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Try something different this week!

While in presentation mode, touch the B or W keyboard button. The
screen will turn black (B) or white (W). Press the same button again
and the screen will return to the presentation.
Use example: You notice that your students are not as engaged as you
would like. Turn the screen black, pose a question to the students,
and have them pair/share their responses. Then return to the

Don’t like Microsoft’s default font, Calibri? Do you prefer Book
Antiqua, Times New Roman, or the modern nature of Verdana? Pick
your favorite and set it as a default font in Microsoft Word!
1. Select the expand arrow in the Font section of the menu.
- Select your favorite font!
2. Select Set as Default.
3. Select All documents…
4. Select OK.

Scan this QR code to take this

Learning in the Loo
back to your classroom with you!!!

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