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Prestige 2000 Plus

Powerful, Versatile With Straightforward Operating Approach

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Windowing to give
the user full access
and high visibility
to all portions
of the spread sheet.

O Copyright June 1990 IEE Colort€n, lnc.

Prestige 2000 Plus
A. i;Lep he,voiril . - . in the cvolt-ttiott of inict'opr-oce ssc-i bllscii 1i'ghtirlg, iittltroi

PRESTIGE 2000 advances micro-processor based 4. Record/Cue functions and "soft" screen keys allow
Iighting control systems designed and construcled for simple, straight forward recording and editing of cues,
the theatrical and television industry to a new level. groups, submasters, effects, patch. and setup with a
PRESTIGE 2000 controls up to 400 dimmers on up ninimum ofconsole "clutter." The screen keys focus the
to 400 channels, and records up to 390 cues or user's attention on commands which are useful in a
groups. The PBESTIGE 2000 operating program is particular display and allow for easy software upgrades to
stored in programmable read-only memory. ln case the console. 5. Numeric keypad allows rapid fonnation of
ol power failure, random access memory shall be unlinitecl combinations of channels, groups, cues,
relained by an automatic battery back-up power submasters, and efTects fbr digital level setting or
supply. PBESTIGE 2000 is engineered to provide adjustment on the wheel. 6. Position keys allorv cursor
clarity ol operation, incorporating full color visual movement up, down, left, or right in various displays.
displays to provide instantaneous, continuous 7. Wheel is a continuous rotalion device for setting and
lnformation to the operator. The PRESTIGE 2000 adjusting levels and changing recolded tines-
has a powerful built-in Special Effects program and 8. Power,tsackup keyswitch ancl Air Flow indicator
bump buttons on 1 2 submasters to provide a 9. High resolution color CRT provides the following user
flexibility in all types of performances. selectable displays: Stage, Preview, Group, Submaster,
Effects, Cue Sheet, Track Sheet, Playback, Patch, and
Setup. 10. 3.5" Disk Drive provides library storage for
shows. 11. A complete range ofoptional peripheral
1. Twenty-four pile on submasters provide for manual
equipment is available. Illustrated with console is a Hand
control of complete "stage 1ooks". Twelve bumps buttons
Held Remote, a stage managers tool for selecting channels
allow instantaneous activation of associated submasters. from a remote location tbr lamp anrl focus check out. See
2. Four potentioneter faders provide for manual execution
page 3 for additional accessory options.
of cues. 3. Playback controls allow an operator to start an
entire cue sequenca with a single button. Cues may be
stopped, reversed. speeded up, slowed down, or taken over


:iLl{ llSSi)RiLS:
Rernote N4on tor (not illustrated)
Catalog No. 601'150 (monochrome)
or 601 152 (color) - Provides immediate
syslem inlorrnation as ihe designer

lvlagic Sheet Calalog No. 601-155

is lhe ghl ng designcr s easel,
conla ning al of the iunclions ol lhe
console, exclud ng ihe submaster
and PLayback Faders. ln addition,
the designer's plol may be altached
to the smarl pad, so lhat comp ex
show nlormallon may be recalled
wlth lhe toLch of the sly Ls.

Hand Held Ren'roie

Catalog No. 601 15,1 alLows channels
lo be selecled flom

\tE== a rcmote ocatron

for lamp and
focus check out.

\- ol-
Prlnter (notillustrated)
Cata og No. 601 156 ' provides hard
copy prinloul of all recorded data.
Specif ication

A. Desciption STAGE, CUE, GROUE SUBMASTEE 18, A dilJerentlime may be specilied lor each elleclslep up to 99
The ConlrolConsole shall be a mido-processor based lilhlrng seconds in 0.l second incremenls.
conlrolsyslem, spedfically designed and conslrucled for the control 1,The Slage display shallprovide a comprehensive display 01150
oi lheal cal and television dlmriing systemg. The Conliol Console chan n e I levels simu llan eously. 19.4 diflerenl high orlow levelmay be specliedloreach etlect
shall provide lor lhe conlrcl ol up to 400 dimrners on al least 400 step.
2. A channe, cue, group, submasler, or ellecl lisl or any
channels. lJp lo 390 cLesald qroups may be reco'ded.
comblnalion ollhese may be set digilally or on lhe rvheel. Ljsts 20. Four submaster iaders v{ith assocraied bump buttons may be
The console shall nol rEuire he use oi any peripheral device may be crealed usinglhe 'and,' 'lhrLr' and 'minus' commands. dedicated to lhe operalion ol ellecls. The siep rale of an ellecl
such as disk d ve or cassetle lo tunclion. Ihe sysiem operaling assigned lo a playback or submaster lader may b€ adjusled
program shall b€ slored ln a programmable read only memory ln 3.Alchanne levels under conlrol 0l lhe wheelmay be adjusted propodionally.
proporlionally even aller lhey reach fu l.
cass oi power iaiure, randorn access rnemory shall be relained by
an automallc batlery back-up power supply.
4,A temainder dim'command shal provdedto isoalea

