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Investigation of Genetic Factors Affecting

Complex Traits Using External Apical Root

Resorption as a Model
Shaza K. Abass and James K. Hartsfield, Jr.

Genetic (genomic) and environmental (non-genetic) factors are the two

main aspects that determine phenotype. Although there has long been a
tendency to separate them (nature versus nurture), in essentially all traits
(diseases) besides those secondary to trauma, both the genetic and envi-
ronmental factors interact to develop the phenotype (nature and nurture).
Traits (diseases) can be divided into two broad categories based on their
genetic components pattern of transmission. The first category include so
called simple (Mendelian) traits. The second category includes genetically
complex traits. These are more common than Mendelian traits. They do not
follow a clear pattern of inheritance, but they tend to run in families.
Relatives of an affected individual or one who has the trait have an increased
risk of developing the disease and or having the trait. The genetic determi-
nants of such traits are difficult to identify since the trait or disease results
from a set of genetic polymorphisms that may be common within the
population, both affected and non-affected. The interplay of these genetic
polymorphisms at different loci with environmental factors leads to the
manifestation of such complex traits. Some approaches to analyzing com-
plex traits using external apical root resorption as an example are reviewed.
(Semin Orthod 2008;14:115-124.) © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

xternal apical root resorption (EARR) is a which is root loss of more than 5 mm, has been
E common clinical complication of orth-
odontic treatment. It is a permanent shortening
reported to occur in 2% to 5% of patients
treated with orthodontics.2,3
of the end of the root that can be seen on routine The American Association of Orthodontists
dental radiographs. Although EARR may occur in (AAO; St. Louis, MO) estimated that in the year
any or all teeth, it most often involves the maxil- 2000 there were 4.5 million people being treated
lary incisors. Seven to 13% of individuals who by its members. Extrapolation estimates that
have not had orthodontic treatment show 1 to 3 90,000 to 225,000 patients undergoing orth-
mm of EARR on radiographs.1 Severe EARR, odontic treatment during 2000 may develop
EARR of more than 5 mm. This number of
possible affected individuals does not include
Assistant Professor of Dental Science, Faculty of Dentistry, Uni-
versity of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan; Professor and Director of those treated by orthodontists that are not AAO
Oral Facial Genetics, Professor of Orthodontics, Indiana University members, and nonorthodontists. This estimate
School of Dentistry, Professor of Medical and Molecular Genetics, of EARR incidence hallmarks a potential prob-
Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
lem for orthodontists and patients who undergo
Address correspondence to James K. Hartsfield, Jr., DMD, PhD,
Department of Orthodontics and Oral Facial Genetics, Indiana orthodontic treatment.
University School of Dentistry, 1121 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, There is a significant variability for EARR sus-
IN 46202-5186. Phone: 317-278-1148; E-mail: jhartsfi@iupui. ceptibility among individuals. This variability
can be due to an innate or systemic predisposi-
© 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1073-8746/08/1402-0$30.00/0 tion to resorption in permanent and primary
doi:10.1053/j.sodo.2008.02.008 teeth in these individuals.4-9 It has been pro-

Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 14, No 2 (June), 2008: pp 115-124 115

