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1. Addition and subtraction
2. Multiplication and division 1. Introduction to algebra
3. Negative numbers 2. Solving basic equations & inequalities (one variable,
4. Fractions linear)
5. Decimals 3. Linear equations, functions, & graphs
4. Sequences
Pre Algebra 5. System of equations
6. Two-variable inequalities
1. Arithmetic properties 7. Functions
2. Factors and multiples 8. Absolute value equations, functions, & inequalities
3. Reading and interpreting data 9. Quadratic equations & functions
4. Measurement 10. Polynomial expressions, equations, & functions
5. Fractions 11. Exponential & logarithmic functions
6. Decimals 12. Radical equations & functions
7. Negative numbers and coordinate plane 13. Rational expressions, equations, & functions
8. Ratios, rates, proportions 14. Trigonometric functions
9. Equations, expressions, and inequalities 15. Algebraic modeling
10. Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation 16. Complex numbers
17. Conic sections
Geometry 18. Series & induction
19. Vectors
1. Lines 20. Matrices
2. Angles
3. Shapes
4. Triangles English Grammar
5. Quadrilaterals
6. Coordinate plane 1. Introduction to grammar
7. Area and perimeter 2. Parts of speech: the noun
8. Volume and surface area 3. Parts of speech: the verb
9. Pythagorean theorem 4. Parts of speech: the pronoun
10. Transformations 5. Parts of speech: the modifier
11. Congruence 6. Parts of speech: the preposition and the conjunction
12. Similarity 7. Punctuation: the comma and the apostrophe
13. Trigonometry 8. Punctuation: the colon, semicolon, and more
14. Circles 9. Syntax: sentences and clauses
15. Analytic geometry 10. Syntax: conventions of standard English
16. Geometric constructions 11. Usage and Style
17. Miscellaneous


1. Trigonometry with right triangles

2. Trigonometry with general triangles
3. The unit circle definition of sine, cosine, and tangent
4. Graphs of trigonometric functions
5. Trigonometric equations and identities

Statistics & Probability

1. Displaying and describing data

2. Modeling distributions of data
3. Describing relationships in quantitative data
4. Designing studies
5. Probability
6. Random variables
7. Sampling distributions
8. Confidence intervals (one sample)
9. Significance tests (one sample)
10. Significance tests and confidence intervals (two samples)
11. Inference for categorical data (chi-square tests)
12. Advanced regression (inference and transforming)
13. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Learn how to count. Say how many objects you see.

1. Counting small numbers

2. Numbers 0 to 120
3. Counting objects
4. Comparing small numbers

Addition and subtraction intro

Learn the basics of adding and subtracting.

1. What is addition? What is subtraction?

2. Making small numbers
3. Making 10
4. Put together, take apart
5. Relate addition and subtraction
6. Addition and subtraction word problems

Place value (tens and hundreds)

Learn about tens and hundreds. Compare 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.

1. Teens
2. Tens
3. Comparing 2-digit numbers
4. Hundreds
5. Comparing three-digit numbers

Addition and subtraction within 20

Learn to add and subtract numbers that are 20 or less.

1. Addition within 20
2. Subtraction within 20
3. Equal sign
4. Missing number within 20
5. Word problems within 20
6. Word problems with "more" and "fewer"
7. Repeated addition

Addition and subtraction within 100

Learn to add and subtract two-digit numbers within 100.

1. Adding 1s and 10s

2. Subtracting 1s and 10s
3. Intro to addition with 2-digit numbers
4. Intro to subtraction with 2-digit numbers
5. Strategies for adding and subtracting within 100
6. Addition within 100
7. Subtraction within 100
8. Word problems within 100
9. Word problems with "more" and "fewer" (within 100)
10. Skip-counting
11. Addition and subtraction missing value problems

Addition and subtraction within 1000

Learn to add and subtract two- and three-digit numbers within 1000.

1. Adding 1s, 10s, and 100s

2. Subtracting 1s, 10s, and 100s
3. Strategies for adding 2- and 3-digit numbers

Measurement and data

Learn how to measure length, tell time, count money, and make graphs.

1. Length and size

2. Measuring length
3. Comparing and estimating length
4. Length word problems
5. Picture graphs
6. Bar graphs
7. Line plots
8. Time
9. Money

Learn about triangles, circles, rectangles, and other shapes.

1. Basic shapes
2. Properties of shapes
3. Composing shapes
4. Fractions of shapes
Addition and subtraction
In this topic, we will add and subtract whole numbers. The topic starts with 1+1=2 and goes through adding and subtracting within 1000. We will
cover regrouping, borrowing, and word problems.

1. Basic addition and subtraction

2. Making 10
3. Addition and subtraction word problems within 10
4. Addition and subtraction within 20
5. Word problems within 20
6. Word problems with "more" and "fewer"
7. Intro to addition with 2-digit numbers
8. Intro to subtraction with 2-digit numbers
9. Strategies for adding and subtracting within 100
10. Addition within 100
11. Subtraction within 100
12. Word problems within 100
13. Adding 1s, 10s, and 100s
14. Subtracting 1s, 10s, and 100s
15. Strategies for adding 2- and 3-digit numbers
16. Addition with regrouping within 1000
17. Subtraction with regrouping within 1000
18. Addition and subtraction missing value problems
19. Addition and subtraction greater than 1000

Multiplication and division

In this topic, we will multiply and divide whole numbers. The topic starts with 1-digit multiplication and division and goes through multi-digit
problems. We will cover regrouping, remainders, and word problems.

1. Multiplication intro
2. Multiplication facts
3. Properties of multiplication
4. Multiplying by tens
5. Multiplication by 10s, 100s, and 1000s
6. Multiplication: place value and area models
7. Multi-digit multiplication
8. Relating multiplication and division
9. Division intro
10. Division facts
11. Division problems that work out nicely
12. Division: place value and area
13. Multi-digit division (no remainders)
14. Remainders
15. Multi-digit division (remainders)
16. Multiplication and division word problems

Negative numbers
Learn about numbers below 0 and how they relate to positive numbers. Add, subtract, multiply and divide negative numbers.

