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Sub DailyKML()

Dim oRange As Range, aCell As Range, bCell As Range

Dim wsNCS As Worksheet
Dim SearCHString As String
Dim FoundAt As String
Dim wsidea As Worksheet
Set wsidea = Worksheets("Sheet2")

'Dim wsresult As Worksheet

'Set wsresult = Worksheets("Sheet5")
Dim wsresult As Worksheet
Set wsresult = Worksheets("Daily-Monitor")

Dim wsideaC As Worksheet

Set wsideaC = Worksheets("Charts")

Dim wsSheet7 As Worksheet

Set wsSheet7 = Worksheets("Sheet2")

Dim wsSheet9 As Worksheet

Set wsSheet9 = Worksheets("Charts")

Dim SaveToDirectory As String

SaveToDirectory = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Charts\"

date1 = UserForm1.TextBox2.Text
date2 = UserForm1.TextBox3.Text
date1 = Replace(date1, "/", "-")
date2 = Replace(date2, "/", "-")

'sFilePath = SaveToDirectory & "DCR1NewSheetsP44FASMRR.kml"

' Set objFSOs = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
' Set objTFs = objFSOs.readtextfile(sFilePath, True, False)
strFile_Path = SaveToDirectory & "Gaza_Cells_Full_KPI_Analysis_" & date1 & "_" &
date2 & ".kml"
'Opening the text file for Append with FileNumber as 1.
Open strFile_Path For Append As #1

Print #1, "<Folder>"

' Print #1, " <name>"
' Print #1, DDL
' Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
Print #1, " <open>0</open>"

'Folder TCH Drop rate:

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>TCH Drop</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value) >= 1 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If
Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"
Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop CSSR Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"

Print #1, " <name>CSSR</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("I" & RowTOP).Value) >= 1 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("I" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("I" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("I" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("I" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop HOSR Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>HOSR</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("L" & RowTOP).Value) >= 1 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("L" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("L" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("L" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("L" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop SQI Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>SQI Bad</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("O" & RowTOP).Value) >= 1 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("O" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("O" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("O" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("O" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop EDGE Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>DL EDGE</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("R" & RowTOP).Value) >= 20 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("R" & RowTOP).Value >= 15 And wsresult.Range("R" &
RowTOP).Value < 20 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("R" & RowTOP).Value >= 10 And wsresult.Range("R" &
RowTOP).Value < 15 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop Traffic Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>Traffic</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("U" & RowTOP).Value) >= 1 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("U" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("U" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("U" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("U" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop NQI Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>NQI</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("X" & RowTOP).Value) >= 10 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("X" & RowTOP).Value >= 8 And wsresult.Range("X" &
RowTOP).Value < 10 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("X" & RowTOP).Value >= 5 And wsresult.Range("X" &
RowTOP).Value < 8 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "
Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop SDCCH Esatablishment Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>SDCCH Esatablishmen</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("AA" & RowTOP).Value) >= 10 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AA" & RowTOP).Value >= 8 And wsresult.Range("AA" &
RowTOP).Value < 10 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AA" & RowTOP).Value >= 5 And wsresult.Range("AA" &
RowTOP).Value < 8 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