116 S.K. Abass and J.K. Hartsfield, Jr.

posed that when extreme susceptibility exists, (diseases) besides those secondary to trauma,
EARR can occur in absence of any specific caus- both the genetic and environmental factors in-
ative factor.7,10 A racial dichotomy has also been teract to develop the phenotype (nature and
reported with Asian patients having less EARR nurture).
than white or Hispanic patients.9 Familial clus- Traits (diseases) can be divided into two broad
tering of EARR has also been reported, although categories based on their genetic components’
no Mendelian pattern of inheritance was identi- pattern of transmission. The first category is the
fied.6 Although racial differences and familial simple or Mendelian traits. These traits follow
clustering may suggest a genetic component, it the two genetic laws of heredity: the law of seg-
may also reflect different and common environ- regation and the law of independent assortment
mental factors respectively. Although many fac- identified by Gregor Mendel in 1985. These
tors have been suggested to affect EARR, none traits have a “simple” pattern of inheritance (au-
have by themselves been sufficient to explain the tosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-
variance in individual incidence or susceptibility linked) and in most of the cases they result from
to EARR. a mutation of a single locus (see the article titled
Since mechanical forces and other environ- “Genetic Factors and Orofacial Clefting” by
mental factors do not adequately explain the Lidral and coworkers in this volume). More in-
variation in EARR seen among individuals, an formation is available on human genetics, includ-
increased interest has focused on the role of ing a glossary, at the National Library of Medicine
genetic factors influencing the susceptibility to National Institutes of Health “Genetics Home Ref-
EARR. In this study we will describe strategies erence” http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov Web site.
that have been used to estimate and identify Pinpointing a genotype-phenotype relation-
genetic influences on EARR. We will start by ship is relatively easy to establish in Mendelian
identifying basic analyses used in identifying ge- traits or diseases because a single gene mutation
netic factors associated with a complex trait such usually results in a recognizable phenotype. En-
as EARR. vironmental factors and other genes may modify
the clinical expression of the disease,11 but are
not of crucial importance for disease develop-
Genetic Basis of Disease
ment (Fig 1). Such single gene traits or diseases
The genetic background (genome) and environ- are relatively rare except in certain isolated com-
mental (nongenetic) factors are the two main munities. They are also referred to as discrete or
aspects that determine phenotype. Although qualitative traits since they are dichotomous,
there has long been a tendency to separate them that is, they are either present or not (although
(nature versus nurture), in essentially all traits some aspects of them may still be measured).

Figure 1. Mendelian (monogenic) traits or diseases result because a single gene polymorphism or mutation
usually results in a recognizable phenotype. Environmental factors and other genes may modify the clinical
expression of the disease or other type of trait, but are not of crucial importance for its development.
Genetic Factors Affecting Complex Traits 117

Examples of simple traits include amelogenesis type of physical traits are continuous rather than
imperfecta and cleidocranial dysplasia. For a list discrete (although diseases of this type can still
of genetic traits that follow Mendelian inheri- be present or not). Such traits are referred to as
tance, one can search the Online Mendelian quantitative traits or multifactorial, since they
Inheritance in Man (OMIM) at the http://www. are caused by some number of genes in combi-
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db ⫽ OMIM nation with environmental factors. Examples of
Web site. The identification of the gene muta- such physical traits include height and weight
tion responsible for a particular Mendelian trait (which are measurable, not dichomatous). Dis-
allows the screening of individuals carrying the ease traits of this type include cardiovascular
mutation, and also allows for predicting the dis- disease, periodontal disease, and nonsyndromic
ease transmission from parents to offspring (ge- cleft lip and palate.
netic counseling).
The second category includes genetically
Evidence of a Genetic component to
complex disease. These traits are more common
in the population than Mendelian traits. They
do not follow a clear pattern of inheritance, but One of the classic methods to estimate the ge-
they tend to run in families. In other words, netic aspect of a trait is studying families, espe-
relatives of an affected individual or one who has cially twins.12 Twin studies provide a powerful
the trait have an increased risk of developing the method to recognize genetic and environmental
disease or having the trait. The genetic determi- effects on the manifestation of a trait. This is
nants of such traits are very difficult to identify usually done by comparing monozygotic (MZ)
since the trait or disease results from a set of twins and dizygotic (DZ) twins. It is assumed in
genetic polymorphisms that may be common such studies that the twins share the same envi-
within the population, both affected and nonaf- ronmental conditions, which should reduce the
fected. The interplay of these genetic polymor- noise of environmental factors. It should be un-
phisms at different loci with environmental fac- derstood that this is variably not the case (see the
tors leads to the manifestation of such complex discussion of heritability estimates in “Interpret-
traits. ing Heritability Estimates in the Orthodontic
Unlike Mendelian traits, environmental fac- Literature” by Harris in this volume).
tors and multiple genes are critical to the devel- MZ twins share 100% of their genes whereas
opment of such complex traits (Fig 2). These DZ twins share 50% of their genes. If the trait

Figure 2. Unlike Mendelian traits, environmental factors and multiple genes are critical to the development of
complex (polygenic) traits. These type of physical traits are continuous rather than discrete (although diseases
of this type can still be present or not). Such traits are referred to as quantitative traits or multifactorial, since
they are caused by some number of genes in combination with environmental factors.
118 S.K. Abass and J.K. Hartsfield, Jr.

