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Lauren Davis

HIdden Identities Outline

● Thesis: The internalized stigma and shame of students with learning differences Commented [1]: working thesis
and disabilities results in a self-fulfilling prophecy of weakened self-esteem,
lowered expectations, and therefore hindered academic performance
○ We need to undo the stigmatization of learning disabilities and empower
students with learning differences by reminding them of their inherent
worth. Otherwise, they are likely to internalize the stigma and this shame
will result in lowered self-esteem, ambition, and academic performance. Commented [2]: or is it lowered self-esteem, lowered
ambition, and lowered academic performance
● Part 1: Introduction
○ My academic experience with ADHD
○ Shame with being different/needing accommodations
○ Othering of differently abled students
● Part 2: Evidence of others’ experiences Commented [3]: try to find maybe some more
examples of first hand experiences
○ Chloe Gaynor’s blog post about her experience in school with ADHD and
learning disabilities
■ Misunderstanding of what it means to have a learning disability (not
lazy, not stupid, can’t just “try harder”)
■ Hiding her disabilities from peers in college out of fear of judgement
■ Shifting thinking of disabilities from bad thing to source of strength
and motivation
● Part 3: Studies
○ Studies on trends of the effects shame has on disabled students
○ Study on the effects of sensitivity/awareness about disabilities training for
neurotypical peers
○ Study on parents with children with learning disabilities
● Part 4: The positives of having learning differences
○ The giftedness and talents of people with learning disabilities (people on
the Autism Spectrum being geniuses, creativity of people with ADHD)
○ We need to stop telling these children they are bad apples and start to
example the barrels we put them in. The traditional education environment
and teaching style doesn’t suit everyone
■ Talk about what it is like for an adhd kid to have to sit still and do
one mundane task for a long time
■ Talk about how it can be overwhelming for someone with ASD to
be in a classroom environment Commented [4]: unsure of this. look into it
● Part 5: Conclusion
○ My hope for changes in the future
○ There should be more research (studies, academic literature)
○ My plans to start my own business so children with ADHD know that they
aren’t alone and they have value and potential for greatness

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