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similar conditions of rain and wind, the hangars of arch bridges and suspenders of suspension
bridges can also vibrate.

(Y. Hikami and N. Shiraishi, ‘‘Rain-Wind Induced Vibrations of Cable in Cable Stayed
Bridges,’’ Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 29 (1988) pp. 409–
418, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam.
Matsumoto, M., Shiraishi, N., Kitazawa, M., Kinsely, C., Shirato, H., Kim, Y. and Tsujii,
‘‘Aerodynamic Behavior of Inclined Circular Cylinders—Cable Aerodynamics,’’ Journal
of Wind Engineering (Japan), no. 37, October 1988, pp. 103–112.
Matsumoto, M., Yokoyama, K., Miyata, T., Fujno, Y. and Yamaguchi, H., ‘‘Wind-Induced
Cable Vibration of Cable-Stayed Bridges in Japan,’’ Proc. of Canada-Japan Workshop on
Bridge Aerodynamics, Ottawa, 1989, pp. 101–110.
Matsumoto, M., Hikami, Y. and Kitazawa, M., ‘‘Cable Vibration and its Aerodynamic /
Mechanical Control,’’ Proc. Cable-Stayed and Suspension Bridges, Deauville, France, Oc-
tober 12–15, 1994, vol. 2, pp. 439–452.
Miyata, T., Yamada, H. and Hojo, T., ‘‘Aerodynamic Response of PE Stay Cables with
Pattern-Indented Surface,’’ Proc. Cable-Stayed and Suspension Bridges, Deauville, France,
October 12–15, 1994, vol. 2, pp. 515–522.)


For short-span structures (under about 500 ft) it is commonly assumed in seismic analysis
that the same ground motion acts simultaneously throughout the length of the structure. In
other words, the wavelength of the ground waves are long in comparison to the length of
the structure. In long-span structures, such as suspension or cable-stayed bridges, however,
the structure could be subjected to different motions at each of its foundations. Hence, in
assessment of the dynamic response of long structures, the effects of traveling seismic waves
should be considered. Seismic disturbances of piers and anchorages may be different at one
end of a long bridge than at the other. The character or quality of two or more inputs into
the total structure, their similarities, differences, and phasings, should be evaluated in dy-
namic studies of the bridge response.
Vibrations of cable-stayed bridges, unlike those of suspension bridges, are susceptible to
a unique class of vibration problems. Cable-stayed bridge vibrations cannot be categorized
as vertical (bending), lateral (sway), and torsional; almost every mode of vibration is instead
a three-dimensional motion. Vertical vibrations, for example, are introduced by both longi-
tudinal and lateral shaking in addition to vertical excitation. In addition, an understanding is
needed of the multimodal contribution to the final response of the structure and in providing
representative values of the response quantities. Also, because of the long spans of such
structures, it is necessary to formulate a dynamic response analysis resulting from the multi-
support excitation. A three-dimensional analysis of the whole structure and substructure to
obtain the natural frequencies and seismic response is advisable. A qualified specialist should
be consulted to evaluate the earthquake response of the structure.

(‘‘Guide Specifications for Seismic Design of Highway Bridges,’’ American Association

of State Highway and Transportation Officials; ‘‘Guidelines for the Design of Cable-
Stayed Bridges,’’ ASCE Committee on Cable-Stayed Bridges.
A. M. Abdel-Ghaffar, and L I. Rubin, ‘‘Multiple-Support Excitations of Suspension
Bridges,’’ Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, vol. 108, no. EM2,
April, 1982.

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