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External Newsletter

Outreach Therapeutic Infant Food Agency (OTIFA)

A Newsletter from Yayasan Anak anak Tasik Sejahtera
15 October 2018
What is OTIFA?
Outreach Therapeutic Infant Food Agency
(OTIFA) is a joint-program with Dinas Kesehatan
of Tasikmalaya, universities, NGOs, volunteers
and KlikQuick, together with Yayasan Anak-Anak
Tasik Sejahtera as catalyst, aiming to reduce
malnutrition in under-five children through
community based intervention in Tasikmalaya.
O T I FA a i m s t o r e d u c e t h e n u m b e r o f
malnutrition cases in Kota and Kabupaten
Tasikmalaya, which are accounted for 41%.
OTIFA works closely with Kota and Kabupaten
authorities and with local NGOs to be as
integrated, as inclusive and as effective as
possible. The OTIFA program will not replace any
central government, Kabupaten and Kota
activity, but will complement their projects.

Program Launching
The launching event of the Outreach
Therapeutical Infant Food Agency (OTIFA) takes
place on Tuesday 21st August 2018. This event
was attended by Ibu Nurhayati Effendy
(Commission V of DPR RI), Bapak Suharso
Monoarfa (Presidential Council Advisor), Bapak
Budi Budiman (Mayor of Tasikmalaya) and Bapak
Uu Ruzhul Ulum (former Regent of Tasikmalaya),
students of Universitas Siliwangi and Universitas
Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya, ‘Aisyiyah, Fatayat,
BAZNAS, LAZIS-NU and KlikQuick.

watch our opening video here:

h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ?

Case Finding & Visits

Case finding and visits are done by volunteers by actively searching for
malnourished children and visit them once a week throughout 8 weeks. A
pair of volunteers will go from the YATS office with KlikQuick to pick up
PlumpyNut and MixMe, providing it for the malnourished children, directly
to their household. Together with the Dinas Kesehatan of Kota and
Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, a list of priority area was established. Currently,
volunteers are going to Cibeureum (Kota Tasikmalaya) and Padakembang
(Kabupaten Tasikmalaya). Posyandu cadres in the area helps the volunteers
to go to houses, explain about the OTIFA program, and check whether the
child is eligible to join the program. Volunteer will then distribute either
PlumpyNut or MixMe to the mothers and go back to the YATS office,
returning the remaining PlumpyNut and MixMe.

On Saturday and Sunday, 12 and 13 October 2018, the volunteers did their
6th visit to the household while actively finding new cases. Twenty-six
volunteers went to Cibeureum district, and 22 volunteers to Padakembang
district. The visit for this week has screened 13 under-five children, and 11
were eligible to join the OTIFA program. the case reach to 12 severely
malnourished children and 64 moderately malnourished children, marking
78 malnourished under-five all together.

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15 October 2018

Our Activities

During the visits to the malnourished children’s household, our volunteers encounter various
challenges; one of them is to make sure that the children are consuming the food!

Two of our volunteers, Saskia and Ike, gave us one tip : Eating PlumpyNut as jam with bread. They
did a small demo on the how to create simple menus of the food and the mothers duplicates the
ones they are most comfortable with. This became one of the good case practice among the
KlikQuick, an online transportation company from Tasikmalaya and one of OTIFA’s project partner
which helped the volunteer to get to the household of the child, are also having a great time.

“We feel very happy that we can be a part of the OTIFA program. We feel like we are helping
a movement in making Tasikmalaya better and healthier”, said Kang Arie, one of the driver
from KlikQuick. In this picture, Rosmiati and Kang Arie are going to the malnourished child’s

Our volunteers in Cibeureum, together

with the cadres from the Posyandu,
gathers the mothers of the malnourished
children to get information on OTIFA.
The children are measured by their
middle upper arm circumference and
matched with the WHO chart to
determine whether to be given
PlumpyNut or MixMe.

We are open for collaboration.

Kindly contact us for more information!

Yayasan Anak anak Tasik Sejahtera

Permata Regency, Jalan Permata Kencana II No. 3
E : yats@pa-csr.com
P : (0265) 7525666

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