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Master’s of Education Importance

Difficult jobs are often the most rewarding jobs. The reward may not come as often, but

when it does it makes all the hard work and the not so fun parts worth it. To me, this is what

teaching is. It can be very difficult for years until you get the hang of it, and the satisfaction of

knowing that you have done a good job teaching may be very sparse in the beginning. As you

continue to improve you notice the rewards and the recognition also improves. Even if students

do not write thank you notes to you or you do not get teacher appreciation gifts, the reward can

be looking at your students grades and seeing that everyone has passed.

When I was starting my fifth year into college I still did not know what I wanted to do or

major in. I finally decided that I should major in mathematics and I started working as a

supplemental instructor for several math classes, which meant I taught study sessions several

times a week. I realized that I was good at explaining math topics and that I should consider

teaching when I graduated. This led me to the path of getting my teaching license as I taught

school. Originally I started out in the Utah State pathway to my teaching license that also led into

a master’s degree, but then my school district offered the same pathway through Weber State and

the teaching license portion would be paid for. My mother was the one that really pushed me into

getting my master’s degree. My grandmother was a teacher, and my mother was a teacher and

the value of education was great in my home growing up.

Pursuing my master’s degree has been an interesting journey. It made me look at my

teaching and what I was doing in the classroom differently. It also made me more aware of my

writing and research ability. I believe it also affected my professionalism in the workplace and as

an adult. The master’s project has definitely affected me as an educator the most. Learning how

to research properly, write properly, and study a subject properly as made me think in a more
educational way. I question trainings given to us as educators before just diving into whatever I

am told to do. I feel that I think more before I start to do. I try to run my class as I have been

trained, but I also stop and think about what is working and what is not and adjust using research

tactics that I have learned how to do.

In my school I also participate on committees to discuss student learning and progress.

My master’s project has made me think differently about how to help students at my school. I

feel that I can now research and contribute properly to these professional learning communities.

In addition to this I have also been able to accomplish more as an educator where others have

stopped. Keeping up with all of the class work and working on this project has made me

extremely busy, and so I have had to learn how to properly schedule my time. I was able to

accomplish everything needed in my classroom, in my school, as a cheer coach, and for my


I feel that I have learned to do hard things that I do not necessarily want to do. My

bachelor’s degree began this process, but while I was getting my bachelor’s degree I was not

working in my career. My bachelor’s degree was the main focus of my life. However my

master’s degree had to be a main part of my life as well as my career in teaching and also sharing

time with my family. Often I did not enjoy having to attend class after school and complete all of

the reading and work required for each class. However I did eventually learn to handle and

appreciate the work so that it added positivity to my life instead of stress. My master’s degree

was difficult to get and I have learned how to do hard things because of it. The reward of

accomplishing each step has been great and I am grateful for the maturity and patience I have

learned through this process.

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