(disease) of interest has a genetic component it netic variation, and no variation related with
is expected to occur more in MZ twins than DZ environmental variation.
twins regardless of it being a simple trait or a When estimating heritability it is important to
complex trait. When the two related individuals realize that it reflects the population and envi-
express the same trait they are said to be con- ronment analyzed at that point in time. Al-
cordant. If the trait of interest has a higher though it may seem strange, heritability esti-
concordance in MZ twins compared with DZ mated in this manner may change in the future,
twins, this implies a genetic component. A re- and is not necessarily predictive of the future.
cent retrospective twin study on EARR that in- Since environmental factors may change that
cluded 16 MZ and 10 DZ twins showed that the may affect the phenotype more (although the
concordance scores for MZ twins were approxi- genes have not changed), the heritability esti-
mately twice those of DZ twins, indicating a
mate for the trait being analyzed will change
strong genetic influence on EARR.13 However,
(decrease in this example). Also heritability es-
the concordance of the MZ twins was less than
timates are population estimates and not appli-
100%, indicating that there was an environmen-
tal influence on EARR as well. cable to an individual (Fig 3).
In addition to twins, genetic influence on a Using a sib-pair model, Harris and coworkers
trait (disease) can also be studied by looking at have shown that the h2 estimates for EARR aver-
the resemblance between other family members. aged about 0.7 for the maxillary incisors and
Parent-offspring and sib pairs can be investi- mandibular first molar roots.10 They concluded
gated for the trait of interest, since they share that such a moderately high heritability accounts
similar (50% of their genes in common on aver- for half of the total phenotypic variation seen
age) genetic backgrounds. In case of a strong among the individuals in their sample. This im-
genetic influence the trait of interest is usually plies that siblings experience similar levels of
more common in certain families compared EARR in response to orthodontic treatment com-
with the general population. Care must be taken pared with unrelated individuals. The study con-
again to take common environmental factors ducted by Harris and coworkers was the first to
into account as well. quantitate a transmissible component of EARR,
For qualitative traits (present or absent), fam- and was confirmed by Hartsfield and coworkers14
ily resemblance is expressed in terms of relative
risk (␭), which is the prevalence of the disease
among relatives as compared with its prevalence
in the general population. The greater the rela-
tive risk value the greater the familial aggrega-
tion of the disease due to common familial genetic
and environmental factors. For quantitative traits
(complex traits) this family resemblance is ex-
pressed in the terms of heritability (h2), which is
the ratio of additive genetic variance to the total
variance of the trait. This ratio of additive ge-
netic to total (additive genetic plus environmen-
tal) variation does not take into account gene-
to-gene interaction or the gene-environment
The value of heritability varies between 0 and
1. A heritability of 0 means that genetic variation
does not contribute at all to variation in the Figure 3. Aspects of (additive) heritability in the nar-
phenotype. A heritability of 0.5 means that both row sense, estimating the effect of an indefinitely
genetic and environmental variation contribute large number of genes that all contribute equally to
the phenotype. It cannot take into account allele-
equally to the phenotypic variation. A trait with allele interactions at a gene locus (termed domi-
a heritability estimate of 1 is theoretically ex- nance) and gene-gene interactions involving two or
pressed with all of its variation related with ge- more loci (termed epistasis).
Genetic Factors Affecting Complex Traits 119

