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ISSUE: 20190611- Re: The theft of our democracy, etc & the constitution-

Supplement 53-Spying-etc

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, what is this spying about?

**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, from the various reports it appears to me that the then High
Commissioner to London Mr Alexander Downer was a CIA spy. So much for being a diplomate.
It was well known that the Australian Government at the time was anti candidate Trump. And
from the reports it seems to me they used Mr Alexander Downer to aid the CIA for this.

FBI Knew 'Within 60 Days' That Russia Probe 'Built On A Foundation Of Sand,' Says Congressman
Meadows also suggested that the FBI had exculpatory information on Trump campaign adviser George
Papadopoulos, who was fed the rumor that Russia had negative information on Hillary Clinton, and later
bilked for said information by a Clinton-linked Australian diplomat. Papadopoulos would later be
subject to a spying operation in which the FBI sent in two operatives to trick the Trump adviser in a failed
business / honeypot operation.
The bureau opened its investigation of the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016, after receiving a tip
about Papadopoulos from the Australian government. Within those two months, the FBI team leading the
investigation received information from Steele’s dossier. The FBI also dispatched a longtime FBI
informant, Stefan Halper, to meet with Papadopoulos.

How hypocritical for the Australia government to argue about possible spying by a Chines
telecommunication company when it is itself in the thick of it. And again in my view Mr
Alexander Downer was to be a High Commissioner and never should have engaged in spying.
Australia's national security laws should protect the country, not its politicians in power
At another point in his press conference, Acting Commissioner Gaughan said "it's
important that people realise the reason why we are so strongly in our view of
protecting top secret and secret information is that the Australian Government,
or particularly the Australian law enforcement intelligence communities, rely on
top secret and secret information from our international partners, particularly
the Five Eyes partners, to keep the Australian community safe.
"If we can't be seen to protect our own internal information, we are concerned
the information flow to us dries up."
This would also be a fair point if it could be proved the information that had
been reported would in any way impact on the Five Eyes partners.
Australia's agreement with those partners refers to intercepted messages and
data, not to Australian originated information.
And as the New York Times noted this week "even among its peers, Australia stands
out. No other developed democracy holds as tight to its secrets, experts say, and
the raids are just the latest example of how far the country's conservative
Government will go to scare officials and reporters into submission".

p1 11-6-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
Even in the age of Donald Trump, it remains the case that Australian journalists
can routinely get much better briefings on the relationship with the United
States in Washington than they can in Canberra.
The same is true elsewhere.

The spy and the SAS soldier with a loaded Glock
Now, a secret report obtained by the ABC paints a much fuller picture about what happened that night
including how the SAS trooper allegedly held his loaded Glock pistol under the chin of the female spy.
It also reveals that some Australian troops in Afghanistan regularly drank alcohol — some of it supplied by
the Australian Embassy — in direct contravention of standing orders.
The 36-page report is marked Secret AUSTEO (Australian Eyes Only).
It says that on the night in question three members of "another government agency" and nine defence force
personnel were at the BBQ.
Soldier put muzzle directly under spy's chin
The report says alcohol was consumed during the evening.
There was evidence both the man and the woman involved "were to some degree intoxicated".

Let us be clear about it, as I understood it Mr Alexander Downer got a person intoxicated and
then informs the Federal Government about what this Mr Papadopoulos allegedly had stated.
And on that basis everything flowed from there about investigations in regard of the Russian gate
issues. Gee real spy competence to get someone intoxicated. And the same we had as now
appears in Afghanistan where a spy was allegedly intoxicated.
And those kind of people are in a way dictating how then Federal government is to conduct
national security as why would anyone not trust our so called intelligence agencies.
Then again remember the WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) where Mueller then FBI
director, yes the same one who claimed to the USA Congress that President Saddam Hussein had
WMD and was able to hand it over to terrorist (and for this we had this unconstitutional invasion
into Iraq.) relied upon what some intoxicated person had claimed to Mr Alexander Downer.

