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The Problem and Its Background

This chapter presents the background of students with Poor Eyesight in

Junior High School. It will state here the scope and delimitation of the research

and it also shows the design on how it will gather essential experience, to form

an understanding that will help to create new knowledge. The chapter itself

focuses on the objectives and purpose of the research.

Background of the Study

Vision is defined as the faculty or state of being able to see.

Department of Health (2017) stated that over two million people nationwide are

blind or suffering from poor vision. Every person affected find everyday task

difficult to do such as reading and writing. The students from Grade 9 Science,

Technology and Engineering (STE) students will be asked about their personal

experiences for having poor eyesight (PE) and still managed to be on the list of

students who excel in their Academic classes. Some random surveys showed

the increasing dropout of students in the year 2017 in public schools specifically

the upper elementary grades and high school students. Possible one of the

reason is the high cost of optical services for those who have eye problems

which they cannot afford to go to optometrists.

STE students are all included in the honors list for the past year of their

stay in Prenza National High School (PNHS). A new study published in a journal

Nature Communications from University of Edinburgh (2018) found that wearing

glasses is associated with high level of intelligence. Researchers thought that

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

STE students are the most appropriate key informants for these study especially

those with poor eyesight.

However, as cited by Cabello (2016), in all of our senses, vision is one of

the most important. Most of the information from the outside world is integrated

through the visual pathway. Vision can limit the ability of a child to learn as well

as interact with other people. The unique experiences of the key informants can

help the researchers determine and understand if they are greatly affected and

how do they cope up during literature classes.

The general objective of this study is to understand and gather information

about the experiences of STE Achievers with poor eyesight during literature

classes from Prenza National High School.

This study will provide deeper understanding to the situations of students

with poor eyesight during their Literature Classes where in fact, in our society

people with poor eyesight have an increased mortality rate but decreased the

quality of life. Students with poor eyesight are classified as less vulnerable.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of this phenomenological study is to understand the experiences

of the STE Achievers with poor eyesight during literature classes at Prenza

National High School for the School Year 2018-2019. At this stage, students with

poor eyesight will be generally defined with visual acuity of 20/70 or poorer in the

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

better-seeing eye and cannot be corrected or improved with regular eyeglasses

(Duffy, 2019).

1. What are the struggles of STE Achievers with poor eyesight during

literature classes?

2. What are the strategies in order to cope up with the difficulties?

3. How does having poor eyesight affect the achievers’ performance during

literature classes?

Significance of the Study

The information that will be gathered by the researchers will provide

deeper understanding on students, teachers, and future researchers with regards

to the experiences of academic achievers with poor eyesight.

Students. They are the main beneficiaries of the study. Through the result

of this study their fellow students who have the same situation will be informed

that having poor eyesight is not a hindrance to their studies.

Teachers. As the educators, they will attain knowledge from the result of

the study.

Future researchers. The result of this study may serve as a reference for

their research.

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

Scope and delimitation

This study will be conducted in order to have deeper understanding about the

experiences of academic achievers with poor eyesight during their literature

classes. This study mainly focuses on Grade 9 STE Achievers with poor

eyesight. The study will be conducted to 6 key informants from Grade 9 STE


The study will be conducted at Prenza National High School. Though it is

stated that the study mainly focuses on Grade 9 STE achievers, the respondents

is limited only to those who wears glasses for it is easier to identify and classify

them as students who have poor eyesight.

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

Review of Literature and Related Studies

This chapter discusses the related literature and studies after the through

and covers the search by the other researchers. Vision is one of the pathway for

us to gather information from outside world aside from ears. The eye detects light

as rays of different colours and brightness. Academic performance has

something to do with the visual acuity of an individual which can hinder them

doing a specific activity.


More information about the outside world enters the body through the

eyes and ears - from pictures, noises, words on paper and everyday sounds -

than through all the other senses combined. All the body’s sense organs work in

the same way. They detect changes or features, and produce tiny nerve signals

that are sent to the brain. According to Crisostomo (2014), around 2.4 million

Filipino individuals are impaired ranging from chronic illnesses to aging. There is

no information available with regards to the occurrence of childhood visual

impairment and its negative impact on affected children, and their environment in

the Philippines.

According to the 2015 census of the Philippine General Hospital alone,

there were 4,330 patients witnessed by the Pediatric Ophthalmology Service,

most cases are errors of refraction, strabismus, cataracts, and amblyopia.

