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THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 276, No. 28, Issue of July 13, pp.

25727–25735, 2001
© 2001 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Acute Inhibition of Hepatic Glucose-6-phosphatase Does Not Affect

Gluconeogenesis but Directs Gluconeogenic Flux toward Glycogen
in Fasted Rats

Received for publication, February 8, 2001, and in revised form, April 18, 2001
Published, JBC Papers in Press, May 9, 2001, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M101223200

Theo H. van Dijk‡, Fjodor H. van der Sluijs‡, Coen H. Wiegman‡, Julius F. W. Baller‡,
Lori A. Gustafson§, Hans-Joerg Burger¶, Andreas W. Herling¶, Folkert Kuipers‡,
Alfred J. Meijer§, and Dirk-Jan Reijngoud‡储
From the ‡Laboratory of Pediatrics, Center for Liver, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases, University Hospital Groningen,
Groningen 9700 RB, The Netherlands, the §Department of Biochemistry, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam 1105 AZ,
The Netherlands, and ¶Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt aM 65926, Germany

Effects of acute inhibition of glucose-6-phosphatase Glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P)1 plays a pivotal role in he-
activity by the chlorogenic acid derivative S4048 on he- patic carbohydrate metabolism both as a metabolite and as a
patic carbohydrate fluxes were examined in isolated rat signaling compound. Glc-6-P is the shared intermediate of glu-
coneogenesis (see Fig. 1, I ⫹ IV) and glycogenolysis (Fig. 1, II)

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hepatocytes and in vivo in rats. Fluxes were calculated
using tracer dilution techniques and mass isotopomer and is formed by glucokinase (GK)-mediated glucose phospho-
distribution analysis in plasma glucose and urinary rylation (Fig. 1, III). Glc-6-P provides the substrate for glucose
paracetamol-glucuronide after infusion of [U-13C]glu- production by the liver, via hydrolysis by glucose-6-phospha-
cose, [2-13C]glycerol, [1-2H]galactose, and paracetamol. tase (G6Pase) (Fig. 1, IV). It serves as substrate for glycolysis
In hepatocytes, glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) content, (Fig. 1, V) and is the obligatory precursor for the synthesis of
net glycogen synthesis, and lactate production from glu- glycogen via UDP-glucose (Fig. 1, VI). Partitioning of newly
cose and dihydroxyacetone increased strongly in the
synthesized Glc-6-P into glucose production, degradation via
presence of S4048 (10 ␮M). In livers of S4048-treated rats
glycolysis, or storage as glycogen offers modes of autoregulat-
(0.5 mg kgⴚ1 minⴚ1; 8 h) Glc-6-P content increased
ing hepatic glucose production without affecting the rate of
strongly (ⴙ440%), and massive glycogen accumulation
(ⴙ1260%) was observed in periportal areas. Total glu- gluconeogenesis. Glc-6-P stimulates the activity of glycogen
cose production was diminished by 50%. The gluconeo- synthase (GS) b and of GS phosphatase (1). Glc-6-P and/or its
genic flux to Glc-6-P was unaffected (i.e. 33.3 ⴞ 2.0 versus pentose-phosphate derivative xylulose 5-phosphate act as sig-
33.2 ⴞ 2.9 ␮mol kgⴚ1 minⴚ1 in control and S4048-treated naling compound in the control of gene expression (see Ref. 2
rats, respectively). Newly synthesized Glc-6-P was redis- for a review). Recent data show that the effect of insulin on
tributed from glucose production (62 ⴞ 1 versus 38 ⴞ 1%; gene expression of hepatic enzymes involved in carbohydrate
p < 0.001) to glycogen synthesis (35 ⴞ 5% versus 65 ⴞ 5%; metabolism critically depends on concomitant intracellular me-
p < 0.005) by S4048. This was associated with a strong tabolism of glucose (3, 4), supporting a sequence of events
inhibition (ⴚ82%) of the flux through glucokinase and starting with the direct induction of GK expression by insulin.
an increase (ⴙ83%) of the flux through glycogen syn- Enhanced activity of GK results in increased intracellular con-
thase, while the flux through glycogen phosphorylase centrations of
remained unaffected. In livers from S4048-treated rats, Glc-6-P and/or xylulose 5-phosphate. This appears to be essen-
mRNA levels of genes encoding Glc-6-P hydrolase (⬃9- tial in the action of insulin on the stimulation of expression of
fold), Glc-6-P translocase (⬃4-fold), glycogen synthase genes involved in glucose production, glycolysis, and lipogene-
(⬃7-fold) and L-type pyruvate kinase (⬃ 4-fold) were sis (e.g. the hydrolytic subunit of glucose-6-phosphatase
increased, whereas glucokinase expression was almost (G6PH), glucose transporter type 2 (GLUT2), liver-type pyru-
abolished. In accordance with unaltered gluconeogenic vate kinase ATP-citrate lyase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and
flux, expression of the gene encoding phosphoenolpyru-
fatty acid synthase (see Ref. 2 for a review).
vate carboxykinase was unaffected in the S4048-treated
Since Glc-6-P participates in so many reactions in hepatic
rats. Thus, acute inhibition of glucose-6-phosphatase ac-
glucose metabolism, the relationship between hepatic glucose
tivity by S4048 elicited 1) a repartitioning of newly syn-
thesized Glc-6-P from glucose production into glycogen production and gluconeogenesis in vivo is very complex. A
synthesis without affecting the gluconeogenic flux to
Glc-6-P and 2) a cellular response aimed at maintaining The abbreviations used are: Glc-6-P, glucose 6-phosphate; GK,
glucokinase (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC,
cellular Glc-6-P homeostasis.
G6Pase, glucose-6-phosphatase; G6PH, glucose-6-phosphatase hydro-
lase (D-glucose-6-phosphate phosphohydrolase, EC; GLUT2,
glucose transporter type 2, G6PT, glucose-6-phosphatase translocase;
GP, glycogen phosphorylase (glycogen 1,4-␣-D-glucan:orthophosphate
* This study was supported by Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation ␣-D-glucosyltransferase, EC; GS, glycogen synthase (UDP-
Grant 96.604. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in glucose:glycogen 4-␣-D-glucosyltransferase, EC; PEP-CK,
part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP:oxaloacetate carboxylyase
hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section (transphosphorylating), EC; Glc-1-P, glucose-1-phosphate; p-
1734 solely to indicate this fact. GlcUA, paracetamol-glucuronide; MOPS, 4-morpholinepropanesulfonic
储 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 31-50-361-3295; acid N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide; MIDA, mass isoto-
Fax: 31-50-361-1746; E-mail: d.j.reijngoud@med.rug.nl. pomer distribution analysis; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