1. Intro to negative numbers

2. Number opposites
3. Absolute value
4. Intro to adding negative numbers
5. Intro to subtracting negative numbers
6. Adding & subtracting negative numbers
7. Adding & subtracting with negatives on the number line
8. Multiplying & dividing negative numbers

In this topic, we will explore fractions conceptually and add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.

1. Fractions intro
2. What fractions mean
3. Fractions on the number line
4. Fractions and whole numbers
5. Comparing fractions
6. Equivalent fractions 1
7. Equivalent fractions on the number line
8. Equivalent fractions 2
9. Common denominators
10. Decomposing fractions
11. Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators
12. Mixed numbers
13. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers
14. Visually adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
15. Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
16. Adding and subtracting mixed number with unlike denominators
17. Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problems
18. Multiplying unit fractions and whole numbers
19. Multiplying whole numbers and fractions
20. Multiplication as scaling
21. Multiplying fractions
22. Multiplying mixed numbers
23. Multiplying fractions word problems
24. Fractions as division
25. Dividing unit fractions by whole numbers
26. Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions
27. Dividing fractions by fractions
28. Dividing fractions word problems

In this topic, we will learn what a decimal is and how to show it visually and on a number line. We will also add, subtract, multiply, and divide
with decimals.

1. Intro to decimals
2. Decimal place value intro
3. Decimals on the number line
4. Rewriting decimals as fractions
5. Adding decimals
6. Adding decimals: standard algorithm
7. Subtracting decimals
8. Subtracting decimals: standard algorithm
9. Adding and subtracting decimals word problems
10. Multiplying decimals
11. Multiplying decimals: standard algorithm
12. Dividing decimals
13. Dividing decimals: standard algorithm
14. Significant figures
Arithmetic properties
This tutorial will help us make sure we can go deep on arithmetic. We'll explore various ways to represent whole numbers, place value, order of
operations, rounding and various other properties of arithmetic.

1. Place value
2. Rounding whole numbers
3. Regrouping whole numbers
4. Order of operations
5. Arithmetic properties
6. Distributive property
7. Rational and irrational numbers

Factors and multiples

Understanding and finding factors and multiples. After these videos, you'll be ready for fractions.

1. Divisibility tests
2. Factors and multiples
3. Prime numbers
4. Prime factorization
5. Least common multiple
6. Greatest common factor

Reading and interpreting data

This topic is less about statistics and more about interpreting data--whether it is presented as a table, pictograph, bar graph or line graph. Good for
someone new to these ideas. For a student in high school or college looking to learn statistics, it might make sense to skip (although it might not
hurt either).

1. Representing data
2. Stem and leaf plots
3. Picture graphs, bar graphs, and histograms
4. Frequency tables and dot plots
5. Number patterns

From length to area to volume to time, thinking about how we measure things.

1. Area of rectangles
2. Perimeter
3. Volume of a rectangular prism

Understanding fractions conceptually, using operations with fractions, and converting fractions.

1. Fractions intro
2. Fractions on the number line
3. Equivalent fractions
4. Comparing fractions
5. Common denominators
6. Decomposing fractions
7. Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators
8. Mixed numbers
9. Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
10. Adding and subtracting mixed number with unlike denominators
11. Adding and subtracting fractions word problems
12. Multiplying whole numbers and fractions
13. Multiplication as scaling
14. Multiplying fractions
15. Multiplying mixed numbers
16. Multiplying fractions word problems
17. Fractions as division
18. Dividing unit fractions and whole numbers
19. Dividing fractions by fractions
20. Dividing fractions word problems
Understanding decimals conceptually, using operations with decimals, rounding and estimating with decimals, and converting decimals.

1. Intro to decimals
2. Decimals on the number line
3. Rounding decimals
4. Comparing decimals
5. Rewriting decimals as fractions
6. Adding decimals
7. Subtracting decimal
8. Adding and subtracting decimals word problems
9. Multiplying decimals
10. Dividing decimals

Negative numbers and coordinate plane

Extending our understanding of numbers below 0. Thinking about "absolute" distance from 0. We will also look at all 4 quadrants on the
coordinate plane.

1. Intro to negative numbers

2. Order negative numbers
3. Number opposites
4. Absolute value
5. Intro to adding negative numbers
6. Intro to subtracting negative numbers
7. Adding & subtracting negative numbers
8. Multiplying & dividing negative numbers
9. Coordinate plane

Ratios, rates, proportions

Learn all about proportional relationships. How are they connected to ratios and rates? What do their graphs look like? What types of word
problems can we solve with proportions?

1. Intro to ratios
2. Ratio word problems
3. Intro to rates
4. Intro to percents
5. Percent, fraction, decimal conversions
6. Percent problems
7. Percent word problems
8. Identifying proportional relationships
9. Writing & solving proportions

Equations, expressions, and inequalities

In this topic, we will look at 1- and 2-step equations, as well as expressions and inequalities.

1. Intro to variables
2. Substitution & evaluating expressions
3. Expression value intuition
4. Constructing numeric expressions
5. Evaluating expressions word problems
6. Writing algebraic expressions introduction
7. Writing basic algebraic expressions word problems
8. Algebraic equations basics
9. One-step equations intuition
10. One-step addition & subtraction equations
11. One-step multiplication and division equations
12. One-step equation word problems
13. Inequalities: Greater than and less than basics
14. Two-step equations intro

Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation

Understanding and solving exponents, radicals, and scientific notation without algebra.

