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THE MAYANS Number 59
Copyright 1943 by The Mayans
flESH is the 20th Section ol The 119th Psalm.
This Psalm as an alphabetical poem ol 22 divisions.
Each part compnnes 8 verses: and 8 represents TIME.
22 has the power of 4 and representa the 4 parts of Being.

Consider mine affliction, and deliver me:
For I do not forget Thy Law.
Mercifully consider my cause, and deliver me;
Quicken me according to Thy Word.
Salvation is far from the wicked;
For they seek not Thy Statutes.
Many are thy tender mercies, 0 JEHOVAH:
Quicken me according to Thy Judgments.
Many are my persecutors and my enemies;
Yet I have not swerved from Thy Testimonies.
I beheld the treacherous, and was grieved,
Because they observe not Thy Word.
Consider how I love THY PRECEPrS:
Quicken me, 0 JEHOVAH, according to Thy Love
and Kindness.
And every one of thy righteous ordinances
endureth forever.

Rev. 59: P1: 6.56

Revelation Number 59





e~loved Companion:
We commune once more with you mA, and hearken to the thrice—raised
cry of the supplicant:



It is supremely fitting that Resh, the equivalent of our letter R, the

symbol of Ra, the supreme Deity, the Life—Giver of the Egyptians, should cap
our third revelation on the art of healing.

The ancient plea of Resh, to be quickened in Mind, Body and Spirit, is

in sublime accord with the Mayan credo of self—betterment In order that we may
better serve others.

That the Mayans of Biblical times were blessed with a basic understand-
ing of underlying meanings in Scriptures, which often escaped the early trans-
lators of the Church, is well illustrated in the Psalm of Resh. That they
maintained an intimate contact with the later chroniclers is becoming firmly
established in the light of newly discovered historical lore.

In the First Century B.C., a band of strange men were shipwrecked on

the coast of Germany, according to the writings of Pomponius Mela, famous Roman
geographer, and Pliny, contemporary writer.

The writers called these men “Indians”, assunring, becw.ise of their ap-
pearance, that they hailed from India. They further recorded that the strange
men were taken before an unnamed Gallic king, who in turn presented them to Met—
ellus Celer, Legate of Pompey in Asia.

A strong connecting link of evidence points to the possibility that

among these men were one or more of the Magi, the three Wise Men who journeyed
to Bethlehem, and that they started from Chichen Itza in the same region the
Mayan H’men, or wise men, still survive.

The First Century B.C. was a momentous period in Roman history and it is
Rev. 59: P2: 6.56

only natural that the appearance of a “band of strange men1t should draw little
more than passing mention from the chroniclers. That they attracted interest
at all was due to the fact that they were completely unlike any other race that
visited that part of the world. The Roman historians had their hands full re-
cording the rise of Julius Caesar and later, his long and bloody conflict with
his rival and former friend, Pompey. The birth of the Savior and attendant
phenomena drew no mention at all in contemporary Roman annals, although a large
body of scribes sifted the reports of Roman Governors for noteworthy events.

It must be assumed that the “band of strange men” would be unable to

communicate with the rude barbarians who received them, except by signd or
mental telepathy, and yet they commanded such respect that they were taken be-
fore a Gallic king, who in turn expedited their passage to the Roman Governor
in Jerusalem. Apparently the party was sure of its destination, otherwise it
would have been taken to Rome, the hub of the mapped world.

Were the ancient Mayans a sea—faring race? It is doubtful, because

they had little reason to be. They had all necessities at hand and were so
remote from other civilizations as to preclude profitable trade. History re-
cords that the Phoenicians did not venture beyond sight of land when they
braved the ocean to reach the tin mines of England. Even the triremes of the
Romans were built for the relatively placid Mediterranean sea and could not
withstand the battering of ocean storms.

Although Pomponius Mela termed the party as “Indians”, it is an ex-

ceedingly remote supposition that their craft had been able to round the huge
continent of Africa, miss the Spanish peninsula altogether, and land as far
north as what is now Germany. How more plausible that they had followed the
gulf stream and the favorable winds and currents that lead from Yucatan toward
the British Isles.

Now for a clinching point. Painted on the wall of the Circus of Chich—
en Itza is the image of a single full—rigged ship of strange design. It is
unlike the vessels of Cortez in many ways and, according to the careful calcu-
lations of archeologists, the painting antedates the Conquest by many hundreds
of years. It is the only vessel pictured in any Mayan ruin. The fact can lead
to but one conclusion, that the ship was a sacred venture especially built for
a single purpose.

It is interesting to study the gifts brought by the Wise Men to Beth-

lehem. All could have come from Central America. The region abounded in
gold, frankincense and myrrh. “Frankincense” was the name used in the ancient
world of the Romans to designate resinous substances which gave off a fragrant
odor when burned; in other words, fragrant incense. t~Myrrht1 were aromatic
gums, which thrive in Yucatan. Even today our supply of chewing gum, which
was a prized rarity to the ancient world, comes from this region.