Discovering the effect of these childhood visual impairment is necessary in cost-

effectiveness and cost-benefit study, such as supporting the demand for

screening programs to catch these diseases beforehand in their course, when

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

treatment can create much important effect (Lee et al., 2018). Among the various

custom learning instruments, the fast rising of technology, and the ease of

connection to it, learners are presented with a mass of approach for learning.

Confusion is natural with various resources accessible to them.

Information overload is a state of matter where an individual’s effectiveness in

using general knowledge in their work is hold back by the amount of relevant,

and possibly functional, information accessible to them. (Cruz et al., 2017)

Reading is a linguistic skill that gives effective interpretation to printed or

written verbal symbols. The aim is to deliver ideas from the written text to the

human mind by combining all materials for the reader to come up with something

meaningful. This outstanding human skill is achieved after one has gained

aptitude in oral language and is believed to be improved by formal practices and

education. (Cayubit et al., 2018)


According to the book written by Chen (2014), visual impairment may limit

a child’s access to common visual information, such as people’s facial

expressions, gestures, and movements, and thus impede their social interactions

and imitative behaviours. Dr. Chen also stated that usually, family members play

a significant role in a child’s early learning experiences at the same time they are

likely to be grappling with difficult situations and emotions (pp. 3-4). The family

and caregiving environment are fundamental to the transactional model of

development. The framework used stated that a child’s developmental outcome

is a consequence of the dynamic interactions between the child and his family.

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

Given that visual impairments is a low-incidence disability and that the number of

young children who also have multiple disabilities is even smaller as stated by

Chen (2014). But 14% of the children in the total sample of 3,338 had visual

impairment by the time they were 36 months old.

The book “International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities”

written by Hatton in the year 2014 stated that learners with visual impairment

constitute a small but exceptionally diverse group in terms of ability level and

visual functioning. A visual impairment can have profound effects on many areas

of development (p.56).

She also added that additional social consequences begin to emerge

when children start attending school and fail to pick up nonverbal clues.

Compound the developmental implications of having visual impairment with

additional abilities, and it is not difficult to understand the struggle to develop

language and communication, social and functional skills to achieve

academically and have high quality of life (p.57).

As discussed by the study performed by Meniado (2016) in Saudi Arabia.

In improving reading comprehension, metacognitive reading strategies and

reading motivation takes a significant function. To prove the stated claim in a

context where there is no strong culture for reading, the study attempts to

discover if there is a connection among cognitive reading strategies, reading

motivation and reading comprehension performance. Particularly finding out

correlations, the study also attempts to make precision on the level of awareness

and function of metacognitive reading strategies of the key informants when they

read English literature, their motivation, reading interest and their overall reading

performance. With the use of descriptive study and descriptive correlational

methods with 60 randomly selected Saudi college level EFL students and all

male government-owned industrial college in Saudi Arabia, the study discovered

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

that the key informants has an average use of various metacognitive reading

strategies when reading literature. The problem solving strategies (PROB) is the

most repeatedly used among the three metacognitive reading strategies. To add

up, the key informants have high encouragement to read. In particular, they are

in favour of reading humour or comic books. The key informants in this study

performed below average on the level of reading comprehension performance.

The study showed that there is no relationship between metacognitive reading

strategies and reading comprehension with the use of T-test. Also there is no

relationship between reading or motivation and reading comprehension. Still

there is a positive correlation between reading strategies and motivation.

Previous results of most studies will be contradicted with the findings of this

study, because of this, it invites more thorough gathering of information along the

same line of inquiry. As discussed by Noursi (2014), Reading comprehension is

one of the most necessary skills that must be refined and fostered in a child at

home and in school because it is a step to success in academic life and beyond.

Small amount of data exist on the vision problems of school-age children in

developing countries. It is reported that about 10% of the school-age (5-15 years

old) children have problems vision problems. Almost all the vision problems can

be corrected with properly corrected eyeglasses. Most of the students who have

problems in vision has an impact in the student academic performance (Glewwe


Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study


This chapter presents the discussion on the overall research design, the

respondents of the study, the research instrument that will be used and the

research procedure.