1. Exponents
2. Square roots
3. Cube roots
4. Exponent properties
5. Negative exponents
6. Scientific notation
7. Orders of magnitude
8. Computing with scientific notation
Introduction to algebra
This topic covers: - Evaluating algebraic expressions - Manipulating algebraic expressions & equivalent expressions - Seeing structure in
expressions - Irrational numbers - Division by zero

1. Overview and history of algebra

2. Introduction to variables
3. Substitution and evaluating expressions
4. Evaluating expressions word problems
5. Writing algebraic expressions introduction
6. Introduction to equivalent algebraic expressions
7. Dependent & independent variables
8. Combining like terms
9. Interpreting linear expressions
10. Evaluating expressions with unknown variables
11. Manipulating expressions with unknown variables
12. Reasoning about expressions with unknown variables
13. Irrational numbers
14. Proofs concerning irrational numbers
15. Sums and products of rational and irrational numbers
16. Division by zero
17. Binary and hexadecimal number systems

Solving basic equations & inequalities (one variable, linear)

This topic covers: - Solving one-variable linear equations - Solving one-variable linear inequalities

1. Algebraic equations basics

2. Why we do the same thing to both sides of an equation
3. One-step addition & subtraction equations
4. One-step multiplication & division equations
5. Two-steps equations intro
6. Two-step equation word problems
7. Linear equations with variables on both sides
8. Linear equations with parentheses
9. Analyzing the number of solutions to linear equations
10. Linear equations word problems
11. Linear equations with unknown coefficients
12. Old school equations with Sal
13. Introduction to inequalities with variables
14. One-step inequalities
15. Two-step inequalities
16. Multi-step inequalities
17. Compound inequalities

Linear equations, functions, & graphs

This topic covers: - Intercepts of linear equations/functions - Slope of linear equations/functions - Slope-intercept, point-slope, & standard forms -
Graphing linear equations/functions - Writing linear equations/functions - Interpreting linear equations/functions - Linear equations/functions
word problems

1. Two-variable linear equations intro

2. x-intercepts and y-intercepts
3. Slope
4. Horizontal & vertical lines
5. Intro to slope-intercept form
6. Graphing slope-intercept equations
7. Writing slope-intercept equations
8. Point-slope form
9. Standard form
10. Summary: Forms of two-variable linear equations
11. Interpreting linear functions and equations
12. Comparing linear functions
13. Constructing linear models for real-world relationships
14. Linear models word problems

This topic covers: - Recursive and explicit formulas for sequences - Arithmetic sequences - Geometric sequences - Sequences word problems
1. Introduction to arithmetic sequences
2. Constructing arithmetic sequences
3. Introduction to geometric sequences
4. Constructing geometric sequences
5. Modeling with sequences
6. General sequences

System of equations
This topic covers: - Solutions of linear systems - Graphing linear systems - Solving linear systems algebraically - Analyzing the number of
solutions to systems - Linear systems word problems

1. Systems of equations overview

2. Introduction to systems of equations
3. Equivalent systems of equations and the elimination method
4. Solving systems of equations with substitution
5. Number of solutions to systems of equations
6. Solving any system of linear equations
7. Systems of equations word problems
8. Solving equations by graphing (Algebra 2 level)
9. Systems with three variables

Two-variable inequalities
This topic covers: - Solutions to linear inequalities and systems of inequalities - Graphing linear inequalities and systems of inequalities - Linear
inequalities and systems of inequalities word problems

1. Checking solutions of two-variable inequalities

2. Constraining solutions of two-variable inequalities
3. Graphing two-variable inequalities
4. Modeling with linear inequalities

This topic covers: - Evaluating functions - Domain & range of functions - Graphical features of functions - Average rate of change of functions -
Function combination and composition - Function transformations (shift, reflect, stretch) - Piecewise functions - Inverse functions - Two-variable

1. Evaluating functions
2. Inputs and outputs of a function
3. Functions and equations
4. Interpreting function notation
5. Introduction to the domain and range of a function
6. Determining the domain of a function
7. Recognizing functions
8. Piecewise functions
9. Maximum and minimum points
10. Intervals where a function is positive, negative, increasing, or decreasing
11. Interpreting features of graphs
12. Average rate of change
13. Average rate of change word problems
14. Combining functions
15. Composing functions (Algebra 2 level)
16. Shifting functions
17. Stretching functions
18. Modeling situations by combining and composing functions (Algebra 2 level)
19. Introduction to inverses of functions (Algebra 2 level)
20. Finding inverse functions (Algebra 2 level)
21. Verifying that functions are inverses (Algebra 2 level)
22. Determining whether a function is invertible (Algebra 2 level)
23. Determining the domain of advanced functions (Algebra 2 level)
24. Determining the range of a function (Algebra 2 level)
25. Graphing nonlinear piecewise functions (Algebra 2 level)
26. Interpreting the symmetry of algebraic models (Algebra 2 level)
27. Interpreting the end behavior of algebraic models (Algebra 2 level)
28. Interpreting the periodicity of algebraic models (Algebra 2 level)
29. Comparing features of functions (Algebra 2 level)
30. Two-variable functions

Absolute value equations, functions, & inequalities

This topic covers: - Solving absolute value equations - Graphing absolute value functions - Solving absolute value inequalities
1. Solving absolute value equations
2. Graphs of absolute value functions
3. Solving absolute value inequalities

Quadratic equations & functions

This topic covers: - Solving quadratic equations - Graphing quadratic functions - Features of quadratic functions - Quadratic equations/functions
word problems - Systems of quadratic equations - Quadratic inequalities

1. Solving quadratic equations by taking square root

2. Solving quadratic equations by factoring and using structure
3. Solving quadratic equations by completing the square
4. Solving quadratics using the quadratic formula
5. Features of quadratic functions
6. Graphing quadratic functions
7. Transforming the graphs of quadratic functions
8. Interpreting quadratic models
9. Systems of quadratic equations
10. Quadratic inequalities

Polynomial expressions, equations, & functions

This topic covers: - Adding, subtracting, and multiplying polynomial expressions - Factoring polynomial expressions as the product of linear
factors - Dividing polynomial expressions - Proving polynomials identities - Solving polynomial equations & finding the zeros of polynomial
functions - Graphing polynomial functions - Symmetry of functions

1. Intro to polynomials
2. Adding & subtracting polynomials
3. Adding & subtracting polynomials: two variables
4. Multiplying monomials
5. Multiplying monomials by polynomials
6. Multiplying binomials
7. Special products of binomials
8. Multiplying binomials by polynomials
9. Polynomials word problems
10. Introduction to factorization
11. Factoring monomials
12. Common monomial factors
13. Factoring polynomials by taking common factors
14. Factoring quadratics 1
15. Factoring quadratics 2
16. Factoring polynomials with quadratic forms
17. Factoring quadratics: Difference of squares
18. Factoring quadratics: Perfect squares
19. Factoring polynomials with special product forms
20. Long division of polynomials
21. Synthetic division of polynomials
22. Practice dividing polynomials with remainders
23. Polynomial Remainder Theorem
24. Binomial theorem
25. Understanding the binomial theorem
26. Advanced polynomial factorization methods
27. Proving polynomial identities
28. Polynomial identities with complex numbers
29. Quadratic equations with complex numbers
30. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
31. Finding zeros of polynomials
32. Zeros of polynomials and their graphs
33. End behavior of polynomial functions
34. Graphs of polynomials
35. Introduction to symmetry of functions
36. Symmetry of polynomial functions

