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F \

Introduction 3
The history of fasting 4
What is modern fasting? 5
Basics of Intermittent Fasting 6
Intermittent Fasting or calorie restriction? 8
Benefits of fasting 9
Different Methods of fasting 12
Hydrating during fasting 20
Getting started 25
The Top 6 Fasting Tips 29
Conclusion 30

In the early days of human history, access to food was
limited and large quantities of it were especially hard to come
by. This food scarcity led to natural periods of fasting, which
in turn led to changes in human evolution. The human body,
including the brain, became accustomed to regular food

In recent years, everything has changed: People have

access to more and more food, and human body
isn’t capable of dealing with it in the same way.

“Intermittent Fasting” is what we call the interchange

between periods of eating and fasting. This type of fasting comes
easily to us because it’s rooted in human biology, and is
designed by nature to address a person’s hunger pangs.
Of course, Intermittent Fasting doesn’t prohibit people
from eating, but encourages them to think about eating
the right amount of the right food at the right time. It’s
about eating the of food we need, when we need it so we
don’t eat more than required.


The history of fasting

Before the modern era, eating patterns were irregular because of war,
insect infestations, and diseases, among other interruptions. Food
access was restricted, and sometimes people starved—for short
and for long periods. During summer and fall, people had access to
plenty of fruits and vegetables, but in winter and spring these items
were scarce. Periods without regular access to food could last longer
than you might expect, from a week to months. These hard times may
explain why one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is Famine.

Lady Julian of Norwich Photo: © Mary Evans Picture Library / Alamy

Fasting is the most time-honored healing tradition in the world—it’s

a part of every culture and religion on earth. People from civilizations
like Ancient Greece would institute periods of voluntary fasting in their
personal lives. They observed that fasting had its benefits, which is
why they engaged in the practice even though periods of involuntary
starvation had faded. They called fasting “cleansing,” “purification,”
and “detoxification.” These practices demonstrate how eating three
meals a day and snacking is not necessary for survival and good health.


What is modern fasting?

Fasting today is timing when you eat. Intermittent Fasting
consists of periods of fasting that occur regularly between periods of
eating. You can choose how long each period of fasting lasts, or
how long the period of normal eating lasts. There is no singular best
way for everybody—people can choose which period fits them best.
There is no correct or incorrect fast—one person prefers shorter fasts,
another prefers longer ones. It is, always, a personal preference.

Fasting is not like starvation because of one key difference:

control. Starvation is the involuntary abstention from eating—
people who are starving can not say when they will eat next.
It can happen during war and famine, when food is scarce.

Fasting is the voluntary abstention from eating for health or other

reasons. Food is available, but you can choose to eat or not to eat.

Fasting is very simple, practical, and effective. Fasts can last from
twelve hours to 24 hours. You can choose to fast once a week,
once a month, or once a year. You can do shorter fasts daily, while
longer ones—24 to 36 hours—are usually done two to three times
per week. Periods of fasting may range from one week to one month.


Basics of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between
periods of eating and fasting. There are many methods of Intermittent
Fasting. People fast every day, because people fast when they sleep.

Here’s one example: Skip your breakfast and have your first meal at
noon. Then have your last meal at 8 p.m. And that’s it! You’ll have fasted
about 16 hours in a day, which would be the 16/8 method—eating 8 hours
and fasting 16 hours. This one is the most popular methods of fasting.

Generally speaking, women should fast for about 13 to 14 hours

a day. Men can fast for about 15 to 16 hours.

One of the most important aspects of Intermittent Fasting is the timing of

the fasting. It’s better to fast around the same time each day to help adjust
the release of hormones in the body. Then it’s easier to adapt to this new
eating process overall. And, of course, then it’s easier to keep on the plan.


" Fasting of the body

food for the soul "


Intermittent Fasting or calorie restriction?

Lots of research shows that calorie restriction and Intermittent

Fasting can result in huge benefits. But what are the differences
between Intermittent Fasting and calorie restriction?

Also, calorie restriction can cause muscle loss and micronutrient

deficiencies. Of course, everything depends on the foods you eat, or
don’t eat.

Intermittent Fasting is an amazing diet if you want to improve your health

and don’t want to restrict yourself. You don’t need to force yourself to get
great results. You will eat less and that’s how you limit your calorie intake.


Benefits of fasting
One of the most amazing and noticeable benefits of fasting
is weight loss. Before the modern era, people fasted
to cleanse their bodies of toxins, and for rejuvenation. But
fasting has even more reported and demonstrated benefits:

Living Longer
The science behind Intermittent Fasting process would
suggest that Intermittent Fasting activates the life-extending
mechanisms during our fast days.

Benefits your skin

Intermittent Fasting has helped people with skin-related
problems, such as acne. When you allow your body an
extended break from its digestion routine, it kickstarts your body’s
detox mechanism too. People have reported glowing skin
results after their body adjusts to this new digestion pattern.


Simple to follow
When you eliminate the number of meals in your day or week,
you’ll also find this added benefit: Meal preparation is much
easier. During your eating windows you eat your daily food, and
while fasting you drink water, coffee, tea, or bone broth. Simple.