Strategies of Identifying EARR Genes Linkage Analysis

Tools to Identify Disease Genes Linkage analysis tests for the cosegregation of a
marker and a trait (disease) locus in families
Besides mitochondrial DNA, human genetic in-
with affected individuals. During meiosis the ge-
formation in each cell is contained in 23 pairs
netic material crosses over from one parental
of chromosomes (22 autosomes and one pair
derived chromosome to the other through chro-
of X chromosomes in the female, or an X and
mosomal recombination. Chromosome seg-
Y chromosome in the male). Each of the chro-
ments and their associated genes that are far
mosomes is formed from a DNA molecule that
apart are more likely to recombine during mei-
contains many genes. The nucleotide sequence
osis. Chromosome segments and their associ-
that makes up the DNA encodes the genetic ated genes that are close together have a lesser
information. In addition to genes, each of the chance of recombination and are more likely to
chromosomes carries regulatory sequences as cosegregate and be inherited together and thus
well as other nucleotide sequences with still un- be linked. The recombination fraction is the
known functions. These noncoding regions of probability that two DNA markers will appear in
the DNA provide an important tool for the study a new combination on a chromosome not seen
of the genome. in the parental generation.
The DNA sequence varies at a particular chro- When two genes are far apart (unlinked) on
mosomal location in both the coding and non- the same chromosome, or on two different chro-
coding regions. This genetic variation is called mosomes, the recombination fraction is 0.5,
genetic polymorphism and the different DNA which means that the two markers are inherited
variants arising from such polymorphism are independently following Mendel’s law of inde-
called alleles. The study of alleles allows for ge- pendent assortment. For genes that tend to be
netic analysis of diseases (for further informa- inherited together (linked) in a part of a chro-
tion see “Genetic Factors and Orofacial Clefting” mosome, the recombination fraction will be less
by Lidral and coworkers, and “Genetic Factors than 0.5. The results of linkage studies are re-
and Tooth Movement” by Iwasaki and coworkers ported by calculating the LOD score, which is
in this volume). Even though 99.9% of the genes the logarithm of odds that the disease locus and
are similar among individuals, the remaining the marker are linked (recombination fraction
0.1% variation accounts for the differences seen less than 0.5) rather than unlinked (recombina-
among individuals, including disease susceptibil- tion fraction of 0.5). A LOD score below –2.0
ity. excludes any linkage, whereas a LOD score
Several types of polymorphisms are commonly above 1.9 is suggestive of linkage. A LOD above
used for genetic analyses, including microsatellite 3.0 suggests a significant linkage.
markers that are DNA sequences in which a short By using markers that are evenly spaced
sequence (2-4 nucleotides) sequence is repeated across all chromosomes, one can analyze the
several times. The number of repeats varies entire genome using this approach and identify
among individuals, but is inherited within fami- genes that are linked to the trait (disease) of
lies. These repeated nucleotide sequences are usu- interest. To perform parametric linkage analysis,
ally found in noncoding regions and are thus typ- one must specify an inheritance model of the
ically nonfunctional polymorphisms. Another disease of interest as well as the allele frequency
form of polymorphism widely found in the ge- distribution. This is relatively difficult to achieve
nome is single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). for a trait in which more than one genetic locus
SNPs can be in both the coding and the non- plays a Mendelian or major role (for more in-
coding DNA regions. Although most of the SNPs formation see “Genetic Factors and Orofacial
are found within noncoding regions, SNPs found Clefting” by Lidral and coworkers in this vol-
within coding regions are of particular impor- ume). Classical linkage is usually performed in
tance, since depending on their codon position large extended families with multiple affected
and genetic code they may alter the amino acid individuals, which makes it difficult with rare
sequence and potentially the biological function of diseases and or those that markedly decrease
the protein. procreation.
120 S.K. Abass and J.K. Hartsfield, Jr.

