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Survey Research

Account Coordinator: Tate Jones

Conducting research on the construction of surveys and its effectiveness will prove beneficial to
the campaign and future tactics. It leaves information to use when compiling the questions that
are important to membership associations and advocacy groups. It also helps identify needs of
target audiences of the IBA.
Strengths of Surveys
● Can highlight the individual problems presented by an organization/entity.
● They offer a fast return rate (especially electronic)
● Questions can be as broad as the organization needs
● Allow for creativity in the kinds of questions and the parameters in which they are asked
● Some surveys have open-ended questions that allow survey participants to highlight their
key issues
● Those filling out surveys can remain anonymous or fill out demographic information
based on what information is needed
● The information available in surveys is easy to access and compile
● Can be implemented digitally or on paper
○ Digital surveys can be filled out at any location
○ Paper can be mailed to offices
● Can be used to collect information regarding how much one knows

Weaknesses of Surveys
● Weak in terms of one-to-one engagement
○ Some may see surveys as being a weak form of communication
● Weak in later parts of a campaign or communication strategy
● Sometimes individuals see surveys as a hassle rather than a direct way to give feedback
to organizations
● Some surveys can have the appearance that they are promoting a product or service.
These surveys are taken less seriously by individuals completing the survey
● Feedback from surveys can be very emotionally tailored and the responses, if unrelated,
would be hard to measure in times of brand crisis
● Normally seen as optional content and will not always be utilized
● Need target audiences identified before construction

Survey Format
● Should be tied to the target audience
● All of the questions and input areas should be relatable to those who receive it
● The information listed in the survey should be beneficial to both the participant to the
survey and those who distributed the survey
● No room for bias should show
○ Allow the participant to paint their own picture of the organization. This is best
for any information gathering regarding a brand
● Should be easy to follow, and questions should slowly lean into one another
○ Do not jump from subject to subject quickly
● Tailor the survey to many aspects of the subject being researched
● There should be a variety in the types of questions offered in the survey
● No aggressive or suggestive language should be used in the survey
● In some part of the survey, allow for open comments to be placed

Types of Questions
● True or False
● Rating System
○ Ex. Rate your experience from 1 - 10.
● Multiple Item Selection
● Identified Problems
○ Placing a consistent issue with the subject at the center of questioning.
● Multiple Choice
● List Selection
● “Additional Comments” Answer Box

Benefits for the Indiana Builders Association

● The IBA could ask questions regarding recent events and upcoming IBA events.
● The surveys could have a link at the bottom, or after they have completed the survey, that
takes them to their site for information.
● The IBA can inadvertently tell members the benefits of their membership.
● The IBA collects data regarding their brand and how members utilize their membership.
● The IBA can use surveys that are modified to their needs and gather any information they
need for their campaign and future strategies
● It is a great platform to inform members on state and federal level issues regarding their

Questions Beneficial in a Survey

● How satisfied are you with the Indiana Builders Association?
○ Very satisfied
○ Satisfied
○ Neutral
○ Dissatisfied
○ Very Dissatisfied
● Do you feel as if you are aware of the benefits of your Indiana Builders Association
○ All of them
○ Many of them
○ Some of them
○ None of them
● Why did you join the Indiana Builders Association?

● Are you aware of the amount an Indiana Builders Association membership costs?
○ Yes
○ No
● Are you satisfied with the membership costs?
○ Yes
○ No
● Do you feel represented at the Indiana Builders Association?
○ Yes
○ Maybe
○ No
● As a member of the Indiana Builders Association, how well do you feel represented?
○ Very well represented
○ Well represented
○ Generally represented
○ Not represented well
○ Not represented well at all
● How much do you feel like you know Indiana Builders Association?
○ Very much
○ Most of it
○ About half
○ A little
○ Nothing
● How often do you attend Indiana Builders Association events?
○ Very often
○ Often
○ Some
○ Not often
○ Not at all

● How active are you with the Indiana Builders Association?

○ Very involved
○ Involved
○ Slightly involved
○ Not at all

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