUCIARY file. The field FIDUCIARY.NO may be a field, or… 5/7
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and I-descriptor on the file FD.UNCONF.BROKER.

Validation Rules:
1-50 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
Specifies to which version (Live or History) the alternate index is to apply.
If the USR ALT INDEX field (20.1) is set to 'Y' then specify here the types of files the alternate index
should relate to i.e the History or Live version of the filename specified in FILE NAME (Field 0).
This field is sub-valued to allow the input of both LIVE and HISTORY.
Validation Rules:
1-7 type A (alphanumeric) characters. HISTORY - History file. LIVE - Live file
Indicates whether null alternate key values are to be indexed.
This field only applies if field USR ALT INDEX (field 20.1) has been set to 'Y'.
If null data values are to be maintained in the alternate index for the data field then this field should
be set to 'Y'. Otherwise it should be set to 'N'.
Validation Rules:
1 type alpha character. N - Do not index null values. Y - Index null values.
Indicates whether the field is multi-valued in association with a language code.
Validation Rules:
1 type alpha character. N - No association with language code Y - Associated with a language code S -
Sub-valued language field
Identifies the related file which can be accessed using USR.FIELD.NAME as the key.
If the USR FIELD NAME field above can be used as the key to another file then that file should be
specified here. It is used, primarily, by the SMS system to validate data held on a related file to the
This setup restricts the user to inputing funds transfer to accounts belonging to account officer 1. The
link is established by the USR.REL.FILE field in FUNDS.TRANSFER. Hence SMS can test data in any file
related to the application.
Validation Rules:
1-24 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
Must be a valid id on FILE.CONTROL.
Reserved for future use.
Validation Rules:
No input system field.
Specifies whether the data field is Single or Multi-valued.
Validation Rules:
1 type alpha character. S - Data field is single valued. M - Data field is multi-valued.
Defines the field type.
This field specifies the type of the field that is to appear in USR FIELD NO (Field 16.1.1). It is used by
the enquiry system to determine what type of selection is to be made.
C - Concatfile containing list of keys to the main datafile. Note, wherever possible build an
ALTERNATE INDEX for the data field instead of using a concatfile.
D - Data field on the record.
I - Dictionary I-type field. (See the PRIME Information INFORM Reference Guide for a description of I-
R - Info/Basic routine to perform the selection and return the list of keys. This should only be used
for NOFILE type Enquiries.
J - Field join specification. Allows selection to be performed on data in related files - see
SYS.FIELD.NO for specification syntax.
S - Selection prompt for enquiry. An item can be supplied which does not refer to a true field in the
enquiry and will not be used in the actual selection of the file. These items can be referenced by
enquiry selection routines or can be used to pass constant information to an enquiry. Any item
passesd to enquiry in the selection criteria can be extracted and be processed as any other field.
Note: All fields specified as D or I will be created as field descriptors in the Dictionary file.
Validation Rules:… 6/7
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1 type A (alphanumeric) character. C - Concatfile D - Data field I - Dictionary I-type R - Called routine
J - Field Join S - Selection Prompt
Specifies the Info/Basic validation routine to be called to modify the user input prior to comparison.
The routine specified here will be used to modify the user input prior to the comparison stage in the
ENQUIRY.SELECT application.
A standard 'T24' IN2 routine can be specified here (i.e to convert customer mnemonics etc.) by
specifying IN2xxxx where xxxx is a valid IN2 suffix, i.e CUS, AMT etc. The remaining portion of the 'T'
parameter can be specified by using '&' as a field mark separator and a ']' as a value mark separator.
Example: IN2AMT&- would allow the input of negative amounts.
This field is sub-valued to allow multiple conversions to be performed, where the result of the first
conversion is supplied to the next one.
Validation Rules:
1-50 type A (alphanumeric) characters.
T24 Common HelpText Fields… 7/7

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