And we have this 5-eyes intelligence services that relied upon this kind of idiotic intelligence
advice to recommend a government to get into an unconstitutional war. It seem to me we would
get more sense out of going to a local pup and ask heavily intoxicated patrons what their advice
would be. They might be unable to say anything and that to me is gar wiser then listening to
those so called intelligence agencies who get together pretending to be intelligent but cannot
even manage to present factual evidence. So trust them as they in their intoxicated manner will
know what is true.
* What do you suggest?
**#** The government must hold those intelligence services accountable, and not accept their
nonsense and let intelligence services hiding behind secrecy of national security. Get rid of the
heads who failed miserably and misinformed the government in the past and ensure that in future
factual evidence is provided. After all we had mass murder, crimes against humanity, etc, all
because of the so called intelligence services claiming there was WMD. If an ordinary citizen
were to do the same then he would be held to be a terrorist. Well so are the politicians who
instead of governing allow themselves to be dictated by spies who are using alcohol and
intoxication to pretend to use intelligence to discover factual evidence.
* Is NATIONAL SECURITY nothing more but a smoke screen to cover up for murders, etc?
**#** We got politicians going on about that no one should take the law into their own hands
and yet that is what the government, intelligent agencies, the armed troops, etc, are all doing.
p2 11-6-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
Both appears succeeded unchallenged by the Commonwealth!
County Court of Victoria, Case numbers T01567737 & Q10897630 19 July 2006
Electoral Matters relating to Afghanistan and Iraq unconstitutional invasion, FREEDOM
OF THE PRESS, etc. Supplement 1
This document can be downloaded from:
The Defendant submits, that the Court rather seeking to enforce unconstitutional
legislation against the Defendant it would do better if the Commonwealth Director of
Public Prosecutions were to occupy the Courts time instead to have Mr John Howard and
others facing the Courts as to their unconstitutional and otherwise illegal conduct.
To disregard the, what I consider plain murder of refugees, by towing their unseaworthy
boats back into the sea and so leave the occupants left to the perils of the sea in my view is
unacceptable and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, so to say, ought to
get his act together and pursue those responsible for their day in Court. After all what are
laws for if those in power can unconstitutional authorise a murderous invasion and get
away with it?

With the 2004 purported Federal election the added issue is also that no one in his right
mind can demand or otherwise force me to vote for what I consider a war criminal, being
Mr John Howard, likewise so for any of his political allies.
The position of “Prime Minister” does not exist in the written Constitution. However, as a
“constitutionalist” I am well aware that the framers of the Constitution intended there be a
Prime Minister, albeit with limited powers. As they made clear the power to declare War or
Peace rest with the Monarch and so by the Governor-General and this was only to be acted
upon by a Declaration of War if it involved going to war. Hence, the armed invasion into
Afghanistan and Iraq was unconstitutional as no DECLARATION OF WAR was ever
publicised in the Gazette. As a matter of fact, I understand it was TREACHERY within
section 24AA of the Crimes Act (Cth) for the Prime minister and others to authorise a war
against “friendly” nations, as they were in view they had not actually attacked us and
neither had the governor-General issued a Declaration of War to placed them to be

While the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions seems to have spend a lot of
effort to pursue me for allegedly “failing to vote” he did not at all do so upon my
complaints to him about the invalid elections, the conduct of Mr. John Howard (and his
fellow Members of Parliament involved in the matter) to unconstitutionally and illegally
authorised a murderous invasion into another sovereign nation that may constitute
TREACHERY within the meaning of section 24 AA of the Crimes Act Cth) neither did
the Australian Federal Police bother to act upon my official complaint. As such, it appears
to me that the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions is not the least interested to
uphold the law irrespective of the position of the person but rather seems to be a political
football for the Government and not bothering to deal with real serious offences.

p3 11-6-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
As I have stated in the past Osama bin Laden does not need any terrorism tactics to be
used to gain control of the Commonwealth of Australia, as simply all he need is some
competent lawyers to show there is no validly elected Government and so basically it is as
in 1788 when British Rules was established, now anyone can take control and install
his/her authority.

John Howard went on national television on 28-6-2002 about the 30 odd people who
escaped from the WOOMERA Detention centre making clear that, as I understand it,
“People should not take the law into their own hands.”