EARR, however, is a complex disease, with phism marker lies close to the TNFRSF11A gene
multiple genetic and environmental factors con- suggesting that this locus or a closely linked one
tributing to its occurrence and severity. In such contributes to the susceptibility to EARR. The
complex diseases with no Mendelian pattern of TNFRSF11A gene codes for RANK, an essential
inheritance, nonparametric linkage analyses are signaling molecule in osteoclasts differentiation
the best tools to identify contributing genes. These and function.15
nonparametric linkage analyses are mainly based
on a concept called identity by descent (IBD)
Association Analysis
marker allele sharing. Allele-sharing studies pro-
vide a way to perform linkage analysis without Association analysis is a method to determine if
knowing the model of inheritance. In allele-shar- a particular marker allele is more frequent in a
ing studies, sib pairs who are both affected by group of subjects with the disease compared
the disorder are genotyped to determine if they with a control group. Association studies can be
inherit the same alleles at a certain region of the used in both quantitative and qualitative traits.
genome more than would be expected by They rely on the concept of linkage disequilib-
chance. Although allele-sharing analysis does rium (LD), which is the consistency of associa-
not require the collection of large multigenera- tion of alleles at two linked loci. It is assumed
tional families, it does require a large numbers that the disease-associated polymorphism occurs
of sib pairs to gain enough power for the local- more frequently with a set of markers. LD anal-
ization of genes that at least moderately affect ysis tests the hypothesis that a marker and the
the disease susceptibility. disease allele occur more frequently in a sample
In general, the goal of linkage analysis is to of affected individuals compared with unaf-
identify the region(s) of the chromosome that fected controls. The disease mutation might be
contains the gene(s) responsible for the mani- homogenous in all individuals reflecting a
festation of the disease of interest. The marker founder effect.
allele segregating with the disease gene varies To evaluate evidence of association, samples are
from family to family. This kind of analysis tends collected from affected subjects and matched con-
to be more powerful with single gene (mono- trols to compare the allele’s frequencies at a
genic) or major gene disorders, since in com- marker in a candidate gene. In such population-
plex traits several genes contribute to the disease based association studies (case-control), LD re-
process. sults can be complicated by inherited differ-
Linkage analysis and allele-sharing studies are ences in the genetic background between the
performed by studying a panel of polymor- cases and controls rather than actual association
phisms on the whole genome (genome-wide ap- with the disease. That is why it is essential to
proach). In this way chromosome areas of inter- closely match cases and controls to control for
est may be further investigated, including those false positives that lead to spurious association
with no previous indication of importance to the results.
trait (disease) of interest. Linkage analysis and Family-based association methods have been
allele-sharing studies can also be performed by developed to control for population stratifica-
studying polymorphic markers within suitable tion. One such method is the affected family-
candidate genes or loci (candidate gene ap- based control (AFBAC) method, in which the
proach). Candidate genes are usually selected frequency distribution of marker alleles trans-
because of previous knowledge of the function mitted from parents to an affected child is com-
of the gene and its possible affect on the devel- pared with those not transmitted. The transmit-
opment of the disease if mutated. ted and nontransmitted alleles come from the
In an effort to identify genetic factors in same parent.
EARR Al-Qawasmi and coworkers used the can- Another method is the transmission disequi-
didate gene approach to look for evidence of link- librium test (TDT), in which the frequency of
age in 38 pedigrees. In their study they found the transmission of a particular allele from het-
suggestive evidence of linkage between EARR of erozygous parents to an affected child is com-
maxillary central incisors and a polymorphic pared with the 50% Mendelian ratio. Because in
marker D18S64 (LOD score 2.51). This polymor- such a triad (parents and affected child) the
Genetic Factors Affecting Complex Traits 121

transmitted allele acts as a case and the untrans- mouse and human genome showing a high de-
mitted alleles act as a control, TDT results in a gree of homology (80%).17-19 There is a marked
well-matched genetic background and controls genomic conservation of gene order (synteny)
for population stratification. Limiting factors for between the two species. The availability of a
the TDT is the unavailability of parents due to dense and detailed genetic map makes gene
death, refusal of genetic analysis, or in late-onset mapping in mice practical and efficient. Mice
diseases. Significant evidence of linkage disequi- are easy to breed with a short gestational period
librium for an IL-1B polymorphism with EARR and relatively large litter sizes. They also have a
was reported.16 The analysis of 35 families indi- short life span and can be raised easily and
cated that the IL-1B polymorphism accounts for economically in small facilities. Control of envi-
15% of the total variation seen for EARR seen in ronmental factors and ease of conducting crosses
the maxillary central incisor in the sample stud- among the different strains makes them a perfect
ied. model in genetic studies.
When locating susceptibility genes, both link- Mice carrying a specific gene deletion (knock-
age and association analysis may be useful in the out) or gene addition (transgenic) have been
same families. Linkage analysis usually identifies very useful in examining how the manipulated
regions of the genome that contain the suscep- gene affects the trait or the disease. Both the
tibility genes, although the marker allele used to knockout and transgenic mice will examine the
identify this region varies from one family to the effect of a single gene on the disease process.
other. When linkage is found, the linked region They often result in a major change in physiol-
can be further investigated for linkage disequi- ogy. In complex diseases, this may not be the
librium to identify the trait-associated polymor- case, since more than one gene is involved in the
phism at that region. Another approach is to development of the trait.
identify certain candidate genes and then ana- The use of inbred strains of mice to uncover
lyze markers in and around that gene for linkage genetic determinants of various diseases with
and association. Linkage and association are either a single or polygenic basis is increasing in
complementary methods for identification of popularity. Inbred mice are produced by re-
genes responsible for complex traits. peated brother and sister mating for at least 20
As Hartsfield discusses in the article titled consecutive generations.20 This results in about
“Personalized Orthodontics, The Future of Ge- 100% homozygosity in all alleles across the
netics in Practice?” in this volume, the rapid mouse genome. By even-crossing them for fur-
growth in genome-wide association studies pre- ther generations, inbred mice become homozy-
sents both the greatest challenge and the likeli- gous in all loci providing a colony of genetically
hood of truly understanding the interaction of identical mice. With exception to the sex chro-
genetic and environmental (treatment) factors mosomes, each inbred mouse is essentially an
affecting root resorption in the clinic. identical twin to the other, each carrying the
same genome. Because of the allelic variation
between different strains, each of the strains
Animal Studies
differs from the others with its own set of phe-
As mentioned earlier most common traits (dis- notypic characteristics. Finding two inbred
eases) have a complex genetic etiology. Multiple mouse strains that differ in the expression of the
genetic loci and the environment interact to trait of interest while controlling for all other
modulate susceptibility to such complex dis- factors indicates that genetic components (dif-
eases. In such cases the identification of genes ferences in background genes between the in-
that predict a trait are challenging in humans. bred strains) strongly affect the trait of interest.
Using the mouse model to study genetic effects Crossing two inbred mice that differ in the
on complex traits is becoming popular. trait of interest results in hybrid mice called F1s
The use of mice to study genetic influences that carry a single set of alleles from each parent.
on traits is very appealing, since it allows for These F1 mice are genetically identical mice and
controlling two major factors that complicate heterozygous in all loci in the alleles arising
human studies: genetic heterogeneity and envi- from the two parental strains. The F1 animals
ronmental factors. This is facilitated by the can provide significant information about the
122 S.K. Abass and J.K. Hartsfield, Jr.

