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YOUR POLYMERCOACH...the preferred partner of the polymer industry!

Expertul dvs ub polimeri .partenerul preferat in industria polimeerilor

Biesterfeld Interowa has been working as a distributor for polymers for more than 50 years on
the Austrian market as well as in the CEE countries. Since 2000 the company has been part of
the international trading company Biesterfeld that has its main office in Hamburg. Biesterfeld
Interowa serves the countries Austrian, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia,
Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia and Greece with
more than 50 employees in sales and technics.

Biesterfeld Interowa activeaza ca distribuitor de polimeri atit pe piata austriaca cit si pe cea a
UE de mai mult de 50 de ani. Incepind cu anul 2000 compania este parte a firmei d comert
international Biesterfeld cu sediul principal in Hamburg . Biesterfeld Interowa isi desfasoara
activitatea in Austria, Cehia, Slovacia, Uungaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia,
Montenegru, Bosnia Herzegovina, Macedonia si Grecia.

Dispunem de parteneri pe partea logistica foarte flexibili si de depozite bine organizate on

toate tarile in care activam pentru a distribui polimeri standard si speciali.Astfel putem
garanta servicii optime clientilor nostril din tara si strainatate.

We dispone of a net of very flexible logistic partners and well organized warehouses in all our
served countries to deliver standard and special polymers. Thus we can grant an optimal
service to our customers in the country and abroad.

Our company has an ISO certificate according to ISO 9001

Compania noastra are certificate ISO conform ISO 9001.

News & current issues.

Noutati si actualitati
Dates for seminars and fairs as well as product news, are available on the following pages.
» more...

Date despre seminrii si tirguri cit si noutati despre produse sint disponibile pe urmatoarele
Produse greu vandabile
Here you soon will find a list of Slowmoving materials (subject to prior sale)

Aici veti gasi o lista cu produse greu vandabile destinate unei vinzari preferentiale


you can find our warehouses here!

Puteti gasi depozitele noastre aici

Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH & Co KG Braeuhausgasse 3-5 P.O.Box 19 1050 Vienna


Fon +43 1 512 35 71-0 Fax +43 1 512 35 72-100

Email http://www.interowa.com

contact form
formular de contact
Login Area

Login area
for our customers.

Pentru clientii nostri




Technical competence
Competenta tehnica
We are your qualified development partner

Suntem partenerul dvs de dezvoltare calificat

Specialisti nostril in mase plastice va indruma atunci cind va rezolvati o problema., de la

prima idée pina la startul productiei..Serviciile noastre de consultanta acopera toate arile de
dezvoltare incluzind analize de laborator si aplicarea tehnologiilor CAE..Apreciem foarte
mult personalul foarte calificat si competent.Invatarea perpetua este o compunenta de baza a
filozofiei noastre de afaceri.Aceasta nu presupune doar continua perfectionare a specialistilor
nostril ci si transferal de cunostiinte de la distribuitor la clienti in cadrul seminariilor si a
discutiilor personale.

Our plastics specialists are at your side when you are solving a problem, from your first idea
to the start of production. Our consultation services cover all areas of development, including
laboratory analyses and application of CAE technologies. We place great value on highly
trained and skilled staff. Life-long learning is an essential component of our business
philosophy. This not only applies to the continuing education of our specialists, but also to the
transfer of knowledge from suppliers to customers in seminars and personal discussions.

Complete Product Line

We have the optimal polymer for your application.

What plastic to use is very important when you are working on a new project. You need a
solution that meets your technical requirements and a price that fits your budget. Thanks to
our complete product line, we are able to offer you objective, custom-made solutions. Our
extensive portfolio consists of top-of-the-line products in the field of plastics. The high
quality of our polymers gives you the confidence you need for your application and
production, in order to be competitive and successful on the market.

Reliable Service
We offer you secure solutions.