This paper is available on line at http://www.jbc.org 25727

25728 Effects of G6Pase Inhibition on Hepatic Carbohydrate Fluxes
major problem in studying Glc-6-P partitioning in vivo resides In Vivo Experiments
in the choice of precursor, label, and isotopic model. In earlier Male Wistar rats (275 ⫾ 14 g) were bred at the Central Animal
studies, substrates labeled with 14C or 13C have been applied Laboratory, University of Groningen (The Netherlands). The animals
followed by determination of positional isotopomer distribution were housed in Plexiglas cages (25 ⫻ 25 ⫻ 30 cm), with a controlled
in either plasma glucose (5) or in urinary N-phenylacetylglu- light-dark regime (12 h dark and 12 h light) and had free access to water
and food (RMH-B, Hope Farms BV, Woerden, The Netherlands). One
tamine (6). Relative gluconeogenic fractions obtained in this week before the experiment the animals were equipped with two per-
way were converted into absolute rates of gluconeogenesis by manent heart catheters, one for infusion and one to draw blood samples,
multiplying with the plasma glucose turnover rate. With this as described by Kuipers et al. (15). Twenty-four hours before the start of
method, the contribution of a particular substrate to the glu- the experiments, food was removed, but the animals had still free access
coneogenic flux directed into plasma glucose can be calculated. to water.
More recent methods estimate gluconeogenic flux from precur- On the day of the experiment, the animals were placed in metabolic
cages that allowed continuous collection of urine. The animals were
sors directed to plasma glucose; these methods comprise 2H infused with [U-13C]glucose (1.0 ⫾ 0.1 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1), [2-13C]glycerol
incorporation into specific positions in plasma glucose from (9.2 ⫾ 0.5 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1), [1-2H]galactose (4.7 ⫾ 0.2 ␮mol kg⫺1
H2O (7) or incorporation of [2-13C]glycerol into mass isoto- min⫺1), paracetamol (total dose: 212 ⫾ 10 mg kg⫺1), and, where indi-
pomers of plasma glucose (8, 9). The development of an im- cated, S4048 (total dose: 265 ⫾ 13 mg kg⫺1) in a sterile isotonic solution
proved isotopic model based on the last method allows for the consisting of phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2) with Me2SO (6.1% v/v).
calculation of flux rates of newly synthesized Glc-6-P into Blood samples (200 ␮l) were drawn before the start of the infusion and
3, 6, 7, and 8 h thereafter. Timed urine samples were collected at hourly
plasma glucose as well as into glycogen (10). In the latter intervals. The blood samples were collected in heparin-containing tubes
model, incorporation of [2-13C]glycerol is measured in plasma and centrifuged immediately. Plasma and urine samples were stored at
glucose and urinary paracetamol-glucuronide (p-GlcUA), as ⫺20 °C until analysis. At the end of the experiment, the animals were
markers of two major metabolic routes of Glc-6-P (e.g. hepatic anesthetized with pentobarbital; a large blood sample was taken by
glucose production and glycogen synthesis via UDP-glucose, heart puncture; and the liver was excised and weighed, and parts were
respectively (Fig. 1, I ⫹ IV and I ⫹ VI, respectively). The frozen immediately in liquid N2.

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obtained fractional contributions for plasma glucose and UDP- Metabolite Assays
glucose (via p-GlcUA), respectively, are subsequently converted
Glucose and lactate in hepatocyte incubations were determined in
in absolute rates of gluconeogenic flux, directed to each of the HClO4-extracted, KOH-neutralized samples with ATP, NADP⫹, hexoki-
compounds, by multiplying with the rates of appearance of nase, and Glc-6-P dehydrogenase (glucose) and with NAD⫹ and lactate
plasma glucose and UDP-glucose (via p-GlcUA), respectively. dehydrogenase (16). The glycogen content of hepatocytes was measured
After correction for exchange of newly synthesized Glc-6-P as follows. Aliquots of cells were diluted with 4 volumes of ice-cold 0.9%
between plasma glucose and glycogen, via UDP-glucose, the NaCl with 10 mM MOPS (pH 7.4) and centrifuged. After removal of the
clear supernatant, the pellets were dissolved in 0.1 M KOH and heated
total gluconeogenic flux into Glc-6-P is obtained. It should be
for 40 min at 85 °C. The solution was acidified to pH 4.5 with acetic acid
realized, however, that the gluconeogenic flux into Glc-6-P thus (3 M) and centrifuged to remove the protein. To 100 ␮l of the superna-
obtained represents a minimal estimate, since the flux of tant 0.14 units of amyloglucosidase was added, and the mixture was
Glc-6-P into glycolysis (Fig. 1, V) is not considered in this incubated for 2 h at 40 °C. The glucose formed was measured fluoro-
isotopic model. metrically as described (16). Background glucose was measured in
Using this isotopic model, we have studied the effects of identically treated samples, without addition of amyloglucosidase (16).
For measurement of intracellular Glc-6-P, an aliquot of the cell suspen-
acute pharmacological inhibition of G6Pase in vitro and in vivo
sion was diluted with 4 volumes of ice-cold 0.9% NaCl plus 10 mM
on the rate of gluconeogenesis and on the partitioning of MOPS (pH 7.4) and centrifuged for 1 s in a microcentrifuge. The cell
Glc-6-P. Recently, a novel class of chlorogenic acid derivatives pellet was immediately extracted with HClO4 (4%, w/v), and the pre-
has been developed that inhibit G6Pase activity by blocking cipitate was neutralized with a mixture of 2 M KOH and 0.5 M MOPS.
glucose-6-phosphate translocase (G6PT) (11). In experiments Glc-6-P was determined fluorometrically with NADP⫹ and Glc-6-P de-
in anesthetized rats and perfused rat livers, it was demon- hydrogenase (16). Samples for measurement of glycogen and Glc-6-P of
liver tissue were prepared by extracting liquid N2-cooled liver powder
strated that these compounds inhibit hepatic glucose produc-
(about 100 mg wet weight) with either 1 ml of 0.1 M KOH (glycogen) or
tion and lower blood glucose concentration in a dose-dependent HClO4 (4%, w/v; Glc-6-P); this was then followed by the same procedure
way (12, 13). We addressed the following questions. 1) Does as described above for hepatocytes. Plasma insulin was determined by
inhibition of hepatic glucose production by G6PT blockade re- a radioimmunoassay RI-13K (Linco Research, Inc., St Charles, MO).
sult in an inhibition of gluconeogenic flux into Glc-6-P and/or a Plasma glucose concentration was determined enzymatically by use of
change in the partitioning of Glc-6-P? 2) Does inhibition of the Beckman glucose analyzer II (Beckman Instruments, Palo Alto,
G6PT acutely influence gene expression of enzymes involved in
Glc-6-P metabolism? Liver Histology
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES To visualize glycogen deposition in the liver, staining with PAS was
performed on 4-␮m-thick slices from frozen livers excised from the
studied rats according to standard procedures.
[1-2H]Galactose (99.6% 2H APE) was purchased from Isotec, Inc.
(Miamisburg, OH), and [2-13C]glycerol (99.9% 13C APE) and [U-13C]glu- Hepatic mRNA Levels
cose 99.9% 13C APE) were purchased from CIL, Inc. (Andover, MA). All Total RNA was isolated from ⬃30 mg of liver tissue using the Trizol
chemicals were pro analysis grade. Infusates were freshly made and method (Life Technologies, Inc.) followed by the SV Total RNA Isolation
sterilized by the Hospital Pharmacy the day before an experiment. System (Promega, Madison, WI) according to the protocols provided by
the manufacturer. Isolated total RNA was converted to single-stranded
Methods cDNA by a reverse transcription procedure with M-Mulv-RT (Roche
Molecular Biochemicals) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. For
In Vitro Experiments polymerase chain reaction amplification studies, amounts of cDNA
Hepatocytes were isolated from 20 –24-h-starved male Wistar rats corresponding to ⬃30 ng of RNA were amplified with Taq DNA polym-
(250 g) by ex situ liver perfusion with collagenase (14). Incubations of erase (Roche Molecular Biochemicals) and the appropriate forward and
freshly isolated hepatocytes (5–10 mg dry mass/ml) were carried out at reverse primers (Life Technologies), essentially according to the man-
37 °C in closed 25-ml plastic scintillation vials containing 2 ml in ufacturer’s protocols and optimized for the particular amplification
Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate medium plus 10 mM sodium HEPES (pH cycler used. In the same experiments, calibration curves were run on
7.4) and, where indicated, either 10 mM dihydroxyacetone or 20 mM serial dilutions of a 4⫻ concentrated cDNA solution, resulting in a
glucose as substrate; the gas phase was 95% O2 and 5% CO2 (v/v). series containing 4⫻, 2⫻, 1⫻, 0.5⫻, 0.125⫻, 0.062⫻, and 0.031⫻ of the
Effects of G6Pase Inhibition on Hepatic Carbohydrate Fluxes 25729