'' For Loop Paging SR Folders

' Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name>Paging SR</name>"
''Print #1, " <Folder>"
'' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
'' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "
'' For Loop Folders
''Dim RowTOP As Integer
'RowTOP = 4
'Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")
'If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then
''Site Name
' Print #1, "<Placemark>"
' Print #1, "<name>"
' Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
' Print #1, "</name>"
' Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
' Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
' Print #1, " <Point>"
'' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
' Print #1, " <coordinates>"
' Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
' Print #1, ","
' Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
'Print #1, ", 20"
' Print #1, " </coordinates>"
' Print #1, " </Point>"
' Print #1, " </Placemark>"
'End If
'' Cell Name
' Print #1, "<Placemark>"
' Print #1, "<name>"
' Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
' Print #1, "</name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"
' If (wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value) >= 1 Then
' Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
' ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
' Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
' ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
' Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
' Else
' Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
' End If
' Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"
' Print #1, "
' Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"
'Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),
0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
' Print #1, "</coordinates>"
' Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
' Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"
' Print #1, "</Placemark>"
' RowTOP = RowTOP + 1
'Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop SQI Good Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>SQI Good </name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If
' Cell Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("AG" & RowTOP).Value) >= 2 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AG" & RowTOP).Value >= 1 And wsresult.Range("AG" &
RowTOP).Value < 2 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AG" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.6 And wsresult.Range("AG" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop SDCCH Drop Rate Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>SDCCH Drop Rate</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("AJ" & RowTOP).Value) >= 1 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AJ" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("AJ" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AJ" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("AJ" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),
0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop RACH Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>RACH</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("AM" & RowTOP).Value) >= 1 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AM" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("AM" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AM" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("AM" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop NQI_EDGE Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>NQI_EDGE</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value) >= 10 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 7 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 10 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 5 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 7 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),
0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop UL EDGE Throughput Folders
Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>UL EDGE Throughput</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("AS" & RowTOP).Value) >= 10 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AS" & RowTOP).Value >= 7 And wsresult.Range("AS" &
RowTOP).Value < 10 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("AS" & RowTOP).Value >= 5 And wsresult.Range("AS" &
RowTOP).Value < 7 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop PDCH Congestion Folders
Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>DCH Congestion </name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("AV" & RowTOP).Value) >= 0.1 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
' ElseIf wsresult.Range("AV" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("AV" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
' Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
' ElseIf wsresult.Range("AV" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("AV" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
' Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"
Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop PDCH Drop Rate Folders

Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>PDCH Drop Rate</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value) >= 1 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

' For Loop IP Latency Folders
Print #1, " <Folder>"
Print #1, " <name>IP Latency</name>"
'Print #1, " <Folder>"
' Print #1, " <name> Daily Monitor </name>"
' Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility> "

' For Loop Folders

'Dim RowTOP As Integer
RowTOP = 4
Do Until (wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP) = "")

If wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP) <> wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP + 1) Then

'Site Name
Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("CK" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, "<visibility>0</visibility> "
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#sh_shaded_dot</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <Point>"
' wsresult.Range ("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, " <coordinates>"
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ","
Print #1, wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP)
Print #1, ", 20"
Print #1, " </coordinates>"
Print #1, " </Point>"
Print #1, " </Placemark>"
End If

' Cell Name

Print #1, "<Placemark>"
Print #1, "<name>"
Print #1, (wsresult.Range("C" & RowTOP))
Print #1, "</name>"
Print #1, " <visibility>0</visibility>"

If (wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value) >= 30 Then

Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Red</styleUrl>"
' ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.5 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 1 Then
' Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Orange</styleUrl>"
' ElseIf wsresult.Range("F" & RowTOP).Value >= 0.3 And wsresult.Range("F" &
RowTOP).Value < 0.5 Then
' Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Yellow</styleUrl>"
Print #1, " <styleUrl>#Cell_Green</styleUrl>"
End If

Print #1, "<MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "

Print #1, " <LinearRing><coordinates>"

Print #1, (Polygon(wsresult.Range("CI" & RowTOP), wsresult.Range("CH" & RowTOP),

0.001, wsresult.Range("CJ" & RowTOP)))
Print #1, "</coordinates>"
Print #1, " </LinearRing>"
Print #1, " </outerBoundaryIs> </Polygon></MultiGeometry>"

Print #1, "</Placemark>"

RowTOP = RowTOP + 1

Print #1, "</Folder>"

'Finish Folder Daily Monitor

Print #1, "</Folder>"

Close #1

End Sub

Private Function Polygon(x As Double, y As Double, r As Double, Angle As Integer)

As String
' Dim Angle As Double
Dim Coords As String
Coords = ""
' Angle = 2 * 3.141592654 / n
'60 * pi / 180

