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(UN)LIMITED: Fact and Fake

By Arjay Jimenez

Living in a world full of masquerades, it is hard to distinguish which is true and which is not. On
this note, other people easily deceived by the news websites and social media accounts who are
claiming the monopoly of fact or real news— where in fact some of them manufacture surreal
information. Does ‘fake news’ really exist? Or these are just developed by some playful minds?


Based on Merriam-Webster dictionary, News is new information or a report about something

that has happened recently. The word ‘news’ itself has been used since 15th century and the main
part of the society who plays the role in delivering news is the “media.”

According to Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ), media has a special role in
analyzing and strengthening democratic institutions, protecting and asserting press freedom most
especially freedom of expression. But other people are abusing their freedom of expression
which is guaranteed by the constitution (Article III Section 4 in the Philippine setting).

Most of the social media news outfit and blogs use this special right to disseminate ‘fake news’
which opposed to the genuine role of media who should be the ambassador of freedom of
expression, the watch dog of the society, and not the source of ‘fake news.’


The fact is ‘fake news’ does not really exist! Since 15th century, the meaning of News depends
on what is really happened. If a situation does not happen at all, that is not News—‘false
information’ instead.

Year 1992 might be the time wherein the dissemination of information became faster. This was
after the US Congress approved the commercialization of interconnected network.

In just a click, information whether false information or a real one will scatter throughout the

Until today, other uses this kind of information drive to turn some relevant issue to another.
Some stitches false information to deceive the minds of the people for their own benefit.


A fictional character and a Marvel super hero Spider Man popularized a quotation, "With great
power comes great responsibility."
Not because we have the freedom to speak, we will just express our own opinion boldly and

Our power is not ‘unlimited,’ it is limited with the information we store in our mind—but before
you create an opinion, did you fact-check what you store in that little organ? Is that relevant to
the society and the situation?

Some boastful men constantly express their opinion without checking the real news—expressing
without meaning.

The sad reality is they are now blind through their own intellectual power. They keep whatever
beneficial to them— disregarding the reality of life.

And as members of this society, we really have the unlimited power to check whether
information is fact or fake.

It is ironic that a fictional character like Spider Man would teach us humans regarding the
appropriate use of our power.

So, let us open our eyes so that we can see the reality. Let us use our power to be a catalyst for
social change and consensus that would help to the promotion of public welfare.

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