FIG. 1. Schematic model of hepatic

carbohydrate metabolism. Major met-
abolic pathways and enzymatic reaction
in hepatic carbohydrate metabolism,
sharing glucose 6-phosphate as metabo-
lite. These metabolic pathways are as fol-
lows: I, de novo synthesis of Glc-6-P; II,
glycogenolysis; III, glucose phosphoryla-
tion; VI, glucose 6-phosphate hydrolysis;
V, glycolysis; VI, glycogen synthesis. The
gluconeogenic flux to glucose (gluconeo-
genesis) is represented by I ⫹ IV, and flux
to UDP-glucose is shown by I ⫹ VI.

cDNA present in the assay incubation. Gel electrophoresis of both assay 100% within 2 min. Under these conditions, the p-GlcUA peak eluted at
and calibration incubations were done simultaneously. All gels were 18.7 min, in a volume of 1.2 ml. The collected fraction was divided into
photographed with an Image Master VDS system (Amersham Pharma- two portions of 0.6 ml each. Each fraction was transferred to a Teflon-

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cia Biotech), and intensities were quantified by video-scanning densi- capped reaction vial, and both fractions were dried at 115 °C under N2.
tometry, using the software program Image Master 1D Elite 3.0 After cooling, p-GlcUA was derivatized to its tetratrimethylsilyl-ethyl
(Amersham Pharmacia Biotech). All quantified intensities of experi- ester by adding 400 ␮l of ethanol/acetylchloride, 10:1 (v/v), to the dry
mental samples were within the linear part of the calibration curves. residue and incubating for 45 min at room temperature, followed by
The following primer sequences were used: G6PH forward primer (ACT drying at 60 °C under N2. To the dry residue, 200 ␮l of BSTFA/pyridine/
TTG GGA TCC AGT CGA CT) and reverse primer (ACA GCA ATG CCT chlorotrimethylsilane (5:1:0.07 (v/v)) was added and incubated for 120
GAC AAG AC); G6PT forward primer (ATG AGA TCG CTC TGG ACA min at 90 °C. After drying, 1 ml of ethyl acetate was added. The dry
AG) and reverse primer (TTC GGA GTC CAA CAT CAG CA); GK residue of the second fraction was oxidized to saccharic acid by reacting
forward primer (GTG GGC TTC ACC TTC TCC TT) and reverse primer with 35 ␮l of sodium nitrite (0.4 g/ml water) and 70 ␮l of nitric acid
(TCA CCA TTG CCA CCA CAT CC); GLUT2 forward primer (GGA TCT (32.5% in water) at 130 °C for 25 min, followed by drying at 60 °C under
GCT CAC ATA GTC AC) and reverse primer (TCT GGA CAG AAG AGC N2. After cooling, saccharic acid was derivatized to its tetraacetate-
AGT AG); GS forward primer (CCA ATT CCA TGA ATG GCA GG) and diethylester by adding 400 ␮l of ethanol/acetylchloride (10:1 (v/v)) and
reverse primer (GCC TGG ATA AGG ATT CTA GG); GP forward primer incubating for 45 min at room temperature, followed by drying at 60 °C
(GAG ACT ACA TTC AGG CTG TG) and reverse primer (CTA GCT under N2. To the dry residue, 150 ␮l of pyridine/acetic anhydride (1:2
CAC TGA AGT CCT TG); liver-type pyruvate kinase forward primer (v/v)) was added and incubated for 30 min at 60 °C, followed by drying
(TAC ATT GAC GAC GGG CTC AT) and reverse primer (ATG CTC TCC at 60 °C under N2. The dry residue was dissolved in 50 ␮l of ethyl
AGC ATC TGT GT); PEP-CK forward primer (GCC AGG ATC GAA acetate and transferred to an injection vial.
AGC AAG AC) and reverse primer (CCA GTT GTT GAC CAA AGG CT); Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Procedures—All samples
and ␤-actin forward primer (AAC ACC CCA GCC ATG TAC G) and were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Derivatives
reverse primer (ATG TCA CGC ACG ATT TCC C). were separated on a HP 5890 gas chromatograph (Hewlett-Packard,
Palo Alto, CA) using an AT-5 20 m ⫻ 0.18 mm inner diameter (0.4-␮m
Mass Isotopomer Distribution Analysis film thickness) capillary column (Alltech, Breda, the Netherlands). The
Isolation and Derivatization of Plasma Glucose—Fifty microliters of GC temperature profile for p-GlcUA tetratrimethylsilyl-ethyl ester was
plasma was deproteinized by adding 500 ␮l of ice-cold ethanol. The as follows: the initial temperature was 250 °C for 2 min and rose then
mixture was placed on ice for 30 min and then centrifuged. The to 280 °C at a rate of 25 °C/min. The column was held at 280 °C for 10
supernatant was divided into two equal portions. Each portion was min. The compound eluted at 10.0 min. The m/z 331–337 ions, repre-
transferred to a reaction vial with a Teflon-faced cap and dried by senting the m0–m6 mass isotopomers, were monitored in electron im-
evaporation at 60 °C under N2. After cooling down, the first portion pact mode. The same gas chromatography temperature profile was used
was derivatized to glucose pentaacetate by adding 150 ␮l of pyridine/ for glucose-pentaacetate, glucose-aldonitrile-pentaacetate, and sac-
acetic anhydride (1:2) (v/v) to the dry residue and incubating for 30 min charic acid tetraacetate-diethyl ester derivatives. The initial tempera-
at 60 °C, followed by drying at 60 °C under N2. The dry residue was ture was 80 °C for 1 min and rose then to 280 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min.
