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Egg and Potato Breakfast Skillet

Serves 6
Crispy potatoes pan fried with peppers, onion and garlic with sunny side up eggs right on top
with salsa and spinach for the ultimate breakfast skillet.
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
40 min

1. 4-5 medium yellow potatoes (washed, chopped and cubed)

2. 4-6 eggs
3. 1 green bell pepper chopped
4. 1 medium brown onion chopped
5. 2 cups fresh spinach
6. 1 cup cremini mushrooms (diced)
7. 2 garlic cloves minced
8. 1/4 cup salsa
9. 1 green onion sliced
10. 1-2 tbsp olive oil
11. 1 tsp herb and garlic seasoning
12. 1/4 tsp paprika
13. 1/2 tsp sea salt
14. 1/4 tsp black pepper


1. In a large pot of water with a pinch of sea salt, add in chopped potatoes, bring to a boil
then lower to medium heat and cook for 10 mins. Drain and set aside.
2. In a large pan or iron skillet on low-med heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil and saute onion for 2-
3 min while stirring.
3. Next, add in potatoes, green pepper, mushrooms, garlic, and seasoning. bring heat down
to low and cook for 5-7 min while stirring so it doesn't stick on the bottom. Optional you
can also drizzle in a bit more olive oil if the potatoes seem a bit dry.
4. Toss in fresh spinach and fold into the potatoes to wilt and cook down for 1-2 min.
5. Flatten everything down evenly with your spatula and create wells for your eggs to sit in.
6. Crack in eggs into the wells, season with sea salt and pepper. Spoon on salsa sauce and
then pop a lid on and cook for 3-5 min depending on how cooked you want your eggs.
7. Once cooked remove the lid and sprinkle with green onion and dust on some extra
paprika for garnish.
8. Serve right away and enjoy
Memasukkan lemon ke dalam menu makan Anda secara teratur, akan memberikan perubahan
dalam kurang dari dua minggu. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:

Hari Pertama: Anda harus memeras satu buah lemon dan campurkan dengan segelas air.
Minum 3 kali sehari saat Anda makan

Hari Kedua: Anda harus memeras dua buah lemon dan campurkan dengan 50 mililiter air.
Kemudian, bagi dua. Minum satu bagian di pagi hari sebelum sarapan dan satu lagi setelah
makan malam atau sebelum tidur.

Hari Ketiga: Anda harus mengulangi prosedur di hari pertama.

Hari Keempat: Ulangi prosedur di hari kedua.

Hari Kelima: Konsumsi segelas air lemon di pagi hari sebelum sarapan dan makan sayuran
hijau di siang hari. Untuk makan malam konsumsi sayuran dan buah dan segelas air lemon
sebelum tidur.

Hari Keenam: Ulangi prosedur di hari kedua.

Hari Ketujuh dan seterusnya: Ulangi prosedur dari awal hingga enam hari kedepan.

Kurangi konsumsi makanan berlemak saat melakukan program ini, dan juga minuman manis
terutama soda. Anda akan melihat perubahan besar setelah 14 hari.

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