Among the Mayans of Yucatan and Guatemala, the H’men, or Wise Men,
are the only men who possess and use the divining crystal. Bancroft cites
legends in Utatlan and Guatemala to the effect that approximately twenty cen-
turies ago the H’men proclaimed that a God had been born.

Reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology say, “The Augustine Monk

Rev. 59: P3: 6.56 G:H

Padre Jeronimo Roman Y Zamoia relates of the tribe settled on the borders of
Zapotec and Miztec countries, that they paid great reverence to the morning
star and kept an accurate record of its appearance, as observations of the
stars was the duty of the priests. The morning star, it seems, was ever re-
garded as connected with the Deity. They said that Quetzalcoatl died when the
star became visible.”

Bancroft says, ‘tQuetzalcoatl was represented as of white complexion,

clothed in a long white robe; the morning star was his symbol.t~

The metaphysical connection between the simultaneous passage of Quet—

zalcoatl and the Birth of Christ has never been adequately examined. It opens
a whole new field for conjecture.

It was a basic tenet of the Mayan H’men that any person could convert
himself or herself into a spiritual instrument for the reception and transmis-
sion of the Divine Healing Impulse, granted that a sufficient intensity of
desire was present.

Unlike the priesthoods of other lands, they made no attempt to reserve

healing powers to themselves for their own glory and aggrandizement.

Healing, they felt, was as natural an activity as breathing and one that
should be practiced or, at best, understood by as many people as possible.
Their primary interest was the continued well—being of the race.

How different was their attitude from the professional medical trends
of today which attempt to sequester all knowledge into the hands of small cir-
cles of specialists, who go so far as to invent new and strange argot in order
to cloak all communication from lay ears.

The Mayans knew that their healing powers derived from a love for fellow
man and their regard for his personal welfare, and they knew~that their powers
would be impaired by any system that attempted to exploit their knowledge for
great personal enrichment. Your own healing powers will unfold rapidly once
you grasp this fundamental truth.

The only hedges placed on the spread of healing knowledge were designed
to withhold it from the unworthy so that its uses could not be debased or dis-
torted in sordid ways.

In our last lesson we emphasized that the healer must be supercharged

with an overwhelming desire to restore health in the patient and that this
desire must burn like an obsession, coupled with prayer, to place you in commu-
nication with Infinite Intelligence.

You will sense when a connection has been established by the feeling
of utter exaltation that permeates your being. At that moment a supreme
phenomena takes place. It has its parallels in lesser forms.

No doubt you are familiar with the principle of the tuning fork. Place
two tuning forks in close proximity or, for that matter, two hanging gongs.
Strike one a sharp blow so that it vibrates rapidly. Within seconds, the
Rev. 59: P4: 6.56 G:H

latter tuning fork or gong will begin to emit sounds, showing that it is vibrat-
ing at the same rate. This is known as sympathetic or harmonic vibration.

When you gain your attunement with the healing impulses of Divine Intel-
ligence, you become, as it were, a tuning fork that transmits these impulses to
the patient so that the latter achieves the same harmonic vibrations. Instantly
the patient becomes surfeited with a wave of new strength, a feeling of confi-
dence and well—being, and, what is so often vitally lacking, a renewed desire
and determination to get well.

These vibrations do more than set in motion and stimulate the innate
bodily processes whose functions are to throw off disease; they can actually
destroy any harmful germs responsible for the illness.

Science, in its slow, methodical way, is just beginning to learn the

truth of this Divine Phenomena. An article in Reader’s Digest relates that Dr.
A. P. Krueger of the University of California has developed a remarkable tech-
nique for killing bacteria by sound waves. Dr. Krueger places a tube made of
nickel in a magnetic field which is activated electrically, setting up vibra-
tions at terrific speed. Sound waves are created at the high rate of 9,300
cycles per second. “These sound waves,” the article says, “have been highly
effective against the staphylococci which cause boils and carbuncles.”

The scientists are still groping for an answer to the question as to

exactly how sound vibrations destroy germs. The Mayan H’men would patiently
explain that all life, light, love, energy and matter is a form of vibration.
Positive forces vibrate in unison at varying frequencies and patterns which
determine their forms, but in a single direction. Destructive forces vibrate
in an opposite direction. Positive, creative vibrations are inherently strong-
er; thus, when a proper key of vibration is attained even by sound waves, the
vibration of low forms of bacterial life are neutralized or “jammed” (to use
radio terms) and thus destroyed. A severe electrical shock will bring death
by changing the rate of bodily vibration, yet a microscopic examination will
reveal no damage to the physical tissues, other than slight burns were the body
came in contact with a conductor and the ground. Because invisible vibrations
were responsible, there is no traceable physical effect.