Worth nothing
With other diets, you need to replace your daily food with alternatives
or fancy ingredients. Fasting does not require replacing food. You are
eliminating some of what you eat, but replacing nothing if you don’t
want to.

Oxidative stress in the body

Intermittent Fasting may improve our resistance to oxidative
stress. Oxidative stress is a process that eventually leads to
the destruction of important molecules in the body through
reactions with other unstable molecules such as free radicals.


Reduces Inflammation
Fasting controls the release of free radicals present in your
body. That is how you are protected from inflammation.
Fasting for prolonged periods, coupled with ample water
consumption, can help you eliminate inflammation issues entirely.

Good for your Brain’s Health

Fasting improves metabolic factors that are important for our
brain health. This includes less oxidative stress and inflammation,
and a drop in blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. It also
eventually increases the levels of brain-driven neurotrophic
factors, a brain hormone that when deficient is linked to depression
and other mental health issues.


Different Methods of fasting

In this chapter, you will be introduced to some of the most

popular fasting methods in detail. There is no a single
method that fits all when it comes to fasting. The most
important thing is that you find the most suitable program
for you.

"The first wealth

is health"


1. The 5:2 fast: 2 days per week

The 5:2 fast diet allows you to eat regularly for first five days
of the week. For the last two days you restrict your calorie
intake to 600 calories. These days can be done consecutively
or spaced apart, depending upon your preference.

The 500 to 600 calories can be consumed in a single meal or

spread out into multiple meals over the course of a day. If you
eat two meals a day, you can break it down to 250 calories
per meal for women and 300 calories each meal for men.


2. Random meal skipping

Random meal skipping means that there is no rule for

exactly when to fast. It focuses on eating unprocessed foods.
The rules are highly flexible and the fast allows you to skip meals
randomly once or twice a week. This type of fasting is suitable for
busy people who don‘t have a lot of time to follow different diets.


3. Fasting on alternate days

As the name suggests, this plan allows you to eat every second day.
For example, on Monday you would eat anytime between 7-8 a.m.
to 7-8 p.m. You would fast on Monday night, and then all day and all
night on Tuesday. Then again you start eating again from Wednesday
at 7-8 a.m. and then continue in that same order. Those who follow
this fast should choose healthy food on fasting days and
whatever they wish on non-fasting days.


4. 12-hour fasts
A 12-hour fast means that you eat within the first 12 hours of the day,
and abstain from food for next 12 hours. For example, you fast from
8 a.m. to 8 p.m., you eat three meals a day, and then 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.
are your non-eating hours. This fast is easy to follow and gives
great results over the long term.


5. 16-hour fasts
16-hour fasts are a bit more complex than 12 hour fasts, but they lead
to even better results. As the name implies, you have to hold off
from any food for 16 hours and then eat during the remaining
8 hours of the day. When doing this style of fast, you have
to consume lots of high protein foods, and carbohydrates
should be eaten on rotation. If you exercise, you should be
strategic with your nutrient intake. That means that majority of
your carbohydrates should be consumed immediately after a
workout. For example, you eat from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.—during
that period you have two to three meals—and from 7 p.m. to 11
a.m. you fast. With this type of fasting, some people skip the
morning meal every day, but have snacks before other meals.


6. 20-Hour fasts: “The Warrior Diet”

20-hour fasts might be one of the oldest of all fasts. This fast allows you
to eat small portions of certain food types at dinner. During dinner period
you would also work out. At the end of the day you would have feeding
window. This fasting style is one of the most comfortable and convenient.


7. 24-hour fasts
A 24-hour fast means that you will fast from breakfast to breakfast,
from lunch to lunch, or from dinner to dinner—whichever you
prefer. For example, if you have dinner at 7 p.m. on Day 1,
during that period of time you fast until 7 p.m. on Day 2. Regardless
of the name, you do not actually go without food for 24 hours, because
you have one meal during that time to tide you over. When you eat a
meal, you can also take any medications that must be taken with food.


Hydrating during fasting

Don’t forget to drink water during a fast. It is not enough to drink
8 cups of water a day: If you are drinking coffee while fasting,
you need to drink additional 250 ml water, because coffee is a
diuretic and will increase dehydration. You can add a bit of sea
salt into water and this will improve fluid absorption and keep
your electrolytes in balance. Dehydration can lead to muscle
cramps, decreased physical performance, and exhaustion.

"Thousands have lived without love,

not one without water "


1. Water
Drink lots of water while fasting: Two liters of water a day keeps
you hydrated. You can practice with eight ounces of water
every morning—this ensure adequate hydration. You can add lemon,
orange, berries, or cucumber slices if you need flavor. You can
also add 5ml (a teaspoon) of diluted apple-cider vinegar in 300ml
water—it can help to lower blood sugar levels. Sweeteners,
artificial flavors, Kool-Aid, Crystal Light, or Tang should not
be added to water.

Be aware of sparkling drinks: Drink a maximum of just 300ml

a day. Sparkling drinks may make you feel hungry, and
the CO2 in sparkling drinks irritates your stomach mucosa.