' px11 = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x

' py11 = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px11 & "," & py11 & ",20 "
Coords = Coords & x & "," & y & ",20 "
' For i = 1 To n - 1
' px = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x
' py = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px & "," & py & ",20 "
' Next i

'Point 1
Const pi = 3.14159265358979
Dim val1 As Double
' Convert 60 degrees to radians by multiplying by pi/180.
val1 = Sin(60 * pi / 180)

'MsgBox "r " & r

'MsgBox "Sin(30) " & Sin(30)
'MsgBox "Sin(( 30 * (Pi / 180)) " & Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "Sin((30) * (pi / 180)) small " & Sin((30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "x " & x

'Point 1

px1 = r * Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + x

py1 = r * Cos((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + y

' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x

' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y
'' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x
' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y

''Point 2
px2 = r * Sin((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + x
py2 = r * Cos((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + y

''point 3
px3 = r * Sin((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + x
py3 = r * Cos((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + y
''point 4

px4 = r * Sin((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py4 = r * Cos((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 5
px5 = r * Sin((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + x
py5 = r * Cos((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + y

px6 = r * Sin((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + x

py6 = r * Cos((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'Point 6 Center

px7 = r * Sin((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + x

py7 = r * Cos((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 7

px8 = r * Sin((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + x

py8 = r * Cos((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 8

px9 = r * Sin((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + x

py9 = r * Cos((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 9

px10 = r * Sin((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py10 = r * Cos((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + y
'point 10

px11 = r * Sin((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + x

py11 = r * Cos((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 11

px12 = r * Sin((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + x

py12 = r * Cos((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 12

px13 = r * Sin((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + x

py13 = r * Cos((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 13 as the same start coordinates.

Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " &
px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & " " & px4 & "," & py4 & ",20" & " " & px5 & "," & py5 &
",20" & " " & px6 & "," & py6 & ",20" & " " & px7 & "," & py7 & ",20" & " " & px8 &
"," & py8 & ",20" & " " & px9 & "," & py9 & ",20" & " " & px10 & "," & py10 & ",20"
& " " & px11 & "," & py11 & ",20" & " " & px12 & "," & py12 & ",20" & " " & x & ","
& y & ",20"
' Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & px5
& "," & py5 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " &
px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & x & ","
& y & ",20"

Polygon = Coords
End Function

Private Function PolygonP2(x As Double, y As Double, r As Double, Angle As Integer)

As String
' Dim Angle As Double
Dim Coords As String
Coords = ""
' Angle = 2 * 3.141592654 / n
'60 * pi / 180

' px11 = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x

' py11 = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px11 & "," & py11 & ",0 "
Coords = Coords & x & "," & y & ",20 "
' For i = 1 To n - 1
' px = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x
' py = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px & "," & py & ",0 "
' Next i

'Point 1
Const pi = 3.14159265358979
Dim val1 As Double
' Convert 60 degrees to radians by multiplying by pi/180.
val1 = Sin(60 * pi / 180)

'MsgBox "r " & r

'MsgBox "Sin(30) " & Sin(30)
'MsgBox "Sin(( 30 * (Pi / 180)) " & Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "Sin((30) * (pi / 180)) small " & Sin((30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "x " & x

'Point 1

px1 = r * Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + x

py1 = r * Cos((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + y

' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x

' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y
'' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x
' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y

''Point 2
px2 = r * Sin((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + x
py2 = r * Cos((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + y

''point 3
px3 = r * Sin((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + x
py3 = r * Cos((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + y
''point 4

px4 = r * Sin((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py4 = r * Cos((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 5
px5 = r * Sin((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + x
py5 = r * Cos((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + y

px6 = r * Sin((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + x

py6 = r * Cos((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'Point 6 Center

px7 = r * Sin((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + x

py7 = r * Cos((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 7

px8 = r * Sin((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + x

py8 = r * Cos((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 8
px9 = r * Sin((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + x
py9 = r * Cos((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 9

px10 = r * Sin((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py10 = r * Cos((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 10

px11 = r * Sin((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + x

py11 = r * Cos((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 11

px12 = r * Sin((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + x

py12 = r * Cos((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 12

px13 = r * Sin((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + x

py13 = r * Cos((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 13 as the same start coordinates.

