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Child Dependent Variable Independent Variable

1 50 61
2 55 66
3 60 70
4 55 67
5 50 62
6 60 71
7 45 50
8 45 52
9 49 54
10 58 68
11 52 66
12 53 65
13 61 73
14 53 66
15 53 64

Dependent Variable Independent Variable

Dependent Variable 1
Independent Variable 0.9414662618 1

Y = bX + a

b= Height
ts 1.2756817333
Intercept -4.2846469929

Height 75 as an example

y=1.276* For the Average Height equals

75 +(- to 75 inch, the weight will be
4.28) 91.3914830034 91.39
Child Height
Child 1 Regression Statistics
Height 0.037958468 1 Multiple R
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9414662618 ANOVA
R Square 0.8863587221
Adjusted R Square 0.8776170853 Regression
Standard Error 2.3934673504 Residual
Observations 15 Total

df SS MS Intercept
Regression 1 580.860415888 580.8604 Independent Variable
Residual 13 74.4729174449 5.728686
Total 14 655.333333333

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept -4.284646993 6.7764619209 -0.63228 0.538163478
Height 1.2756817333 0.1266875547 10.06951 0.000000166
Regression Statistics

df SS MS F Significance F
1 316.3709732 316.371 101.3951 1.66E-07
13 40.56236012 3.120182
14 356.9333333

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%

Lower 95.0%
9.0303153611 4.416709663 2.04458 0.061697 -0.51141 18.57204 -0.51141
0.6948118006 0.069001543 10.06951 1.66E-07 0.545743 0.843881 0.545743

Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%

Upper 95.0%
-18.9243029285 10.35500894 -18.9243 10.35501
1.0019899109 1.549373556 1.00199 1.549374
Upper 95.0%
Dependent Variable Independent Variable Independent Variable
Shopping Mall No of Shops Shopping Mall Size in MNo of Visitors
Shopping Mall 1 2 50 100
Shopping Mall 2 6 100 300
Shopping Mall 3 8 150 400

Shopping Mall 4 12 200 500

Shopping Mall 5 16 250 600
Shopping Mall 6 20 300 700
Shopping Mall 7 24 350 800
Shopping Mall 8 26 400 900
Shopping Mall 9 30 450 1000
Shopping Mall 10 35 500 2000
Shopping Mall 11 40 550 3000
Shopping Mall 12 42 600 5000
Shopping Mall 13 45 650 6000
Shopping Mall 14 46 700 7000
Shopping Mall 15 48 750 8000
Shopping Mall 16 50 800 9000
Shopping Mall 17 52 850 10000
Shopping Mall 18 54 900 12000
Shopping Mall 19 56 950 13000
Shopping Mall 20 58 1000 14000
Shopping Mall 21 60 2000 16000
Shopping Mall 22 62 3000 18000
Shopping Mall 23 66 4000 19000
Shopping Mall 24 70 5000 20000
Shopping Mall 25 75 6000 22000
Shopping Mall 26 80 7000 23000
Shopping Mall 27 85 8000 25000
Shopping Mall 28 88 9000 28000

Shopping Mall 29 90 10000 30000

Shopping Mall 30 92 11000 32000
Shopping Mall 31 94 12000 33000
Shopping Mall 32 95 13000 34000
Shopping Mall 33 96 14000 35000
Shopping Mall 34 100 15000 36000
Shopping Mall 35 120 16000 37000

Shopping Mall 36 140 17000 38000

Shopping Mall 37 150 18000 39000
Shopping Mall 38 160 19000 40000
Shopping Mall 39 170 20000 42000
Shopping Mall 40 190 21000 43000
No of Shops Size in Meter No of Visitors
No of Shops 1
Shopping Mall Size in 0.9471670635 1
No of Visitors 0.9473048094 0.9565625347 1

Comments : The correlation is strong and there is a positive association

between the variables


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9576930792
R Square 0.917176034
Adjusted R Square 0.9126990628
Standard Error 13.6855246111
Observations 40

Regression 2
Residual 37
Total 39

Intercept 22.5599568713
Shopping Mall Size i 0.0032267668
No of Visitors 0.0015257196

Y= A + b1X1 +b2X2 +

b1 = Shopping Mall
size in meters 0.0032267668
b2 = No of Visitors 0.0015257196
A = intercept 22.5599568713

If X1 = 70 70
If X2 = 2010 2010

Y = (b1*70) +
(b2*2010) + A 25.8525269336
91.7% of the variables fit our regression model analysis. 91.7% of our dependent variables are explained by the Independe