Exponential & logarithmic functions

This topic covers: - Radicals & rational exponents - Graphs & end behavior of exponential functions - Manipulating exponential expressions
using exponent properties - Exponential growth & decay - Modeling with exponential functions - Solving exponential equations - Logarithm
properties - Solving logarithmic equations - Graphing logarithmic functions - Logarithmic scale

1. Exponent properties review

2. Radicals
3. Rational exponents intro
4. Properties of exponents (rational exponents)
5. Advanced exponent & radical evaluation
6. Simplifying square roots
7. Simplifying radicals (higher-index roots)
8. Radicals (miscellaneous videos)
9. Introduction to exponential growth and decay
10. End behavior and graphs of basic exponential functions
11. Interpreting formulas of basic exponential functions
12. Interpreting graphs and tables of basic exponential functions
13. Constructing basic exponential models
14. Solving basic exponential models
15. Comparing exponential and polynomial functions
16. Equivalent forms of exponential expressions
17. Solving exponential equations using properties of exponents
18. Introduction to rate of exponential growth and decay
19. Interpreting the rate of change of exponential models (Algebra 2 level)
20. Constructing exponential models according to rate of change (Algebra 2 level)
21. Advanced interpretation of exponential models (Algebra 2 level)
22. Distinguishing between linear and exponential growth (Algebra 2 level)
23. Introduction to logarithms (Algebra 2 level)
24. The constant e and the natural logarithm (Algebra 2 level)
25. Properties of logarithms (Algebra 2 level)
26. The change of base formula for logarithms (Algebra 2 level)
27. Logarithmic equations (Algebra 2 level)
28. Solving exponential equations with logarithms (Algebra 2 level)
29. Solving exponential models (Algebra 2 level)
30. Graphs of exponential functions (Algebra 2 level)
31. Graphs of logarithmic functions (Algebra 2 level)
32. Logarithmic scale (Algebra 2 level)

Radical equations & functions

This topic covers: - Solving radical equations - Graphing radical functions

1. Solving square-root equations

2. Extraneous solutions of radical equations
3. Solving cube-root equations
4. Domain of radical functions
5. Graphs of radical functions

Rational expressions, equations, & functions

This topic covers: - Simplifying rational expressions - Multiplying, dividing, adding, & subtracting rational expressions - Rational equations -
Graphing rational functions (including horizontal & vertical asymptotes) - Modeling with rational functions - Rational inequalities - Partial
fraction expansion

1. Intro to rational expressions

2. Simplifying rational expressions
3. Multiplying & dividing rational expressions
4. Adding & subtracting rational expressions
5. Nested fractions
6. Solving rational equations
7. Direct and inverse variation
8. End behavior of rational functions
9. Discontinuities of rational functions
10. Graphs of rational functions
11. Modeling with rational functions
12. Rational inequalities
13. Partial fraction expansion

Trigonometric functions
This topic covers: - Unit circle definition of trig functions - Trig identities - Graphs of sinusoidal & trigonometric functions - Inverse trig
functions & solving trig equations - Modeling with trig functions - Parametric functions

1. Introduction to radians
2. The unit circle definition of sine, cosine, & tangent
3. The graphs of sine, cosine, & tangent
4. Basic trigonometric identities
5. Trigonometric values of special angles
6. Pythagorean identity
7. Introduction to amplitude, midline, & extrema of sinusoidal functions
8. Finding amplitude & midline of sinusoidal functions from their formulas
9. Period of sinusoidal functions
10. Graphing sinusoidal functions
11. Constructing sinusoidal functions
12. The inverse trigonometric functions
13. Solving basic sinusoidal equations
14. Solving advanced sinusoidal equations
15. Solving sinusoidal models
16. Introduction to the trigonometric angle addition identities
17. Using trigonometric identities to solve problems
18. Parametric equations

Algebraic modeling
This topic covers various subjects that concern modeling real-world situations with algebra.

1. Intro to dimensional analysis

2. Dimensional analysis for converting
3. Dimensional analysis for proportional reasoning
4. Word problems with multiple units
5. Determining precision in descriptive modeling
6. Modeling with one-variable equations & inequalities
7. Manipulating formulas

Complex numbers
This topic covers: - Adding, subtracting, multiplying, & dividing complex numbers - Complex plane - Absolute value & angle of complex
numbers - Polar coordinates of complex numbers

1. What are the imaginary numbers?

2. What are the complex numbers?
3. The complex plane
4. Adding & subtracting complex numbers
5. Multiplying complex numbers
6. Complex conjugates & dividing complex numbers
7. Absolute value & angle of complex numbers
8. Distance & midpoint of complex numbers
9. Polar form of complex numbers
10. Multiplying & dividing complex numbers in polar form
11. Challenging complex number problems

Conic sections
This topic covers the four conic sections and their equations: Circle, Ellipse, Parabola, and Hyperbola.

1. Introduction to conic sections

2. The features of a circle
3. Standard equation of a circle
4. Expanded equation of a circle
5. Center and radii of an ellipse
6. Foci of an ellipse
7. Focus and directrix of a parabola
8. Introduction to hyperbolas
9. Foci of a hyperbola
10. Hyperbolas not centered at the origin
11. Identifying conic sections from their expanded equations
12. Challenging conic section problems (IIT JEE)

Series & induction

This topic covers: - Finite arithmetic series - Finite geometric series - Infinite geometric series - Deductive & inductive reasoning

1. Basic sigma notation

2. Arithmetic series
3. Geometric sequences
4. Finite geometric series
5. Finite geometric series applications
6. Advanced sigma notation
7. Infinite geometric series
8. Infinite geometric series applications
9. Deductive and inductive reasoning
10. Induction
This topic covers: - Vector magnitude - Vector scaling - Unit vectors - Adding & subtracting vectors - Magnitude & direction form - Vector

