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Jean Michael Vincent

Health and Family Life Education

Mrs. Teekaram
Form 3B

Table of Contents
Date Topic Page
23/01/19 Autobiography 3
23/01/19 Peer Pressure 4
24/01/19 Goals 5
31/01/19 Self-Awareness 6
08/02/19 Making a Career Choice 7
18/02/19 Entrepreneurship 8
28/02/19 Making a Business 9
11/03/19 Self-Confidence 10
Term 3
01/05/19 Study Planning Techniques 12
02/05/19 Self Respect 13
21/05/19 The Importance of Physical Fitness 14

My name is Jean-Michael Vincent and I attend Couva East Secondary School, one of the best
Government Schools presently. My school has over 20 classes and I am in Form 3B. My birthday is on
January 29th and I am fourteen years of age. My hobbies are playing video games, playing sports like
football and cricket and watching YouTube. When I grow up I would like to become a Mechanical
Engineer and/or a Video Game Developer.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 23/01/19
Health and Family Life Education
Peer Pressure
What is Peer Pressure?

Peer Pressure is influenced by members of a group. Peer Pressure can be classified as positive or
negative. It can also be classed as spoken or unspoken peer pressure. Unspoken Peer Pressure is
something you feel without anyone saying anything. Spoken peer pressure is a direct form of peer
pressure. For example, Bullying, etc.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is an act of intentionally causing harm to others through verbal harassment, physical
assault or subtler actions. Victims can suffer from long term problems. It usually occurs in areas where
there is minimal or no adult supervision. Bullying in school sometimes involves a group of students
taking advantage of or isolating one student in particular and gaining the loyalty of bystanders who want
to avoid becoming the next victim. Bullies have been targets of people who are seen differently by their

Some ways to beat bullying at your school include:

 Stand up for people who are bullied

 Take an anti-bullying pledge
 Talk to the other children to find out why they are bullying
 Talk to your teachers or principal
 Talk to your parents or guardians
 Get creative


In the topic of peer pressure, I learned that there are many different ways of influencing
somebody to do the right or wrong thing. I also learned that through bullying peer pressure can affect a
person’s life for a long time. In the end, I now know that if I see someone being bullied or told to do
something that is not right, I would try my best to help them or prevent the situation.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 24/01/19
Health and Family Life Education
What are Goals?

A Goal is something a person envisions that is aimed to be achieved in a specific time. There are
two types of goals:

 Short Term Goals- This is something that you want to do or achieve in the near future. The
near future can be today, in a week or in a month’s time. T is a type of goal you want to
accomplish soon. For example, taking a class or buying a television.
 Long Term Goals- This is something that you want to go further in the future. Long term goals
require a lot of time and planning. It is not something you can do in a week or even in a year.
Long term goals should take twelve (12) months or more to achieve. For example, graduating
from college or building your own business.

Make a list of Long term and short term goals.

Long Term Goals Short Term Goals

 I want to become an Electrical engineer I want to win Inter-Class Football

 I want to become a Video Game I want to learn how to fly a drone

Goals can be also classified as Realistic and Unrealistic goals:

 Realistic Goals- These are goals that can turn into reality. There are high chances of it being a
success. For example, getting an A in a test.
 Unrealistic Goals- These are goals that have a low probability of happening. For example, buying
a car at age twelve (12).

Make a list of Realistic and Unrealistic Goals.

Realistic Goals Unrealistic Goals

 To fall asleep for eight (8) hours. Drinking two (2) liters of water almost instantly

 To read a book Watching a movie at school


In the topic goals, I learned that keeping goals or making them can result in keeping your life
intact. It can help you set aside what things you want to do in the future or something you want to do
later in time. In the end, I had finally figured out what I wanted to do for myself soon and I hope I can
figure out my future in the time I have as a child.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 31/01/19
Health and Family Life Education
What is Self-Awareness?