Well, as later will be exposed, that is precisely what John Howard did to rig the election!

Therefore, the issue then is, if indeed the purported election on 10 November 2001 was
unconstitutional/unlawful and as such, John Howard and neither others were duly and
properly elected, then any conduct taken against people to have them placed in detention
centres likewise must be deemed to have been unlawful. After all, if the purported
Government of John Howard is not a lawful elected Government then likewise anything
they did is unlawful.



(u) The Defendant became an INDEPENDENT candidate for the seat of JAGAJAGA.
(v) The Defendant then became aware that the writs had not been issued “according to
law” and on 20 October 2001 notified the then Care Taking Prime Minister of
Australia Mr John Winston Howard, the Leader of the opposition Mr Kim Beazley,
the Australian Electoral Commission and various others by e-mail that the writs
were defective.
(w) Unbeknown to the Defendant at that time, the Gazette S421 containing the
Proclamation of the Prorogue of the Parliament and the Dissolution of the House of
Representative had not been published in on 8 October 2001, but had been
published first in Canberra on 9 October 2001, and in Victoria not until 10 October
2001, Western Australia not until 15 October 2001, New South Wales not until 18
October 2001, Tasmania not until 22 October 2001 and in no State or Territory was
ever any Proclamation published on 8 October 2001.

Keep in mind this Section 78B NOTICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL MATTERS having been
ordered on 4 December 2002 (With consent of the parties) to be heard and determined by the
High Court of Australia remains outstanding.
Ione therefore would expect that this is unfinished business. This as once it is legally challenged
it is and remain ULTRA VIRES. Meaning that the Australian armed forces were/are and remain
to be unlawfully in Afghanistan/Iraq.

p4 11-6-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
If I were to say rob a store and then appoint someone to manage the store and this person then
purports to give me authority to have roved the store surely no one would hold this legally
acceptable. Likewise with the unconstitutional invasions into Afghanistan/Iraq.
It is irrelevant if the puppet regime now in place does consent to Australian troops to be there, as
the issue is and remains that if it was unconstitutional in the first place then it remains to be so.

Who is the enemy? Australia's secretive rules of engagement
 #1: Leaked documents expose deadly secrets of Australian special forces

 #2: An interrogation, a shooting and no witnesses

 #3: What the documents reveal about killings of unarmed Afghans

 #4: The spy and the SAS soldier with a loaded Glock

 #5: Who is the enemy? Australia's secretive rules of engagement

 #6: What the f*** are you doing?: Chaos over severed hands

 #7: Relations between Australia's special forces units on 'knife edge'


How on earth can you have an armed force that doesn’t even know what are the precise rules of
engagement. And cutting off the hand of a corpse for fingerprinting is like going to argue that if
this person is resurrected they can identify the person?
What the documents reveal about killings of unarmed Afghans

One Man’s Quest to Expose a Fake BBC Video about Syria
This incident had the effect of increasing pressure for Western states or NATO to attack Syria. It would be for
humanitarian reasons, rationalized by the “responsibility to protect”.

The assumption that ‘the regime’ did it has been challenged. Highly regarded American journalists including
the late Robert Parry and Seymour Hersh investigated and contradicted the mainstream media. They pointed
to the crimes being committed by the armed opposition for political goals. A report by two experts including
a UN weapons inspector and Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity also came to the conclusion that
the Syrian government was not responsible and the attack was actually by an armed opposition group with
the goal of forcing NATO intervention.

One Man’s Quest to Expose a Fake BBC Video about Syria
Over almost six years his research has revealed many curious elements about the video including:
* Youth in the hospital video appear to act on cue.
* There is a six hour discrepancy in reports about when the incident occurred.
* One of the supposed victims, shown writhing in pain on a stretcher, is seen earlier walking unaided into the
* The incident happened in an area controlled by a terror group associated with ISIS.
* One of the British medics is a former UK soldier involved in simulated injury training.
* The other British medic is daughter of a prominent figure in the Syrian opposition.
* In 2016 a local rebel commander testified that the alleged attack never happened.

p5 11-6-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
What kind of intelligence services do we have when they fell for this crap and the Government
acts upon it as if it is factual never mind that innocent people are then killed in retaliation to deal
with something that was fake! (False Flag)
US officials: Russian ‘digital fingerprints’ all over election hacks
CIA Stole Russian malware uses it misdirect attribution cyber attacks
New Leaks Confirm: CIA Posed as ‘Russian Hackers’
As we have intelligent agencies forming 5-eyes and they all sing the same song, then why are we
spending huge amount of monies on the so called intelligent agencies when I sitting behind a
computer merely log onto the Internet and can discover real facts that the so called intelligent
agencies cannot manage to know about?