1. Vector basics
2. Magnitude of vectors
3. Scalar multiplication
4. Vector addition & subtraction
5. Combined vector operations
6. Unit vectors
7. Magnitude & direction form of vectors
8. Component form of vectors
9. Adding vectors in magnitude & direction form
10. Applications of vectors

This topic covers: - Adding & subtracting matrices - Multiplying matrices by scalars - Multiplying matrices - Representing & solving linear
systems with matrices - Matrix inverses - Matrix determinants - Matrices as transformations - Matrices applications

1. Introduction to matrices
2. Representing linear systems of equations with augmented matrices
3. Elementary matrix row operations
4. Row-echelon form & Gaussian elimination
5. Adding & subtracting matrices
6. Multiplying matrices by scalars
7. Properties of matrix addition & scalar multiplication
8. Multiplying matrices by matrices
9. Properties of matrix multiplication
10. Matrices as transformations
11. Determinant of a 2x2 matrix
12. Introduction to matrix inverses
13. Finding the inverse of a matrix using its determinant
14. Practice finding the inverses of 2x2 matrices
15. Determinants & inverses of large matrices
16. Solving equations with inverse matrices
17. Model real-world situations with matrices
Learn what lines, line segments, and rays are and how to use them.

1. Lines, line segments, and rays

2. Measuring segments
3. Parallel and perpendicular
4. Points, lines, & planes
5. Geometric definitions
6. The golden ratio

In this topic, we will learn what an angle is and how to label, measure and construct them. We will also explore special types of angles.

1. Angle introduction
2. Measuring angles
3. Constructing angles
4. Angles in circles
5. Angle types
6. Vertical, complementary, and supplementary angles
7. Angles between intersecting lines
8. Sal's old angle videos

Classify shapes and solve problems using what we know of the properties of shapes.

1. Properties of shapes
2. Classifying geometric shapes
3. Angles with polygons

You probably like triangles. You think they are useful. They show up a lot. What you'll see in this topic is that they are far more magical and
mystical than you ever imagined!

1. Triangle types
2. Triangle angles
3. Triangle inequality theorem
4. Perpendicular bisectors
5. Angle bisectors
6. Medians & centroids
7. Altitudes
8. Bringing it all together

Quadrilaterals only have one side more than triangles, but this opens up an entire new world with a huge variety of quadrilateral types. Learn
about it here.

1. Quadrilateral types
2. Quadrilateral proofs & angles

Coordinate plane
We use coordinates to describe where something is. In geometry, coordinates say where points are on a grid we call the "coordinate plane".

1. Coordinate plane: quadrant 1

2. Coordinate plane: 4 quadrants
3. Quadrants on the coordinate plane
4. Reflecting points on coordinate plane
5. Quadrilaterals on the coordinate plane
6. Drawing polygons in the coordinate plane

Area and perimeter

Area and perimeter help us measure the size of 2D shapes. We’ll start with the area and perimeter of rectangles. From there, we’ll tackle trickier
shapes, such as triangles and circles.
1. Count unit squares to find area
2. Area of rectangles
3. Perimeter
4. Area of parallelograms
5. Area of triangles
6. Area of shapes on grids
7. Area of trapezoids & composite figures
8. Area and circumference of circles
9. Advanced area with triangles

Volume and surface area

Volume and surface area help us measure the size of 3D objects. We’ll start with the volume and surface area of rectangular prisms. From there,
we’ll tackle trickier objects, such as cones and spheres.

1. Volume of rectangular prisms

2. Volume with fractions
3. Surface area
4. Volume of cones, cylinders, and spheres
5. Solid geometry
6. Surface and volume density
7. Cross sections of 3D objects
8. Koch snowflake fractal
9. Heron's formula

Pythagorean theorem
The Pythagorean theorem describes a special relationship between the sides of a right triangle. Even the ancients knew of this relationship. In this
topic, we’ll figure out how to use the Pythagorean theorem and prove why it works.

1. The Pythagorean theorem

2. Pythagorean theorem proofs

In this topic you will learn about the most useful math concept for creating video game graphics: geometric transformations, specifically
translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations. You will learn how to perform the transformations, and how to map one figure into another using
these transformations.

1. Introduction to rigid transformations

2. Translations
3. Rotations
4. Reflections
5. Dilations or scaling around a point
6. Sequences of transformations
7. Properties and definitions of transformations
8. Symmetry

Learn what it means for two figures to be congruent, and how to determine whether two figures are congruent or not. Use this immensely
important concept to prove various geometric theorems about triangles and parallelograms.

1. Transformations and congruence

2. Triangle congruence
3. Theorems concerning triangle properties
4. Working with triangles
5. Theorems concerning quadrilateral properties
6. Proofs of general theorems that use triangle congruence

Learn what it means for two figures to be similar, and how to determine whether two figures are similar or not. Use this concept to prove
geometric theorems and solve some problems with polygons.

1. Definitions of similarity
2. Introduction to triangle similarity
3. Solving similar triangles
4. Angle bisector theorem
5. Solving problems with similar and congruent triangles
6. Solving modeling problems with similar and congruent triangles

Triangles are not always right (although they are never wrong), but when they are it opens up an exciting world of possibilities. Not only are right
triangles cool in their own right (pun intended), they are the basis of very important ideas in analytic geometry (the distance between two points
in space) and trigonometry.

1. Special right triangles

2. Introduction to the trigonometric ratios
3. Solving for a side in a right triangle using the trigonometric ratios
4. Solving for an angle in a right triangle using the trigonometric ratios
5. Modeling with right triangles
6. Trigonometric ratios and similarity
7. Sine and cosine of complementary angles
8. The reciprocal trigonometric ratios
9. The law of sines
10. The law of cosines
11. Solving general triangles

Explore, prove, and apply important properties of circles that have to do with things like arc length, radians, inscribed angles, and tangents.

1. Circle basics
2. Arc measure
3. Arc length (degrees)
4. Introduction to radians
5. Arc length (radians)
6. Sectors
7. Inscribed angles
8. Inscribed shapes problem solving
9. Properties of tangents
10. Area of inscribed triangle
11. Standard equation of a circle
12. Expanded equation of a circle

Analytic geometry
In analytic geometry, also known as coordinate geometry, we think about geometric objects on the coordinate plane. For example, we can see that
opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel by by writing a linear equation for each side and seeing that the slopes are the same.