dissolved in 500 ␮l of ethyl acetate and transferred to an injection vial. The column was held at 280 °C for 5 min. The compounds eluted at 8.1,
The second portion was derivatized to glucose-aldonitrile-pentaacetate 10.6, and 10.9 min, respectively. Chemical ionization with methane was
by adding 50 ␮l of pyridine containing hydroxylamine (2%; v/v) to the used. The ions monitored for glucose-pentaacetate were m/z 331–337,
dry residue and incubating for 45 min at 100 °C. After cooling, 100 ␮l of corresponding to the m0–m6 mass isotopomers. The ions monitored for
acetic anhydride was added, and the mixture was incubated for another glucose-aldonitrile-pentaacetate were m/z 328 –334, corresponding to
30 min at 60 °C, followed by drying at 60 °C under N2. The dry residue the m0–m6 mass isotopomers. The ions monitored for saccharic acid
was dissolved in 500 ␮l of ethyl acetate and transferred to an injection tetraacetate-diethyl ester were m/z 375–381, corresponding to the
vial. m0–m6 mass isotopomers. The accuracy of the measurement was
Isolation and Derivatization of p-GlcUA—For isolation of p-GlcUA, checked by injection of a standard sample after every eight experimen-
urine samples (0.5 ml) were centrifuged to remove any debris, and the tal samples. The series were rejected when the reproducibility of the
supernatant was injected onto a Nucleosil 7C18 SP250/10 column. The measurement of the standard sample was less than 1% for m0 and less
high pressure liquid chromatography system consisted of a Milton than 2% for m1 and m2. To check the range of intensities at the m/z
Roy CM4000 pump and a Milton Roy SM4000 variable wavelength values that allows for reproducible analyses, dilution series were rou-
ultraviolet detector (Interscience, Breda, The Netherlands). Millen- tinely made.
nium software (Waters, Etten Leur, The Netherlands) was used for Calculations—Metabolic fluxes at steady state were calculated es-
peak integration. To achieve base-line separation of the p-GlcUA peak, sentially according to Hellerstein et al. (10). The isotopic model of
a two-buffer gradient program was applied consisting of buffer A con- hepatic glucose metabolism is very similar to the one shown in Fig. 1,
taining 2% (w/v) ammonium formate in water (pH 4.8) and buffer B with the exception that glycolysis (Fig. 1, V) is absent. In this model,
containing 40% CH3CN in water. The program started with 100% A and two metabolic pathways give rise to plasma glucose and hepatic UDP-
0% B at 3.3 ml/min. At 10.7 min, the composition was changed to 92.5% glucose formation, i.e. the gluconeogenic flux to Glc-6-P (Fig. 1, I) and
A and 7.5% B within 0.1 min, and at 20 min buffer B was increased to glycogenolysis (Fig. 1, II). At steady state, glycogenesis (Fig. 1, VI)
25730 Effects of G6Pase Inhibition on Hepatic Carbohydrate Fluxes
equals the formation of UDP-glucose (17, 18). TABLE I
Rate of Appearance and Recycling—Rates of appearance of glucose Effects of S4048 on the production of glucose and lactate hepatocytes
into the plasma glucose pool (Ra(glc)) and into the UDP-glucose pool and on the intracellular content of glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen
(Ra(UDPglc); via p-GlcUA) were calculated by isotope dilution (19) as in hepatocytes
follows, Hepatocytes were incubated for 60 min in Krebs-Henseleit buffer
with either 10 mM dihydroxyacetone or 20 mM glucose with or without
Ra(glc) ⫽ 共MPE(glc;m6)infuse/MPE(glc;m6)plasma ⫺ 1兲 S4048 (10 ␮M) as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Glucose,
lactate, glucose 6-phosphate, and glycogen were determined at the end
⫻ infusion(glc;m6) (Eq. 1) of the incubation period by standard enzymatic procedures as described
under “Experimental Procedures.” S4048 was dissolved in Me2SO (final
in which MPE(glc;m6)infuse and MPE(glc;m6)plasma are the mole percent concentration in the incubations, 0.5% (w/v)). The controls contained
enrichments of [U-13C]glucose in the infusate and plasma, respectively, Me2SO only.
and infusion(glc;m6) is the infusion rate of [U-13C]-glucose, and the
following, Product
Substrate n
Control S4048
Ra(UDPglc) ⫽ 共MPE(gal;m1)infuse/MPE(pGlcUA;m1)urine ⫺ 1兲
␮mol g dry wt⫺1
⫻ infusion(gal;m1) (Eq. 2) Dihydroxyacetone 3 Glucose 381 ⫾ 17 22 ⫾ 9a
3 Lactate 139 ⫾ 26 277 ⫾ 6a
in which MPE(gal;m1)infuse and MPE(pGlcUA;m1)urine are the mole per-
cent enrichments of [1-2H]galactose in the infusate and p-GlcUA in 3 Glc-6-P 0.10 ⫾ 0.05 1.55 ⫾ 0.05a
3 Glycogen 4⫾2 122 ⫾ 12a
urine, respectively, and infusion(gal;m1) is the infusion rate of
[1-2H]galactose. Ra(UDPglc) was calculated based on the assumption of Glucose 6 Glucose
a constant and complete entry of galactose into the hepatic UDP-glucose 6 Lactate 59 ⫾ 6 155 ⫾ 5a
pool and that the label distribution in urinary p-GlcUA reflects the label 6 Glc-6-P 0.10 ⫾ 0.05 0.65 ⫾ 0.10a
distribution in UDP-glucose. The contribution of recycling should be 6 Glycogen 31 ⫾ 4 108 ⫾ 4a
added to these rates of appearance to obtain the total rates of appear-
ance (10, 20). For the calculation of recycling, two correction factors are
Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.001) between control and S4048.