Self-Awareness is when we focus our attention on ourselves. We evaluate and compare our
current behavior to our internal standards and values. We become self-conscious as objective evaluators
of ourselves. It allows us to focus on the ability to monitor our inner world, our thoughts and our
emotions as they arise.

Furthermore, Self-Awareness goes beyond merely accumulating knowledge about ourselves. It

is also about paying attention to our inner state with a beginner’s mind and an open heart. Self-
Awareness allows being conscious of these conditions and perceptions of the mind.

Why does Self-Awareness matter?

Self-Awareness is the key cornerstone to emotional intelligence. The ability to monitor our
emotions and thoughts from moment to moment is the key to understanding ourselves better,
appeasing with who we are and proactively managing our thoughts, behavior, and emotions.

In addition, Self-Aware people tend to act consciously rather than react passively. To be in good
psychological health and to have a positive outcome of life. They also have greater depth on life
experience and are more likely to be compassionate to themselves and others.

Five (5) Ways to Cultivate Self-Awareness

1. Create some space for yourself; leave some time and space every day from distractions
2. Practice mindfulness; this is about paying attention to your inner state as they arise
3. Keep a journal
4. Practice being a good listener
5. Gain different perspectives; ask for feedback from others


In the topic self-awareness, I learned that self-awareness is focusing attention on ourselves. It

can help by having an open heart. For example, helping or giving feedback to others. I learned also that
if you spend some time away from all distractions, it can help you focus more on what you want to do.
In the end, I can see that having time to yourself, sometimes, can help with solving your own problems.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 08/02/19
Health and Family Life Education
Making a Career Choice
What is a Career?

The progress and action were taken by a person throughout a lifetime especially those related
to that person’s occupation. A career is often composed of the jobs held, titles earned and work
accomplished over a long period of time rather to just referring to one position.

Steps to Aid in Selecting the Right Career Choice:

1. Assess yourself- Use Self-Assessment tools, such as career tests gather information about your
traits and subsequently generate a list of occupations that are a good fit based on them.
2. Make a List of Occupations to Explore- Look for careers that interest you and use your self-
assessment to narrow the list down to those that are good for you based on several of your
3. Explore the Occupations on your List- Review the job descriptions, educational background,
training, and licensing requirement.
4. Create a Short List- Remove anything, with duties that don’t appeal to you.
5. Conduct Informational Interviews- When you have only a few occupations left on your list,
start doing more in-depth research, arrange to meet with people who work in the occupation
you are interested in. They can provide first-hand knowledge about the careers on your
6. Make your Career Choice- After doing all your research you are probably ready to make your
choice Pick the occupation that you think will bring the most satisfaction to you based on all the
information you have gathered.
7. Identify your Goals- Once you make your decision, identify your long and short term goals.
8. Write a Career Action Plan- Put together a Career Action Plan which is a written document that
lays out all the steps you will have to take to reach your goal.


In the topic of career choice, I learned that picking a career requires a lot more work than I had
imagined. You have to assess yourself, explore your career choices, make another list and so much
more. After this lesson I had learned that picking a career is not something you can just do, it is
something you have to think about and work on. Choosing a career is quite tiring, but in the end, t is
what is better for you.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 18/02/19
Health and Family Life Education
What is entrepreneurship?

This is both the study of how new businesses are created as well as the actual process of starting a
business (The term is used interchangeably). An entrepreneur is someone who has an idea and who
works to create a product or service that people will buy by building an organization to support their

1) Starting a Business generally requires:

 A business consent or idea involving a product, service, process or new technology
 People who support the work whether as employees, vendors or advisors
 A process by which the product or service will be delivered or the technology developed
 Enough money to support the development of the idea to the point that generates revenue
2) Why become an Entrepreneur?
a) The main reason entrepreneurs go out on their own rather than staying employed are:
 Control- to be their own boss
 Ambition- to start something from scratch themselves
 Financial- opportunity to earn more money
b) What kind of business to start?

