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BSCE II Spring 2017 Dump

know antibotic resistance of clindamycin and macrolides- methylation of ribosomes

dorsifexion loss of fibular nerve damage
know differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes- both have Ori of replication
formulas- renal clearance, gfr, total peripheral resistance, sensitivity, odds ratio
know lymph drainage of lower lip- middle= submental lateral = submandibular
know filgrastin = neutrophils proliferate
there was some pharm questions about seizures we havent learned yet
know glipizide adverse effects- hypoglycemia
like 3-4 q's on different types of meningitis
pertusis toxin mechanism of action- adp ribosylation
pneumonia vaccine- polysaccaride
know how anthrax causes mediastinal widening = growth of lymph nodes
neurosyphilis was one
thrombocytopenias were like 3 q's
there was one i couldnt tell between leishmania or african sleeping. What bug caused it. I put
sand fly
had coccidioidomycosis twice as answers. Anthroconidia was one and South west US for the
expected ABG in the presence of PCP infection. think i had low P02, 38 PCO2 and mild
temporal lobe seizure = herpes simplex
know about mumps viral characteristics
median nerve = what hand muscle would not work. opsonization
know how to break up resp mucus production in a C. Fibrosis patient
= cleavage of disulfide bonds
tried to be tricky with a patient who has cervical lymphadenopathy and infection like
symptoms, answer was vasculitis (kawasaki)
know CMV torch infection
easiest part of urethra to puncture when giving a cath = membranous
know how to tell a question is talking about fibrinoid necrosis by desccribing it weirdly
know wound healing: pg 211 of FA
know what chromosome huntingin gene is = 4
know what cancer can be caused by vinyl chloride = angiosarcoma of liver
breast cancer most common metastisis is to bone
in renal disease you compensate drug admin by decreasing maintanence dose
decent amount of autonomic drugs/questions
know why you have a widening pulse pressure with aortic regurg
one was a kid who took a bunch of pills and was in a coma and hypoventilating and it saidd
what would you do first and i had no clue
there was one that was like, which arrythmia is most likely to cause the person to lose
I put torsades
glycine and succinyl coa are the starting molecules of heme synthesis
know type 1 error and what happens if you decrease it
know to use chi square for categorical data
bunch of weird ethics ones i cant really help with
pg 258 on FA like 3 q’s but I put normal for all
midsystolic click= prolapse
PDA left 6th arch
tonsils= 2nd pouch = endoderm
cardiac myxomas
two polyarterits nodosa q's = hep b
know prolactin comes from acidophils
vit D final activation is in kidney
Hypercalcemia seen in lytic bone lesion
bunch of endo questions on calcium
NMDA receptor= glutamate and Ca influx
know wolf chaikoff effect
and that you treat radiactive iodine exposure with potasium iodide
dexamethasone suppression test for cushings
sheehan syndrome after post partum hemorrage
carcinoid sydrome was 2 q's
PTU side effects
know what you would do to diagnose an omphalocele in utero = ultrasound?
ruptured ulcer in posterior stomach = pancreas damage, not spleen
anal fissures below pectinate line
ileal hyperplasia following jejunum removal
chronic mesenteric ischemia = splenic flexure
there was a histo image of alcholic hepatitis that I had no idea what the answer was
VEGF causes mets to the liver to continue to grow
i didnt know if basophils or eosinophils had more IgE receptors present on the plasma
Type 1 HS was mast cells and IgE
hematopetic stem cells are first in the yolk salk
HbF has higher affinity for O2 because less binding to 2-3 BPG
Amniocentesis best done at 16 weeks so wait if mother is at 14 weeks
know basophilic stippling = lead poison
anemia of chronic disease in a TB patient
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura given lab values
one i think i missed had to do with giving 40 units of RBCs after an operation and then the
person got low platelets. No clue what answer was
anatomy question about spread of infection from tonsil removal to the mediastinum and what
pathway can it take to get there= retropharyngeal space
like 3 q's on CML and Bcr-abl
two questions on polycythemia vera. Diagnosis with EPO levels
3 questions on doxorubicin and cardiac side effects
bleomycin = pulm fibrosis
know paclitaxel and vincristine are M phase and that anti folic acid drugs are S phase
one about cisplatin i dont remember
prepatellar bursitis or suprapatellar. Didn’t know
there was one question about dynamic contraction of muscle fibers that i couldnt even begin
to comprehend
image of osteosarcoma
acute gout= neutrophil invasion not granuloma
2 q's on pathogensis of psoriasis = keratinocyte proliferation
know polymyalgia rheumatica as a stand alone disease
dermatomyositis given a picture of a hand.