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introduced (10): the fractional contribution of plasma glucose to UDP-
glucose formation c(glc), Glycogenolysis—The contribution of glycogenolysis to glucose forma-
tion (GLY(glc)) and to UDP-glucose formation (GLY(UDPglc)) were
c(glc) ⫽ MPE(pGlcUA;m6)urine/MPE(glc;m6)plasma (Eq. 3) calculated according to the following,
in which MPE(pGlcUA;m6)urine and MPE(glc;m6)plasma are the mole GLY(glc) ⫽ 共1 ⫺ f(glc)) ⫻ total Ra(glc) (Eq. 12)
percent enrichments of urinary p-GlcUA and plasma glucose, respec-
tively, during an infusion of [U-13C]glucose and the fractional contribu- in which the contribution of glycogenolysis to the total rate of appear-
tion of UDP-glucose to plasma glucose formation c(UDPglc), ance of glucose in plasma is equal to the part, which does not derive
from gluconeogenesis, and the equation,
c(UDPglc) ⫽ MPE(glc;m1)plasma/MPE(pGlcUA;m1)urine (Eq. 4)
GLY(UDPglc) ⫽ 共1 ⫺ f(UDPglc)) ⫻ total Ra(UDPglc) ⫺ c(glc)
in which MPE(glc;m1)plasma and MPE(pGlcUA;m1)urine are the mole
percent enrichments of urinary p-GlcUA and plasma glucose, respec- ⫻ total Ra(UDPglc) (Eq. 13)
tively, during an infusion of [1-2H]galactose. Recycling of glucose (r(glc))
and UDP-glucose (r(UDPglc)) were calculated according to the in which c(glc) ⫻ total Ra(UDPlgc) is the flux of plasma glucose into the
following, hepatic UDP-glucose pool. In contrast to plasma glucose, the total rate
of appearance of UDP-glucose consists of three contributions: gluconeo-
r(glc) ⫽ (c(glc)/(1 ⫺ c(glc))) ⫻ Ra(glc) (Eq. 5) genic flux from Glc-6-P, glycogenolysis, and the flux of plasma glucose
into the UDP-glucose pool. This flux of glycogen into UDP-glucose is a
which is also a measure of glucose/Glc-6-P cycling (10, 20), and the measure of glycogen/glucose 1-phosphate (Glc-1-P) cycling (18).
equation, Individual Fluxes through Enzymes—The individual fluxes through
the enzymes GK, G6Pase, GS, and GP were calculated according to the
r(UDPglc) ⫽ (c(UDPglc)/(1 ⫺ c(UDPglc))) ⫻ Ra(UDPglc) (Eq. 6) equation,
Total rates of appearance of glucose into the plasma glucose pool (total GK ⫽ c(glc) ⫻ total Ra(UDPglc) ⫹ r(glc) (Eq. 14)
Ra(glc)) and into the hepatic UDP-glucose pool (total Ra(UDPglc)) were
calculated according to the following, in which two contributions to the total flux through GK are considered,
i.e. the flux of plasma glucose into UDP-glucose and glucose/Glc-6-P
total Ra(glc) ⫽ Ra(glc) ⫹ r(glc) (Eq. 7) cycling as follows,
and G6Pase ⫽ GNG(glc) ⫹ GLY(glc) (Eq. 15)
total Ra(UDPglc) ⫽ Ra(UDPglc) ⫹ r(UDPglc) (Eq. 8) GS ⫽ GNG(UDPglc) ⫹ GLY(UDPglc) (Eq. 16)
Rate of Gluconeogenesis—The fractional gluconeogenic flux into both and
plasma glucose (f(glc)) and hepatic UDP-glucose (f(UDPglc); as meas-
ured in urinary p-GlcUA) were calculated by MIDA as described in GP ⫽ GLY(glc) ⫹ GLY(UDPglc) (Eq. 17)
detail elsewhere (8, 21). The gluconeogenic flux into plasma glucose
(GNG(glc)) and into UDP-glucose (GNG(UDPglc)) was calculated ac- in which two contributions to the total flux through GP are considered,
cording to the following, i.e. glycogenolysis resulting in plasma glucose appearance and glyco-
gen/Glc-1-P cycling.
GNG(glc) ⫽ f(glc) ⫻ total Ra(glc) (Eq. 9) Statistics—All values are expressed as mean ⫾ S.D. Statistical sig-
nificance was determined using Student’s t test. p ⬍ 0.05 was consid-
and ered as significant.

GNG(UDPglc) ⫽ f(UDPglc) ⫻ total Ra(UDPglc) (Eq. 10) RESULTS

Total gluconeogenic flux (total GNG) is the sum of both components S4048 Stimulates Glycogenesis and Glycolysis in Isolated
corrected for the exchange of label between the plasma glucose and Hepatocytes—Table I summarizes the effects of S4048 on dihy-
hepatic UDP-glucose pools (10), droxyacetone and glucose metabolism in freshly isolated rat
hepatocytes. S4048 at 10 ␮M completely inhibited glucose pro-
total GNG ⫽ 共1 ⫺ c(glc)) ⫻ GNG(glc) ⫹ 共1 ⫺ c(UDPglc))
duction from dihydroxyacetone, which was accompanied by an
⫻ GNG(UDPglc) (Eq. 11) increase in lactate production and glycogen synthesis. In the
Effects of G6Pase Inhibition on Hepatic Carbohydrate Fluxes 25731
Effects of S4048 treatment in fasted rats on plasma glucose and plasma insulin concentration and on hepatic glucose 6-phosphate
and glycogen content
Rats were infused for 8 h with or without S4048 as described in detail under “Experimental Procedures.” Measurements were done prior to
infusion and at time points 6, 7, and 8 h after the start of infusion. Steady state measurements were performed between 6 and 8 h of infusion.
Hepatic samples were taken at the end of the experiment after the animals were sacrificed.
Measurement Control S4048

Plasma glucose (mM) Initial 4.7 ⫾ 0.4 4.4 ⫾ 0.4

Steady state 5.8 ⫾ 0.0 3.5 ⫾ 0.9a
Plasma insulin (ng ml⫺1) Initial 0.7 ⫾ 0.2 0.5 ⫾ 0.1
Steady state 0.9 ⫾ 0.1 0.2 ⫾ 0.0a,b
Hepatic G6P (␮mol g wet wt⫺1) End 0.5 ⫾ 0.1 2.7 ⫾ 0.3a
Hepatic glycogen (␮mol glc g wet wt⫺1) End 17.8 ⫾ 7.2 225.0 ⫾ 41.1a
Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) between control and S4048.
Significantly different (p ⬍ 0.05) between initial and steady state within the groups.

presence of glucose, S4048 caused a significantly increased and 38 ⫾ 1% into glycogen in control rats to 35 ⫾ 5% into
lactate production and strongly induced glycogen synthesis. plasma glucose and 65 ⫾ 5% into glycogen in S4048-treated
Cellular Glc-6-P concentrations were substantially increased in rats.
the presence of S4048, with either glucose or dihydroxyacetone S4048 Affects in Vivo Fluxes through Enzymes Involved in
as the substrate. Glc-6-P Metabolism—In Fig. 5, the values of the various fluxes
S4048 Affects Plasma and Hepatic Parameters of Glucose through enzymes involved in Glc-6-P metabolism are shown, as
Metabolism in Conscious Rats—At the start of the experiment, far as these flux rates could be estimated by the isotopic model
plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin were similar in used. Administration of S4048 resulted in a decrease of the flux

