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Executive Meeting Script

(TravelGa Agencyl)

President: Luna Mae Cole

Secretary: Joselito Gumban

Department heads:

Auditor - Richel Mainit

Accounting and Finance Department - Jane Stephanie Guardiana

Sales and Marketing Department - Shena Mae Acot

Human Resource Department - Sunshine Aballe

PRESIDENT: The annual meeting of the TravelGa Agency will now come to order. Welcome to our annual
meeting. Are we now in quorum?

SECRETARY: Yes, Ms. President, we are now in quorum.

PRESIDENT: Okay if we’re all here, let’s get started. By the way has everyone got a copy of the agenda?
Good okay. The secretary will read the agenda for today’s meeting.

SECRETARY: The agenda for today’s meeting is about the monthly income in year 2018 and the new
sales strategy plan for our travel agency also the improving of the Costumer service.

PRESIDENT: As we observed, our Travel Agency are increasing its rates in terms of income this year.
Based on the sales report the other week, our sales increased 45% (Shine referring to the pptx. graph).
More and more clients book in our Travel Agency especially during peak season. So we’ve came up to
the idea that we should think of a new strategy plan to grow and increase more of our sales and income.
Now, may I have the presentation of Ms. Mainit on the monthly income we have in 2018, after that the
presentation of Ms. Acot on their new sales strategy plan that their team come up.

MAINIT: Sure, thanks Ms. President …(Reporting) So Ms. Acot is here to present our new sales strategy

ACOT: Thank you Ms. Mainit. Yes, our team has come up with an idea about having a new sales strategy
to increase and boost our travel business and it is by establishing a strong social media presence. Well, a
report by Deloitte found that over a third of people use online booking for their vacations, and the same
report indicated that most travelers will discuss their trip on social media sites as soon as the day they
return. As we all know social networks are one of the fastest growing industries in the world. So, by
advertising our travel business in every social media sites especially on Facebook it will have a great
impact because more than a billion of people are using Facebook nowadays and surely they will come
on us especially to those travelers that uses a lot in social media sites and are looking for a travel agency
for booking their airline tickets and hotel rooms. Social interactions exploit the human aspect of booking
travel, especially for corporate travelers. Social media is also a factor in reputation management as it
can help promote our business and drive recommendations.

PRESIDENT: Thank you. Are there any questions about the presentations?

GUARDIANA: ( Raising her hand.)

PRESIDENT: Ms. Guardiana...

GUARDIANA: I don’t have a question regarding to your presentation but I totally agree with Ms. Acot
and Ms. Mainit for their suggestion, it will surely make our company rate high...

ABALLE: Yes, I second the motion... But from my point of view I also want to suggest an early discount
booking or an online booking. I am sure that many of our clients will be asked to visit us if we discount
them because there are many who want to travel and book with a discount. With that they will pay less.

PRESIDENT: Okay. Is there any other suggestion?


PRESIDENT: Since there are 2 suggestions. We will conduct voting by showing of hand. Please raise your
hand to vote for the motion. Mr. Secretary please counts the vote.

SECRETARY: Yes, Ms. Cole

PRESIDENT: Who vote for Ms. Acot suggestion?

SECRETARY: (count) 2 vote. Except Ms. Aballe

MAINIT: Sorry to interrupt Ms. Chairman. But how about if the same suggestion is to be implemented?
that would be great for our business to boosts the income and sales for our travel business

PRESIDENT: Your right. Okay then I hereby declare that the motion to implementation on the new
strategy plan. Okay then, are we all okay to move on to the next point … So, the secretary will read the
last agenda. And also, Lito can you warn me if we go beyond 10 minutes on this one.

SECRETARY: Yes Ms. Chairman. Okay the last agenda of today’s meeting is the improving of
Costumer service.

PRESIDENT: Okay thanks Mr. Secretary. May I have the presentation of Ms. Guardiana on their
suggestion about improving the Costumer service on our travel agency...

GUARDIANA: Thank you Ms. President. I propose on having an improvement to our Costumer service on
our travel agency through establishing a personal connection with our Costumers. We can build a solid
connection with our existing Costumers , to keeping them come back if we’re going to reach them out
personally. It also had the added benefit of increasing costumer reviews and word of mouth, which has
benefited business. We can contact those who have just booked, to make sure the booking process is
okay, and then we can contact those who have just come back to make sure they are having their good
time. And if we try to keep our own costumers we can establish a relationship with them, by keeping up
the communication, we know what the client wants to do next, earlier. So, no last minute rushes, and no
more chance of finding a deal.

PRESIDENT: Thank you Ms. Guardiana. I also agree with your proposal earlier. It will have a great impact
on our business if we improve our Costumer service. Surely, our Costumers will be pleased. Alright any
objection for the suggestion?

ALL: No. (Shake head)

ACOT: Yes, I do agree with this Ms. Accounting and Finance Department’s idea. It is necessary to
improve the Costumer service so that our revenue will increased and will helps us to attract fresh
customers in a competitive business environment.

PRESIDENT: Ok! All of your motions are reasonable. We will take all these ideas into consideration. Mr.
secretary, could you please take notes?

SECRETARY: Yes, Ofcourse!

PRESIDENT: Good. Mr. Gumban, please complete the minutes of meeting and submit to me by
tomorrow morning.

SECRETARY: Okay, Ms. President.

PRESIDENT: Okay, it’s time to end our meeting today. We will have our next meeting on 26th
November. I am hereby to adjourn the meeting. Thank you for coming.

EVERYONE: Thank you

PRESIDENT: Will someone propose the meeting be adjourned?

MAINIT: Yes, I proposed the meeting to be adjourned.

ACOT: I second the motion.

PRESIDENT: Thank You. The meeting is adjourned. Have a nice day.

EVERYONE: Thank You. (shake hand) women with women

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