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GS. NGUYEN HOU CHi 1000 BAI TOAN THUY KHi DONG LUC 1000 PROBLEMS OF AERO - HYDRODYNAMICS TAP 1 555 BAI TOAN THUY DONG LUC TOME 1 555 PROBLEMS OF HYDRODYNAMICS NHA XUAT BAN GIAO DUC - 1998 Loi gidi thieu ‘Thiy kbi dong lye 1A mot mon hoc nghién citu cde quy lust can bang va chuyén dong cia chat ldng va chat khi cling sv tong tac voi vat chuyén dong trong moi trudng. No lam co sé cho cac nganh ki thuat khéc nhau nhu thiy Igi, giao thong, ché tao may, tau thay, hang khong... déng thi nd cing 1a céu néi gidta hai linh vyc co ban : toan li, eg hoc va nhiing nganh ki thuat. Cuén "1000 BAL TOAN THUY KHf DONG LUC” khéng chi lam nhiém vu minh hoa, lam sang té Ii thuyét nhiing cu6n séch d6ng téc gid da xudt ban truéc day ma con 1a. nhiing mé hinh ki thuat cu thé rit ra tit the tin vA trong mot chitng muc nao dé gitip cho sinh vien va ki st tap dugt suy nghi, nghién citu ; dac biét 1a nhing bai 6 dau (*) Cuén "1000 BAI TOAN THUY KHi DONG LUC" duge chia thanh 3 tap : Tap 1 gém 556 bai, bao gém céc chuong md dau, thay tinh, dong hoc chat ling, dong Ive hoe chat léng i tuéng va chit léng thuc, chuyén dong mot chiéu cia chat long khong nén duge, dong chay qua 16 voi va tinh toan thiy Ive dung dng c6 ap. Dé la phan thiy Ive hoc. ‘Tap 2 la phan khi d6ng luc gém 183 bai, bao gém cdc chuong co sé khi déng luc va dong khi van téc lén. ‘Tap 3 bao gém co sd céc chuyén dé voi téng s6 262 bai, trong d6 cd cde chutang li thuyét th nguyén va tuong ty, If thuyét lép bien, If thuyét luéng, chuyén dong phing va li thuyét cénh, day, chuyén dong song va co sé Ii thuyét tit thiy khi dong luc. Bo sfich duge bién tap laf nhung chéc van cdn nhiéu thiéu st. Mong ban doc thit Idi ‘Tac gid xin chan thanh cdm gn vé sv g6p ¥ cia céc ban déng nghiép, cua bé mon thuy khi dong luc, khoa co hoc ting dung trudng Dai hoc Bach Khoa Ha Noi cing cc bien tap vién Nha xuat ban. . GS. NGUYEN HUU CHi Introduction Aero-hydrodynamic is a subjet of study researching equilibrium laws, gas and liquid movement together with the interaction of object moving in environment. It serves as basis to different technical branches as hydraulics, communication, engineering, ship, aviation... it is also, at the same time, the link between two fundamental fiels : physico-mathematics, mechanics and other technical branches. ‘The book "1000 PROBLEMS OF HYDROAERO-DYNAMICS" is not responsible only to illustrate, clarify the theory in same author's books previously published but concrete technical models drown from practice and in a certain degree help students and engineers training themselves to think, research, particularly with lessons marked (*) The book "1000 PROBLEMS OF HYDROAERO-DYNAMICS' divided in 3 volumes Volume I consists of 555 units with chapters : introduction, hydro-static, hydro dynamic, ideal hydrodynamic and real liquid, unique direction movement of unpressed liquid, stream through the tap hole and calculation of hydraulic pipe with presure. It is the hydraulic part. = Volume II is the aerodynamic part with 183 units consisting of chapters basic aerodynamic and high speed air-current. Volume III consists of special subject bases with total 262 units in which there are chapters theory of dimension and similar, theory of boundary layer, theory of jet, plane movement and theory of wing, range, wave movement and basic theory from hydro aero dynamic. The book is compiled again but it has surely still many shortcoming. We expect having reader's excuse. The author would sincerely thank of colleague’s remarks, of the Hydro aerodynamic Department, the Mechanic Application Department of Hanoi Polytechic University and editors of the Publisher. Professor NGUYEN HUU CHI

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