Research Design

Qualitative research specifically phenomenological approach will be used

in this study, it focuses on the commonality of a lived experience within a

particular group of people. According to Sauro (2015), phenomenological study

uses combination of methods such as conducting interviews, visiting places and

events, reading documents, and watching videos to understand the participants

place on a certain phenomenon. He also stated that the researchers rely on the

participants’ own perspective to provide insight. Through this process the

researchers may construct the universal meaning of the event, situation or

experience and arrive at a more profound understanding of the phenomenon.

Phenomenological approach in qualitative research attempts to extract the most

pure, untainted data and in some interpretations of the approach. In our study of

the experiences of achievers with poor eyesight during literature classes, the

researchers used phenomenological approach because this approach is most

closely aligned with the study’s objective.

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

Respondents of the Study

This phenomenological study will use purposive sampling method in selecting

the respondents to gather data. According to Crossman (2017), a purposive

sample is based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study.

Purposive sampling is also known as judgement, selective or subjective

sampling. This study will be conducted to six (6) achievers with poor eyesight

coming from Grade 9 STE- Dalton of PNHS located at Prenza I, Marilao,

Bulacan. PNHS offers Science, Technology and Engineering Program and

requires high grades that is why researchers decided to run this study in Prenza.

Instrument of the Study

Primary information will be gathered through the method interview.

Researchers will ask their prepared Localized Interview Protocol. There are five

(5) open-ended questions that will be asked that is coherent to the topic and will

clearly emphasize the objectives of the research study. Interview will be used to

gather untainted viewpoint that make the respondents unique.

Research Procedure

This study will use phenomenological approach as research design and

PNHS serves as the research locale. The researchers will use six (6) key-

informants. The researchers asked the adviser of Grade 9- STE Dalton to help

the researchers to identify the students with poor eyesight specifically, those who

wears eyeglasses. The researchers then explained to the target respondents the
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main objective of the research that will be conducted and provide them the

assurance that their personal information will remain confidential.

To gather the primary data, the researchers will have a scheduled interview

with the chosen respondents using the prepared Localized Interview Protocol.

Before conducting an Interview, the researchers passed letters for the school

head to approve their research, after the school heads have signed the paper,

the interview will be conducted to the key informants. Researchers will instruct

them before the interview starts that video recording is needed to gather

untainted data and also they can answer in Filipino but researchers will use

English as the medium of communication. The respondents will be given enough

time to answer all the open-ended questions, afterwards, the responses that will

be gathered by the researchers will be transcribed and analysed in accordance

with the research design. After the analysis, the data will be presented and from

that, the findings and conclusions will be formed along with the recommendations

for future uses and researches.

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Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data collected

from the localized interview protocol supplemented with interview and analysis of

some pertinent documents to answer the problem posed in Chapter 1.

Presentation of Data

Emergent Codes

Q1. What is your unforgettable experience during your literature class?

 Difficulties (D)

Difficulties (D)

 Hindi nakikita

 Hindi ko makita

 Hindi mabasa

 Nahihirapan

 Mahirap basahin

 Labo Paningin

Table 1: Emergent Coding for Question Number 1

Q2. How do you manage to cope up in your literature class?

 Access (A)

 Proposed Action (PA)

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

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Access (A) Proposed Action (PA)

 Paglapit  Tinatanong yung kaklase ko.

 Lumalapit  Nagtatanong sa kaklase ko.

 Lumipat  Pinipicture-an

 Picture-an

 Gagawa talaga ng paraan.

 Lahat ng paraan ginawa

 Gawa gawa lang ako ng paraan.

Table2: Emergent Coding for Question Number 2

Q3. What are your strategies in coping up with literature class?

 Independence (I)

 Communication (C)

Independence (I) Communication (C)

 Nakikipag usap ako sa

 Para makapag advanced study seatmates.

 Kakausapin yung mga


 Paki state yung given para hindi

mamali sa pagsagot.

 Nagtatanong sa mga teachers.

 Yung mga lesson tinatanong ko

sa mga teacher.

 Lilipat po ako ng upuan.

 Lumapit

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 Lumipat ako sa ibang table.

Table 3: Emergent Coding for Question Number 3

Q4. What is it like to be an honor student despite of having poor eyesight?

 Perspective (P)

 Recognition Memory ( RM)

Perspective ( P) Recognition Memory (RM)

 Masaya  Mamamali agad sagot ko.

 Proud  Hindi mo agad nakikilala.

 Napaka grateful  Hindi napapansin

 Hindi po naaaninag

Table 4: Emergent Coding for Question Number 4

Q5. How does poor eyesight affect you and your studies?

