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7th Grade Science Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. James FitzPatrick

Contact: Phone: 267-428-2224 ext. 2401
Email: jfitzpatrick@stringtheoryschools.org

Required Resource: iTunes U Course- String Theory Schools 07 SCI

Welcome to 7th grade science!

Course Description
The 7th grade Science Course focuses on Physical Science. Physical Science investigates
the fundamentals of Physics and Chemistry. After a short introductory unit, the students
will first be introduced to the Unit of Forces and Motion. During this unit, they will
explore concepts such as speed, velocity, acceleration, distance, and displacements. They
will also be introduced to Newton’s Laws of Motion. Forces in Fluids will also be
covered in the conclusion of the Forces and Motion unit. The third unit invites the
students to explore simple machines and allow for a deeper understanding on how they
enable humans to complete work with less effort. Energy and Energy Sources is the
fourth unit covered. In this unit, students will acquire an understanding of potential and
kinetic energy. Finally, in the last unit, they will be introduced to chemistry and learn
about the atomic structure, chemical bonding, and chemical reactions. Math skills will be
called upon as force, motion, and energy are investigated. The properties of matter,
atomic structure, and chemical reactions allow the student to acquire an understanding of
the world around them at a microscopic level.

Course Objectives
By the end of this course, the successful student will be able to:

1. Explain the relationship between the structure and properties of matter

2. Explain that matter is made out of atoms and that atoms are composed of even smaller
3. Use the periodic table to understand the characteristics of an atom or element
4. Analyze energy and the conservation of energy
5. Use the principles of motion and force to solve real-world problems
7. Evaluate simple systems that incorporate the principles of force and motion
8. Explain that acceleration is the rate that the velocity of an object is changing
9. Describe electricity and explain how it flows
10. Correlate force, motion, and energy with processes around us

Academic Honesty
Any work submitted by the student shall be his/her own. Work taken from others shall be
deemed as unacceptable. Any doubts will initiate the completion of an alternative
assignment or a zero on the required effort, depending on the severity of the infraction.

Required Supplies
Fully charged iPad

Grading Policy
Grading Scale: 35% tests/labs
35% projects + quizzes
30% class engagement (includes classwork and homework)

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Attendance- Students are responsible for making up any missed work. The number of
days absent will be equivalent to the time the students have to make up and submit their
Lateness- Students will be marked tardy to class every time they are late without a
required pass. Three tardies will lead to a conference with the student and a phone call
Homework- All homework is due when directed. NO homework will be accepted after the
due date unless a written excuse comes from home in place of homework. Homework is
due by midnight of the assigned date. Homework that is late will not be accepted.
Cell phone-No cell phones are allowed. All cell phones are to be locked in lockers. If you
are seen with your cell phone, the cell phone will be confiscated and returned by the end
of the day. After the third repeated offense, a parent/guardian has to pick up the phone
from the main office.
Headphones- Students are not allowed to have headphones on when entering the
classroom. Headphones are to be used only with a teacher’s permission.
Locker- Students must go to the lockers between classes. Students are not allowed to go
to their lockers during class.
Bathroom- Students should try their best to go to the bathroom before class. Students will
not be allowed to go to the bathroom during instruction unless it is an emergency.
Students must sign in an out and have an allowance of 6 bathroom visits per quarter.
Respect- Students are expected to treat others as they want to be treated. All school
materials must be used proper1y and not destructively or there will be assigned after-
school or lunch detention.
Parents and Students:

I understand that students are to hand in work before 8 A.M. on the day it is due. If for
some reason a student cannot complete the homework (i.e an emergency), please send a
written note in with the student the day the homework is due. Mr. FitzPatrick may
sometimes allow late work to be submitted. ALL LATE WORK MUST BE EMAILED
EMAIL. Mr. Fitz reserves the right to deny late work. Additionally, plagiarism is not
tolerated and any responsibilities of communication with teacher in regard to academic
work are ultimately up to the student and their parent to act on. Mr. Fitz will do his best
to communicate any concerns, however any progress and notifications relating to the
student can be viewed online in Powerschool. Mr. FitzPatrick promotes a high value in
the sense of responsibility amongst his students. While he is the teacher, students are
responsible ultimately for what’s required of them.

Mr. FitzPatrick appreciates effort and honesty above all. Please keep that in mind.

*** Please feel free to e-mail me at ANY TIME. If you would like an update on the
progress of your student, do not hesitate to ask. Please check PowerSchool frequently to
check on grades and ask questions. I look forward to working with you and your
student!! Emails will be sent out often to periodically as the primary means of
communication with students and parents.

Please sign and date below to acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the syllabus.

Student name (printed)_____________________________________________________

Student signature ______________________________ Date_______
Parent signature ______________________________ Date_______

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