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The Pious Wanderer

This group of holy men and women has come to Undermountain on a crusade of sort. The
reports of various worshipper of evil deities dwelling in the dungeon of the Mad Mage have
prompted the adventuring party to intervene and try to contain these threats, while also
giving succour to the other adventurers that ventured in the dungeon. They are already at
their third foray and willing to help good aligned party. They can provide information and
healing, guard the party while resting or join them for a time on some meaningful mission.
They are particularly interested in the whereabouts of possible prisoners and will focus on
their liberations. They will also actively hunt and try to kill worshippers of Lolth and
Maglubiyet, along with all the demons and undead that stands in their way. They are not
willing to forge alliance with evil creature even in the face of the greater good and will try to
convince good aligned character to join them in their crusade against the darkness.

Balinor Graymane (Mountain Dwarf Paladin, Oath of Devotion)

Balinor is a stern middle aged dwarf that started is adventuring career in the last years.
Before was posted to a temple of Moradin in Mithral Hall. He was forced to leave for
political intrigue inside the temple hierarchy. He is the self-styled leader of the group and
grieve deeply on the new uses of the dwarven ruin from the Mad Mage. He will be always
eager to honour the dead dwarves and will not tolerate defacement or profanation of burial
sites and holy shrines inside the dungeon.

Karstar Rendorf (Human Cleric of Lathander, Light Domain)

Nessa Voioda (Half-Elf Monk, Sun Soul)


Billy Longbottom (Halfling Bard, College of Glamour)


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