In our last lesson we learned that sound waves, even when amplified to
a tremendous pitch, do not achieve the high frequency of light waves; that
thought waves far transcend light waves in frequency and that spiritual waves,
the medium of harmonic attunement with Divine Intelligence, are the acme of all
vibration. Thus, if “stepped up” sound waves have been demonstrated by labora-
tories to destroy the staphylococci which causes boils and carbuncles, how
vastly more effective are spiritual impulses when directed at the more virulent
bacteria? Thus, you begin to understand the scientific meaning of the word
“Quicken.” It is a “stepping up”, a quickening of the Life Powers within you.

This also explains the miraculous neutralization of destructive or neg-

ative impulses which have enabled victims of diphtheria, tuberculosis and like
Rev. 59: P5, 6.56

afflictions to arise, fully recovered from sick—beds after ONE TREATMENT by

healers who had developed their inner powers to a point that they could achieve
and transmit a supreme intensity of spiritual vibration in harmony with Divine

Such a supreme intensity is rarely attained and is the hallmark of the

Saints of history and the source of all healing Miracles.

Whether or not you are able to attain the complete inner harmony, the
supercharged desire to receive and transmit the Divine Healing Impulses with an
intensity that produces miracles, you are, as a more than average individual,
quite capable of transmitting positive vibrations at a rate that is definitely
beneficial. Give them Healing, 0 Lord. Amen.

You may test your powers to transmit vibrations in simple ways. Greet
the next ten people you meet with smiling face and smiling thoughts. Note how
most of them, if not all, react with answering smiles. Apathetic or sour moods
are transformed immediately, unless the other party, for some reason, conscious-
ly resists your vibratory influence.

All great orators and ministers know how to project the vibrations of
their own thought waves until their audiences, like giant gongs, vibrate in
harmony with them. They become capable of swaying their audiences as great
music does, for music is but a skillfully blended series of sound waves that
induces a harmonic vibration of thought waves on the part of appreciative lis-
teners. Sensitive minds gain added enjoyment from symphony concerts because
they become attuned to the thought waves of fellow listeners as well as to the
sound waves. All musicians will confirm the statement that their own music
sounds better to them against the sounding board of a rapt audience than in
the empty reaches of a broadcasting studio.

Great comedians are accustomed to projecting their own positive thought

vibrations (which we call personality) toward the audience, and slowly “stepping
up” the echoing vibrations like an electrical transformer until the audience be-
comes convulsed, at the crescendo of the act, at antics and quips that would
have left them unimpressed at the outset. Actors and magicians proceed on the
same principle of “building up” or creating a growing sympathetic vibration
among the audience until its senses are held spell—bound. When radio arrived,
comedians, musicians and other performers found that they had to have an audi-
ence in order to perform. You have the explanation of what was lacking. They
clamored, to the incredulous ears of inartistic businessmen who owned radio
stations, that they “had to have audience response.”

Similarly, the art of selling is largely that of creating a sympathetic

vibration on the part of a prospective purchaser so that the latter often buys
something that he or she could well do without, largely because of a growing
feeling of friendliness toward the salesman. The fault of most salesmen (and
the teachings of most books on salesmanship) is that they try to achieve this
feeling by verbal blandishments which often do not ring true to the prospect,
whereas a sympathetic attunement will be gained almost automatically if the
salesman has developed a positive inner rhythm, called personality, which will
create harmonic vibrations in others.

If one desires to be a healer, orator, minister, comedian, magician,

Rev. 59: P6, 6.56

actor or salesman, in fact, any sort of aspirant who wishes to influence others,
it will be found that the first essential is an all—consuming desire to please,
gratify or serve the other party, and it is this desire that makes it possible
to launch a sympathetic vibration on the part of the recipient and build it up
to the point where the first and second parties resound to each other’s vibra-
tions in complete accord. By providing the master chord, the party of the
first part is able to control the vibration and direct its rhythm.

Scientists have devised a sensitive instrument called an electroence-

phalograph which definitely measures thought waves. A close corollary has
been established between the health, fres~iness and mental attitude of a person
and the intensity of the electrical impulses discharged from the brain.

It is common knowledge that an orator, for example, is more capable

of stirring enthusiasm and swaying the masses when at a high point of physical
well—being and energy and at a high pitch of enthusiasm. Similarly, it is the
first duty of a healer to maintain his or her own health on a high plane in
order to exert a beneficial influence upon a patient. Moreover, as we stress-
ed in our last lesson, the healer must glow with positive, affirmative mental
thoughts, a burning enthusiasm to do good deeds. We do not need to have an
electroencephalograph to know when we are bursting with positive, creative
thought impulses. We feel the throb of our own spontaneity.

