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 Primeval History- Genesis 1-11.

Everything that happens before

 Etiology- Origin story
 Exegesis- Type of interpreting something. Taking off all lenses and looking at what the
text means
 Hermeneutics- The act of interpreting
 Eisegesis- Putting meaning into the text
 Patriarchal narratives- the story of the 4 Israelite fathers.
 Creation and Fall- Adam and Eve. The punishments that are given to man and women.
They’ve fallen away from God. Jesus is now necessary to bridge gap between humanity
and God
 Maturation Myth- If there was a tree of good and evil, would we not all want to eat its
fruit? They don’t fall necessarily, but grow up when they eat the fruit. The movement
out of the garden is not a punishment, but rather becoming an adult and growing.
 Salvation History- From Genesis to Revelation, God has planned his redemptive
purposed for his children. God is not surprised by Adam and Eves disobedience. God
always planned for Jesus to be the crux between humanity and God.
 History of Religion- Historical perspective. How the two different types of people have
evolved. As a reader, I can understand what was written a long time ago
 Elohim- Generic name for God. Can mean “God” “god” or “gods”. Same word used when
Jacob wrestled at the river.
 Yahweh- The LORD. God who reveals himself to the Israelites and Moses. God of Israel.
One to have a personal relationship with them throughout history.
 Covenant- Contract with obligations that implies durability(forever) and relationship.
Could be between God and man, man and women, brothers, etc.
 Book of the Covenant- Exodus 21-23. Grouping of laws in the chapters dealing with
relationships. What happens when various things happen. From slavery, to property,
and injury. If this happens… Do this… The laws are called Casuistic. Cause and effect
 Decalogue- 10 Commandments. Deuteronomy 5 and Exodus 20. Laws pertaining to
Apodictic laws. Never do these laws
 Second giving of the Law- The actual name for the book of Deuteronomy. The original
recipients of the law have died, so the law must be given again to the next generations.
Kind of Moses’s last thing
 The Great Shema- Deuteronomy 6: 1-4. God telling Israelites that they shall only worship
and love God.
 Pentateuch- The first 5 books of the bible, or the Torah.
 Whole Burnt Offering-
 Nineveh- Where Jonah was supposed to go. Capital of Syria. Hated city. Eventually take
over the Israelites land. Jonah must preach the gospel to them.
 Guilt/Reparation Offering
 Authorial Intention- Meaning of text rests in what the author originally meant. The
original context. Look at historical rather than cultural
 Enuma Elish- Babylonian story that tells a lot of the same stories that the Bible tells.
Babylonian creation story.
 Suzerain- Context of a covenant. The one making all the promises.
 Sinai & Horeb- same place. Both where God gives the law. Sinai is exodus, Horeb is
 Retributive Justice- Tit for tat. Nice to me, nice to you. If you do good things, Yahweh
will bless you.
 Road out of Egypt- name for the book of Exodus
 Tabernacle- Dwelling that Moses and the Israelites build for God to dwell in. House for
God. “God in a Box”. Christians think that God is always with the. Hebrews think that
sometimes God isn’t with them.
 “The Ban”- A military tactic, you go into the land your trying to occupy and kill everyone.
From the people to their animals, everyone died. If not, they’ll cause you to sin
 Rameses II, Amarna Letters, and Merneptah Stels- all historical proof of the Exodus
 Theophany- manifestation of God. When God shows up. Usually he sets stuff on fire.
 Baal- Storm/fertility God. Part of Israel downfall. Proves Israel is not monotheistic
 Monotheistic- the belief in one God and One God only
 Monolatrous- Mainly worshiping one God, but leaving room for other gods.
 Creatio EX Nihilio- Creation out of nothing. God works with no creation material at all
 Canaanites- People occupying the land that is promised to Abraham. There some bad
dudes. Threats to Israelites.
 Peace Offering-
 Story of David’s Rise
 Pentateuch
 The Succession Narrative
 The Wisdom Literature
 Theodicy
 Immigration/Gradual Emergence Model Conquest Model
 Deuteronomistic History
 Babylonian Captivity
 Solomon’s Temple
 Eli
 Ezra
 Nehemiah

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