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In the world that we live in, we are connected by networks of information and readily

easy access to the internet. Originally, the internet for household usage was on impractical,

clunky computers that connected to the internet in a very slow and primitive way to today's

standards. As a result of this, information was passed around in a more physical way that was

harder to access without knowing where the proper source is. One important source of media

that was difficult to find was the purpose of media to relieve carnal desires. Magazines such as

Playboy​ and ​Hustler​ were services where individuals could get magazines sent to your door or

be purchased in everyday stores.

These magazines were due to a growing tension in which women do in fact have sexual

desires. With this goal, these magazines featured erotic and pornographic material of women

exposing themself in a seductive way such as an 18 year old girl standing on the ocean pulling

down her bathing suit while smiling. This media is suggestive, erotic, but in no way does it show

any perverted or kinky forms of sexual acts such as orgies and BDSM. Thus, these forms of

media could be used and seen as a normal image for someone to jack off to. These magazines

could either be sent discreetly to ones door, or purchased at a store with proper id. This form of

content was only used in adult media with the only form of erotic videos being at movies which

were labelled as X. These types of movies were only accessible to those who had an id proving

they were 18; and unlike rated R movies where only a guardian was needed to accompany a

minor to enter, X meant all party members had to be of legal age.

Then the internet formed with it being easier than ever for an individual to access

unfiltered internet pornography as well as other sexual material. Sites formed to cater all types

of sexual and erotic material with some having specific well known types. For example, Porn
Hub (the most popular Porn site) is filled with all kinds of media types from “blow jobs” and

orgies to BDSM. Hentai Haven is full of Japanese Anime of Sexual Acts. Luscious.net has a whole

section of graphic novels on all types of fandoms and arc types from My Little Pony, to two

individuals making love. Although Porn Hub and the sites like it are live action and thus can scar

children more easily, sites with hentai and drawn porn is in some ways worse as these forms of

media can get away with much worse. If a porn hub video features someone raping another

individual, that proves that it actually happened regardless of acting, and so the site could get

sued or taken down. However, if an adult animation features someone raping another

individual, because it did not happen in real life it is seen as legal. With this understanding of

real life not being ok while drawings and animation being acceptable, actions that is illegal to

perform in real life can be realistically expressed in pictures and animation. These include rape,

beastiallity, incest, teachers and student sex, pedophilia, and milf as well as more. These types

of media are extremely bad as it conveys sexual practices in ways that are not only perverted,

but also illegal.

When two couples engage in sex for the first time, they do not know what to expect and

so they do it based off not knowing anything. When an individual has sex with someone for the

first time and the dominant person has seen pornography of anytype, they may desire and or

perceive sex differently. Porn after all is not designed to have love between two individuals that

is pure, it is to convey desires in a way that give the viewer a spike of dopamine and then allow

the individual to move on. So with that individual, they may see it as their role to go very

quickly, deep, forcibly, and focus less on the romance and build up. As a result of this, they are

not performing sex as a way to be intimate, and only of selfish lust and pleasure.
Porn can also lead to impressionable imprints on children. If a young child sees porn that

involves pedophillia, they may see it as more normal. Sounds crazy at first, but if the individual

enjoys that form of content and then repeatedly watches that type of content, then they may

start to desire those actions in real. Due to an increase of dopamine needed to get the same

feeling of pleasure on an individual, eventually pictures and videos are not enough, and so that

young child could then have sex with a pedophile and only then understand the truth. This is

why porn is so dangerous for young children. They involve inappropriate depictions on young

individuals who still lack proper judgement skills.

Some sources of media are also using very explicit content that is borderline adult

content, with nipples being covered up to avoid these adult labels. When I showed some

pictures of young women in the Swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated, with them barely clothed

and there bras are either off and their nimples are covered, or they are pulling down their

bathing suit but are not showing the entrance to the vaginal area and only the pelvic region.

What makes this so startling, is that this magazine is sold and targeted towards middle

schoolers and High schoolers. Also, this magazine features only women, thus targeting young

boys only. Adding on to this, a typical copy of Playboy or Hustler features articles as well as

comics to add substance to the magazine besides just the naked photos that people look

towards. These articles also included a select amount of ads, but were separated from the

explicit photos. However, the sports illustrated magazines feature photos throughout the whole

article, as well as feature these erotic photos next to ads. What makes this more problematic, is

with these ads being put in the same explicit photos, makes it evident that these companies

support the practices of this company. For example, when investigating these ads, I came upon
women lying butt naked with their nipples and genitals censored in a certain way, and my eye

caught this image as this is usually what happens to people in general when erotic content is

shown. If you are flipping through a magazine and suddenly see a picture of porn, you would

usually stare and absorb the information or completely move on out of fear. But after looking

over from this picture that caught my eye, I noticed that there was a watch company that said

that people who wear this particular watch attracts people like the one shown. This tactic of

using nude or erotic photos to catch someone’s eye and buy their product is not something

new, but to have this in a magazine that is focused towards younger audiences, and with a

majority of industries doing this reflects more on how general companies are using this tactic.

