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LAMA/MAES Program: Got Data, Now What?

Analyzing Usability Study Results

Sample: OCLC WorldMapTM Usability Test
Post-Test Questionnaire
Presented by Lynn Silipigni Connaway
June 26, 2005

To the Interviewer: Please write the user's responses in the boxes. We would ask that you compile the
responses for each user at the end of testing. This compilation will be included as part
of the Executive Summary of the usability testing results. Thanks.

1. What did you like about the WorldMap?

- Looked like it would be fun

- Could create comparison tables

2. What did you not like about the WorldMap?

- Would like “all countries” option

- Would like ways to download to Excel or comma delimited

- Problem with legend placement  put outside the box

- Scroll bar to PAN as well as Ctrl+drag

- “Not selected” & “unknown” are the same color, ditto for use of white.

- Confused about duplicates of the two pulldowns (e.g. how do they differ?)

- Other analyses, e.g. “# of doc types in a particular library” or “ILL librarians” or “things useful to
libraries. Who is the target audience for the product? Seems to be vendor-oriented.
3. What was easy to use or understand about the WorldMap ?

4. What was difficult to use or understand about the WorldMap?

- Trying to find specific countries was “challenging;” “current country” should be countries in red

- Help was dense

- Removing libraries from the table view (difficult)

- Using a “select” color to cover up legend color

- When colors just showing, what does it mean?

“Idea” – display table wanted on a rollover of it (e.g. at bottom of screen)

5. If you had complete creative and functional control over the WorldMap, what three
things would you change?

- What’s already mentioned

1) Disambiguate the function of the 2 pulldowns

2) Disambiguate pulldown relationship with map colors

3) Showing “current country” as one explicitly selected

4) way to deselect countries from table

5) Make map bigger, make legend out of map area if for higher resolution

6) Easy way to display, e.g. “idea” above

7) Increase color differentiate so screen to pick out (color and not hue or saturation)

LAST QUESTION: What general comments/questions do you have about the WorldMap in
its current form?

CUSTOM QUESTION: This user only: Questions that arose during the test, and/or general
user comments

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