You will be assigned a specific contact person who will work with you to develop service
features that fit your needs. Thanks to our network of flexible logistics partners and the well-
structured, pan-European organization of our stock, we are able to fulfill individual customer
wishes quickly and efficiently. Our customers benefit from a streamlined organization with
efficient decision-making based on a process-oriented, ISO 9001 certified quality
management plan. Long-standing, partner-like relationships with our customers and suppliers
assure us a competitive edge in terms of expertise, enabling us to find optimum solutions for
highly diverse requirements.

1906 Biesterfeld Hamburg was founded 1946 Interowa Vienna was founded 1955 Start with
polymer business 1988 Austrian State Award 1992 Expansion into Eastern Europe 1993 ISO
certification 2000 Biesterfeld Interowa 2006 Responsibility for Biesterfeld Hellas
about us
 International trading company dealing with plastics
 Long standing distribution partner for well known international groups
 Subsidiary of Biesterfeld Plastic GmbH with headquarters in Hamburg
 Business relations in all European countries
 Serving the Central and Southeastern European market from Vienna
 Development partner for the European plastic idustry
 Teamwork and partnership - the basis of our co-operation.

conditions of sales and delivery.

ISO Certificate

Product Portfolio

Code of conduct

Description for digital signature

Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH & Co KG A-1050 Vienna, Braeuhausgasse 3-5, P.O.Box 19

ADDRESS DETAILS & CONTACT info@interowa.com http://www.interowa.com Phone
+43 1 512 35 71-0 Fax +43 1 512 35 72-100


Our Team
Our products are as various as our employees! %mod_team%


Our suppliers are top level!

important links
links that could be of interest for you:


Produkte - Standardkunststoffe

Standard polymers

standard polymers
in the standard range we offer various polymers from different , well known suppliers.

You can find more details to the various products as well as data sheets under
www.biesterfeld-plastic.com in the product navigator!

Produkte - Technische Kunststoffe

engineering polymers

engineering polymers
thermoplastic polymers with outstanding chemical and physical properties.

You can find more details to the various products as well as data sheets under
www.biesterfeld-plastic.com in the product navigator!

Produkte - Specialities



bio polymers and compounds, cleaning agents

You can find more details to the various products as well as data sheets under
www.biesterfeld-plastic.com in the product navigator!

Produkte - Transparente Kunststoffe

Transparent polymers

transparent polymers
polymers with high standards in optic, haptics, impact strenghts or chemical resistance.

You can find more detailed information regarding the products, as well as data sheets under
www.biesterfeld-plastic.com in the product navigator!

Produkte - Flexible Kunststoffe

Flexible polymers

fLexible polymers
for soft touch applications up to high performance sealings.

You can find more details to the various products as well as data sheets under
www.biesterfeld-plastic.com in the product navigator!

Produkte - Hochleistungskunststoffe

High performance polymers


high performance polymers

polymers for high temperatures and for extreme chemical and mechanical exposure.

You can find more details to the various products as well as data sheets under
www.biesterfeld-plastic.com in the product navigator!

Standard Polymers

in the standard sector we offer various products from different, well known suppliers.
» more...

engineering polymers

thermoplastic polymers with outstanding chemical and physical properties. » more...

FLEXIBLE polimers

from soft touch applications to high performance sealings. » more...

Transparent Polymers

polymers with high requirements regarding optics, haptics, and chemical restistance. » more...

High performance polymers

polymers in the high temperature field for extreme chemical and mechanical demands.
» more...


Bio polymers, compounds and cleaning agents » more...

news from our company
Here you can find dates of seminars and fairs as well as news about our company and our


News selection

Legal Notice

Legal notice
Company code: FN 200891d commercial court: Vienna

Disclosure according to media law:

Name or company of the owner of the website: Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH & Co KG
purpose: trade with polymers registered office: Vienna General Manager: Ing. Mag. Lukas
Donati general purpose of the homepage: Information about the company

Komplementär : Biesterfeld Interowa GmbH Sitz: Wien, HG Wien/FN 199866x


Austria: ATU50341802 Romania: RO22517041 Slovenia: SI58445471 Czech Republic:

CZ680446186 Hungary: HU26951872
Here you can find our conditions of sales and delivery.

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