2. Tea
Tea is perfect choice while fasting. You can choose green, black,
oolong, herbal tea.

Green tea helps during a fast: The catechins in green tea

are believed to help suppress appetite.

Herbal teas are not true teas, because they don’t contain
tea leaves—but they are great for fasting.

Cinnamon and ginger tea also are known for their

appetite-suppressing power.

Mint tea and chamomile tea are often used for soothing properties.

Herbal teas contain no caffeine so you can drink them anytime—day

or night. Just keep in mind that black tea and green tea
contain varying levels of caffeine.

You can add a small amount of cream or milk to tea, but do not use
sugar or artificial sweeteners. If you see that your progress is slow,
you can eliminate calories during fasting. You can go back to a classic
water-only fast if you have problems with a stubborn weight plateau.


3. Coffee
You can drink coffee—caffeinated and decaffeinated—during a
fast. If you’d like you can add a small amount, 1 to 2 teaspoons, of
coconut oil or cream to your coffee. While consuming this is not true
fasting, the effect is so small that it makes little difference to the
outcome of fast. These flexibilities make it easier to stick to the program.

Cinnamon, nutmeg, and other spices like these can be added

to your coffee. Sweeteners, sugar or artificial flavors are not
allowed. On a hot days - cold brew coffee is a great choice.

Coffee is a great drink, when taken in moderation. Coffee may

reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and is a great source of antioxidants.


4. Bone broth
To make fasting days and periods easier, here is a great alternative for
you: Homemade bone broth, which can be made from pork, beef, chicken,
or even fish bones. You can choose vegetable broth as well, but bone
broth contains more nutrients. Do not add bouillon cubes, because
they are full of artificial flavors and monosodium glutamate. Beware
of canned broths. It’s always better to add your own vegetables,
herbs, and spices.

You can add pinch of sea salt to homemade bone broth. During
longer fasts, it’s possible to become deficient in salt since it’s
not present in water, tea or coffee, and salt deficiency can lead to
dehydration. Also sea salt has other minerals, such as potassium
and magnesium, which can be particularly beneficial during fasting.

Bone broth helps diminish hunger pangs and anti-inflammatory effects,

and carries its own benefits for bone and joint health.


Getting started
For some, the idea of going without food more than a
few hours is scary. And there are some reasons why
that could be true. It could be that they are used to
regularly, or even irregularly, consuming food, due to their
acute health issues, or because of their chaotic work

However, unless you are suffering from a serious

medical condition and you need to eat as often as
possible, there’s little reason why you can’t follow this diet.

Some people are frightened of the stomach pain caused

by hunger, or the irritability, or the mood swings they might
experience, if they follow a fasting diet. But the truth is
that people who start the diet generally feel fuller; they
feel more at peace and stable mentally; and they end
up weighing less, all of which leads to a more positive
outlook on life on a daily basis.


1. Doctor’s approval
No matter your age, you should be able to follow an Intermittent
Fasting plan. However, it’s advised that you consult with your doctor before
doing so. Someone who is familiar with your recent physical and mental
health history will be able to better advise you on whether this
plan is right for you.


2. Start cutting down on the snacks

Snacking is typically done more out of habit than due to an

urgent need. Three large meals will keep you energized
throughout the day, and you will feel almost no hunger. When your body
starts adjusting itself to long periods of fasting, your natural insulin
levels, as well as the hormone cycle, begin to function properly. Once you
control your urge for snacking you will notice how light your body feels.


3. Plenty of hot drinks

One of the best perks of this type of fasting is that you are
allowed to sip most, if not all, of your favorite drinks without added
sugar. If you want to add some milk, make sure that you use a
low-calorie skim milk. In case you find it difficult to drink
unsweetened drinks, you can use a few drops of Stevia
to add some sweetness.


The Top 6 Fasting Tips

1 Do not forget to drink water;

2 Stay busy: It’s the best way to take your

attention away from the thought of food;

3 Drink coffee: It’s a mild appetite suppressant;

When the hunger hits, slowly drink a hot cup

of coffee or a glass of water. Once you’ve
4 finished, your hunger
(temporarily) passed;
will likely have

Give yourself an adjustment period—typically

5 as much as one month. It takes time to get

used to fasting. At first, it could be extremely
difficult, but it will get easier each day.

Follow a nutritious diet on non-fasting days. Cheat

6 days are not an excuse to eat whatever you want.


The main purpose of this book was to give you clear
and concise information about Intermittent Fasting.
Don’t forget to review these important, central themes:

Firstly, it will be work to control your urges and resist

temptations. It won’t be easy, so it may be wise to stay away
from food entirely (as much as youcan) during non-eating

Secondly, don’t forget to take care of yourself: Go

to sleep on time, start your day early, exercise when
possible. Healthy habits will help you because you won’t feel
so hungry if you are rested and happy. Intermittent Fasting
it is not just a weight loss program—it is a lifestyle change.

And of course, you don’t need to stop eating, or start hating food.
You can and should explore new foods, cuisines, and recipes,
and eat well when it’s time to eat. Just don’t eat during a fasting
period, and eat healthy during the eating period. It’s that simple.

Do Fasting team.


All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be
reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book
review. To contact the author please send an email to hello@dofasting.com.

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