1. Distance and midpoints

2. Problem solving with distance on the coordinate plane
3. Dividing line segments
4. Parallel and perpendicular lines on the coordinate plane
5. Equations of parallel and perpendicular lines
6. Coordinate plane proofs
7. Equation of a circle
8. Challenge: Distance between a point and a line

Geometric constructions
We now have fancy computers to help us perfectly draw things, but have you ever wondered how people drew perfect circles or angle bisectors
or perpendicular bisectors back in the day. Well this tutorial will have you doing just as your grandparents did (actually, a little different since
you'll still be using a computer to draw circles and lines with a virtual compass and straightedge).

1. Constructing bisectors of lines and angles

2. Constructing regular polygons inscribed in circles
3. Constructing circumcircles and incircles
4. Constructing a line tangent to a circle

Sal works through problems from the released questions from the California Standards Test for Geometry.
Trigonometry with right triangles
Learn the basics of trigonometry: What are sine, cosine, and tangent? How can we use them to solve for unknown sides and angles in right

1. Introduction to the trigonometric ratios

2. Solving for a side in a right triangle using the trigonometric ratios
3. Solving for an angle in a right triangle using the trigonometric ratios
4. Modeling with right triangles
5. Trigonometric ratios and similarity
6. Sine and cosine of complementary angles
7. Trigonometric ratios of special triangles
8. Introduction to the Pythagorean trigonometric identity
9. The reciprocal trigonometric ratios

Trigonometry with general triangles

Learn how to use trigonometry in order to find missing sides and angles in any triangle.

1. The law of sines

2. The law of cosines
3. Solving general triangles

The unit circle definition of sine, cosine, and tangent

Learn how the trigonometric ratios are extended to all real numbers using algebra. Start solving simple problems that involve this new definition
of the trigonometric functions.

1. Introduction to radians
2. The unit circle definition of sine, cosine, and tangent
3. The graphs of sine, cosine, and tangent
4. Basic trigonometric identities
5. Trigonometric values of special angles
6. The Pythagorean identity
7. Long live Tau

Graphs of trigonometric functions

Learn how to graph trigonometric functions and how to interpret those graphs. Learn how to construct trigonometric functions from their graphs
or other features.

1. The graphs of sine, cosine, and tangent

2. Introduction to amplitude, midline, and extrema of sinusoidal functions
3. Finding amplitude and midline of sinusoidal functions from their formulas
4. Period of sinusoidal functions
5. Graphing sinusoidal functions
6. Constructing sinusoidal functions

Trigonometric equations and identities

Learn how to solve trigonometric equations and how to use trigonometric identities to solve various problems.

1. The inverse trigonometric functions

2. Solving basic sinusoidal equations
3. Solving advanced sinusoidal equations
4. Solving sinusoidal models
5. Introduction to the trigonometric angle addition identities
6. Using trigonometric identities to solve problems
7. Challenging trigonometry problems
Trigonometric equations and identities
Learn how to solve trigonometric equations and how to use trigonometric identities to solve various problems.

1. The inverse trigonometric functions

2. Solving basic sinusoidal equations
3. Solving advanced sinusoidal equations
4. Solving sinusoidal models
5. Introduction to the trigonometric angle addition identities
6. Using trigonometric identities to solve problems

Conic sections
Learn about the four conic sections and their equations: Circle, Ellipse, Parabola, and Hyperbola.

1. Introduction to conic sections

2. The features of a circle
3. Standard equation of a circle
4. Expanded equation of a circle
5. Center and radii of an ellipse
6. Foci of an ellipse
7. Focus and directrix of a parabola
8. Introduction to hyperbolas
9. Foci of a hyperbola
10. Hyperbolas not centered at the origin
11. Identifying conic sections from their expanded equations
12. Challenging conic section problems (IIT JEE)

Learn what vectors are and how they can be used to model real-world situations. Perform various operations with vectors like adding, subtracting,
scaling, conversion between rectangular to polar coordinates, etc.

1. Vector basics
2. Magnitude of vectors
3. Scalar multiplication
4. Vector addition and subtraction
5. Combined vector operations
6. Unit vectors
7. Magnitude and direction form of vectors
8. Component form of vectors
9. Adding vectors in magnitude and direction form
10. Applications of vectors

Learn what matrices are and about their various uses: solving systems of equations, transforming shapes and vectors, and representing real-world
situations. Learn how to add, subtract, and multiply matrices, and find the inverses of matrices.

1. Introduction to matrices
2. Representing linear systems of equations with augmented matrices
3. Elementary matrix row operations
4. Row-echelon form and Gaussian elimination
5. Adding and subtracting matrices
6. Multiplying matrices by scalars
7. Properties of matrix addition & scalar multiplication
8. Multiplying matrices by matrices
9. Properties of matrix multiplication
10. Matrices as transformations
11. The determinant of a 2x2 matrix
12. Introduction to matrix inverses
13. Finding the inverse of a matrix using its determinant
14. Practice finding the inverses of 2x2 matrices
15. Solving equations with inverse matrices
16. Model real-world situations with matrices

Imaginary and complex numbers

Use your imagination and complexity (?) and dive into the world of complex numbers. Add, subtract, multiply, & divide complex numbers. Plot
them on the complex plane and convert between rectangular and polar forms.
1. What are the imaginary numbers?
2. What are the complex numbers?
3. The complex plane
4. Adding and subtracting complex numbers
5. Multiplying complex numbers
6. Complex conjugates and dividing complex numbers
7. Absolute value and angle of complex numbers
8. Distance and midpoint of complex numbers
9. Polar form of complex numbers
10. Multiplying and dividing complex numbers in polar form
11. Challenging complex number problems

Probability and combinatorics

Basics of probability and combinatorics

1. Basic probability
2. Venn diagrams and the addition rule
3. Compound probability of independent events using diagrams
4. Compound probability of independent events using the multiplication rule
5. Dependent events
6. Permutations
7. Combinations
8. Probability using combinatorics

Sequences, series and induction

An assortment of concepts in math that help us deal with sequences and proofs.