SS MS F Significance F
76739.9123963736 38369.96 204.8652997233 9.6802466855539E-21
6929.8626036265 187.2936

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Lower 95.0%
3.9721779216 5.679493 1.70621876762649E-06 14.5115599047 30.60835 14.51156
0.0010852402 2.97332 0.0051588968 0.0010278613 0.005426 0.001028
0.0005097865 2.99286 0.0049009303 0.0004927941 0.002559 0.000493

Assuming that for the Shopping

Mall with 70 Meters size and
2010 Visitors

Assuming that for the Shopping Mall

with 70 Meter size and 2010 Visitors,
25.85 Shops will be needed.
ained by the Independent variables

Upper 95.0%
Dependent Variable Independent Variable Independent Variable
Serial Number Month Geysers Sold Temp (in C )
Number of people buying
1 Jan 98 -5 50
2 Feb 100 -7 60
3 Mar 75 5 40
4 Apr 60 10 30
5 May 40 15 35
6 Jun 30 20 20
7 Jul 25 25 18
8 Aug 10 20 7
9 Sep 15 18 10
10 Oct 40 10 28
11 Nov 50 5 43
12 Dec 120 -10 80

Y= A + b1X1 +b2X2 +

b1 = Temperature in
Centigrade -1.512693573
b2 = Number of
people buying 0.8465735587
A = intercept 38.9115042109

If X1 = 5 5
Assuming that with 5 degree and
If X2 = 150 150 for 150 customers

Y = (b1*5) +
(b2*150) + A 158.3340701473 Assuming that with 5 degree and
for 150 customers, 158 Geysers
will be sold
Geysers Sold Temp (in Co) Number of people buying
Geysers Sold 1
Temp (in Co) -0.9513956775 1
Number of people buying 0.9524823943 -0.92796619 1


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9695636406
R Square 0.9400536532 94% of the variables fit our regression model analysis. 94% of o
Adjusted R Square 0.9267322427
Standard Error 9.707590969
Observations 12

df SS MS

Regression 2 13300.1140982 6650.0570491057

Residual 9 848.135901789 94.237322421

Total 11 14148.25

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat

Intercept 38.9115042109 18.9041142547 2.0583616713
Temp (in Co) -1.512693573 0.6813486468 -2.220146147

Number of people buying 0.8465735587 0.3698389124 2.2890332258


Observation Predicted Geysers Sold Residuals

1 88.8036500094 9.1963499906
2 100.2947727421 -0.2947727421
3 65.2109786931 9.7890213069
4 49.1817752416 10.8182247584
5 45.8511751702 -5.8511751702
6 25.5891039254 4.4108960746
7 16.3324889432 8.6675110568
8 14.5836476626 -4.5836476626
9 20.1487554845 -5.1487554845
10 47.4886281243 -7.4886281243
11 67.7506993692 -17.750699369
12 121.7643246344 -1.7643246344
ession model analysis. 94% of our dependent variables are explained by the Independent variables

F Significance F

70.56713 3.16E-06

P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%

Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
0.069665 -3.85257 81.67558 -3.85257 81.67558
0.053551 -3.05401 0.028624 -3.05401 0.028624

0.04785 0.00994 1.683207 0.00994 1.683207

Dependent Variable Independent Variable Independent Variable
Serial Number Month Geysers Sold Temp (in C )
Advertisement cost (K)
1 Jan 98 -5 150
2 Feb 100 -7 120
3 Mar 75 5 90
4 Apr 60 10 80
5 May 40 15 80
6 Jun 30 20 60
7 Jul 25 25 60
8 Aug 10 20 60
9 Sep 15 18 60
10 Oct 40 10 90
11 Nov 50 5 100
12 Dec 120 -10 200

Y= A + b1X1 +b2X2 +

b1 = Temperature in
Centigrade -2.2433660938
b2 = Ad cost in (K) 0.2129677858
A = intercept 54.6569876931

If X1 = -25 -25
Assuming that with -25 degree
If X2 = 160 160 and for 160K adv cost

Y = (b1*-25) +
(b2*160) + A 144.8159857584 Assuming that with -25 degree
and for 160K adv cost, 145
Geysers will be sold
Geysers Sold Temp (in Co) Advertisement cost
Geysers Sold 1
Temp (in Co) -0.9513956775 1
Advertisement cost ( 0.9082109985 -0.907581857 1