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control and S4048-treated rats (Table II). Plasma glucose con- through G6Pase from 39.9 ⫾ 3.8 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 to 19.6 ⫾ 4.2
centration slightly increased during the experiment, i.e. by ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 and through GK from 10.1 ⫾ 0.4 ␮mol kg⫺1
23%, in control animals. In the animals treated with S4048, min⫺1 to 1.6 ⫾ 0.5 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1. Glucose/Glc-6-P cycling
plasma glucose concentration dropped from ⬃4.4 to ⬃3.5 mM decreased from 6.4 ⫾ 0.1 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 to 0.6 ⫾ 0.3 ␮mol
(⫺20%) during the first 3 h of the experiment and remained kg⫺1 min⫺1. The flux through GS increased upon administra-
unchanged thereafter. Insulin concentrations in S4048-treated tion of S4048 from 19.8 ⫾ 1.8 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 to 30.7 ⫾ 1.5
rats decreased significantly by 56%, in contrast to the control ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1, whereas the flux through GP was almost
group in which plasma insulin was slightly elevated (⫹32%). unaffected (16.9 ⫾ 5.3 versus 15.6 ⫾ 2.0 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1).
The Glc-6-P content of the liver was significantly higher at the Glycogen/Glc-1-P cycling increased from 1.7 ⫾ 2.1 to 7.8 ⫾ 0.6
end of the experiment in animals treated with S4048 compared ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1.
with the control group (⫹346%), and S4048-treated animals S4048 Treatment Induces Rapid Changes in Gene Expres-
showed an almost 13-fold increase in hepatic glycogen content. sion—Expression of genes involved in hepatic carbohydrate
At the end of the experiment, liver weight was slightly in- metabolism were studied by semiquantitative polymerase
creased in S4048-treated rats (8.5 ⫾ 0.4 g wet weight versus chain reaction (Fig. 6). Treatment with S4048 resulted in
9.3 ⫾ 0.4 g wet weight, control versus S4048-treated, markedly increased mRNA levels of the genes encoding
respectively). GLUT2, G6PH and G6PT, GS, and liver-type pyruvate kinase
S4048 Induces Massive Periportal Glycogen Accumulation in within the 8 h time frame of the experiment. In contrast, GK
the Liver—Fig. 2A confirms that glycogen was almost absent in gene expression was strongly suppressed. As expected on the
the livers from control rats. In livers of S4048-treated rats (Fig. basis of flux measurements, the mRNA levels of PEP-CK and
2B), on the other hand, massive amounts of PAS-positive ma- GP were unaffected.
terial were present, indicating a high content of glycogen: most
of the glycogen was present in periportal hepatocytes, i.e. the DISCUSSION
cells surrounding the portal vein. This study reveals striking, rapid effects of acute pharmaco-
S4048 Changes Partitioning of Glc-6-P without Altering Glu- logic inhibition of G6PT by S4048 on hepatic glucose metabo-
coneogenic Flux to Glc-6-P—Fig. 3 shows the effects of S4048 lism in fasted rats. The absence of G6PT activity underlies
treatment on total glucose production (Fig. 3A) and on total glycogen storage disease type Ib. In the clinical presentation of
UDP-glucose production (Fig. 3B). The total glucose production this inborn error of metabolism, both the primary metabolic
rate decreased from 39.9 ⫾ 3.8 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 in the control effects, due to the absence of the translocase activity, and the
animals to 19.6 ⫾ 4.2 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 in animals treated with metabolic adaptations that occur contribute to the characteris-
S4048. At the same time, the total UDP-glucose production tic phenotype observed in these patients; i.e. fasting induced
significantly increased from 19.8 ⫾ 1.8 in the control animals to hypoglycemia, hyperlactacidemia, and hyperlipidemia. A sim-
30.7 ⫾ 1.5 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 in S4048-treated rats. Compared ilar combination of primary and secondary effects is present in
with control animals, the total gluconeogenic flux into Glc-6-P the recently generated G6PH knock-out mice (22).
was not changed significantly in animals treated with S4048 In view of the pivotal role of Glc-6-P in glucose metabolism,
(Fig. 4; 33.3 ⫾ 2.0 versus 33.2 ⫾ 2.9 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 in control we interpret the changes in hepatic glucose metabolism in-
versus S4048-treated, respectively). The flux of de novo synthe- duced by S4048 as a coordinate response aimed at maintenance
sized Glc-6-P directed to plasma glucose, however, was signif- of hepatocellular Glc-6-P concentration. Several experimental
icantly decreased in S4048-treated animals as compared with (23–25) studies and theoretical considerations (26) have em-
controls (from 20.8 ⫾ 1.7 to 11.6 ⫾ 2.4 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1). In phasized the importance of maintaining constant concentra-
contrast, the flux of newly synthesized Glc-6-P directed to tions of intermediates that are shared by several metabolic
UDP-glucose significantly increased in S4048-treated animals pathways. For Glc-6-P metabolism in muscle, Shulman et al.
as compared with controls (from 12.5 ⫾ 0.4 to 21.6 ⫾ 0.8 ␮mol (23, 24) proposed that changes in GS activity did not control
kg⫺1 min⫺1). As a consequence, the partitioning of newly syn- glycogen synthesis but, instead, were aimed at maintaining a
thesized Glc-6-P changed from 62 ⫾ 1% into plasma glucose constant intracellular Glc-6-P concentration. Aiston et al. (25)
25732 Effects of G6Pase Inhibition on Hepatic Carbohydrate Fluxes

FIG. 2. Effect of S4048 on glycogen

accumulation and distribution in the
liver. Livers of rats infused with either
vehicle or S4048 for 8 h were treated with
PAS to stain for glycogen and were exam-
ined by light microscopy. A, a representa-
tive micrograph of a liver of vehicle-treated
rat; B, a representative micrograph for an
S4048-treated rat. PV, perivenous area;
PP, periportal area.

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FIG. 4. Effect of S4048 inhibitor on gluconeogenesis flux and
partitioning. The gluconeogenic fluxes are shown directed into the
plasma glucose pool (dark gray bar) and into the UDP-glucose pool
(light gray bar). The fluxes were calculated using the equations for
GNG(glc) (I ⫹ IV; Fig. 1) and GNG(UDPglc) (I ⫹ VI; Fig. 1), respec-
tively, as described under “Experimental Procedures.” *, significantly
different between control and S4048

