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University of Leicester
Centre for Educational Leadership and Management
MSc in Educational Leadership Dissertation
This questionnaire is being given to you as part of my MSc final dissertation. My
research is based on the role of libraries in higher education institutions – how they are
managed and what part they fulfil in the management of teaching and learning policies.
It also aims to investigate the use of library facilities and how much of this usership is
based on information literacy skills. The questionnaire is based on anonymous answers
and no names are required.

Your participation in this survey will be very useful and your honest response to the
following questions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Josephine Saliba B.A., P.G.C.E May / June 2007

Background Details

1) Library currently serving___________________________________________________

2) Your position____________________________________________________________

3) Gender □ Female □ Male

4) Age □ 20 – 25 □ 26 – 30 □ 31 – 40

□ 41 – 50 □ 51 – 59 □ 60 or older

5) Highest level of education received (Please tick as many answers as applicable)

□ Librarianship Certificate / Diploma (please state which) ________________________

□ Bachelor’s Degree

□ Post Graduate Certificate in Education

□ Masters Degree

□ Doctoral Degree

□ Other/s: _____________________________________________________________

6) How long have you been serving in a librarianship position including all previous
positions you have held?
□ Less than one year □ 1 – 5 years □ 6 – 10 years

□ 11 – 15 years □ 15 – 20 years □ More than 20 years

7) How long have you been serving at the College?

□ Less than one year □ 1 – 2 years

□ 3 – 4 years □ 5 – 6 years

8a) Have you ever held a formal teaching position?

□ Yes □ No
8b) If so, which subjects have you taught?______________________________________

Library Staff Questionnaire 113


Library Services

9) Which section of the library are you currently in charge of? _____________________

10) Which duties do you perform? _____________________________________________


11a) Do students come for induction visits to the library at the beginning of the year?
□ Yes □ No
11b) If so, who organises / carries out this visit?
11c) How are you involved in such inductions?

12) Do any staff members consult you / ask for your help when organising library visits
to your students?
□ Yes □ No

13a) Do any staff members collaborate with you in preparing course material/making
information available?
□ Yes □No
13b) If so, how?

14a) Are you included in some ways in lesson delivery at the library?
□ Yes □No
14b) If so, how?

15a) Would you be open to joint lecturer-librarian sessions at the library?

□ Yes □ No
15b) If so, how would you prefer to be involved? ________________________________

16a) In your experience, which media do STUDENTS use / refer to more when
researching information?
(Please tick as many answers as applicable)
□ Audio/video □ Reference books

□ Journals / Magazines □ Newspapers

□ Fiction □ Computer / Internet

□ Other ______________________________________________________________
16b) Why? ________________________________________________________________

Library Staff Questionnaire 114


17a) Are there any aspects of your daily communication with STUDENTS that you would
wish to change?
□ Yes □ No
17b) Do existent general management systems facilitate or hinder your communication
with students?
□ Yes □ No
17c) If so, in which ways and how would you wish that to change? _________________

18a) In your experience, which media do STAFF use / refer to more when researching
(Please tick as many answers as applicable)
□ Audio/video □ Reference books

□ Journals / Magazines □ Newspapers

□ Fiction □ Computer / Internet

□ Other _______________________________________________________________
18b) Why? _________________________________________________________________

19a) Are there any aspects of your daily communication with STAFF that you would wish
to change?
□ Yes □ No
19b) Are there any aspects of your professional collaboration with staff that you would
wish to change?
□ Yes □ No
19c) If so, in which ways and how would you want that to change? _________________

20a) Do you agree with housing a specific LSU section of library materials and resources
within the LLRC / the College libraries?
□ Yes □ No
20b) Do you agree with housing a specific LSU section of teaching space within the
LLRC / the College libraries?
□ Yes □ No
20c) In your opinion, what are the advantages of these LSU facilities?

20d) In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of these LSU facilities?

Library Staff Questionnaire 115


Library services

21) In your opinion do the majority of students make use of the library?
Please state your reasons.


22) What kind of feedback do you receive from students?


23) In your opinion does the majority of staff make use of the library?
Please state your reasons.


24) What kind of feedback do you receive from staff?


25) Briefly, what role do you think the LLRC and institute libraries have within the
educational management vision of the College?


Thank you
Josephine Saliba

Library Staff Questionnaire 116

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