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Kumar 1

Santhosh Kumar

Mrs. Valentino

English Lit and Comp 10

20 Apr. 2019

“Modern Day Slavery”

The cost of medical care in our country is greater than in any other country by a large margin.

The cost of any serious medical procedures far exceeds 10 years of compensation. And, with no

restrictions and controls set up there exists no deterrence for these greed filled monopolies to

enslave more and more people each year.

With, costs that drive even millionaires to

bankruptcy. Clearly, our pharmaceutical

companies are addicted to profits. What started

off as non-profits became absolute monopolies

which have near absolute control of people’s

lives. Even though, there are numerous

companies which operate in our country. They,

join hands and perform illegal anti-competitive practices like price fixing,
Kumar 2

monitoring supply etc. The government has clearly granted special powers to these companies to

allow for anti-competitive practices. One of our core beliefs of equality in the eyes of law is

clearly violated;- when these cartels follow monopolistic practices and walk away scott free. And

with, no regulations and care for the ill these plantation owners thrive and continue to enslave

our people by a method known as debt bondage i.e. charging prices which will set a person an

entire lifetime to repay. How can a person pursue their ambitions when they are incarcerated to a

mountain of debt that even grows faster than them? The idea of living a life simply ceases to

exist and instead all they can do is work till they repay their debt by that time, time’s up. With,

absolutely no decency these ruthless monsters destroy the lifestyle of their victim’s family. All

of the family’s hard earned money goes to paying out the debt. Just like that, in our very own

liberty, there now exists the three generations of punishment (a punishment from the communist

regime of North Korea which entitles punishment to the family of an offender). With, no

restriction on price our government is clearly allowing these monopolies to destroy the lives of

our own citizens.

These monopolies truly pose a threat to welfare our country and allowing them over-charge

customers for one of the most essential things life is not and shall not be justified.

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