has been substantiated in various studies, although some con-

troversy still remains (28 – 40). Like any method, the MIDA
approach is based on certain assumptions. Several of these
assumptions have been addressed both experimentally (36,
FIG. 3. Effects of S4048 treatment in fasted rats on total plasma 39 – 42) and theoretically (43), and the outcomes of these stud-
glucose production (A) and UDP-glucose production (B). The ies have been critically reviewed (43, 44). The methodology
metabolic fluxes were calculated using the equations for total Ra(glc) tolerates a wide range of label disequilibrium in the triose
(IV; Fig. 1) and total Ra(UDPglc) (VI; Fig. 1) in A and B, respectively, as phosphate pool. It may be sensitive to isotope gradients in the
described under “Experimental Procedures.” *, significantly different
between control and S4048. triose phosphate pool across the liver (i.e. those in periportal
and perivenous cells), but the existence of such a gradient has
not yet been proven experimentally. On the contrary, recent
proposed that activity of G6Pase in hepatocytes changed in data by Siler et al. (33) make the existence of such a gradient
such a way that hepatocellular Glc-6-P concentration was unlikely. Although the applied [2-13C]glycerol infusion rates
maintained during adenoviral G6Pase overexpression in are high in comparison with the usual infusion rates in in vivo
freshly isolated hepatocytes. In line with this proposal, it was tracer experiments, only minor confounding effects are to be
shown previously that inhibition of G6PT in rats resulted in an expected due to [2-13C]glycerol. Previs et al. (40) have shown in
increase in steady state mRNA levels of G6PH (27). From a 30-h fasted mice that steady state concentrations of glycerol in
theoretical point of view, Kacser and Acerenza (26) argued that plasma started to increase at a glycerol infusion rate of 60 ␮mol
homeostasis of shared intermediates is necessary for independ- kg⫺1 min⫺1 and that the endogenous glucose production
ent regulation of metabolic pathways involved. started to increase at 120 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1. In our experiments
The validity of the isotopic model and the MIDA approach in rats, fasted for 24 h, a [2-13C]glycerol infusion rate of less
Effects of G6Pase Inhibition on Hepatic Carbohydrate Fluxes 25733
production was not associated with a decrease in the gluconeo-
genic flux to Glc-6-P but with a predominant partitioning of
newly synthesized Glc-6-P into glycogen. Thus, no feedback
inhibition on the gluconeogenic flux by its product Glc-6-P was
observed in the 8-h time frame of the experiment. Inhibition of
G6PT decreased plasma glucose and insulin concentrations as
well. The rate of de novo synthesis of Glc-6-P was also not
increased in the face of decreased plasma glucose and insulin
concentration. Gene expression of PEP-CK was found to be
unaffected, in parallel with the unaffected gluconeogenic flux to
Glc-6-P. The role of PEP-CK in controlling the gluconeogenic
flux is a matter of controversy. Although PEP-CK has been
claimed to be rate-limiting in gluconeogenesis (46), measure-
ments until now did not substantiate this claim. In hepatocytes
from fasted rats, PEP-CK exerted only minor control over glu-
coneogenesis from lactate (47). Recent data by the group of
FIG. 5. Effects of S4048 treatment in fasted rats on the fluxes
Magnuson (48), using an allelogenic CreloxP gene targeting
through hepatic carbohydrate pathways. The metabolic fluxes in strategy to inactivate PEP-CK specifically in mouse liver, sub-
vehicle-treated rats are shown in light gray bars, whereas the metabolic stantiate these observations. Hepatic glucose production did
fluxes in S4048-treated rats are shown in dark gray bars. Individual not diminish until activity of PEP-CK in liver reached levels
fluxes were calculated as described under “Experimental Procedures,”
using the equations for GK (Fig. 1, III), G6Pase (Fig. 1, IV), GS (Fig. 1, below 90 –95% of its initial activity. Hormone-stimulated
VI), and GP (Fig. 1, II). Glucose/Glc-6-P and glycogen/Glc-1-P recycling PEP-CK gene expression can be repressed by high extracellular

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were calculated using the equations for r(glc) and GLY(UDPglc), re- glucose concentrations in vitro after intracellular metabolism
spectively. In Fig. 1, these fluxes are the part of III that enters IV and of glucose (49, 50). We did not observe such a regulation. In our
the part of II that enters VI, respectively.
in vivo experiments, the high intracellular Glc-6-P concentra-
tion was, however, accompanied by low plasma glucose and
than 10 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 was used. The calculated isotope
insulin concentrations, which might contribute to the observed
mole percent enrichment of the “true triose phosphate” precur-
difference in outcome of the in vitro findings and our study (49,
sor pool for de novo Glc-6-P synthesis (p value) was about 15%
in our experiments, indicating that the [2-13C]glycerol infusion
Acute inhibition of G6PT in vivo raised hepatocellular
contributed only moderately to the total production rate of
Glc-6-P concentration and abolished glucose/Glc-6-P cycling.
intracellular triose phosphate. Finally, direct comparison of
The simultaneous action of G6PH, G6PT, and GK represents a
independent isotopic methods to estimate gluconeogenesis has
homeostatic mechanism aimed at maintaining a constant in-
yielded either very similar or slightly lower values for the
tracellular Glc-6-P concentration (25). GK enzyme activity does
MIDA method (41, 45). For our comparative study, these con-
not experience feedback inhibition by Glc-6-P (see Ref 51. and
cerns are of lesser importance. We studied changes in de novo
references therein), so that Glc-6-P in excess of metabolic
synthesis of Glc-6-P and partitioning of newly synthesized
Glc-6-P brought about by acute inhibition of hepatic glucose demands must be hydrolyzed by G6PH. Inhibition of G6PT
production. Measurements were done under very similar con- interferes with this homeostatic mechanism. In isolated hepa-
ditions, and, as a consequence, the results obtained reflect tocytes, inhibition of G6PT also increased glucose incorporation
actual changes in Glc-6-P metabolism. into glycogen and glycogenolysis. This emphasizes the impor-
Quantitatively, the changes in the calculated fluxes through tance of glucose/Glc-6-P cycling in hepatocellular glucose me-
GS and GP brought about by S4048 were almost equal to the tabolism. As has been reported previously, high intracellular
measured amount of glycogen found in livers of S4048-treated concentrations of Glc-6-P markedly stimulated expression of
rats at the end of the experiment. Glycogen accumulation is the the gene encoding G6PH (27). This was confirmed in the pres-
net result of the opposing fluxes through GS and GP. In the ent study. GK gene expression, on the other hand, is strongly
presence of S4048, the difference between the flux through GS reduced by S4048 treatment. This suggest that at high intra-
(⬃30 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1) and GP (⬃15 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1) equals cellular Glc-6-P concentrations, a negative control system is
⬃15 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1. At the end of the experiment, this operational to down-regulate GK expression, quite different
results in 7200 ␮mol kg⫺1 or ⬃225 ␮mol g wet weight⫺1 of from in vitro studies on GK gene expression (3, 4). In the latter
glycogen (liver weight was ⬃34 g wet weight kg⫺1), matching studies, GK gene expression was found not to depend on intra-
the measured amount of glycogen formed (⬃225 ␮mol g wet cellular glucose metabolism. Irrespective of the very low GK
weight⫺1; Table II). The increased net glycogen synthesis (⬃15 mRNA levels, some glucose phosphorylation did still occur, as
␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1) was, however, less than the decrease in is evident from our calculations. It is important to realize that
endogenous glucose production (⬃20 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1) t1⁄2 of the GK protein is relatively long (30 h; cf. Ref. 51) in
brought about by S4048. The remainder of the decrease in total comparison with the duration of the experiment. The role of
glucose production (⬃5 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1) can be accounted for increased expression of the gene encoding for GLUT2 in main-
by the decrease in glucose/Glc-6-P cycling (cf. Equation 7), taining a constant hepatocellular Glc-6-P concentration is not
which decreased from ⬃6 ␮mol kg⫺1 min⫺1 to ⬃1 ␮mol kg⫺1 clear, particularly since very recent data show that glucose
min⫺1 in the presence of S4048. production from pyruvate is not affected in hepatocytes isolated
The de novo synthesis of Glc-6-P was unaffected by inhibition from GLUT2 knock-out mice (52). The absence of GLUT2 did,
of G6PT. When gluconeogenesis would have been calculated however, lead to a sustained elevated intracellular Glc-6-P.
based on the fractional contribution to plasma glucose alone, This indicates a role of GLUT2 in regulating intracellular Glc-
our results would have led us to conclude that gluconeogenesis 6-P concentration by exporting cytosolic glucose, thereby pre-
was inhibited in parallel with inhibition of glucose production. venting rephosphorylation of glucose by GK.
By analyzing both plasma glucose and urinary p-GlcUA, how- Glycogen synthesis was strongly stimulated upon inhibition
ever, we were able to show that the decrease in hepatic glucose of G6PT. This was accompanied by an increased glycogen/Glc-
25734 Effects of G6Pase Inhibition on Hepatic Carbohydrate Fluxes

