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Teacher: Ildefonso Sánchez Velázquez

Juan Manuel Guillón Torres

Cheran Mich. a 1 de junio de 2019



This document is intended to function as a support tool for the company to which it
is directed, it contains in summary of some points of weakness of the company, as
this has a huge potential which can be very well used, because it has a position in
the enviable market and a considerable number of customers, but part of their
internal systems have to be improved so ICE CLUB can gain even more prestige
and because they do not think to go further limits tapatía metropolis.

Several areas a degree in industrial engineering, as are the subjects of quality,

hygiene and safety and production, all agree that there is the method used in
Toyota's 5S benefit their company in a way that will bring gains of various types,
where not only increase sales, now they will be reflected better times and more order.
In one of the islands of the East this system achieved a very positive change, which
puts Japan as one of the strongest economies although this had trouble following
the events of the 40s, but has left a huge teaching improvement .

The application of this system should be at least one hundred percent or even
seventy-five percent since this can be used have the level 3s but this issue was
played further in the next section of this document.


To start we must know a little about the history of this method because this deals
with Japan, in fact its name is designated by the first letter of the name of its five
stages and begins with Toyota as I mentioned above, where during the 60s in order
to get more places clean, orderly and organized labor. It emerged after World War II
by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers in order to improve quality and
eliminate obstacles to efficient production. At first it was applied to automobile
assembly, but now has application to many more industries, companies and jobs.
Several statistical studies show that applying the first 3S leads to results as
interesting as the growth of 15% of the mean time between failures,


For a couple of years I have had the opportunity to visit the company manufacturing
ice club ice, which is located in the state capital of Jalisco, in the period in which they
could work in the company, I noticed a problem very clear they have in their storage
area where store when the product does not have the most optimal conditions for
the product and a bad distribution, leading to the next decision they have. This is the
range that is definitely connected with the problems of the store as they have many
problems getting raw materials and to keep, such as Tuesday comes the water and
then the pipe enters the factory but this causes that block the output loaded trucks.


At this time I managed realizing that most failures could be solved with the 5S
system, since what is needed here is to improve conditions in these areas to better
significantly since this system is to generate order, and they succeed as their
greatest example of use was in Toyota and today the company is one of the most
important globally, so this is the key to solving their weaknesses.

This project will exponentially improve delivery times and help you have a better
order when you have product in stock since access to this will be easier.


Overall objective:

Helping those who have spaces in storage and loading docks / download better use.

Specific objectives:

Detecting each of the existing problems.

Perform tasks for easy implementation of the 5S system.

Implement and comply with the system.

Train and sensitize workers to continue applying these methods acquired by 5s.


To start you have to know exactly which is composed 5s, to obtain better use of this.


The first phase is the classification and disposal, separating the unnecessary things
necessary, keeping only the necessary. Necessary must be in the right number and
convenient location. should only be what has utility, it should be discarded useless.
This phase allows a reduction of stock, storage capacity, space requirements,
transportation and insurance. Avoid buying materials that are not needed, increases
productivity and allows greater economy and classification, among other

The organization is where to put things, do a study before deciding where to go every
thing in this way to know where to get everything in the time it takes. It must take into
account what is used consistently, which is used occasionally and who uses what.
Each of things must have their place in a unique place, where you must find and
where you should go back. Everything should be in place and available when
needed. To do this, you need to have (already been ruled out unnecessary) in its
proper quantity with quality is expected and in the right place and time. This phase
allows savings of working time (less time to find what is needed), greater ease of
production, execution of work and internal transport,stock management, Increased
productivity and rationalization of work, plus moreworking environment.


The third phase is cleaning company, phase which must address all elements of the
company. Each person must be assigned a workplace area from which it will
maintain its cleanliness under their responsibility. All areas of the workplace are
assigned to someone. Cleaning provides safety and quality in the company. The
advantages of this phase focus on better internal and external image of the
company, easier sales, higher productivity and lower product and material damage,
less loss. In addition, a good working environment is favored, since cleaning gives a
better feeling within the company.


The normalization phase consists of hygiene and visualization of maintaining
cleanliness and order to provide greater safety and quality in the company. good
discipline to achieve the required goals. The display consists of continuous hygiene
management. Visual management becomes very important at this stage.
Responsible for the company can make visits by the company to identify areas of
improvement. The advantages of this phase have already been found in other
phases, especially a better image of the company internally and externally, greater
motivation and satisfaction and greater security within the company.


