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Lesson Plan in Grade 8 Math

July 15, 2014

I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
A. Identify if a binomial is a sum or difference of two cubes.
B. Describe the resulting factor of the sum or difference of two cubes.
C. Factor the sum or difference of two cubes.

II. Subject Matter: Factoring

Sub Topic: Factoring the sum or difference of two cubes
Reference: Math Time: Activity SourceBook, pg. 25
Making connections in Mathematics, OronceET. Al, pg. 334
Materials:Chalk, visual aids, activity sheets and flash cards
Strategies: Discovery, cooperative learning, discussion
III. Procedure:

A. Daily Routine
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
 Good morning! Good morning Sir!
 Let us start our today’s meeting with a (The student prayer leader will lead the prayer)
prayer. Who is the prayer leader for today?
 At the count of one, pick all the trashes
under your chairs. At the count of two, put
it in your pocket and at the count of three
sit down.
(The teacher will check the attendance and
the assignments.)

B. Recall
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
 How do we factor the difference of two  (Some students will raise their hand.)
(The teacher will call one student.)  Get the square root of the first and last
term.After getting the square roots express
 Very good! them as product of the sum and difference of
two terms.

C. Priming
The teacher will give series of drills to be answered by the students orally.
(The flash cards contain the following)
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
√8 ; √𝑎3 ; √64; √1000; √1; √27; √𝑥 3 𝑦 6 ; √𝑧 9 ; √𝑦 3 and √𝑎9 𝑏12 .

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

 How did you get the cube root of a Divide the exponent by three.
variable raised in certain power?
 How can we know if a monomial raised The exponent should be multiples of three.
in certain power is a perfect cube?
D. Lesson Proper

a. Activity
 Rewrite the monomials inside the table horizontally on the space provided to
create six term polynomial and simplify.
 Fill the blank boxes by the GCMF of the aligned column or row.
 Write the factors of the polynomial inside the parentheses.

x3 x2 y 8y3 -4y2
-x2y -xy2 4y2 -2y
xy2 y3 2y -1

=( )( ) =( )( )

a3 -5a2 a3 5a2b
5a2 -25a -5a2b -25ab2
25a -125 25ab2 125b3

=( )( ) =( )( )

27x3 -36x2 a6b3 3a4b2

36x2 -48x -3a4b2 -9a2b
48x -64 9a2b 27

=( )( ) =( )( )

b. Analysis
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
 When you rewrite the monomials  Binomial
horizontally to make six term polynomial on
your activity, what kind of polynomial did
you get?
 Why did you think so?  Some terms were cancelled so they become
zero and there were only two terms left.
 Aside from being a binomial, what other  It is the sum or difference of two cubes.
things did you observe?
 Since we are on factoring. What do you  Factoring the sum or difference of two cubes.
think is our lesson for today?
 How can we know if a binomial is a sum or  The first and the last termsmust be perfect
difference of two cubes? cubes.
 Going back to your activity, describe the  One of the factors is a binomial and the other
resulting factors of the sum or difference of one is a trinomial.
the cubes.
 a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 – ab + b2)
a3 – b3 = (a – b)(a2 + ab + b2)
 Is this familiar with you?  Yes!
 On what lesson did you encounter these  Special products. Products of (x ± y)(x2 ± xy
formulas? + y2)
 How are the terms of the product related to  The first and second term of the binomial
the terms of the binomial factor? factor is the cube root of the first and second
term of the product and the sign was copied.
 How do you relate your binomial factor to  Square the first and second term of the
your trinomial factor? binomial factor and get the additive inverse of
the product of the terms.
 All in all, how do we factor sum or  Get the cube root of the first and last term.
difference of cubes? Expressed them in a binomial and copy the
sign. Use the expressed binomial factor to get
the trinomial factor by squaring the first and
second term and getting the additive inverse
of their product as the middle term.
 Example: Factor x6 + y6
 Is this a sum of two cubes?  Yes?
 How did you say so?  The exponents of the first and second terms
are multiples of three. We can extract cube
roots from it.
 What is the cube root of x6?  x2 .
 How about y6?  y2.
 What is next?  Expressed them in binomial and copy the
 What is the binomial factor?  x2 + y2
 How about the trinomial factor?  x4 - x2y2 + y4
 What are the factors of x6 + y6?  (x2 + y2)(x4 - x2y2 + y4)
 Example 2: Factor x3 – 125
 Is this a difference of two cubes?  Yes!
 Why?  x3 and 125 are both perfect cubes.
 What is the binomial factor?  x–5
 How did you say so?  Get the cube root of the first term and second
term. Express them in a binomial and copy the
 What is the trinomial factor?  x2 +5x + 25

 How?  Use the expressed binomial to get the

trinomial. The square of x is x2. The square of
-5 is 25, and the additive inverse of (x)(-5) is
 What are the factors of x3 – 125?  (x – 5)( x2 +5x + 25)
 Do you want more examples?  (The students will respond.)
 (The teacher will give more examples if

c. Abstraction
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
 How can we identify if a binomial is a sum  The first and second terms are both perfect
or difference of two cubes? cubes.
 What are the resulting factors of the sum or  A binomial and a trinomial.
difference of two cubes?  Get the cube root of the first and second
 How do we factor the sum or difference of term and expressed them in a binomial and
two cubes? copy the sign. Use the expressed binomial to
get the other trinomial factor. Get the square
of the first and second term and get the
additive inverse of the product of the two
d. Application
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
 x y + 8z6 9 12 (Some students will raise their hand.)
 27 + 64x3
 125 – x12
 x3- 216
(The teacher will ask the four students to factor
the sum or difference of two cubes on the
(The teacher will choose four students to
(The teacher will verify the answers.)

IV. Evaluation
What did the bee say to the rose?

To answer the question stated, just factor the given sum of two cubes in column A. Find the answer in
column B and write the corresponding letter on the box.

1. x3 + 27 B (x2y3 -5z4)(x4y6 + 5x2y3z4 + 25z8)
2. 8x3 + 125y6 H (x - y)(x + xy + y2)

3. x6y9 + z12 D (2x + 5y2)(4x2 – 10xy2 + 25y4)

4. 64x9 - 729y3 ! (x2y3 + z4)(x4y6 – x2y3z4 + z8)
5. 27x3-1 I (x + 4)(x – 4x + 16 )
6. x3 - y3 , (3x -1)(9x2 + 3x + 1)
7. x y – 125z12
6 9 U (x+3)(x2 - 3x + 9)
8. x3 + 64 “ (4x3 – 9y)(16x6 + 36x3y + 81y2)


4 6 8 5 7 1 2 3 4

V. Agreement
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
 For your assignment, answer the following (The students will take note the assignment.)
on your Math Time on page 26.

Practice Ex. 1.12

A – Even numbered items
B – odd numbered items
C – even numbered items

Prepared by:

Acejan L. Jadie
Practice Teacher,

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