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Chinese in Speech and Writing II

Lecture Note 16
Overall Review for Grammar Points
叶老师 (whi@du.se) Groups A & B, Wednesdays
杨老师 (tjn@du.se) Group C, Thursdays

• Register for both the written and oral exams on time (May 9!)
• You must have a portable web-cam when taking your online exam. Test
the web-cam in advance.
• Email Roger Westlund, Examination Coordinator (rwe@du.se), with
registration questions.
• You must enter the assigned exam room 20 minutes before the exam start.
• Check on a regular basis the information about your exam on Learn over
the next two weeks in case there any updates.
• Hand in all the late assignments and make-up assignments as a result of
absence before May 30.
• The last assignment – KI1036-Exam Revision Exercise – please hand in
before June 3.
• Course evaluation – this is posted in our Learn course room. Please help us
by completing and submitting it.
Recommended Online Dictionaries
• Here are some online dictionaries that you can use during the final exam.
• Yellow Bridge: https://www.yellowbridge.com/chinese/character-
dictionary.php, an online Chinese‐English dictionary, you can write by
hand the Chinese characters using your keyboard mouse.
• Han Dian 汉典: http://www.zdic.net/, an online dictionary in Chinese
• Xiaoma Cidian 小马词典: http://www.xiaoma.info/, an online
Chinese‐English dictionary
• Han trainer Chinese‐English dictionary:
• Handwritten Kanji Search: http://kanji.sljfaq.org/draw.html: you can
write the Chinese characters by hand using your keyboard mouse.
中文对话练习 (八)
Please make short dialogues about your

–向朋友介绍你的家乡 introduce your hometown to your

Can you identify the following forms of resultative complements?
 Completed positive
 Completed negative
 Potential positive
 Potential negative

Resultative Complements
完: 我读完了这本书。 对不起,我的作业被我的狗吃完了。
(Sorry, my homework was eaten by my dog.)
好: 我洗好衣服了。
见: 她没有看见我们。
到: 我找到那本书了。
会: 我妹妹学会游泳了。
懂: 老师说的话,你听得懂听不懂?
错: 我写错字了。
坏: 弟弟把我的球拍用坏了。
看 吃 喝 买 卖 说 走 听 学 考 用 打 踢
看完 吃完 喝完 买完 卖完 说完 走完 听完 学完 考完 用完(use up)
打完 踢完 完
吃到 喝到 买到 说到 学到 用到 打到 踢到
看到 听到 = 看见 听见

看见 听见 见
看好 买好 说好(have a deal) 好
看错 吃错 喝错 买错 卖错 说错 走错 听错 学错 用错 打错 踢错 错
看懂 听懂 懂
看清楚 说清楚 听清楚 清楚
学会 会
用坏 打坏 踢坏 坏
Potential Form vs. Completed Form
Completed form –DID
Verb + Resultative Complement+了
我在瑞典看到了北极光běijíguāng。I saw northern light in Sweden.
我在那家超市买到了饺子。I bought dumplings at that supermarket.
Potential form –CAN
Verb + 得 + Resultative Complement
在瑞典看得到北极光。It’s possible to see the northern lights in Sweden.
在那家超市买得到饺子。You can buy dumplings at that supermarket.
Completed form Negative -DID NOT
没 + Verb + Resultative Complement
我去瑞典的时候是夏天,所以没看到北极光。I went to Sweden in the
summer, so I didn’t see the northern lights.
我在那家超市没买到饺子。I didn’t buy dumplings at that supermarket.
Potential form Negative –CANNOT
Verb + 不 + Resultative Complement
瑞典的夏天看不到北极光。It’s not possible to see the northern lights in
Sweden during the summer.
在那家超市买不到饺子。You cannot buy dumplings at that supermarket. 8
听到了 & 没听到 听得到 & 听不到
Find out if something happened, or Find out if it possible for something
if the result was achieved. to happen or if a result is possible to

Did you hear me speaking? Can you hear me speaking?

你听到我说话了吗? 你听得到我说话吗?

Yes, I heard you. Yes, I can hear you.

我听到了 。 我听得到 。

No, I didn’t hear you. No, I cannot hear you.

