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Subject: Business Communication

Program: MBF (Weekend)

Topic: 7C’s of Business Communication

Presented To: Miss Summera Malik

Presented By: Muhammad Hassaan Siddiqui
Dated: April 14, 2019
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3
7C’s of Effective Business Communication .............................................................................................. 4
1. Completeness ................................................................................................................................... 4
 Provide all necessary information ................................................................................................ 4
 Answer all questions asked ........................................................................................................... 4
 Give extra detail when desirable .................................................................................................. 4
2. Conciseness ...................................................................................................................................... 4
 Elimination of wordy expression: ................................................................................................. 4
 Include only relevant material ...................................................................................................... 4
 Avoid unnecessary repetition ........................................................................................................ 4
3. Consideration .................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Concreteness .................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Clarity: ............................................................................................................................................. 5
6. Courtesy ........................................................................................................................................... 5
7. Correctness ...................................................................................................................................... 5
 Right level of language ................................................................................................................. 5
 Check accuracy of facts and figures and words............................................................................ 5
Importance of 7C’s in Business Communication ..................................................................................... 5
References: ................................................................................................................................................... 6
According to Harper, Douglas “Communication is the act of conveying meanings from
one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs, symbols,
and semiotic rules.” The message is said to be effective when the receiver understands the same
meaning that the sender was intended to convey. The 7 C’s of Communication is a checklist
that helps to improve the professional communication skills and increases the chance that the
message will be understood in exactly the same way as it was intended.
To have effective communication, one should keep the following 7 C’s of communication in
 Completeness
 Conciseness
 Consideration
 Concreteness
 Clarity
 Courtesy
 Correctness
7C’s of Effective Business Communication
1. Completeness: The message should be complete, i.e. it must include all the relevant
information as required by the intended audience. The complete information gives
answers to all the questions of the receivers and helps in better decision-making by the
recipient. A complete message should:
 Provide all necessary information: Answering the five W’s i.e., Who, What,
When, Where and Why helps make messages clear.
 Answer all questions asked: Briefly explaining all the facts and figures gives
good impression,
 Give extra detail when desirable: Giving additional information that
customer might want to know and asking several relevant questions in order to
answer the queries properly.
2. Conciseness: Conciseness is conveying message in fewest possible words without
compromising the qualities of other C’s. The short and brief message is more
comprehensive and helps in retaining the receiver’s attention. Conciseness includes:
 Elimination of wordy expression: Use single word substitute instead of
phrases without changing meaning. For example we can use ‘soon’ instead
of ‘in due course’
 Include only relevant material: Always provide only relevant information
to the receiver. Keep the conversation to the point and avoid unnecessary
introduction, explanations etc.
 Avoid unnecessary repetition: repeating same words and messages may
lose receiver’s interest so avoid unnecessary repetition of words to get more
accurate results
3. Consideration: Consider the audience and their requirements. Ensure the method of
communication is appropriate to the audience (e.g. verbal, email, text, presentation) as
well as the content. In some cases communication needs to be done in multiple ways, or
multiple times in order to be effective. The sender must take into consideration the
receiver’s opinions, knowledge, mindset, background, etc. in order to have an effective
communication. In order to communicate, the sender must relate to the target recipient
and be involved.
 Focus on “You” instead of “I” and “We”.
 Show audience benefit or interest in the receiver.
 Emphasize positive, pleasant facts.
4. Concreteness: The communication should be concrete, which means the message
should be clear and particularly such that no room for misinterpretation is left. All the
facts and figures should be clearly mentioned in a message so as to substantiate to
whatever the sender is saying. Concreteness reinforces confidence.
5. Clarity: Clarity requires the use of simple language and easy sentence structure in
composing the message. It’s easy for the receiver to grasp the meaning being conveyed
by the sender when there is clarity in presenting ideas. Also the message should
emphasize on a single goal at a time and shall not cover several ideas in a single sentence.
Clarity saves time. It stimulates the receiver for an action and makes comprehension
6. Courtesy: Courtesy means considering receiver’s perspective along with his feelings,
emotions and attitude. Better results can be received by using polite and decent language,
gestures, being appreciative, thoughtful, tactful, and showing respect to the receiver.
Guidelines to keep in mind while communicating a message:
 Message should be tactful keeping in mind receiver’s feelings, attitude
and culture.
 Be polite and courteous while communicating with audience as it helps
building good will.
 Have someone review your statement to avoid disrespect.
7. Correctness: Correctness in communication means there are no grammatical errors
and facts mentioned are authentic. The sender should know the status, knowledge and
educational background of the receiver. A correct message has following characteristics.
 Right level of language: Identify the type of message and then use right
level of language i.e,. formal, informal or substandard.
 Check accuracy of facts and figures and words: Before adding any facts
and figures in message one should double check if the information is valid
or has changed over time. Statistical data should be verified and correct.
Avoid words that confuse e.g,. accept and except, between and among etc.

Importance of 7C’s in Business Communication:

7C’s provides us guidelines to compose an effective message and helps in stimulating the
receiver for desired outcome. 7C’s can be applied in both oral and written communication to
enhance communication and better understanding.
7C’s not only plays great role in business communication but is also applicable in our daily lives.
It helps in building goodwill of a company and better chance of desired outcome.
Harper, Douglas. "communication". Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 2013-06-23.

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