 Incapabilities (Ic)

Incapabilities (Ic)

 Mahirap makita

 Hindi ko masyadong nakikita.

 Mamamali ka

 Namamali ako sa spelling at computation o namamli talaga ng mga

 Nahihirapan akong maka cope up.

 Nahirapan akong makasabay

Table 5: Emergent Coding for Question Number 5

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Data Analysis

The first specific question

What is your unforgettable experience during your literature class?

Experiences of the students. Analysis of student’s experiences during their

Literature classes generated in 1 category.

 Difficulties (D)

1. Difficulties

According to Collins and Repka (2017). Reading is a complex and

continuous process to develop reading skills. Failure to achieve reading

skills or even early reading difficulties can affect the academic

performance of a child over the next few years. Some studies suggest that

reading skills may be linked to later life success in life. Although many

problems with reading. Possibly the respondents are trying to point out

that having poor eyesight affects them during class hours.

The second specific question

How do you manage to cope up in your literature class?

Strategies of the Students. Analysis of students’ strategies to cope up in their

literature classes generated in 2 categories.

 Access (A)

 Proposed Action (PA)

1. Access

Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

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According to Saurman (2016), access is optimized by accounting for the

different dimensions of access: accessibility: affordability; and adequacy in

service design, mplementation and evaluation in which these dimensions are

independent yet interconnected and each is important to assess the

achievement of access. Considering the data that we gathered, it is found that

gaining the different dimensions of access helped our key informants in

coping up with their difficulties.

2. Proposed Action

According to Esere (2016).coping is often customized and depends on the

nature and quality of the support and opportunities that prevail. This study

concluded that students with visual impairment had major challenges such

as negative traditional belief systems, leading either their peers or

teachers to treat students with visual impairment with less regard. The

preferred coping strategies identified being motivated by other visually

impaired students achievements, listening to motivational and inspiring

talks on tape and associating with those who agreed to interact with them.

It was also found that the challenges faced by the students with visual

impairment were not influenced by age and gender. However, age and

gender influenced the coping strategies.

The third specific question

What are your strategies in coping up in your literature class?

Strategies of the Students. Analysis of students’ strategies to cope up in their

literature classes generated in 2 categories.

 Independence (Id)

 Communication (C)
Experiences of STE Achievers with Poor Eyesight During Literature Classes: A Phenomenological Study

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1. Independence

According to Rastega et al. (2016), it was found that independent students in the

field were more reflective and more impulsive dependent on the field. Taking into

account the relationship between field dependence / independence, most studies

found that field independence has a positive influence on various aspects of

learning and achievement.

2. Communication

According to Ranjha et al (2015). People with disabilities, especially those with

visual impairment, need special care and attention. The social learning of

children with visual impairments can improve their lives and social institutions

play an important role for that purpose. Based from the data gathered, the

respondents commonly asked their fellow classmates about the lessons that they

wanted to know.

The fourth specific question

What is it like to be an honor student despite of having poor eyesight?

Insights of the students. Analysis of students’ insights for being an honor

student despite of their poor eyesight generated in 2 categories.

 Perspective (P)

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 Recognition Memory(RM)

1. Perspective

According to VIA Institute on Character (2019), perspective is distinct from

intelligence but represents a high level of knowledge as it allows the individual to

address important questions. With this in mind, the respondents’ views about

being an achiever with poor eyesight is a great opportunity and it made them

happy and proud of themselves.

2. Recognition Memory

According to Sivakumaran et al. (2018), human recognition memory studies

typically assess performance using signal detection measures. With the set of

response, the students are having a hard time recognizing people. Usually, they

are being judged as snobs.

The fifth specific question

How does your poor eyesight affect you and your studies?

Effects of having poor eyesight to students. Analysis of students’ experiences

on how their poor eyesight affect their studies generated in 1 category.

 Incapabilities (I)

1. Incapabilities

The most common cause of incapability is illness (Villegas, 2016). Relating to the

response of the students, having a poor eyesight is the disability that hinder them

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to do things properly such as coping up in their academic performance that lead

them in having low scores sometimes.


1. What is your unforgettable experience during your literature class?

Based on the data gathered, all of the students discuss that they are

having a hard time during class hours especially when they need to write the

lectures wherein they need to do some effort for them to be able to comply in the

said subject. It is very evident that having poor eyesight greatly affects them in

their studies. This kind of situation students are facing is a difficult thing to deal

with whenever they take notes.

