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4 Marketing Tactics Tests fo

DIRECTIONS: ​Use the following template to guide the design of your marketing tactics test. Remember that you should start the test
at the end of this lesson and your analysis and move-forward plan need to be completed by the MVP pitch.


Fill out the following table for 1 - 3 tactics you want to test.
Message & Call to Resources
Type Description Expected Results & Tracking Method
Action Needed
Direct-sales Attend daycares from 7am Awareness: do you ever Building the flier Expect to talk to / have direct exposure to 50
- 9am for one week to get caught enough clean Sign-up Sheet parents.
discuss product, handout diapers? We’ve got a +our time to enter Distribute 30 fliers (or 60% of those we talk to)
fliers, and have a “keep solution. Sign up now and those who sign Have 10 sign-ups (or 20% of those we talk to)
me informed” sign up get 5% of your first order. up into a master
sheet. spreadsheet. Tracking done via counting via remaining fliers
and via adding sign-ups into a spreadsheet.

Social Media Create a social media Fun picture and short Make an Followers, like, views
page (Instagram, etc.) to description in caption Instagram
showcase our product as account, work
best we can hard on keeping
the quality of
account at
1000% good

Website Create a professional “Click the link in our bio” device views
website, with pictures, and
clear wording of product

Endorsemen Give a bundlit to someone A person who has the The sports How many people likes it and buys it with the
t on a sports team who BundlIt talks about how attachment, recommendation.
starts or is in good cool it is and people on person on the
standing with the team to the team will see it and team that starts.
sort of talk up and show all want to buy it, “if they
their friends (snake juice have it then I should have
method) it”

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3.4 Marketing Tactics Tests fo


Write one paragraph for each tactic above that 1). explains why this tactic aligns with your positioning statement and customer
persona, 2). forecasts any potential issues you may run into - if any- and how you plan to address them, and 3). explains why you
chose the expected results you did and how they will influence your next steps.

Tactic 1: Direct-sales Campaign. Given our current target market is parents of children ages 6 weeks - 2 years, we believe the best
place to find this target is to go to daycares to directly discuss our product, provide fliers of information, and offer a “keep me
informed” sign up sheet. We might not be able to directly marketing on the property of the daycares, at which point, we’ll have to find
other locations where parents of those age groups tend to congregate, so we can continue with the test. Our expected results are
based on how many parents we realistically think we can talk to over the course of 1 daycare for a total of 20 hrs. We expect more
people will take fliers than sign up, and we believe that sign-ups will be low because our pitching skills on this product aren’t strong
yet. However, we believe these numbers are a good indication if the tactic is working, and will help guide our decision if we should
continue with a similar tactic in the future.

Tactic 1:
Being that our target market are highschool teens we believe social media will be a good way of getting their attention because
teens are very attracted to media. We would make this work by posting professional picture of our product and have a short and
simple description of it in our captain.Our way of doing this would be to make a instagram account and work hard to post informative
things and have the best quality as possible to keep our followers going up.We will keep track of our progress by the amount of
views,likes and follower we gain on our post or instagram page.

Tactic 2: Another one of our marketing tactics we would do it by making a professional website with clear pictures and clear wording
of our product. The way we would get people to visit our website would mostly be to put our website link in our instagram bio and
under our instagram pictures we would say “ click the link the link our bio”.The only resource that we would need to make this product
is a device, and we would monitor our progress by the number of views we receive.

Tactic 3:Our last marketing tactic would be giving an endorsement to a student athlete on one of our school sports team. The student
would have one of our Bundlits for free and would show their other team members and persuade them to where there team members

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3.4 Marketing Tactics Tests fo

could possibly say “since you have one maybe i should get one”. The only resources we would need are simply just a person on the
team that's a leader and the bundlit. With this tactic we would mark our progress by charting how many people like the product and
buys it with recommendation.
Fill out the following dates to help you prioritize and project manage.
Step Description Due Date

Prep Build messaging and prepare all necessary writing, images, etc.

Launch Go-time: deploy the marketing

Monitor You should be monitoring for red flags and any major areas of concern.

Review and Pick a date where you’ll pull down the data and do a formal analysis of your results to
Analyze answer: what worked? What didn’t?

Next Steps - next Using what you learned from your review and analysis, describe what you’re going to
marketing test do based on that learning.

Prep for MVP Generate Marketing Test slide for your MVP presentation

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