there will be skin lesion one that describes it. fucking confusing. I put nodule and think thats
know gap junctions and tight junctions
know thymine dimers T - T
one of them was about skin cancer and i put basal cell carcinoma- central ulceration
know colchicine mechanism of action
HIV causes damage to a neural cell leading to psychomotor changes. I put oligodendrocyte but
not sure (I think it could be microglia)
brain lesion with sensory loss and answer was thalamus
a couple dorsal ganglion and dorsal column questions
what part of brain can cause damage to CN 1- i put frontal lobe
absense siezures. 2 q’s. one to diagnosis it and the other how to treat it. Ethuxemide
cluster headache- unilateral
and a migraine q
neurofibromatosis is autosomal dominant
there was also another q with a pedigree and answer was the autosomal dominant one
there is one that wants you to put alzheimers so badly but i put neurosyphilis because had
some dorsal column defects aka tabes dorsalis and argyl robinson pupil
literally 6 questions on fragile x
classical conditioning was 2 answers
sublimation was an ego defense one
easy schizoprenia diagnosis
3 anorexia nervosa ones
naloxone for opiod overdose
there was a girl with anxiety disorder and had to know what drug to treat. i guessed, dont
remember answers
oligohydramnios caused by urethral valve atresia
renin concentration would be highest at the renal pelvis (I don’t remember having this
renin increases after exposure to ACE inhibitor
getting shot above pubic symphsis would go through the bladder
3 q's on ethylene glycol and calcium oxalate stones/metabolic acidosis
Goodpastures image
described chronic pyelonephritis and you had to identify. (had plasma cells present, dilation
of tubules and corticalmedullary scarring)
something about the cause of clear fluid discharge from large nipples of a neonate. no clue
androgen insensitivity question. Answer 46 XY
hypospadia caused by failure of urethral folds to fuse
estrogen causes upregulation of progesterone receptors
identify a kleinfelter patient
there was one i really could not differentiate appendicitis from pseudoappendicitis
57 yr old post menarch with irregular blood spotting. next best step? i put take endometrial
yolk sac germ cell tumor = AFP in serum
leuprolide down regulates GnRH receptor in the pituitary
retinopathy of prematurity a symptom of neonatal RDS
decreased vital capacity of lungs. next best step= mechanical ventilation
VQ mismatch imaging question that i had no clue. i put pulmonary emboli
ashma question answer was albuterol for initial treatment
There was one where with a table of ABG values you had to guess for an acute attack of
obstructive sleep apnea
one about how influenza can lead to strep pneumo infection = increases exposure to
adhesions for strep
A small cell cancer in hilar region with ACTH paraneoplasm
Hydralazine = SLE symptoms
5- FU = thymidylate synthase deficiency
Cystathione synthase deficiency = homocysteinuria
Urine turns black after standing – alkaptinuria
Glycogen phosphorylase deficiency in Mcardle with muscle pains
HGPRT the enzyme deficient in kid who was biting his own lips and had crystals in urine.