The last phase of 5S, having completed the others, is discipline and commitment.
Discipline is the will to do things as they should do, have good habits, commitment
is based on continuous improvement. Seeks above all to create habits based on the
above points.

Each phase has a rationale, has some questions to be answered and answer and
has benefits for your application. 5S methodology does not have the meaning that
is intended to give if compliance is given to each of its phases.

And further knowing everything that makes this system then propose as step by step
as clearly and concisely is apicarara.


To begin, it should be inspected from beginning to end throughout the store
refrigeration. According to internal sources of the company in this area there is
always the famous diablitos and some other objects outside the area then after
identifying all objects that do not belong or hinder immediately be distributed to their
areas of origin or failing if are needed in this area, have a specific place for them
which is in the next step.

In the case of loading docks also sometimes is overrun by trash cans, ice packs that
are not yet loaded or other so it will be here the same, which is a review and remove
anything that is not necessary in the area.


Now after removing what does not serve us, it's time to organize but for this we need
to analyze all the space that we have, we do not want harm our area again. This will
achieve defining both space destined for the product, bearing in mind what is stored
as commonly over 50% of the production is sold and not touch this area and will be
designated space for the tool you can get to use in the freezer. Considering all this
will start making the necessary changes by putting a map of key points for any
product entering store can be guided.

For area loads this step is critical because this will seek to give an order to the
process of loading the trucks, first of all the spaces are identified and indicate what
type of trucks are those that can go move easily and which exceed the limits, and a
space will be designed so that these trucks can be stocked without harming the gait
of the smallest. The cargo area has a lane with only one input and one output the
idea is to have small trucks moving down that road and entering the order already
know and when entering with shippers already have prepared the order, meanwhile
since the day only going 3 large vans and arrive at widely separated times,

Having met the previous two, this phase aims that every time you finish the day those
working the cargo area become aware of the conditions in which I remain the area
and then clean it, since not care that, a bacterium or a contaminant may be added
to the product which would cause many problems in the future. This can also be
done during the day but the flow of people is understandable that you can not, so
also appoint someone who occasionally ASEE a little to avoid an accident, as a slip
by spilled water or a bag for dirty mud of boot prints, Etc.

Meanwhile the cargo area is always neat to finish the day because it is common for
drivers throw their trash in not proper places or have rags or other thrown objects,
and accommodate trolleys and transport of cargo to its designated area, and they
are all to account, since there have been cases that some of these are stolen.

So far the application might stop working because these phases provide:

 Reducing time expenses

 Reducing energy costs
 Reducing costs and unnecessary material stocks
 More space for work and business
 Greater teamwork and cooperation
 Increased knowledge of the job
 Reducing risk of accidents or health
 Improving safety at work
 Improving the quality of production
 Improved working conditions and better working environment
 Improving the effectiveness of the company
 Higher productivity
 Higherquality
 Eliminating downtime
 Keeping your workspace
 Increased service life of equipment and tools
 Reducing response time losses, costs or quality
 Ambiete better work, better cleaning, grooming and general conditions
But for this system to have a total level of success you need to implement the
remaining two phases.

4S and 5S:

In this step normalizes everything already done so that this becomes a lifestyle within
the company where these tasks routine do and achieve that step 5 is fulfilled
because for this discipline he should have been acquired for that commitment to help
the worker to comply with this system as it would be feasible for both him and for
managers and / or other members of the company.



- standard wages and jobs by the company will be maintained.

- Transport to arrive at the company will be about 35 pesos per day and is expected
to the first 3 S are met in one month. Total transportation costs 700 pesos since they
are only 20 working days.

- New Cleaning materials about 500 pesos.

- Expenditure on lodging and food during this application. 1500 income per month
and approximately 2000 meals


Bekaert consulting, 1998. Metodología de implantación autónoma de las 5s. Guía

del facilitador.

CIDEM, metodología de las 5s mayor productividad mejor lugar de trabajo,


Cura, Hugo. Las 5s herramientas de cambio,


Ishikawa, Kaoru, 1989. Introducción al control de la calidad, editorial Díaz de Santos.

Hirano, H, 1997. Pilares de la fábrica visual.

Masaaki, Imai, 1998, Cómo implementar el Kaisen en el sitio de trabajo. McGraw

Hill, Mexico DF.

Masaaki, Imai, 2012. Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense Approach to a Continuous

Improvement Strategy. McGraw Hill..
Aguilar, Carlos (2016). «¿Qué herramientas utilizo? Kaizen, 5s, Seis Sigma, TPM

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