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1 Shared Leadership
Rounded Average: 4/6

4 If the opportunity arises for more collaboration for staff in the learning areas.
As the data seems to suggest greater collaboration needs to be a feature of our growth as
4 leaders within the school.
2 Staff wellbeing needs to be a focus area
I believe that individual teachers need to be targeted and supported in developing thier
4 leadership skills.
In reference to slide 5 of Catherine's PowerPoint - PLC Groupings, choose option 1 so that
staff are given the opportunity to nominate which group they belong to - that way they
4 have a vested interest in the discussion.
Staff need to know how their role contribute to the big picture and the strategic direction
of the college, unpack this more at the staff individual review time. We need to improve
in communication in most things being done at Damascus. The us and them needs to
4 diminish, so that we are all in this together, particularly the staff in leadership positions
I would suggest that the school has been working diligently to allow for staff input in
matters that concern them. The establishment of my plan, principals update and on going
opportunities in staff voice have reflected this concern and provided opportunities for
feedback. I would hope that as a leadership team that we continue developing these
5 opportunities
Encourage middle leaders to empowered in their role. Allow opportunities to lead
3 discussions and make decisions that are pertinent and in line with the goals of the College.
5 Performance Planning and clear role clarity and accountability
Further clarification of where improvement could be made - e.g. clearer processes,
4 consistency, etc
Curriculum processes have improved but across the board there is room for
improvements. perhaps leadership need to focus on specific areas in order to make a
difference to individual lines of data rather that trying to do too much too quickly and
4 losing staff.
2 We need a greater survey to target what our leadership is missing.
Continue with Staff Voice and look at further ways for staff to be included in the decision
4 making/consultative process.
3 Listen …. really listen and take things on board.
Greater collaboration and transparency between staff groups affected by decisions.
Effective liaising between staff on consultation of decision making and management
4 where staff are concerned.
Empowerment - Continued affirmation and opportunities for collaborative leadership,
5 particularly not in the areas of structured leadership.
6 none
A whole school focus which streamlines our current approach to a few key areas of
effective leadership and communication between staff and administration. Perhaps more
consultation with staff who have recently joined our setting from another, would be
3 beneficial, to explain our approach, but also to listen to alternative approaches.

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