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PLEASE NOTE: Once the student applies and provides the necessary documentation , it
might take up to 3 months for the funds to be sent.

Criteria for New Student Applications:

● Students just graduated/passed from higher secondary education or in college first
● Student pursuing Medical or Engineering fields preferably enrolled in a 4 year program
● Excellent Academic Record. (If already in college - no arrears/failures accepted)
● Financial status proof
● Approx total cost of tuition and other expense to be around $1000

Application procedure:
Step 1 - Please submit the following form online:


NOTE: Please name the files correctly as indicated in Step 2.

Step 2 - Upload to a google drive (directory will be provided)

● Photo of the applicant - ​Name the file “1.Photo”.
● Sponsorship Request Letter from the student - ​Name the file as “2.RequestLetter”
○ See below for sample scholarship letters
○ Family background and about yourself
○ Why you need sponsorship
○ What motivates you to become a doctor/engineer/any other field etc ?
○ Short term and long term goals in education and in life
● High School Mark Sheet - ​Name the file “3.HighSchoolMarksheet”
● College Fee Structure Document. ​Name the file “4a.CollegeFeeStruture”
Create a table similar to the following table. This is a sample table.
N Expense Details Currency. Amount Uploaded File Name

1 College Fee - First Year Rs. 8,209 4b1.FeeReceipt


2 Boarding Expense for My Rs. 10,000 4b2.FeeReceipt


3 Private tuition for some Rs. 5,000 4b3.FeeReceipt


4. List other expenses Rs. xxx 4b4.FeeReceipt


.. Total Expense for Add amounts in all rows

2017-2018. ​This amount
should be close to the
amount of sponsorship
requested per year.

● Receipt for college fees if already paid. ​Name the file “4b.FeeReceipt” if all the receipts have
been scanned into 1 file or Name the file “4b1.FeeReceipt” , “4b2.FeeReceipt” , “4b3.FeeReceipt”
if there are multiple files.
● College admission letter - ​Name the file “5.AdmissionLetter”
● Previous semester mark sheets if already in college - ​Name the files
● Contract Agreement document provided by Shooting Stars and signed by partner organization
(only once for each organization)
● A 1-2 minute video/photos of the applicant that can be posted on our website (good to have)

Step 3 - Email the completion of the above steps to ​support@sstarsfoundation.org

Step 4 - To continue sponsorship - every year , the following document needs to be submitted

1. A detailed letter from the student as to

a. What classes they have taken up so far.
b. How the classes are going? You could specify your favorite
c. Plans for next semester / year
2. Latest Marksheets
3. Tuition Fee Receipts
Sample Recurring Sponsorship Request Letter:

Hello Shooting Stars Foundation,

Thank you so much to Shooting Stars for taking care of my tuition fee for the first semester. I
was able to focus my thoughts on education rather than worrying about my financial status.

My first year of engineering classes are going well. The following are the courses I am
● Technical English 1
● Mathematics 1
● Engineering Physics
● Engineering Chemistry
● Basic Civil & Mechanical Engineering
● Basic Electrical & Electronic Engineering
● Fundamentals Of Computing & Programming
My favorite subject seems to be Mechanical Engineering and I plan to specialize in it next year
onwards. I really enjoy the practical lab exercises that are provided. I am generally the first one
to complete them and turn them in.

I stay very close to the college campus of Alagappa University, India - along with a few other
friends - so that we can spend less time travelling and more time studying. I am also taking a
part time job at a library nearby to meet my other expenses.

My dream is to successfully complete the studies here, take up masters in mechanical

engineering from a reputed university and get a good job to earn enough money to support my
mom and my sister and also to give back to the organization - Udhavum Karangal - which
supported me and my family when we were really in need.

Hope you would stay supportive of me and help me achieve my dream.

Ramaswamy Chidambaram
Sample Initial Sponsorship Request Letter 2:

Hello Shooting Stars Foundation,

Thank you for considering me for my college sponsorship. I, Wang Xi am a fourth year high
school student in China. I was born in a poor striven place, called Xinzhou, Shanxi Province,
China. We are four members in our family including my little brother. My parents are very poor
and are working hard to raise us. They also had to pay a big fine to the government because the
of the second child.

I am a hard-working student preparing for my National Entrance Exam for college in China. I
help cook for my family and also take care of my brother. I want to be a teacher in my hometown
and teach the poor kids in my town about the world outside and help them succeed in their life.

It would be very difficult to continue my further education, if I do not get funding. Thanks for
considering me and hope to hear from you soon…

Wang Xi

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