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9573445501
R Square 0.9165085876
Adjusted R Square 0.8979549404
Standard Error 11.4564750053
Observations 12

df SS MS F Significance F

Regression 2 12966.992624 6483.4963120375 49.39776 1.4E-05

Residual 9 1181.2573759 131.2508195472
Total 11 14148.25

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 54.6569876931 24.537585497 2.2274802751 0.052914 -0.85089
Temp (in Co) -2.2433660938 0.7136850995 -3.1433556554 0.011864 -3.85783

Advertisement cost ( 0.2129677858 0.1924964917 1.1063463226 0.29727 -0.22249


Observation Predicted Geysers Sold Residuals

1 97.8189860256 0.1810139744
2 95.9166846404 4.0833153596
3 62.6072579425 12.392742058
4 49.2607496161 10.739250384
5 38.0439191473 1.9560808527
6 22.5677329633 7.4322670367
7 11.3509024945 13.649097505
8 22.5677329633 -12.56773296
9 27.0544651509 -12.05446515
10 51.3904274737 -11.39042747
11 64.7369358001 -14.7369358
12 119.6842057823 0.3157942177
Significance F

Upper 95%
Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
110.1649 -0.85089 110.1649
-0.6289 -3.85783 -0.6289

0.648425 -0.22249 0.648425

Dependent Variable Independent Variable Independent Variable
Air Conditioner Production Job Growth (%age) Household Income
5582 10.8 68,000
9988 9.5 70,400
20511 8.2 60,500
8946 7.6 65,900
4000 12.2 84,700
8970 7.7 75,800
9570 5.4 62,600
19101 6.2 54,800
12099 7.8 72,900
10953 8.0 100,000
2655 10.9 102,000
15796 9.0 65,300
16001 8.7 62,200
16712 8.3 59,200
11856 8.4 57,100
12348 8.1 72,000
65804 4.7 59,400
36151 13.9 57,300
14310 5.3 71,900
8878 6.5 54,000

Y= A + b1X1 +b2X2 +

b1 = Job Growth -751.5133820878

b2 = house hold
income -0.3836815445
A = intercept 48191.4921327897

If X1 = 16 16 Assuming that with 16% job

growth for 35000 house hold
If X2 = 35000 35000 income

Y = (b1*16) + Assuming that with 16% job

(b2*35000) + A 22738.4239634442 growth for 35000 house hold
income, production of 22738 Air
conditioned will be required.
Air Conditioner Job Growth Household Income
Air Conditioner 1
Job Growth -0.2280267 1
Household Income -0.407985073 0.275762342 1


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.4253174893
R Square 0.1808949667
Adjusted R Square 0.0845296687
Standard Error 13251.141254
Observations 20

df SS MS F
Regression 2 659238218 329619108.990494 1.877179549
Residual 17 2985076657 175592744.527589
Total 19 3644314875

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 48191.492133 17285.4916 2.7879734783 0.012620666
Job Growth (%age) -751.5133821 1372.622577 -0.5475018369 0.591150331
Household Income -0.383681544 0.234580455 -1.6356074676 0.120300417


ObservationPredicted Air Conditioner


1 13984.802583 -8402.80258
2 14040.934273 -4052.93427
3 18816.34896 1694.65104
4 17195.376649 -8249.37665
5 6525.2020559 -2525.20206
6 13321.778021 -4351.77802
7 20114.855187 -10544.8552
8 22506.360528 -3405.36053
9 14359.303162 -2260.30316
10 3811.2306305 7141.769369
11 864.47873358 1790.521266
12 16373.466841 -577.466841
13 17788.333643 -1787.33364
14 19239.98363 -2527.98363
15 19970.563535 -8114.56353
16 14479.162537 -2131.16254
17 21868.695496 43935.3045
18 15760.503624 20390.49638
19 16621.768161 -2311.76816
20 22587.851749 -13709.8517
Significance F

Lower 95%Upper 95%

Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
11722.29 84660.69 11722.29 84660.69
-3647.49 2144.467 -3647.49 2144.467
-0.8786 0.11124 -0.8786 0.11124
Child Dependent Variable
1 50
2 55
3 60
4 55
5 50
6 60
7 45
8 45
9 49 70
10 58 14 Chart
11 52 13
12 70
12 53
50 60
13 61 10
14 53 50
40 15 12 3 4
15 53 8 40
7Axis Title 14
30 30
5 20 13
4 10
3 12 10
10 0 11
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 2 10
1 3 4 20
5 6 307 8 40 9 10 15
60 1 2
3 4
15 12 3 4 5 6
40 6 Child 7 8
Title 30 14
7 Dependent9Variable
8 11 12
20 13 13 14
10 9
12 10
0 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Axis Title
2 10
3 4 20
5 6 30
7 8 40
9 10 11
50 12 1360 14 70

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