我没听到 。 我听不到。
Potential Form vs. Completed Form
A:在瑞典看得到雪吗? Did you understand the grammar in
B:在瑞典看得到雪。 this lesson?
A:你在瑞典看到雪了吗? 老师说得太快,我没听懂。
B:我是夏天去的,所以没看到。 这一课的文法不难,所以我听
Did you succesfully get tickets to
this movie?
这个电影的票你买到了吗? -这个教室坐得下三十个学生吗?
这个电影的票已经卖完了,所 这张教室不太大,坐不下三十
以我没买到。 个学生。

Can you succesfully get tickets to

this movie?
以我买不到 。
Potential Form vs. Completed Form – Exercise 1
Fill in the blank with“完”“好”“到”“见”“懂”or “错”。








8.已经十点了,可是我的作业还没写____________ 。

9.超市里的水果都卖____________ 了。

Potential Form vs. Completed Form – Exercise 2
A、上 B、了 C、到 D、起

2. 对不起,我的耳朵(ear)不太好,我听______ 你说什么。
A、听不懂 B、听不到 C、听不了 D、听不出

3. 菜太多了,我们______ 。
A、吃不了 B、吃不到 C、吃不起 D、吃不完

4. 刘老师真忙,我每次来都______她。
A、见得到 B、见不起 C、见不了 D、见不到

5. 这里太黑(dark)了,什么也_____。
A 、看不懂 B、看不上 C、看不起 D、看不见

6. 这么多作业,你今天_____吗?
A、做得完 B、做不完 C、做得上 D、做得到
Do you know the sentence structures of single and compound directional
Do you know some special expressions formed by directional

Single Directional Complement

Subject Verb Directional Complement Location / Object

我 走 进/出/回/过/来/去 公园

我 放 下/进/回 一本书

老师 走 进/出/回/过/来/去 教室
他 搬 上/下/进/出/回/起/来/去 一张桌子
他 拿 上/下/进/出/回/起/来/去 一本书

我 走 上/下 楼

他 走 回 家
Compound Directional Complements

来 or 去 can be combined with another directional complement and form a

compound complement that indicates both the direction of the action and the
speaker's position.

上 下 进 出 回

上来 下来 进来 出来 回来
上去 下去 进去 出去 回去

Sentences with compound directional complements without an object or place

•请你上去。Get up there
•请 走 进来!Walk in here
•请你下来。Get down here
•请 跑 出去!Run out there
•快回去!Go back there
•快回来!Come back here
Directional Complements – A Summary
Look closely at the sentence structures below.

Subject Verb Directional Place word Directional

complement 1 complement 2
老师 来 了。
老师 进 来了。
老师 走 进 来了。
老师 走 进 教室 来了。

Subject Verb Noun Directional Noun Directional

complement 1 complement 2

老师 买了 一些水果。
老师 买 *(了) 一些水果 来。
老师 买 来了 一些水果。
老师 买 回*(了) 一些水果 来。
老师 买 回来了 一些水果。
PS. Directional complement 2 is always either 来 or 去 16
Direction Complements – Exercise
1. She walked into the classroom. (The speaker is outside of the classroom.)
2. He moved a table up. (Away from the speaker.)
3. The teacher ran out of the office. (The speaker is outside of the office.)
4. His sister sent a picture back home. (Towards the speaker.)
5. My classmate drove back to the hospital. (The speaker is not at the
hospital.) 我的同学开车回医院去。
6. Teacher Wang brought something to eat down there.
Directional Complements with Extended Meanings
起来 to raise (站起来,拿起来…)
Directional complements often work with verbs indicating direction of physical
movement. However, many directional complements have extended meanings and
are used to make idiomatic expressions.
Extension 1: Indicating the result of recollection.
想起来:to recall something

A: 我是你的小学同学,你还记得我吗?
B: 我记得你的脸,但是你的名字我想不起来了。

Extension 2:Indicating the beginning and continuation of an action or a

The object is placed between 起 and 来
More Directional Complements with Extended Meanings
V+得下 have enough space

V+出来 to tell (by the look, sound, taste… of sth)


V+下去 Indicating continuation

Exercise: Complete the Sentences
1. 出了门,我才想起来,我忘了带学生证了。
2. 他高兴得_______。(began to sing)
3. 他高兴得_______ 。(jumped up)
4. 听了这个笑话joke,她_______ 。(She started laughing.)
5. 天气_______ 。The weather is getting hotter.
6. (Before, there were not very many people studying Chinese.) Now, more and more
students are studying Chinese.
现在学中文的学生_______ 。
7. 我们一见面就_______ 。(chat)
8. 你_______她有多大吗?Do you know how old she is (by her look)?
9. 你如果不运动,就会一直_______ 。
10. 要是水果继续_______ ,我就没钱买水果了。-If the fruits get more and more
11. 她还没来,我们只得一直_______ 。-keep waiting
12. A:你的冰箱_______二十瓶可乐吗?
B:我的冰箱很小,可能_______ 。
Do you know the characteristics of BA and BEI sentences?