Coords = px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & px3 & ","
& py3 & ",20" & " " & px4 & "," & py4 & ",20" & " " & px5 & "," & py5 & ",20" & " "
& px6 & "," & py6 & ",20" & " " & px7 & "," & py7 & ",20" & " " & px8 & "," & py8 &
",20" & " " & px9 & "," & py9 & ",20" & " " & px10 & "," & py10 & ",20" & " " &
px11 & "," & py11 & ",20" & " " & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" ' & " " & px11 & "," &
py11 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"

'Coords = px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & px3 &
"," & py3 & ",20" & " " & px4 & "," & py4 & ",20" & " " & px5 & "," & py5 & ",20" &
" " & px6 & "," & py6 & ",20" & " " & px7 & "," & py7 & ",20" & " " & px8 & "," &
py8 & ",20" & " " & px9 & "," & py9 & ",20" & " " & px10 & "," & py10 & ",20" & " "
& px11 & "," & py11 & ",20" & " " & px12 & "," & py12 & ",20" & " " & px1 & "," &
py1 & ",20" ' & " " & px11 & "," & py11 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
' Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & px5
& "," & py5 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " &
px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & x & ","
& y & ",20"

PolygonP2 = Coords
End Function

Private Function PolygonP3(x As Double, y As Double, r As Double, Angle As Integer)

As String
' Dim Angle As Double
Dim Coords As String
Coords = ""
' Angle = 2 * 3.141592654 / n
'60 * pi / 180

' px11 = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x

' py11 = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px11 & "," & py11 & ",0 "
Coords = Coords & x & "," & y & ",20 "
' For i = 1 To n - 1
' px = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x
' py = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px & "," & py & ",0 "
' Next i

'Point 1
Const pi = 3.14159265358979
Dim val1 As Double
' Convert 60 degrees to radians by multiplying by pi/180.
val1 = Sin(60 * pi / 180)

'MsgBox "r " & r

'MsgBox "Sin(30) " & Sin(30)
'MsgBox "Sin(( 30 * (Pi / 180)) " & Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "Sin((30) * (pi / 180)) small " & Sin((30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "x " & x

'Point 1
px1 = r * Sin((Angle + 32) * (pi / 180)) + x
py1 = r * Cos((Angle + 32) * (pi / 180)) + y
' px1 = r * Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + x
' py1 = r * Cos((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + y
' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x
' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y
'' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x
' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y

''Point 2
px2 = r * Sin((Angle + 35) * (pi / 180)) + x
py2 = r * Cos((Angle + 35) * (pi / 180)) + y

'px2 = r * Sin((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + x
' py2 = r * Cos((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + y

''point 3
px3 = r * Sin((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + x
py3 = r * Cos((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + y
''point 4

px4 = r * Sin((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py4 = r * Cos((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 5
px5 = r * Sin((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + x
py5 = r * Cos((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + y
px6 = r * Sin((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + x
py6 = r * Cos((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'Point 6 Center

px7 = r * Sin((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + x

py7 = r * Cos((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 7

px8 = r * Sin((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + x

py8 = r * Cos((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 8

px9 = r * Sin((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + x

py9 = r * Cos((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 9

px10 = r * Sin((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py10 = r * Cos((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 10

px11 = r * Sin((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + x

py11 = r * Cos((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 11

px12 = r * Sin((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + x

py12 = r * Cos((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 12

px13 = r * Sin((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + x

py13 = r * Cos((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 13 as the same start coordinates.