monogenic or polygenic status of the trait of available to test the relationship of any of the
interest. Furthermore these F1 animals can be markers with the expression of the phenotype
further mated to each other (intercross) or and thus find linkage.
mated to one of the parental strains (backcross) Another method for mapping QTLs is by us-
to further elucidate contributing genetic factors ing recombinant inbred (RI) strains. RI strains
(Fig 4). are developed by mating pairs of sister-brother
Intercrossing F1 animals results in an F2 gen- from the F2 generation to produce an F3 gen-
eration that has a unique combination of pro- eration. This process of sib mating is repeated
genitor genes. The genetic diversity of F2 ani- for 20 generations within each RI line. The re-
mals results from recombination and random sult is a new inbred strain that is homozygous in
assortment of DNA from the progenitor mice. every locus but has different combination of
The use of F2 mice is very popular in analyzing genes from the original parental inbred strains.
the loci that influence a complex trait through One advantage of using RI mice is their com-
the process of quantitative trait loci (QTL) anal- mercial availability for many inbred strains, min-
ysis. QTL analysis has proved to be the method imizing breeding time.
of choice in identifying genes responsible for The repetitive backcrossing of F1 (donor) an-
complex traits, particularly in absence of evi- imals to one of the parental strains (recipient)
dence implicating a candidate gene.21 Areas of for 20 generations results in a congenic strain
the genome from each parent can be identified that carries a segment of the chromosome of the
by using readily available polymorphic markers. donor strain. At each generation produced, only
These polymorphic markers vary from one strain those offspring who have received the desired
to another and thus allow the identification of donor allele and display the desirable phenotype
loci that affect the trait. The analysis of the F2 are selected for the next round of backcrossing.
phenotypes and relating them to genomic mark- This results in the transfer of the chromosomal
ers allows the identification of both major and region of interest from the donor to the other-
minor effect loci. By only analyzing the F2 gen- wise inbred recipient mouse strain. Congenic
eration members who have different extremes of strains are generated to test the effect of a single
the phenotype, one can identify major loci af- or multiple linked loci from a donor strain
fecting the trait. Software programs are now placed on the genetic background of a recipient

Figure 4. Different types of crosses (breeding) of inbred animals of different strains are useful for different
aspects of genetic studies as described in the text.
Genetic Factors Affecting Complex Traits 123