把 construction+ prep.在/到/给…
Subject 把 Object Verb Preposition 在/到 Place word
小张 把 书 放 在 桌子上。
Subject 把 Object Verb Preposition 给 Person
他 把 笔 送 给 我。

把 construction + Resultative Complements 完/好/错/到…

Subject 把 Object Verb
弟弟 把 茶 喝 完 了。

被 Passive
Receiver + 被 + Agent of action + Verb + Preposition / Complement
茶 被 弟弟 喝 完 了。
被 & 把 sentences
Use the provided words to make BA and BEI sentences.
我的电脑 我弟弟 用坏
(把) 我弟弟把我的电脑用坏了。
(被) 我的电脑被我弟弟用坏了。
饺子 我同学 吃完

我的学生证 我 忘在家里

车 小张 …

… 风 吹走

Special Uses of 了
The ‘Perfect Progressive’ 了 ‘have been V-ing up to now’
What is the difference?
• 我在英国住了两年了。
• 我在英国住了两年。

Change of Situation / New Situation

1. 我饿了。
2. My little sister can write now. 我妹妹会写字了。
3. 他以前每天喝一杯咖啡, 现在不喝了。-now he doesn’t
*With a negative verb (or adjective), 了 often has the sense of ‘any more’

An action already occurred, so it doesn't need to be done again (过 guò +了 le)

1. Waiter: 你点过菜了吗? Customer: 我刚和另一位服务员点过了。
2. 你吃过早餐了吗?Have you eaten?
Negation for 了 & 过
Complete Action 了  没(有) +V 了
1. 你把书带来了吗?
2. 你爸爸去上海了吗?

Past Experience 过  没(有)+V+过

3. 你吃过中国菜吗?
4. 你妈妈去过上海吗?
What are the differences in these sentences?

•我不是学生了。 -Not anymore

•他早上不骑自行车上学。-He doesn’t do it
•他早上不骑自行车上学了。-He doesn’t do it anymore

•我没滑过雪。-I have never been skiing before.

•我今年没滑过雪。-I have not been skiing this year.

•你去法国了吗?-Did you go to France?

•你去过法国吗?-Have you been to France (in your life)?

•我去过法国。-I have been there (in my life)

•我去过法国了。-I have been there (so I don’t need to go again)
Expression of Time Duration + Object
Pattern A (repeating verb after the object):
Verb Object Verb time duration
学 中文 学(了) 一年(了)
• He has taught English at the senior high for three years now.

Pattern B (place time duration before an object, often with 的):

Verb time duration 的 Object
学习(了) 两个小时 的 中文(了)
• I chat online for 3 hours everyday.

Negative Time duration 没(有) Verb 了

我两年 没有 游泳 了
Expression of Time Duration + Object
• 我每天弹钢琴。(50 minutes)
 我每天弹钢琴弹50分钟。
 我每天弹50分钟的钢琴。

• 我昨天在学校打篮球。
 我昨天在学校打篮球打了一个小时。
 我昨天在学校打了一个小时的篮球。

• You have been spleeing for 10 hours now, get up起床!

 你睡了十个小时(的觉)了,快起床!
 你(睡觉)睡了十个小时了,快起床!

• 我等小王等了半天才等到。I waited for xiao Wang for a long time.

• 他们谈tán朋友 date谈了五年,还没有结婚jié hūn; get married。

• 我两个星期没和小李说话了。
• 我哥哥半年没给我写信了。
Particle 着
Aspect marker (usually used with ”open-ended” verbs)

Simultaneous Actions: Compare:

Verb 着(background) + the main action -我把门打开了。I opened the door.
-门开着。The door is open.
美式足球可以抱着球跑。 He is putting on his clothes.
-running while holding a ball -他穿着红色的衣服。
He is wearing red clothes.
老师站着教课,学生坐着上课 。
-teaching while standing/attending -Please take the pen:
the lesson while sitting 请把笔拿起来。
-Please hold the pen:
• 我上个星期五在家看电影。 Exercise: translate the sentences
– 我上个星期五在家看了三个电影。
– 我上个星期五在家看了五个小时的电影。
– 我这部电影看了两次。
• He ate dumplings at home last night.
 他昨天在家吃饺子。
• He ate 20 dumplings at home last night.

• He has had 10 dumplings so far. (He is still eating.)

• He has been to 12 countries so far. (His journey continues.)

• I have waited for you for a long time now. When on earth are you coming?

• I have been teaching at this school for 2 years.