The corcde shall consisl ol a porlable unil, approximalely 37 channel isl. A Relurn' corrrmand shallbe provided to restore 21,one bullon shallslarl an entiae cue including cue parts and

indles long and lTinches deep and onedelached 12 inch color or channels lo levels prior lo the lasl command. iollow on cues. No manualloadifg oi iadels shalbe required.
monochrome CRT rvilh inlegral lill base. The CBT shall be detached
5, Fromslage, alileve s may be reorded ina cue, cue part, 22. LJplolourcues may be run simullaneously.
lo allow oplimum placenrenl by lhe user for vlewing display !ro!p
inlomation, afdallow adaplalon lo compacl lllhllng boolh or submaslerThese levelsmay o glnalelromthe keypad,
23. The Playback display shallprovide lhe lollowing lnlomauon:the
envkonmenls. The Preslige 20000 shal consislolthe porlable wheel. Iaders or submaslers
cle sheel,lhe currenlcue, the cue loaded on each Jader with
console and l$o detalched calor C RTs. associaled tme dala,lhe evels ol submaslers, and an ndicalion
6.Cues may track or nol lrack on an lndividual, userselec{able
basis. Ceanup cuesmay be specilied which wlll nol al ow any ildirrmers are pa*ed.
The CRTshallbe a hlgh rcsolulion, glaph cs qualily color or
monochrome mon oa vrilh aminimum ol6,10 dols per lne horizontal levels to lrack lhrough aegard ess olhowsubsequenl cues are
24. Any cue orcue pan may be slopped, reversed orconvenedb
esoluion and350lines verlicej resolulion. Vid6o band wldth shal wriften,
beatleasl20 MHz lor maximum visualclarily and reduced eye
7, Cues may be recorded ln anyorder ljplo aine cLres may be 25. Cue may be payed oul olsequence in a specilied lifire, or
insened between any lwo numercally conseculrve cLes. Each through manual operalion.
A3-12lnch, nduslry standard disk d ve shallbe usedlorlibrary cle may conlan !p lo fou parls.
storage utrllzing environmentally prctec1ed, hlgh rel abiLity diskettes PATCH
wilh had daslic cases.
L Tle lollor ing informalion may be spe cilied Io r each cue or cue
pan: 26, Af electron c patch shall be prov ded to alow each channe lo
The ConlolConsole shallbe a lEEColonran Prestige m00 Plus. conlrcloneormorc dirianels, and muslbe able lo pedom in lhe
a)Fadelimes uplo 999seconds n 0.1 second increanenls.
lollown! Iive manners.
b)Delay times upto 999 seconds in 0.1 secofd incremenls.
B. Standard Fealures
c)Splil lade times and splll delay limes.
27. lhe palch may be displayed'by channel' indlcaling lhe lisl ol
d) Manual lade limes.
The Conlrol Console shall provide, bul not be limiled lo,lhe dimmers under conlrololeadr channel. Dimmers may be added
e) Spec al ellecls.
iollowing leatLrres: or deleted, A 'Jind d mmea command sha I locate lhe d mmer in
0 Aulomalic lo low on oi a subsequenl cue in up lo 999 lhe channellisl-
1. A lroup olten keys lor calling up various displays on the CRT.
g) Out ol sequence links.
28. Tle pa1ch may also be disp ayed 'by d mme/ nd callng l/llridr
2. A groupoleight sdeen keys lor access lo up to eighl dilterent channelconlrols each dimmer. Channelsmay be changedor
L Cues and cue liming inlor.nation may be p@vielved and mod ied
lunclions in each ol the len syslem displays and various sot deleled. A"lind dimmer command shal indicate alldimmers
blind wilhoLi allectjng slage set nqs.
diElays- l}ese keys shall change lunclion in each dlsplay to conlrolled by lhe specilied channel.
locuslhe users atlenlion on commands which are uselLrl in thal
l0.Cuesmaybecopedlromanolhercue, renumberedordeleted.
disp ay, and lo reduce congeslion ol lhe control surlace. 29. A park dimme/ funclion shallenable up lo 20 dimmeGlo be