'Coords =

'Coords = px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & " " & px4 &
"," & py4 & ",20" & " " & px5 & "," & py5 & ",20" & " " & px6 & "," & py6 & ",20" &
" " & px7 & "," & py7 & ",20" & " " & px8 & "," & py8 & ",20" & " " & px9 & "," &
py9 & ",20" & " " & px10 & "," & py10 & ",20" & " " & px11 & "," & py11 & ",20"

' & " " & px11 & "," & py11 & ",20" & " " & px12 & "," & py12 & ",20" & " " & x &
"," & y & ",20"
' Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & px5
& "," & py5 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " &
px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & x & ","
& y & ",20"
Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & x
& "," & y & ",20"

PolygonP3 = Coords
End Function

Private Function PolygonP4(x As Double, y As Double, r As Double, Angle As Integer)

As String
' Dim Angle As Double
Dim Coords As String
Coords = ""
' Angle = 2 * 3.141592654 / n
'60 * pi / 180

' px11 = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x

' py11 = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px11 & "," & py11 & ",0 "
Coords = Coords & x & "," & y & ",20 "
' For i = 1 To n - 1
' px = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x
' py = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px & "," & py & ",0 "
' Next i

'Point 1
Const pi = 3.14159265358979
Dim val1 As Double
' Convert 60 degrees to radians by multiplying by pi/180.
val1 = Sin(60 * pi / 180)

'MsgBox "r " & r

'MsgBox "Sin(30) " & Sin(30)
'MsgBox "Sin(( 30 * (Pi / 180)) " & Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "Sin((30) * (pi / 180)) small " & Sin((30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "x " & x

'Point 1
px1 = r * Sin((Angle - 27) * (pi / 180)) + x
py1 = r * Cos((Angle - 27) * (pi / 180)) + y
' px1 = r * Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + x
' py1 = r * Cos((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + y
' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x
' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y
'' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x
' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y

''Point 2
px2 = r * Sin((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + x
py2 = r * Cos((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + y

'px2 = r * Sin((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + x

' py2 = r * Cos((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + y

''point 3
px3 = r * Sin((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + x
py3 = r * Cos((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + y
''point 4

px4 = r * Sin((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py4 = r * Cos((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 5
px5 = r * Sin((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + x
py5 = r * Cos((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + y

px6 = r * Sin((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + x

py6 = r * Cos((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'Point 6 Center

px7 = r * Sin((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + x

py7 = r * Cos((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 7

px8 = r * Sin((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + x

py8 = r * Cos((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 8

px9 = r * Sin((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + x

py9 = r * Cos((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 9

px10 = r * Sin((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py10 = r * Cos((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 10

px11 = r * Sin((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + x

py11 = r * Cos((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 11

px12 = r * Sin((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + x

py12 = r * Cos((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + y
'point 12

px13 = r * Sin((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + x

py13 = r * Cos((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 13 as the same start coordinates.

'Coords =

'Coords = px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & " " & px4 &
"," & py4 & ",20" & " " & px5 & "," & py5 & ",20" & " " & px6 & "," & py6 & ",20" &
" " & px7 & "," & py7 & ",20" & " " & px8 & "," & py8 & ",20" & " " & px9 & "," &
py9 & ",20" & " " & px10 & "," & py10 & ",20" & " " & px11 & "," & py11 & ",20"

' & " " & px11 & "," & py11 & ",20" & " " & px12 & "," & py12 & ",20" & " " & x &
"," & y & ",20"
' Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & px5
& "," & py5 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " &
px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " &
x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " &
px3 & "," & py3 x & "," & y & ",20"
Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & x
& "," & y & ",20"
PolygonP4 = Coords
End Function