1. Arithmetic sequences
2. Basic sigma notation
3. Finite arithmetic series
4. Geometric sequences
5. Finite geometric series
6. Finite geometric series applications
Displaying and describing data
One of the first things we do in statistics is try to understand sets of data. This involves plotting the data in different ways and summarizing what
we see with measures of center (like mean and median) and measures of spread (like range and standard deviation). This topic focuses on
concepts that are often referred to as "descriptive statistics".

1. Statistics overview
2. Categorical data displays
3. Two-way tables for categorical data
4. Dot plots and frequency tables
5. Histograms
6. Comparing features of distributions
7. Stem-and-leaf plots
8. Line graphs
9. Mean and median: The basics
10. More on mean and median
11. Range, Interquartile range (IQR), Mean absolute deviation (MAD)
12. Box and whisker plots
13. Population variance and standard deviation
14. Sample variance and standard deviation

Modeling distributions of data

The normal distribution is the most commonly used model in all of statistics. Learn how to measure position using z-scores and find what percent
of data falls where in a normal distribution.

1. Describing location in a distribution

2. Normal distributions

Describing relationships in quantitative data

If we want to explore a relationship between two quantitative variables, we make a scatterplot of the data. The fun doesn't stop there. We describe
pattern, talk about the type of correlation we see, and sometimes fit a line to the data so we can use the pattern to make predictions.

1. Scatterplots and correlation

2. Regression
3. Residuals, least-squares regression, and r-squared

Designing studies
Study design focuses on collecting data properly and making the most valid conclusions we can based on how the data was collected. This topic
covers explore samples, surveys, and experiments.

1. Sampling and surveys

2. Experiments

Probability tells us how often some event will happen after many repeated trials. This topic covers theoretical, experimental, compound
probability, permutations, combinations, and more!

1. Basic theoretical probability

2. Probability using sample spaces
3. Experimental probability
4. Basic set operations
5. Addition rule for probability
6. Multiplication rule for independent events
7. Multiplication rule for dependent events
8. Conditional probability and independence
9. Counting principle and factorial
10. Permutations
11. Combinations
12. Combinatorics and probability

Random variables
Random variables can be any outcomes from some chance process, like how many heads will occur in a series of 20 flips. We calculate
probabilities of random variables and calculate expected value for different types of random variables.
1. Discrete and continuous random variables and probability models
2. Expected value
3. Transforming and combining random variables
4. Binomial random variables
5. Poisson distribution

Sampling distributions
A sampling distribution shows every possible result a statistic can take in every possible sample from a population and how often each result
happens. This topic covers how sample proportions and sample means behave in repeated samples.

1. Sample proportions
2. Sample means

Confidence intervals (one sample)

Confidence intervals give us a range of plausible values for some unknown value based on results from a sample. This topic covers confidence
intervals for means and proportions.

1. Estimating a population proportion

2. Estimating a population mean

Significance tests (one sample)

Significance tests give us a formal process for using sample data to evaluate the likelihood of some claim about a population value. We calculate
p-values to see how likely a sample result is to occur by random chance, and we use p-values to make conclusions about hypotheses.

1. The idea of significance tests

2. Tests about a population proportion
3. Tests about a population mean

Significance tests and confidence intervals (two samples)

Learn how to apply what you know about confidence intervals and significance tests to situations that involve comparing two samples to see if
there is a significant difference between the two populations.

1. Comparing two proportions

2. Comparing two means

Inference for categorical data (chi-square tests)

Chi-square tests are a family of significance tests that give us ways to test hypotheses about distributions of categorical data. This topic covers
goodness-of-fit tests to see if sample data fits a hypothesized distribution, and tests for independence between two categorical variables.

1. Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests

2. Chi-square tests for homogeneity and association/independence

Advanced regression (inference and transforming)

Advanced regression will introduce you to regression methods when data has a nonlinear pattern.

1. Nonlinear regression

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Analysis of variance, also called ANOVA, is a collection of methods for comparing multiple means across different groups.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Limits and continuity
Reach infinity within a few seconds! Limits are the most fundamental ingredient of calculus. Learn how they are defined, how they are found
(even under extreme conditions!), and how they relate to continuous functions.

2. Limits introduction
3. Limits from tables
4. Limits from graphs
5. One-sided limits
6. Formal definition of limits (epsilon-delta)
7. Review: Limits basics
8. Continuity at a point
9. Limits of combined and composite functions
10. Continuous functions
11. Intermediate value theorem
12. Review: Continuity
13. Limits from equations (direct substitution)
14. Limits from equations (factoring & rationalizing)
15. Squeeze theorem
16. Limits of trigonometric functions
17. Limits of piecewise functions
18. Removable discontinuities
19. Review: Limits from equations
20. Unbounded limits (vertical asymptotes)
21. Limits at infinity (horizontal asymptotes)
22. Review: Infinite limits

Taking derivatives
The big idea of differential calculus is the concept of the derivative, which essentially gives us the direction, or rate of change, of a function at
any of its points. Learn all about derivatives and how to find them here.

1. Introduction to differential calculus

2. Derivative as slope of tangent line
3. Derivative as instantaneous rate of change
4. Secant lines
5. Derivative as a limit
6. Formal definition of derivative
7. Using the formal definition of derivative
8. Differentiability
9. Derivative as a function
10. Review: Derivative basics
11. Basic differentiation rules
12. Power rule
13. Polynomial functions differentiation
14. Rational functions differentiation (intro)
15. Radical functions differentiation (intro)
16. Sine & cosine derivatives
17. eˣ and ln(x) derivatives
18. Review: Basic differentiation
19. Product rule
20. Chain rule
21. Chain rule proof
22. Quotient rule
23. Review: Product, quotient, & chain rule
24. Rational functions differentiation
25. Radical functions differentiation
26. Trigonometric functions differentiation
27. Exponential functions differentiation
28. Logarithmic functions differentiation
29. Derivatives capstone
30. Implicit differentiation introduction
31. Implicit differentiation (advanced examples)
32. Inverse trig functions differentiation
33. Derivatives of inverse functions
34. Disguised derivatives
35. Proofs for the derivatives of eˣ and ln(x)
36. Logarithmic differentiation
37. Parametric & vector-valued function differentiation
38. Review: Advanced differentiation
39. Higher-order derivatives
40. Higher-order derivatives (parametric & vector-valued functions)
41. Polar curve differentiation

Derivative applications
Why know how to differentiate function if you don't put it to good use? Learn about the various ways in which we can use differential calculus to
study functions and solve real-world problems.

