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Positive Psychology Performance Task Rubric

5 points 3-4 points 1-2 points 0 points Score

Summarized all 5
Summary of Concepts Summarized all 5 Summarized some of the
concepts, but examples Did not summarize
concepts with at least concepts and the
(Written or Drawn in 2 clear, accurate
may not have been clear
examples may have been
concepts or provide ___ / 5
chart) or accurate or may have examples
examples unclear or inaccurate
too few examples

Explanation of
Performance Task Explained all 3 Explained 1-2 of the
Explained only 1 of the
1. Explanation of each required reflection required reflection areas
required reflection areas Did not explain any of the
concept areas within chosen within chosen
and with limited detail or reflection areas
___ / 5
2. How chosen activities fit representation with representation with detail
each concept detail and clarity and clarity
3. How each experience was

Represented and Represented and

displayed all 3 displayed all 3 concepts Represented 1 or 2
Format of Performance Did not represent or ___ / 5
concepts through though some activities concepts and some
Task display any concepts
creative and clear may be unclear in activities may be unclear
activities representing concept

Comments: Total:

___ / 15

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