' if need to change Style of lines and poly Lines

'<Style id="style">
' <LineStyle>
' <color>ff000000</color>
' <width>3</width>
' </LineStyle>
' <PolyStyle>
' <color>800000ff</color>
' </PolyStyle>
' </Style>
' <Style id="style0">
' <LineStyle>
' <color>ff000000</color>
' <width>3</width>
' </LineStyle>
' <PolyStyle>
' <color>800000ff</color>
' </PolyStyle>
' </Style>
' <StyleMap id="stylemap_id2">
' <Pair>
' <key>normal</key>
' <styleUrl>#style0</styleUrl>
' </Pair>
' <Pair>
' <key>highlight</key>
' <styleUrl>#style</styleUrl>
' </Pair>
' </StyleMap>
Private Function PolygonT(x As Double, y As Double, r As Double, Angle As Integer)
As String
' Dim Angle As Double
Dim Coords As String
Coords = ""
' Angle = 2 * 3.141592654 / n
'60 * pi / 180

' px11 = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x

' py11 = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px11 & "," & py11 & ",20 "
Coords = Coords & x & "," & y & ",10 "
' For i = 1 To n - 1
' px = r * Sin(Angle * i) + x
' py = r * Cos(Angle * i) + y
' Coords = Coords & px & "," & py & ",20 "
' Next i

'Point 1
Const pi = 3.14159265358979
Dim val1 As Double
' Convert 60 degrees to radians by multiplying by pi/180.
val1 = Sin(60 * pi / 180)

'MsgBox "r " & r

'MsgBox "Sin(30) " & Sin(30)
'MsgBox "Sin(( 30 * (Pi / 180)) " & Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "Sin((30) * (pi / 180)) small " & Sin((30) * (pi / 180))
'MsgBox "x " & x

'Point 1

px1 = r * Sin((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + x

py1 = r * Cos((Angle + 30) * (pi / 180)) + y

' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x

' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y
'' px1 = r * Sin(360 - Angle + 30) + x
' py1 = r * Cos(360 - Angle + 30) + y

''Point 2
px2 = r * Sin((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + x
py2 = r * Cos((Angle + 25) * (pi / 180)) + y

''point 3
px3 = r * Sin((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + x
py3 = r * Cos((Angle + 20) * (pi / 180)) + y
''point 4

px4 = r * Sin((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py4 = r * Cos((Angle + 15) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 5
px5 = r * Sin((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + x
py5 = r * Cos((Angle + 10) * (pi / 180)) + y
px6 = r * Sin((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + x
py6 = r * Cos((Angle + 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'Point 6 Center

px7 = r * Sin((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + x

py7 = r * Cos((Angle) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 7

px8 = r * Sin((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + x

py8 = r * Cos((Angle - 5) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 8

px9 = r * Sin((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + x

py9 = r * Cos((Angle - 10) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 9

px10 = r * Sin((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + x

py10 = r * Cos((Angle - 15) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 10

px11 = r * Sin((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + x

py11 = r * Cos((Angle - 20) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 11

px12 = r * Sin((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + x

py12 = r * Cos((Angle - 25) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 12

px13 = r * Sin((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + x

py13 = r * Cos((Angle - 30) * (pi / 180)) + y

'point 13 as the same start coordinates.

Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",10" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",10" & " " &
px3 & "," & py3 & ",10" & " " & px4 & "," & py4 & ",10" & " " & px5 & "," & py5 &
",10" & " " & px6 & "," & py6 & ",10" & " " & px7 & "," & py7 & ",10" & " " & px8 &
"," & py8 & ",10" & " " & px9 & "," & py9 & ",10" & " " & px10 & "," & py10 & ",10"
& " " & px11 & "," & py11 & ",10" & " " & px12 & "," & py12 & ",10" & " " & x & ","
& y & ",10"
' Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & px5
& "," & py5 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & ",20" & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " &
px3 & "," & py3 & ",20" & " " & x & "," & y & ",20"
'Coords = Coords & px1 & "," & py1 & " " & px2 & "," & py2 & ",20" & " " & x & ","
& y & ",20"

PolygonT = Coords
End Function

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