PCR requires sequence of DNA in order to work
Stopping action of DNA dependent RNA polymerase = rifampin
LAC operon type question about iron. Similar concept
TATA box is the initiator sequence for translation
Several electron micrographs asking to identify components
N-linked glycosylation or arginine occurs in the RER
Electrophoresis question asking which organ system would be different from the others-
consensus was testes
Picture of sperm fertilizing egg and asked something about location of DNA. Not sure but put
bottom left of picture kinda looked like a nucleus. No clue
Picture of protein machinery and after protein leaves ribosome it is first bound to SRP.
Something about omeprazoles effect on its receptor.
In order to regulate ionic control in neurons = upregulation of Na K atpases
Diagnose osteogenesis imperfecta from kid with several bone fractures = do eye and teeth
Use northern blot for RNA
Child has double bouble and heart defect. Next best step = karyotype
Two cousins have a baby and want to know if they will pass on an autosomal recessive trait.
Best test? Not sure.
Variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance examples
One that had something to do with a kid starting to eat a lot more who had hypotonia. I had
no clue but went with pader willi = imprinting defect
2 Degeorge questions. = 3rd and 4th pouches for one and presentation of candida/
hypocalcemia to diagnose the other q
Vit A deficiency = dry crusty mouth
Add Vit B1 with glucose for alcoholic
Vit C deficiency leads to gum bleeding
Added vitamin K to fix electron transport chain?
Calculate calorie intake of fats given 2200 daily intake or some shit
Gluconeogensis not working when given fructose but does with galactose? Idk, question was
horse shit
Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency = can use glycerol to continue gluconeogenesis
Lysine is an Essential amino acid
Glucose 6 phosphate deficiency = lactic acidosis, hypoglycemia in child
Hypoglycemic, hypoketotic child = build up of fatty acid chains in serum from defect in b-
Know when glucagon is high = decrease in Fructose 2 6 bisphosphate
Nitroprusside = increase in NO and guanil cyclase
TMP-SMX caused RBC destruction in patient with G6PD
Ammonia levels are lowest in the Hepatic vein.
Couple questions about epinephrine synthesis. One was some shit ive never seen before
One question had a patient with increase in a bunch of substrates and gave you a diagram and
asked which enzyme wasn’t working in the diagra
Something about the different enzymes that are involved in Maple syrup urine disease. Like
how they are all similar or different. Had no clue
One about hurlers disease and asked what builds up = glycosoaminoglycans
Without APO C II, LPL cant work
VLDL is used to remove TAGs from the liver
LCAT is used to esterify cholesterol
B cells get their MHC I self antigens early in the bone marrow
Something about a how to tell the spleen apart from the kidneys on physical exam. Weird
IL-4 seen in T cells during an anaphylactic attack (to make IgE)
Two syngenic organisms and you take a cancer and move it to the other to increase an
immune response. Not sure answers. Increase CD8 response?
Heavy chain and light chain both involved in binding antigen
A kidney disease where it just showed an image of a fucked up glomerulus and said what
would be increased in the patients serum. I said creatinine
A compliment deficiency question about neiseria. Aka C8 was deficient
C5a was injected into a mouse. What would you expect to see. Neutrophil activation
A neutrophil activation question about increasing its expression of integrins
Neutrophil couldn’t destroy what was inside of it. What was wrong? Couldn’t produce H202
Heamophilus influenza caused meningitis. How? Polyribo whatever capsule
Give toxoid version of vaccine for tetanus/rabies etc
One question about a kid with no immune system and you give varicella vaccine and he gets a
rash 10 days later. I said type 3 hypersensitivity
Kid with X-linked agammaglobinemia pretty easy diagnosis
If patient had multiple myeloma what would you see on protein anaylsis. M spike picture
One SCID question I think
Kid had infections and showed elevated IgM and no IgG or IgA = T cell defect in class switching
Albino kid with enlarged phagosomes= chediak higashi
Guy has transplant and a week later starts getting symptoms = acute rejection
Kid gets bone marrow transplant and starts getting maculopapular rash and jaundice = graft vs
Total level of cortisol in serum was elevated in pregnant woman but available cortisol level
was normal. Why? Bound to cortisol binding protein in serum
Give glucocorticoids to woman who couldn’t tolerate terbutaline to increase surfactant
production of type 2 pneumocytes
Something about the difference of two type of bacteria. One was gram neg one was gram pos
= peptidoglycan
Gram positive rod seen on CSF of baby = listeria
Atypical pneumonia, why couldn’t pencillin work on it. Doesn’t have cell wall (mycoplasma
Guy had painless ulcer on his dick shaft. First test to order = dark field microscopy
Girl started taking heavy immunosupresants and died a few days later. Image showed capular
organism taken from brain biopsy = Cryptococcus infection
Salmonella infection = got it from eggs
Guy got recurrant absesses. What was most likely in the organism = catalase
Vibrio exotoxin fucked up adenyl cyclase
C dif infection= check for exotoxin
Guy got sepsis and it asked what the causing endotoxin would bind to in macrophages = LPS
binding protein (TLR4)
Camplobacter grown at high temps and also causes ascending demylination
Guy came from foreign area and had a membrane in his mouth that couldn’t be removed.