strain.20 The use of congenic mice provides a animal age, food, housing, and duration of the
valuable tool to confirm QTLs and their fine force among the different strains. Results of that
mapping, and allows for studying the biology study showed that inbred strains of mice differed
regulated by the donor loci. Recombinant con- in their response to the same controlled force
genic inbred strains are generated by two back- with all other environmental factors controlled
crosses followed by intercrosses for 20 genera- for. This implied that RRAOF is a trait in mice
tions, leading to the fixation of the desired strain that is influenced by genetic factors. The mice
as homozygous (Fig 4). were grouped into resistant (A/J, C57BL/6J,
To investigate genes that affect the suscepti- and SJL/J), intermediate (C3H/HeJ and AKR/
bility to histological root resorption associated J), and susceptible (BALB/cJ, DBA/2J, and
with orthodontic force, inbred strains of mice 129P3/J) strains.25 These strains identified at
are being used to investigate their fitness as a the opposite ends of the spectrum can be fur-
model. In general rodents have been used ex- ther used to perform QTL analysis.
tensively to study tissue reaction to orthodontic Inbred strains may also be used to analyze
tooth movement. Rats are generally used more whether the genetic factors that influence a trait
than mice to study histological root resorption are complex (polygenic) or Mendelian (mono-
associated with orthodontic force (RRAOF), at genic). Abass and coworkers crossed A/J (resis-
least in part because their larger size makes tant to RRAOF) mice with either DBA/2J or
their manipulation easier. Brudvik and Rygh BALB/cJ (susceptible mice) to identify the
were the first to verify mice as a model to mode of inheritance of RRAOF. F1 animals from
investigate tissue response to orthodontic force, the A/J ⫻ DBA/2J cross showed RRAOF scores
including RRAOF.22 One challenge is the small intermediate between the parental strains (A/J
size of mice, which makes the insertion and and DBA/2J), whereas F1 animals from the
calibration of an orthodontic force difficult. A/J ⫻ BALB/cJ cross had RRAOF scores that
Following the previously cited clinical study, were closer to the resistant A/J strain. This im-
the potential for effect of the interleukin-1␤ (IL- plied that the trait is polygenic with a major gene
1␤) protein on root resorption was confirmed in influence.26
an IL-1␤ knockout (KO) mouse model, with the
wild-type (normal) C57BL/6J and the KO mice
Implication to Clinical Practice
having the same baseline RRAOF without any
orthodontic force. When orthodontic force was Human studies have shown that more than half
applied, in the KO mice RRAOF increased mark- of the variation seen clinically in EARR of max-
edly compared with that seen in the wild-type illary central incisors during orthodontic treat-
mice.23 This not only confirms some role of ment is associated with genetic variation.10,14 Ap-
IL-1␤ in root resorption as at least one possible parent interaction with environmental factors,
factor, but also suggests that in this case the including presumably occlusal and orthodontic
mechanism is not an increase in inflammation forces when present, makes EARR appear to be
because of IL-1␤, since the KO mice have been a complex trait in most individuals. Clinical and
demonstrated to have no IL-1␤ activity. In addi- animal studies can further investigate the ge-
tion to being a cytokine, IL-1␤ also has an affect netic factors, and their interaction with environ-
on bone resorption, a decrease of which may mental factors, that influence variation in EARR.
increase stress and strain on the root, which may A better understanding of the genetic factors
lead to an increase in root resorption.24 This that may predispose an individual to EARR, par-
could also have an impact on tooth movement, ticularly if combined with orthodontic treat-
as discussed in the article titled “Genetic Factors ment, may help to identify the individual who is
and Tooth Movement” by Iwasaki and coworkers more susceptible before treatment.
in this volume. Depending on the possible likelihood of
Al-Qawasmi and coworkers examined the vari- EARR with treatment, treatment itself may be
ation in severity of RRAOF among eight inbred contraindicated, or in a “borderline” case extrac-
strains of mice. In their study they used a coil tions may be avoided, and or a more frequent
spring to tip the maxillary first molar mesially schedule of radiographic monitoring of the case
while controlling for all other factors such as may be pursued. Ultimately, recognition of and
124 S.K. Abass and J.K. Hartsfield, Jr.

accounting for the genetic factors that vary with 13. Ngan DC, Kharbanda OP, Byloff FK, et al: The genetic
a part of the total variation seen in any clinical contribution to orthodontic root resorption: a retrospec-
tive twin study. Aust Orthod J 20:1-9, 2004
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effect that environmental factors, including factors in external apical root resorption and orthodon-
treatment, have on the clinical trait. If this is not tic treatment. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 15:115-122, 2004
done, then a significant (both in a statistical and 15. Nakagawa N, Kinosaki M, Yamaguchi K, et al: RANK is
a real sense) unexplained source of clinical vari- the essential signaling receptor for osteoclast differenti-
ation that may alter or even cover up the appar- ation factor in osteoclastogenesis. Biochem Biophys Res
Commun 253:395-400, 1998
ent effect of other factors on the trait will be
16. Al-Qawasmi RA, Hartsfield JK Jr, Everett ET, et al: Ge-
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