Scientists have proven that not only the brain but the entire physical
body amounts to a “broadcasting station”. Life itself is a chemical function
that may be likened to the action of a battery. The brain and nerve cells are
considered the antenna for the broadcasting and reception of vibrations while
the chemical actions of the other cells of the body furnish the initial im-
pulse. When we are tired or ill, our physical battery is weak and must be
recharged before it can broadcast the thought or spiritual waves with accus-
tomed strength. Therefore, be sure to affirm your own health before you under-
take to heal others. “Physician, heal thyself” is aptly said.

The electroencephalograph has demonstrated what has long been suspect-

ed — that no two individuals “broadcast” or have thought waves of the same
wave length. Some are pitched to a higher frequency than others, which prob-
ably determines individual temperaments; but all individuals are capable of
“stepping up” or slowing down their inner frequencies in accordance with
their moods and emotions.

The “Laying on of hands” technique of healing has long been laughed

at in medical circles but in the light of new knowledge, it is gaining cre-
dence as an accepted method of benefiting many afflications, depending solely
on the ability of a healer to generate a wave length within a specific narrow
band. Undoubtedly, some individuals are inherently gifted with a wave length
that neutralizes the vibrations present in certain physical ailments. Thus,
by merely passing their hands over the head and neck of a person, they may
instantly remove a headache. On a later occasion, perhaps, this ability will
not be manifested because, unknown to the healer, his own physical condition,
mental thoughts or emotions have changed so as to affect his frequency. His
own being must vibrate in harmony with Divine Intelligence.

Jesus was uniformly successful in healing by the laying on of hands,

Rev. 59: P7: 6.56 G:H

because he instinctively understood the conditions that made it possible.

Others have shown astounding results with the method but, owing to the fact that
the powers of the healer often ebbed and waned, owing to personal shortcomings
or the temptations of prosperity, the method fell into disrepute.

Thus the plea, “QUICKEN ME, 0 LORD” is a cry for an intensification of

our spiritual, mental and physical vibrations so as to heal our ills and those
of others, fulfill our own desires, and assist others to do likewise.

Perhaps some people will think we have erred in attempting to provide

modern scientific sidelights to a matter which can be approached from a purely
metaphysical plane. To a Mayan H’man, science would represent a groping to
master and prove great truths that were revealed to him through the simpler
method of direct communication with Infinite Intelligence. Science does pro-
vide interesting evidence in support of Mayan teachings and will continue to
supply more as the laboratories probe deeper into baffling problems.

Because of a growing interest in the healing technique known as the

“laying on of hands” we will, in the next Mayan Lesson, reveal more of the
technique and how one’s powers may be improved in this direction.

We ask that you meditate upon the enormous new field of endeavor open-
ed by this presentation of the scope of spiritual vibrations and lift up thy
voice in the age—old supplication:




On the third day after you have devoted some time to these thoughts, and after
prayer, read this entire lesson again slowly, digesting each paragraph until
you understand it well. Practice the daily meditations. Use the affirmations
given to you in Daily Meditation. You are ready now to begin healing if you
feel within yourself that you are ready. Then go forth and heal. Remember,
no Mayan objects to doctors; he giadly supplements the physician’s potions
with his own methods of healing, and if credit for the healing goes to the phy-
sician, he does not mind that. Sufficient be it that the healing is accomp-
lished and that the seed of Faith has been implanted. May it fall often in
fertile soil.

Rev. 59: P~: 6.56 G:H


Resh corresponds to our English letter R, and in

the Hebrew alphabet, has the numerical power of
200. Two hundred, in symbology, represents the
Duad carried to the point of perfection, the
dual powers completed in 100, or regeneration in
the highest degree. As ONE represents the Micro-
cosm and also the Macrocosm or The All, so does
this number or symbol represent the two types of
power; the negative and the positive, the female
and the male, the good and the bad, the illness
and the Quickening, etc. In the Ancient Myster-
ies the doctrine of the quickening, or the doct-
rine of regeneration was taught by symbols. This
was not the theological dogma of regeneration
taught in the Church, but a philosophical dogma
of a “change” from death to life, or a new birth
into immortal existence. In the Eleusinian mys-
teries, the last day when the initiations were
completed was called “the day of regeneration.”.
In the Mayan mysteries, held in July each year,
there were five days of regeneration called “days
without a name”, because no day— symbol was as-
signed to them. These days were especially im-
portant at the end of each 52—year cycle, when
the doctrine of regeneration gained added signi-
ficance. These July ceremonies are the time of
the Mayan New Year. Resh signifies “Forehead”.
The Phoenician and hieroglyph character so rep-
resented it. The sacred name of God connected
with it is Rahum, which means “Mercy”.

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