Why did this happen? Check for vaccination history
Kid got paralyzed after eating green beans from a can = botulinum = prevented release of
Couple Staph A questions I don’t remember that weren’t too hard
Know strep pneumo is optochin sensitive to diagnos a guy with rust sputum pneumonia
One picture of a lung with massive holes in it. I think answer was that TB caused it
Some question that you had to know E coli fermented lactose
A bacteria grew on charcoal agar with cysteine and iron = legionairres
H- pylori treatment question from guy with bleeding ulcer and what to do after two weeks of
antibiotics . Some people think answer was to continue antibiotics after 2 weeks and my
answer was to stop smoking because person had ulcer and smoking could make the ulcer
worse. Idk
A picture of erythema migrans and had to describe how to visualize the causual organism.
Answer was worded really weird. I said you couldn’t see it but would see macrophages or
some shit.
One question about axilla lymphadenopathy and cellulitis on leg. Was confusing but I think I
put pasteurella
Guy had ulna fracture, what would be seen in the area. I put hematoma but others put
neutrophil migration. Not sure since there was no infection or anything. (4 hr time frame).
Should be inflammatory cells.
Girl had PID. What was the most likely long term complication = infertility
Herpes is double stranded DNA enveloped
3 q’s on acyclovir and that they stop DNA polymerase
Kid has a cut that got infected and later has swelling in his knee. It asked what organism
would be found. Staph aureus
Neomycin prevents bacteria from creating new proteins
To sterilize an area before cutting it open you need to apply Iodophors for 30 minutes to the
The wheal seen during inflammation is due to increased vascular permeability
Lipofuscin seen in heart at autopsy. = normal aging
Girl had burning sensation in chest. Diagnosed GERD. Most likely will see columnar metaplasia
in esophagus
Girl had increased PTH in serum. Diagnosis was parathyroid adenoma
Person was given edrophonium. Reason= increase acetylcholine
Some graph about a bunch of substances and how they were competitive inhibitors. All went
down along the x axis except one that was flat line. Not sure what it was even asking tbh
Farmer Joe came in sweating and salivating. Give atropine
Guy had heart failure and you wanted to give him a drug to preserve kidney blood flow=
Digoxin given to patient with CHF with arrythmia. Acts by decreasing action potential through
AV node
You gave EDTA to a patient. Why. Lead poisoning
Given a patient with pancytopenia and a picture of a bunch of adipocytes in the bone marrow
= aplastic anemia
Lady had stomach ulcer what would you give along side it to prevent = misoprostil
Lady had RA and was taking a drug for a long time and starting having occult blood in stool
what was drug = naproxen
Fat person had weak knees and was hella fat= osteoarthritis
Septum secundum is what made the bypass of fetal blood between both atria or something
like that
Couple questions on exercise physio on cardiac parameters.
Some preload, afterload type questions I don’t remember
Some murmur that decreased after valvsalva maneuver
Both aortic regurg and stenosis were questions.