Finding an opportunity in the market and filling it as the core of entrepreneurship and small
business success. That doesn’t mean that starting a business similar to one already in existence can’t be
successful. In considering what kind of business to start to assess:

 Your interest
 Your Background and Experiences
 Your financial resources
 Unmet market needs
 Problems you can solve
 Your Network and Connections


In the topic entrepreneurship, I learned that business as well as choosing a career requires a lot
of responsibility and thought. Both topics are related to business and both require a certain amount of
creativity. Without it, entrepreneurship would just be a plain exhausting business plan and a career a
very boring job.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 28/02/19
Health and Family Life Education
Making a Business

Battle Inc.
We develop cutting-edge games and cross-
platform game engine technology!
Made and developed by popular company Epic
Games, we, the Epic Team proudly present our
business Battle Incorporated. This business has all
the latest malware and tech. It has Ipads including
the Weevpad, desktops sold and manufactured by
FanboyInc and also every single console that has ever
been created. From the Magnavox Odyssey(a console
made by Ralph Baer) straight up to the latest PS4 Pro
and Xbox1 X. These consoles come with a starting
price of $200 US straight up to $400 US. The Laptops
and PCs have Corsair Vengeance LED Ram which is
one of the top forms of memory this year and the
brand new Ray Tracing RTX 2080 Ti Graphics Card all
for an affordable price of $1600 US.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 11/02/19
Health and Family Life Education
What is Self-Confidence?

Self-Confidence is a genuine concept linked to mental health, a form of well-being and a positive
way of being in the world. Self-Confidence includes both feeling and doing. It is not so much a single idea
as it is a process that involves how someone thinks about themselves and others as well as how he/she
functions despite challenges and uncertainties. Self-Confidence applies to someone’s inner, private
world around him. Self-Confidence then is the courage to know yourself, believe in yourself and act on
your beliefs.

Self-Confidence means:

 Valuing yourself for who you are regardless of the blunders you make or the type of work you
do or don’t do.
 Feeling good about yourself despite imperfections.
 Being courageous enough to stand for yourself and be assertive.
 Knowing that You are worthy of others’ respect and friendship.
 Knowing and accepting the whole of you, both your strengths and weaknesses.

A lack of self-confidence negatively impacts someone’s quality in life. Having little self-confidence
creates feelings of:

a. Self-Doubt
b. Unworthiness
c. Inferiority to others
d. Loss of enjoyment
e. Anxiety, Depression and other mental health issues

A definition of self-confidence is a positive feeling about one’s self and a world that leads to
courageous actions born out of a sense of self-respect.


In the topic Self-Confidence, I learned that this can help solve many issues and can assist with
the way you get along in life. Self-Confidence to me is something that can provide aid to what you do
and can provide a positive feeling about yourself and life. If I had a chance to change or improve my self-
confidence, I would surely use this note as advice and hope that this helps me better in the near future.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 01/05/19
Health and Family Life Education
Study Planning Techniques
Study Planning Techniques allows one to plan goals and priorities for the term and then develop
a plan for achieving each goal. Some of your goals may relate to your education, whilst others may
concern areas such as personal growth, physical fitness, and relationships.

Study Planning Guide:

1.) Pick a place and time- everyone has their own idea about the best place and time to study. Find
a study place and a regular study time that works for you and stick with it.
 Set up a Study Space- it should make you feel happy and inspired.
 Find Your Best Time- some people work better in the morning while others work better
at night. Work out which time suits you and work to study then.
2.) Study Everyday- if you study a little bit every day you will be continually reviewing things in your
mind. It helps you understand things and avoid the stress of last minute cramming.
3.) Plan Your Time- Set alarms- this is to remind you about your study planning.
 Use a Wall Planner- stick a calendar or wall planner up so you can see it whenever you
are studying.
 Make a To-do List- this helps breaks tasks down into manageable chunks.
 Set Time Limits- set a time to spend on each task
4.) Discover Your Learning Style- some learners prefer to learn by listening, others by seeing.
5.) Review and Revise- at least once a week you should go back over things you study in class.
6.) Take Breaks- it is important to take breaks while you are studying. Especially if you are feeling
tired/frustrated. Working too long on a task can actually decrease your performance.
7.) Ask for Help- if you are stuck on something or it just doesn’t seem to make sense you can always
ask for help. Talk to your teachers or lecturers about the things you don’t understand.
8.) Stay Motivated- when you're studying it helps to keep in mind your reasons for doing all this
hard work.
9.) Look After Yourself- you'll study better if you take care of yourself. Make sure you eat well and
get enough sleep and physical exercise.


