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The Inner Smile

Remember a place in nature

The Inner Smile meditation creates an ideal climate in us, that healing can take place by itself. The
body cells and the whole organism are able to absorb energy much easier. Our brain will refresh
and energize within seconds! The hormone system and the organism get in balance.
The source of your Inner Smile: Remember a place in nature, a sunrise in the mountains or at the
beach. Connect with all your senses and it will already create peace deep in you. Feel all your
senses open to the essence of the nature; take your time to connect with the source for your Inner
Smile. The point between your eyebrows at the root of your nose is the gate to your crystal
palace, which is right in your mid brain.

Breathe into the midbrain area (crystal palace) through the “Mid
eye brow point”. Bathe the master glands, pineal and pituitary in
this luminous, golden light. They start to relax and they give this
information of balance to all the other glands of your body. The
power of the Inner Smile flows from the midbrain into the eyes.
The eye muscles start to relax. The golden light flows out of the
corner of your eyes and spreads into your whole face. It flows
trough the tip of the tongue, which is at the roof of the palate,
The crystal palace with the glands down the throat. It flows to the Thymus gland behind the chest,
which starts to blossom. This strengthens your immune system.

The pilgrimage in your “Inner country”: The major, internal organs and glands

The golden light flows into the heart, the queen or king province of
your “Inner Country”. Smile into your heart until each cell of the heart
starts smiling back to you. Feel that the heart gets softer and softer.
With each heart beat the message of light spreads into your whole
Continue the pilgrimage in your “Inner Country” and arrive in your
spleen. The spleen is under your ribcage on the left side. Bathe the
spleen in smiling, golden light. The spleen starts to relax and gets softer
and softer. Let the natural rhythm take over: light and the smiling
energy continuous to flow and arrives in the lungs. Gently breathe in
and let expand the smiling light all the way to the tip of the lung. Each
pulmonary absorbs this wonderful energy.
In a gay mood continue your journey and arrive at the kidneys. Bathe
the kidneys in this smiling, golden light and feel how they start to relax
and release tension. Each cell of the kidneys is happy about your visit.
Gently breathe to the kidneys and connect with this feeling. Let the
energy flow into the sexual organs and bladder. The message of light
spreads in the whole lower abdomen.
The liver is already waiting in line - Welcoming your visit. Each cell of
the liver appreciates your visit and is motivated to work more efficient
and effortless. Bathe the liver in this smiling, golden light and it starts to
relax. The gallbladder is behind the liver and allows the energy to
spread. Again come to the source of your Inner Smile: Breathe in the
golden light into your Mideye Brow into the crystal palace. From there
it starts to spread like waterfalls of light. It flows down the neck through
the spine and flows down the throat. It spreads into your whole body,
reaching each body cell. Take your time. The finish:
Place your palms at the Original Force (in your lower abdomen),
observe the breathing underneath your palms. Sit back and rest. Give
the process of healing a few more moments – do Nothing….

TAO MOTION Gabrielle Euteneuer www.taomotion.com copyright reserved - 2011

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