Mitral stenosis description and asked what could cause it = rhematic fever
Know the actions of Angiotensin II
Know barorecptors and what response you would have by putting pressure proximal to the
receptors, cutting off blood flow = increased TPR
After exercising what would happen: I said increased blood flow to muscles, unchanged blood
flow to brain, decreased to kidney but some people said different things
One question about how to increase absorption in the proximal tubule= increase oncotic
pressure in peritubular capillary
I think a VSD diagnosis given a description of it on physical exam
Guy had pain while walking that got better with rest. Thought it was talking about
atherosclerosis and then had to say if the site was cold/warm erythema/none or hair/no hair
Guy had an MI. what is the greatest indicator of mortality? I said depression but who the fuck
A heart failure question or two about the drugs to give them. Not sure. One was about the
swelling on his leg turning brown = blood extravasation
Person started losing vision and had pulsing pain on side of head = temperal giant cell arteritis
What substance in coronary artery would be elevated after ischemia or something = adenosine
Something about what helped increase glucose during diabetes type 1. Not sure put glucagon
Vision problems and amenorrhea= check sella turcica
Know about growth hormone release stimulated by hypoglycemia
Person had hyponatremia and high urine concentration= SIADH
A kid has been drinking a lot of water lately and gave lab values. I put primary polydipsia
cause diabetes insipidus didn’t make sense with lab values
Some T3/T4 type questions not sure
A zolinger Ellison question about what would be elevated = gastrin
Kid threw up immediately after being born = TEF
Kid threw up non bilious vomit after 2 weeks = pyloric stenosis
Person died pretty soon after consuming something? I said lye.
Guy couldn’t poop and had fever= Diverticulitis
A1 antitrypsin deficiency question about not being able to stop elastase in lungs
Neonatal jaundice phototherapy mechanism of action = make bilirubin water soluble
Guy was vomiting with chemotherapy and you wanted to give him something for it = serotonin
Guy had hemophilia B. what would you give to increase ability to form a clot. Was between
thrombin and fibrinogen
Showed picture of segmented neutrophils and had dorsal column problems = methmalonic
acid elevated
Wanted you to know which type of hemoglobin if completely absent would result in fetal
death = alpha hemoglobin; Increase would be HbBarts (Y)
Person had sickle cell and gave them hydroxyurea. Why? Increase HbF production
Showed a bunch of glands in the dermis and asked what they would secrete. I said lipids or
some shit who knows
Anosmia from CN 1 damage = frontal lobe or hypothalamus damage. Not sure
Person had parkinsons like symptoms in stem asked where problem was = substantia nigra
Defining what a delusion was
Person came to lobby and complained that his appointment was more important than
everyone elses = narcissistic
Guys wife died a few weeks ago and he has been visiting her grave every day and been sad=
Person had somatic disorder what would you say to them: What do you think is the problem
Triple co trnsporter is present on thick ascending limb- given a picture
Without corpus luteum functioning properly you couldn’t have? I said implantation
Kid came out of the uterus with short arms and shit and they found it was a bicornate uterus:
A few estrogen/progesterone type questions. One was lady being given estrogen and what
was she at risk for: endometrial hyperplasia
Something about what would be the best way to tell if a breast cancer is malignant or not.
Had no clue
Bad prognostic evaluation of a tumor = other tissue mets or something
Prostate question wasn’t too sure between prostatitis or prostatic carcinoma.
Superior vena cava syndrome was described with swelling of the neck and right shoulder.
Alpha adrenergics (phenylephrine) can cause rebound congestion if used more than 4-6 days
(= total colors) (Yellow, Orange, & Green)
(= Yellow) – Pretty sure I got these wrong
(= Orange)-Possible wrongs
(= Green)-Don’t remember having these questions
() RIGHT (est.)
(81) Questions unaccounted for.
*Need 228 right out of 400 for the passing mark of 57

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