This is no longer just A & F and Calvin Klein using nudity as a way to sell their skimpy clothes,

but now includes Snickers being eaten by a porn star and reccomending you “try some”. On

the other hand, Hustler and Playboy also feature ads, but they are often times near the back of

the magazine, with a majority of them being ads by themself, and no explicit photos being

shown next to them to grab attention. I am in no way saying that there can not be company

products in these magazines, as this is their choice to invest ads in them, but using people in

nude states to grab attention towards your product shows that we live in a world that is

manipulative of how we sell ads to others, and do so by the exploitation of young children's

minds in magazines tailored towards a large population of them.

With the rise of telecommunication, and the digital age, love is becoming possible in

more locations, with the fall of distance as a factor. Long distance relationships have appeared

as a way to continue to love someone, no matter how far one is. This is both a blessing and a

curse however as with long distance relationships one can also be a victim or perpetrator for
illegal content. Sexting or texting explicit photos of yourself while also roleplaying a sexual

scene can be dangerous in of itself. People believe that the other person on the other end is

trustworthy and will respect your privacy, however there is no way to know if they saved the

photo. Even apps like snapchat, which alert the sender if the receiver screenshotted it has

loopholes where the data that is sent to the sender when the picture is screenshotted can be

blocked. In fact, often times these nude pictures are sent to people that the individual does not

know and simply follows on the media. A snapchat friend may seem cool, but they may hide

pieces of their identity before sending you a video or photo of them masturbating or whipping

someone as a form of BDSM. Often times however, these photos are of a general “dick pic” in

which it is the individuals penis. These explicit images are simply not able to be regulated as

while Twitter and Tumblr may strike down accounts or groups that show explicit content, more

accounts can appear to replace them. Even certain programs designed to protect users such as

Facebook’s Revenge Porn scanner, any photos detected of revenge porn are taken down

immediately as revenge porn very badly hurts the reputation of the individual, has not been as

effective as it was expected to be. The digital society that we live in is a world where spreading

pictures that reveal personal sides of us is becoming more frequent with the secure feeling that

these sites will protect us. Where if we upload a dick pic to someone on snapchat, we will not

have to fear tracking it. Where if you send a picture of your body to a loved one to arouse

them, will not be sent all over media to break your image months after you break up. Internet

privacy is no longer private, as with the right tag or account name, the whole world of material

opens up.
Even with these media outlets and sites seeming to only be in discrete magazines or

sites that only a google search can find, they are no longer discrete and are fully in the public.

An individual can buy ​Hustler​ magazine at an airport so long as they have valid ID, and ​Playboy

still ships monthly editions. What is more disturbing however, is that these media sources no

longer need to be hidden for publicity to be relied on by word. ​Hentai Haven,​ ​Pornhub​, ​Playboy,​

and other major erotic and pornographic websites sell merchandise such as playboy bunny

outfits and and Pornhub underwear. The logos are becoming more recognizable throughout the

US, with people dressing up as Playboy bunnies for Halloween and just to show up to school

with. Even major events of these media outlets are covered, such as when Hentai Haven was

going to close down however ​Fakku​ purchased them. Even though not everyone knew what

Hentai Haven was, people suddenly started talking about how Hentai Haven was going to

sustain itself and what would happen if ​Fakku​ took over Hentai Haven too much. Thus as a

result of Hentai Haven almost closing down and being brought back up, more people learned

about the site and talked about it because it was a popular topic, thus increasing the popularity

of Hentai Haven and sites like it. This shows that these sites can gain attention through the

news and will only increase the amount of online traffic and viewing they receive.

In conclusion, the problem of erotic material and porn in our country is not an easy

thing to shut down. If we shut down magazine companies such as ​Playboy a​ nd ​Hustler,​ then

people would populate sites such as Pornhub, and Hentai Haven. Even if these larger sites were

taken down, there are still hundreds of thousands of smaller websites that can collect the

material and hold it up for the public to see. On top of that, people can still upload pictures of

themself and others to add onto the growing collection of porn. Other magazines like ​Sports
Illustrated​ would also be able to get away with it because it only shows risqué themes and

shows no actual nudity. Thus what is clear based off the society that we are apart of, there is so

many factors of porn and erotic material, that simply killing one whole section will not be

enough. The only way to truly end porn and erotic material would be to either remove all desire

for it for everyone; or the other option is to control the internet entirely with no access to a

VPN, and control all forms of information. Thus this shows that while this media is harmful, to

completely remove it would be impossible because of how the internet and media outlets

found ways to grab attention and find a way that attracts more people regardless of how it

exploits individuals and is ethically immoral.

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