• This bird can fly (now)! 
• The milk got sour. 
• He has been to many countries. 
ADVERB 多、就、才、还

• 如果你喜欢这种茶的话,就请多喝一点吧。
• We have to eat fruit more often and eat meat less often for the sake of
our health. 为了身体健康,我们要多吃水果,少吃肉。

• 十多个月 vs. 十个多月

1x months vs. 10.x months
• 二十多个小时 vs. 二十个多小时
2x hours vs. 20 hours + x minutes

• 这种药对过敏很有效,请每天吃三次,每次吃两片。
• 我上个星期洗了两次衣服。
• 我(每)五天洗一次衣服,但是小明(每)两天就洗一次衣服。
• 他去年去了三次中国。 = 他去年去了中国三次。
就&才 comparison
就 才
Time 早 earlier than expected 晚 later than expected
你为什么现在就回来? 你为什么现在才回来?
Amount/ less/easier than expected more/harder than expected
Difficulty 他吃一碗饭就饱了。 他吃三碗饭才饱。
Condition 只要 as long as 一定要 only if
明天天气好我就去。 明天天气好我才去。

Adverb 还hái : Still

1. 现在已经十点多了,他还没有回来。
2. 我今年十八岁,还不能喝酒。
3. 我还在上班,等一下打给你。

Question Pronoun with 都/也
All None
我什么颜色都喜欢。 我什么颜色都 /也不喜欢。
我谁都认识。 我什么人都 /也不认识。
我什么人都认识。 我谁都 /也不认识。
中国我什么地方都去过。 中国我哪儿都 /也没去过。
这种药对什么病都有效。 这种药对什么病都 /也没有效。
我明天什么时候都有空开会。 I don’t have any free time for a meeting
我明天几点都有空开会。 tomorrow.
除了+ Question Pronoun with 都/也

除了… ,都 / 也… Except for…

• 我只认识小王。
Change the sentences as shown in the examples.
1.他只喝白开水(plain water)。

连+ Question Pronoun with 都/也 连lián… 都 / 也… even

连 lián… 都 / 也… even
•连 is an intensifier that is always used in conjunction with 都/也.
小白 is very behind the times.
He doesn't even know how to use a computer.
He doesn’t even know how to send a text message.
He doesn’t even have a cell phone!
He hasn’t even heard of an internet bank.网络银行wǎngluò yínháng
 他连网络银行都没听(说)过。
Question Pronoun with 都/也

Learn these three variations of the structure with 都

我不喝酒。I don’t drink alcohol.
•我什么酒都不喝。I don’t drink (any sort of) alcohol.
•我一点儿酒都不喝。I don’t drink (a single drop of) alcohol.

我在这里没有认识的人。I don’t know anyone here.


•我连水煮蛋shuǐzhǔdàn; boiled egg都不会做。
Conjunction Structures
A. Conjunctions which indicate the C. Conjunctions which indicate a
order of the actions that take place. specific relation between the main
1.一边 Verb1…, 一边Verb2… clause and the sub-clause.
2.A Verb1 …的时候 ,B(正在) 1.和/跟 and
Verb2… 2.还是 / 或者 or
3.Verb1 以后,就 Verb2 … 3.因为…所以… Because..., (so)
4.一 verb1…就 verb2 4.那/那么 in that case
5.先… 然后… 最后… 5.可是 / 但是 / 不过 but
6.先 xiān …再zài … 6.虽然 although
7.要是 / 如果 if
B. Conjunctions which are used to 8.要不然 otherwise
make a comparison. 9.不但 …, 而且 … not only, but also
1.A 跟/和 B (不)一样 (+Adj.) 10.除了…以外,还… besides
2.A 比 B + adj + measure 11.又 …又 both ..and..
3.没有…那么+adj 12.…,再说… moreover
13.又/再 again
14.也 also
Action verbs with default objects
Stative verbs

Verb: Action Verbs
Action verbs:

Action verbs with default objects (VO verbs)

Many action verbs have a default object, an object automatically occurs
with the verb. Default objects contribute little or no meaning to the verb
and are often not translated into English.

When an object with a more specific meaning is used, it

supplements or even replaces the default object.
点菜 to order 点一盘饺子 to order dumplings
说话 to speak 说瑞典语 to speak in Swedish
考试 to have an exam 考口试 to have an oral exam
睡觉 to sleep 睡午觉 take a nap
Verb: Stative Verbs
Stative verbs describe a state instead of an action:
有 to have, to exist, 喜欢 to like,像 be alike,需要 be in need,懂
understand,欢迎 welcoming,想念 miss, 同意 agree
Stative verbs can be modified by adverbs
我不太懂数学。I don’t know much about math.
Not typically used with 了&没
When used with 了 : Change of state
我有钱了。I have money now.
我不需要了。I don’t need it now.
Correction 改正

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