In the topic Study Planning Techniques, I learned that there are many tips in helping you study,
many people can tutor you if you need help studying and much more. One of the main tips I learned
today was to stay motivated as it helps you become less worried about how much time you have left
and keeps you focused on the real reason you began studying.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 12/03/19
Health and Family Life Education
What is Self-Respect?

Respect is one of the most important qualities of your relationship with anyone and there is no
exception to when it comes to your relationship with yourself. Self-Respect comes down to being the
kind of person you are satisfied with showing the world and being someone that you and the people you
care about are proud of. It is about having a sense of honor and dignity about yourself, your choices and
your life. It is about treating others well and that by doing so others will treat you well in return. It is
knowing that not everyone will treat you well and choosing to respect everyone nonetheless but still
knowing that you deserve to be surrounded by great people. Having respect for yourself is vital in
maintaining a positive self-image by allowing yourself to feel confident with who you are and content
with the person you are becoming.

Self-Respect is about having the courage to stand up for yourself when you are being treated in
a manner that is less than you deserve. It is about knowing your work and having the ability to adjust
your life by removing people from it if they are treating you poorly. If you have respect for yourself, you
would naturally demand respect for others. People who have self-respect treat everyone else with
respect but acknowledge that not everyone else will do the same. Rather than stooping heir level and
disrespecting them, you should simply not interact with them because you respect yourself enough to
know that they are a waste of your time that could be spent on better people.

Self-Respect I the basis of a good relationship with yourself and eventually others so it is
imperative to build a strong foundation capable of withstanding anything.


In the topic self-respect, I learned that if you respect yourself others will look up to you and
respect you as well but if you try to go down to their level you are wasting your time. According to the
notes, respect is about having a sense of honor and dignity about yourself choices and life. In the end, I
realized that respecting yourself has more opportunities than not respecting yourself.

Jean Michael Vincent 3B 21/05/19
Health and Family Life Education
The Importance of Physical Fitness
What is Fitness?

Fitness does not only refer to being physically fit but also to a person's mental state. If a person
is physically fit but mentally ill he/she will not be able to function optimally. Mental fitness can only be
achieved if your body is functioning well you can help relax your own mind by eliminating stresses,
exercising regularly and eating right.

Why is it important to be Physically Fit?

People who are physically fit are also healthier able to maintain their most optimum weight and
are not prone to cardiac problems. A person who is fit both physically and mentally is strong enough to
face the ups and downs of life and are not affected by drastic changes if they occur.

How can you Become More Physically Fit?

Becoming physically fit requires a change in lifestyle. You will have to incorporate a regular
exercise routine and also eat healthier by avoiding ‘junk’ foods, fizzy drinks, smoking, alcohol and by
getting an adequate amount of rest you will be able to become physically and mentally fit just by
eliminating all these food substances you will allow your body to be tough and strong. Making sure you
spend more time outside and take part in more healthy activities. Fishing, swimming, hiking and playing
different sports should be part of your physically fit lifestyle. Playing with an animal like a dog can also
help you become physically fit.


Today in the topic the importance of physical fitness, I learned that it is important to stay fit but
it should be both physical and mental fitness. If you balance it out the better your chances are than if it
weren’t even.


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