2. How do you manage to cope up in your literature class?

Based on the data gathered, the researchers discovered that some of the

key informants coped up in their literature classes through their different

strategies. Most of the key informants coped up by taking pictures of the said

lesson or through asking their seatmates. Some answered that they managed to

cope up by finding up a seat that is near the board. With that, it is interpreted that

they are facing a lot of difficulties and challenges because of their poor eyesight

but they still managed to keep up with help of their different strategies.

3. What are your strategies in coping up in your literature class?

As the researchers asked the respondents, researchers found that some

of the students’ strategy is doing an advanced study by means of asking for the

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copy of the lesson to their teachers. Being independent enough for doing a self-

study and avoiding the idea of being left behind. While most of the students

socialize with their classmates by means of asking them to state what is written

on the blackboard or borrowing notes. In this case, there are different strategies

of the students arises. They think of different techniques to be able to comply.

4. What is it like to be an honor student despite of having poor eyesight?

Based on the data gathered, as the researchers asked the respondents

some of them answered that being an honor student with poor eyesight is such a

pleasure. Having poor eyesight and receiving an award at the same time is

exceptional for them. However, the respondents experience in recognizing

people and analyzing text is necessary for people with poor eyesight. Perhaps, it

is a difficult thing to deal with every time they are in school.

5. How does your poor eyesight affect you and your studies?

As the researchers conducted the interview, it was discovered that the key

informants struggled and experience difficulties because of their poor eyesight.

Based on the information they stated, it is hard for them to cope up and

experienced having wrong answers during examination. Some considered

answering that it was hard for them to see what is written in front.

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Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and

recommendation based on the findings.

Summary of Findings

The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of STE

Achievers with poor eyesight during literature classes wherein it is beneficial to

them as well as the other students with same situation as them and teachers.

The research design used in this study is qualitative research specifically

phenomenological approach as it focuses on the commonality of a lived

experience within a particular group, the students with poor eyesight. This

design was subjective depending on the respondents’ point of view and enabled

researchers to know the perspective of other students to their condition. For the

limitations, the gathered data in this study generalize the Grade 9 STE Achievers

experiences while taking literature class. Only 6 students purposely selected

from Grade 9 coming STE- Dalton.

This study focused on certain research questions that needs to be addressed

revolving on the assessment of the experiences during literature class in Prenza

National High School by eliciting the Grade 9 students’ experiences that may

lead to an action of teachers and their fellow classmates. In connection to this,

providing specific questions also leads to the gathering of such data which is

essential to address the research problems such as students primary problem

and the plan to have a plan of action. The researchers addressed questions
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about the experiences of Grade 9 STE honors during literature class and their

strategies in coping up in their class.

The findings revealed that the experiences of respondents are all the same

problems in the classroom. As the researchers rely on the research questions

towards the experiences of selected Grade 9 STE honors who have poor

eyesight and their experiences during literature class,it revealed that they are

commonly experiencing difficulties during their literature class. Perhaps these

students were different in their strategies in coping up in their class. All of

respondents, said that they are commonly experiencing difficulties in reading and

analyzing such text that’s why students have differ strategies in order to cope up

during their class.


Based on the data gathered and analysed by the researchers by creating

different codes from the interview, it is found that in Grade 9 STE- Dalton

students’ experiences unto their literature classes do vary as it depends on ther

experiences and cases. According to the opinions of the respondents and the

findings of this research, we can conclude that having poor eyesight do affects

them on their studies especially in literature classes but with their strategies they

managed to cope up and be on the honours list. Consequently, the strategies,

and communication with their teachers and classmates are very mportant and

should be established.

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The researchers have several recommendations for the students, the school

teachers and the future researchers.

For students, eyesight is one of the most important senses a person can have.

Taking good care of it can help you a lot during the phase of studying and

working. Students with the same situation can use the study for gaining more

information that having a poor eyesight is not a hindrance to their studies.

Studying well and deep understanding about the future lessons is important for

one’s further development.

For school teachers, it is preferable if there will be more detailed discussion and

more hands on approach to the students particularly to those who are having

difficulties and struggles.

For future researchers, deep analysis about the study being conducted is

important for the further development of the future study. Future researchers may

use the study as a reference to the future research.

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