1. Critical points
2. Increasing & decreasing intervals
3. Relative minima & maxima
4. Absolute minima & maxima
5. Review: Increasing/decreasing intervals & extrema
6. Concavity
7. Points of inflection
8. Sketching graphs using calculus
9. Review: Concavity & points of inflection
10. Linear approximation
11. Rectilinear motion
12. Planar motion
13. Related rates
14. Optimization
15. Applied rates of change
16. Mean value theorem
17. L'Hôpital's rule
18. Review: Derivative applications

The big idea of integral calculus is the calculation of the area under a curve using integrals. What does this have to do with differential calculus?
Surprisingly, everything! Learn all about integrals and how to find them here.

1. Antiderivatives
2. Indefinite integrals intro
3. Indefinite integrals of common functions
4. Review: Indefinite integrals & antiderivatives
5. Definite integral as area
6. Definite integral properties
7. Review: Definite integral basics
8. Riemann sums
9. Riemann sums with sigma notation
10. Trapezoidal rule
11. Definite integral as the limit of a Riemann sum
12. Review: Riemann sums
13. Functions defined by integrals
14. Fundamental theorem of calculus
15. Fundamental theorem of calculus: chain rule
16. Definite integral evaluation
17. Definite integrals of piecewise functions
18. Improper integrals

Integration techniques
Learn some advanced techniques to find the more elusive integrals out there.

1. Integration by parts
2. u-substitution
3. Reverse chain rule
4. Partial fraction expansion
5. Integration using trigonometric identities
6. Trigonometric substitution

Integration applications
Integrating functions is nice, but how does it integrate into our lives? Learn about the various ways in which we can use integral calculus to study
functions and solve real-world problems.

1. Area between curves

2. Area defined by polar graphs
3. Arc length
4. Arc length of polar graphs
5. Average value of a function
6. Area & net change
7. Rectilinear motion (integral calc)
8. Solids with known cross sections
9. Disk method
10. Washer method
11. Shell method

By now, you should be familiar with several kinds of series like arithmetic or geometric series. Riemann sums are also series. This is actually a
vast and fascinating world: the world series! Sorry, the world OF series!

1. Sequences review
2. Infinite sequences
3. Series review
4. Finite geometric series
5. Partial sums
6. Infinite geometric series
7. Series basics challenge
8. Basic convergence tests
9. Comparison tests
10. Ratio & alternating series tests
11. Estimating infinite series
12. Power series intro
13. Taylor & Maclaurin polynomials intro
14. Maclaurin series of sin(x), cos(x), and eˣ
15. Power series function representation
16. Challenge series exercises

AP Calculus practice questions

Sample questions from the A.P. Calculus AB and BC exams (both multiple choice and free answer).

1. AP Calculus AB questions
2. AP Calculus BC questions
First order differential equations
Differential equations with only first derivatives.

1. Intro to differential equations

2. Slope fields
3. Euler's Method
4. Separable equations
5. Exponential models
6. Logistic models
7. Exact equations and integrating factors
8. Homogeneous equations

Second order linear equations

Linear differential equations that contain second derivatives

1. Linear homogeneous equations

2. Complex and repeated roots of characteristic equation
3. Method of undetermined coefficients

Laplace transform
Transforms and the Laplace transform in particular. Convolution integrals.

1. Laplace transform
2. Properties of the Laplace transform
3. Laplace transform to solve a differential equation
4. The convolution integral

First order differential equations

Differential equations with only first derivatives.

1. Intro to differential equations

2. Slope fields
3. Euler's Method
4. Separable equations
5. Exponential models
6. Logistic models
7. Exact equations and integrating factors
8. Homogeneous equations

Second order linear equations

Linear differential equations that contain second derivatives

1. Linear homogeneous equations

2. Complex and repeated roots of characteristic equation
3. Method of undetermined coefficients

Laplace transform
Transforms and the Laplace transform in particular. Convolution integrals.

1. Laplace transform
2. Properties of the Laplace transform
3. Laplace transform to solve a differential equation
4. The convolution integral
Practice for your next test
4 exercises available

Vectors and spaces

Let's get our feet wet by thinking in terms of vectors and spaces.

1. Vectors
2. Linear combinations and spans
3. Linear dependence and independence
4. Subspaces and the basis for a subspace
5. Vector dot and cross products
6. Matrices for solving systems by elimination
7. Null space and column space

Matrix transformations
Understanding how we can map one set of vectors to another set. Matrices used to define linear transformations.

1. Functions and linear transformations

2. Linear transformation examples
3. Transformations and matrix multiplication
4. Inverse functions and transformations
5. Finding inverses and determinants
6. More determinant depth
7. Transpose of a matrix

Alternate coordinate systems (bases)

We explore creating and moving between various coordinate systems.

1. Orthogonal complements
2. Orthogonal projections
3. Change of basis
4. Orthonormal bases and the Gram-Schmidt process
5. Eigen-everything
Doodling in Math and more
Recreational mathematics and inspirational videos by mathemusician Vi Hart

1. Spirals, Fibonacci and being a plant

2. Doodling in math
3. Hexaflexagons
4. About pi and tau
5. Singing (and noises)
6. Mobius strips
7. Thanksgiving math
8. Infinity . . .
9. Other cool stuff

Strengthen your brain with some mind bending riddles and puzzles.

1. Brain teasers
2. Transformation Puzzles
3. Lights Puzzles

AMC 10
The AMC 10 is part of the series of contests administered by the MAA American Mathematics Competitions that determines the United States
team in the International Math Olympiad. The AMC 10 is a 25 question, 75 minute multiple choice test for students in 10th grade or below. Two
versions of the AMC 10 are offered each year. This content is brought to you by the Art of Problem Solving (www.aops.com)

2013 AMC 10 A


2003 AIME

Math warmups
Introducing key concepts using physical analogies

1. Expectation warmup
2. Random sampling warmup
3. Distribution warmup
4. Arithmetic warmups

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