1l. Any or allchanneLs may be recorded into a aroup lor aclivaled al any level, indeFendenl oi hen channel
3. A group ol posilion keys lor moving up, down, letl and ighl in proporlional balancing, bLr ld ng cues o. olher groups, o. loading assignmenls,
varjous displays, paging and accessing lie nexl or last ilems. onlo a submaster lor pile-on, nanualconlrol.
4. An expanded numeric keypad used lo enler numeric in,ormal on 12,Any channel, group, cue or olher subrnaslers may be rc@ded
and to deale channel, cue, group, submasler, and efiecl lisls. inlo a submasler lor pile on, manualconlrol. lhe use. to sel and preview the
30. A Setup dlsplay shall allow
number of channe s and dlmmers. preview lhe number oi cues
5. A continuous rolalron $heel with non-slip rubber surlac€ and 13. Dlrecl Dimmer Conlrol shall allow lhe user access lo a dimmer orgroups remainng, enable or disable I he o ptional Designer's
high ineniacore iorsettng levels and adjusling rales. at any iime regadless oi the dim.ner's palch asslgnmenl. Remole and Hand Held Remole, and enabloordisable the
bump bL.tlons and submasler display.
6. A cue keypad lor wiling or ediling cues, oie parls, times, delays, TBACKSHEET
iollows and links in lhe cue sheet. 31.'Record Disk,'"Load Memory" and Clear Memory'commands
14. The lracksheet shall provide a spreadsheel-1ype d splay ol
sixleen @es or cue parls simullaneously, theil lade and delay
shallbe prcvided. lt shall be posslble lo seleclively clear lhe
7. A lotal ol lour limed lade6 shall be prcvided, which may be
limes, and lhe levels olseverteen channels for each cue or cue cues, submasters, groups, palch, ellects or lhe entile system.
operaled manually. A rale bunon shall allow any combinalon ol
timed lades lo be adjusled on the rireel. 32 A dlsplay lor sefting and previewing lhe levels oi the lwentyjour
15. The user.nay specily lhe channelslob€ djsplayedln he lGck backup submaslers shall b€ prov ded.
8. A "G0' bLtlon ior slarling cues and a 'Slop/neverse' bulton ior
sheel as: allchannels, a group olchannels, or only lhe aclve
slopping active oiesorslepping backlhroughlhe cue sheel. A 33. A Prolile" lealurc shall allow lhs user lo program twenly
channels in a cue,
"Go to Cue'br.ilton lor taking cles olt oi sequenco. discrele dimmer proliles lor assignrnenl lo cues.
16, All level selllng commands may be used lo add or modily levels
9. Tweity{our pib{n, ove alping suhnasters lor manual confol ol direcllyin lhe lrack sheel. The d splay shallaulomatically page 34.llshall& po$siblslo selecl dlmmer ffolocol. T]re Preslige shall
comdolo "stage looks.' Cu€s, oroups, charnols and olh6r lo bo spociligd c!e. oulput lhe lEEColortran digital signal or DMX-512, lho USITT
submaslers may be loaded inlo a subflraster lo creale lhg digilalsignal.
deskedlevels. EFFECTS

10. Twefue bump butlons lor lnslanlaneols aclivalion oi sribmaslers 17. Special ellects may be recorded which consjsl ol a series ol
13lholgh 24. Bump butlons may b€ disabled in'Setup." slep6 which reped ln any cDmbinalion ol lhe lollowing paflens:
negalive, allernale, everse, bounce, build, and random. Sp€clcalons subjecllo change lhoul nolice.
11. A 24 submasler backup systeflr with separale processor,
memory and power suppt

Printed n u.s.A.
1 01 5 Chestnut St., Burbank, CA 91 506 9983 . (81 8) 843-1200' FAX: (818) 954'8520

L== Colortran,lnc. 40 B Commerce way, Totowa, N.J. 07512. (201 ) 256 7666' FAX: (201 ) 256 0889

400 Matheson Blvd- East, Unlt 1, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1N8 . (416) 890 0935 ' FAX: (416) 890$261

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