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Question 4, Explain the 'public value' of physical evidence.

[Describe the evidenciary value of physical

evidence. Describe the importance of physical evidence. [Describe the importance of the physical
evidence. ] Or material evidence is more important than the witness of Madinah. '' [+ Physical evidence
is more important than eyewit Explain] or | The probable value of the results of the scientific method of
research equals What is the evidence of the eyewitness testimony in favor of such results? Can you?

Explain the probable value of the findings of scientific methods: investigation. Can be fully disclosed
with in favour of such findings? ] |

Answer: The evidence for the purpose of research can be mainly of two types - only evidence and
physical evidence. Human action evidence means that evidence is given by a person who is himself
present in the court. Such a witness can be a 'eyewitness' and even others. * Physical evidence means
that evidence can be found on the victim, accused, at the victim or at any other place, such as - blood ,
Hair, year, soil, paints, tools etc .. Such evidence sometimes gets access to criminals by criminals.
Importance - Physical evidence is an important place in research According to Richard Ceferstein - "The
type of gas or diesel-containing gas required to run in the motor vehicle, it is a scientific aid. , Physical
evidence is essential for crime in the same way. "(As automobiles run on gaseline, crime investigation
run evidence. Criminalistics; 1978; P21) Type crime laboratory lon run on

Explain something new. itness explain . Wages given ethods of lispensed Pick while highlighting the
importance of physical evidence, has said that till the evidence is better than other evidence, because (a)
it is always available. (B) It acts as a link between crime and criminal; (C) It is free from human
weaknesses, such as (1) bias; | (ii) Momentum: (iii) obliteration; (iv) tendency of perjury etc; (D) It is
verifiable; And (e) is effective in terms of time and value. Physical Evidence helps in the following things
in research (a) What crime has happened. (B) when the crime happened; (C) Who caused the crime;
e.t.c . According to Richard Ceferstein - "Physical evidence comes in all such things by which it can be
established that no crime has been committed and which establishes a connection between crime and
crime and crime and suffering." Physical Evidence One reason for the importance of this is that - "Man
can lie, but physical evidence and circumstance can never lie." Evidence of the value - now we can not
The physical evidence is based on the examination (that is, the physical objects are tested by experts)
and their opinions are given, which are called 'Expert's Opinion'. Such experts may be: (a) fingerprints
expert; (b) serologist; (c) serologist; (d) serological, (e) doctor: (f) mint right (G) explosives inspector, etc.
Under Section 45 of the Indian Evidence Act, science, art, intervention and failure - expert opinion
regarding the sign is considered relevant. Is - ewitness by human human beings, evidence of the officer
in accessing hair, semen, 'car petrol gasships physical dependent on the discretion of 5005 Andhra
Pradesh 35) Judicial f (It is the jurisdiction of the court to believe or not to believe the opinion of a
specialist.) (V. Vijayanandi vs P. Bhagyalakshmi, AIR 2005 Andhra Pradesh Expert is from a person with
special knowledge of the subject, (ii) practice, and (ii) the subject of special study of the subject. (India
Tourism Development Corpo v. Miss Suisan Ligue Bear, A. I.R. 201 5 N. O.C. 56 Delhi, in fact, the opinion
of the expert is believed to be evidence of a weak nature, its cent per cent can not be believed. (S. K.
Usman Koa v. Seepanta, AIR 2003 Kerala 191). Only on the basis of expert opinion, the accused can not
be blamed. (Alamgir v. State A.I.R. 2003 SC 282). Kisan Chand vs. Sitaram (AIR) 2005 Punjab and Haryana
156) even in case of It has been found that the expert's opinion can not be more credible than the
statements of an eyewitness, so no conclusion should be drawn on the expert's opinion. | Only doctor's
evidence about the duration of injuries can not be considered final. (Ram formation vs State of Uttar
Pradesh, 2000 S.C.C.C.A. 484). To consider the handwriting expert's opinion, it has been considered
neglected to be examined. (Sanjay K. Shetty V. B. Narayan Shetty, A.I.R. 2006, N. O. C., 542 Karnataka).
The overall conclusion is that experts' opinions on physical evidence are important. If it is confirmed by
any other evidence. As far as the statements of the eyewitnesses are concerned, the basis of physical
evidence can not be misconstrued. The subject is like that

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