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Process Nursing

1. Client's condition
in the hospital there was a patient named Mr. Aji 35 years old, with a diagnosis
appendicitis. Patients experience surgery lower abdomen, Patients seen withstand pain
and there are stitch marks after operation, when reviewed Patients say there is pain in the
 Patients say there is pain in the abdomen
 There are stitch marks after operation
 Patients seen withstand pain

2. Nursing diagnoses
Acute pain associated with physical injury agent

3. Special purpose
a. Increase client's sense of comfort
b. Reduce pain

4. Nursing actions
Providing Murottal Therapy

Strategy Communication in Action Implementation Nursing

1. Orientation phase
1.1 Therapeutic greetings
 Assalamualaikum Mr, Good morning
 Mr, introduce me nurse arif who was on duty this morning from the clock 07.00
until 14.00, is this true with Mr Aji
 I am here who will take care of you
1.2 Evaluation / Validation
 How is feeling Mr this morning?, Do you have complaints?
1.3 Contract
a. Topic
Well mr here I will give you therapy, namely murottal therapy, which
insyaallah, will reduce your pain and make you feel comfortable
b. Time
Here I ask for about 15 minutes,whether Mr aji ready
c. The place
Do Mr want to do this therapy, whether here or anywhere else

2. Working phase
Say Basmallah,well sir, I will do this murottal therapy, Mr just sleep and I will install the
earphone in Mr Aji's ear and Mr only just listen to the surah that I have prepared for Mr
Aji with about 10 minutes menit (Al-Faatihah, Al Ikhlas, Al Falaq, An Naas, ayat Qursy,
surah Yasin, ayat ke 58 dan Al An’am ayat 1-3, dan 13).

3. Termination Phase
3.1 Evaluation
a. Subjective evaluation
How does Mr. Aji feel when doing this therapy Mr.
b. Objective evaluation
Is there a change in the pain of Mr. Aji
3.2 Follow up klein
Good Mr. aji, if this therapy, Mr aji like it later, I will give additional time to listen to
this therapy, sir
3.3 Contract which will come
Good sir aji tomorrow I will come here again to do this therapy again, whether Mr aji
ready, does anyone want mister aji ask, before I say goodbye, let's pray for healing Mr
aji, then I say goodbye, mr aji, have a good rest assalamualaikum

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