Army whistleblower wanted to expose politicians and Defence, not soldiers
It was the notorious claim that an SAS soldier had chopped off the hands of dead Taliban
insurgents that led to allegations of “war crimes” in Australia’s name.
But the whistleblower who leaked the internal report and sparked last week’s police raids on the
ABC insists he was trying to expose the willingness of politicians and Defence to throw the soldier
under the bus to appease voters – not criticise the troops.
It’s one of the prime examples of what he describes as Australia fighting an “Instagram war”,
airbrushed for voters at home.
David McBride, a former military lawyer who now faces years in jail if he is convicted of leaking the
top secret documents, has pleaded not guilty on the grounds he was compelled to tell the truth of
what was going on.

In my view there can be no such thing as NATIONAL SECURITY when it comes to war crimes
committed by soldiers. We have a constitution and no one is above it.
How on earth can we criticize terrorist groups for slaughtering their victims when we prove to be
no better in killing innocent children, etc? It seems to be like Do as we say but not as we do.
* The may argue it is collateral damage.
**#** It cannot be deemed collateral damage if in the first place the invasion into
Afghanistan/Iraq was unconstitutional. And as I submitted to the court and not challenged by the
Commonwealth that John Howard and others were not validly elected then after 3 months
Section 64 of the constitution) of being Prime Minister he was no more and that means that he
was an imposter in claiming to be a Prime Minister and the same with others who were not
validly elected. Hence none of them can claim protection of any Ministerial office because they
were imposters.
* I doubt that the Commonwealth realised how extensive your submissions were.
**#** Well another way is that they realised how extensive it was and they knew that I had the
facts (without any intelligence service involved) and so they knew that they had no hope in the
world to defeat me on those issues. We seem to have former army officers running many
important departments and with their fabricated intelligence we are ending up in an utter mess.
Having Ministers who lac any competence in constitutional issues, despite having to be
constitutional advisors, means we are not governed by those who are in the Government but are
p6 11-6-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
governed by unelected group of people who are warmongering and fabricating so called
intelligence information. They are the group of nameless people who have their own kind of
goals to achieve. We then have politicians who for the sake of wanting to be or pretend to be in
power sell their soul for this.
*.When NATIONAL SECURITY claims are to cover up war crimes then surely this is showing
how low they get, isn’t that so?
**#** Precisely. How on earth can it e NATIONAL SECURITY when the Afghan people have
reported it already and complained about matters? To declare something a NATIONAL
SECURITY issue that already is out in the open is a gross abuse of what can be deemed
NATIONAL SECURITY. Killing innocent children never can be covered up with a
*. Would you say that making it a NATIONALSECURITY issue this really is admitting a gross
wrongdoing that needs to be covered up?
**#** In a sense I view it is admitting unlawful/illegal conduct that they are seeking to hide from
the general public. And when there is a political election keeping it hidden means it denies the
electors a fair and proper opportunity to vote for the candidates they hold are more competent to
represent them. As such at that time when the war crimes were concealed it undermined our
democratic rights to be informed about the candidate’s then standing in the political elections.
*. Do you view that the intelligence services are having too much power?
**#** In a way they have but on the other hand we have so to say zombies in government who
are willing to go along with whatever the so called intelligence service are claiming because they
themselves are not intelligent enough to consider factual issues relevant to the issues at hand. By
this the so called DARK FORCE operating intelligence services are really determining how the
government operates. And that is very dangerous. It also undermines out constitutional rights to
We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!

This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)

p7 11-6-2019 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

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