FIG. 6. Effects of S4048 treatment in

fasted rats on gene expression of en-
zymes involved in Glc-6-P metabo-
lism. A, gel electrophoresis patterns of
reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain
reaction products of enzymes indicated
and of ␤-actin obtained from livers of ve-
hicle-treated (control) or S4048-treated
rats (S4048). B, quantification of gel pat-
terns as described under “Experimental
Procedures.” The intensity ratios of the
indicated enzyme over ␤-actin are plotted.
Open squares, individual animals in the
vehicle-treated group; closed circles,
S4048-treated animals. PK, pyruvate

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1-P cycling. Apparently, both GS and GP were simultaneously cally depends on glucose metabolism. Both Glc-6-P and xylu-
active. Glc-6-P is an allosteric activator of GS b in hepatocytes lose 5-phosphate have been implicated in this regulation (see
and also activates GS phosphatase, while glucose is a compet- Ref. 2 for a review).
itive inhibitor of GP a activity and promotes the dephosphoryl- Results of a number of studies on glycogen synthesis are in
ation and inactivation of GP (1). Inhibition of G6PT raised the line with the proposed notion that the gluconeogenic flux to
hepatocellular concentration of Glc-6-P. This may have stimu- Glc-6-P is not subjected to acute changes (cf. Ref. 55) under
lated GS b activity and/or promoted its dephosphorylation into various experimental conditions. For instance, during refeed-
its active a form by glycogen-associated protein phosphatase-1. ing after a period of fasting, glycogen is synthesized by two
As a consequence, flux through GS increased. On the other metabolic routes: a “direct” one (Glc 3 Glc-6-P 3 UDP-Glc 3
hand, inhibition of G6PT also decreased the concentration of glycogen; Fig. 1, III ⫹ VI) and an “indirect” one (Glc 3 C3-
plasma glucose, so that the activity of GP a may remain high. compound 3 Glc-6-P 3 UDP-Glc 3 glycogen; Fig. 1, III ⫹ V ⫹
The observations on glycogen/Glc-1-P cycling are in line with I ⫹ VI) (55). After glucose phosphorylation and glycolysis, the
studies by others with in vivo 13C MRS on the simultaneous “indirect” pathway is identical to the gluconeogenic flux to
synthesis and degradation of liver glycogen during a Glc-6-P with subsequent partitioning of newly synthesized
D-[1- C]glucose infusion in fasted and fed rats (53) and hu-
Glc-6-P into glycogen. Partitioning of Glc-6-P will determine
mans (17). The continuous degradation and synthesis of glyco-
whether newly synthesized Glc-6-P will go to either glucose
gen adds to Glc-6-P homeostasis. Newsholme and Crabtree (54)
production or glycogen synthesis. This partitioning is a func-
have argued that, in the presence of substrate cycling, large
tion of the relative activities of the enzymes involved in Glc-6-P
fluctuations in concentrations of intermediates can be damp-
metabolism. In case of NIDDM, with inappropriately high he-
ened by relatively small changes in the rates of the opposing
patic glucose production, this partitioning mechanism may be
reaction, constituting the substrate cycle. In our study, GS
perturbed. In fact, it has been reported that in patients with
gene expression was increased, while gene expression of GP
was unaffected. The physiological importance of these changes NIDDM the activity ratio of G6Pase over GK was increased
in regulation of glycogen metabolism is not yet clear, but they (56). Increasing the activity ratio of G6Pase over GK by ade-
may point to a control loop, at the level of gene expression, by novirus-mediated overexpression of the gene encoding G6PH
which Glc-6-P stimulates its own deposition into glycogen, was associated with increased hepatic glucose production in
which adds to the proposed homeostatic mechanism. conscious rats (57). Overexpressing the gene encoding for the
In freshly isolated hepatocytes, in short term incubations, GK and thereby decreasing the activity ratio of G6Pase over
glycolysis was strongly stimulated in the presence of S4048, GK resulted in a decreased hepatic glucose production in con-
and glucose was more effectively converted into lactate. These scious rats (58).
observations point to the importance of glucose/Glc-6-P cycling In summary, this study showed that acute pharmacologic
in glucose metabolism in this in vitro experimental system. inhibition of G6PT resulted in a marked increase in hepatocel-
Likewise, in vivo treatment of rats with S4048 resulted in an lular Glc-6-P and glycogen without affecting the gluconeogenic
increased plasma lactate concentration, and the expression of flux to Glc-6-P. The expression of genes of enzymes in glucose
the gene encoding liver-type pyruvate kinase was markedly cycling, glycogen synthesis, and glycolysis was changed in such
up-regulated. Regulation of liver-type pyruvate kinase criti- a way to maximize the ability to deposit newly synthesized
Effects of G6Pase Inhibition on Hepatic Carbohydrate Fluxes 25735
Glc-6-P into glycogen in order to maintain cellular Glc-6-P 897–901
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Acute Inhibition of Hepatic Glucose-6-phosphatase Does Not Affect Gluconeogenesis
but Directs Gluconeogenic Flux toward Glycogen in Fasted Rats: A
Theo H. van Dijk, Fjodor H. van der Sluijs, Coen H. Wiegman, Julius F. W. Baller, Lori
A. Gustafson, Hans-Joerg Burger, Andreas W. Herling, Folkert Kuipers, Alfred J. Meijer
and Dirk-Jan Reijngoud
J. Biol. Chem. 2001, 276:25727-25735.
doi: 10.1074/jbc.M101223200 originally published online May 9, 2001

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