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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬

‫الحمد هلل رب العالمين والصالة والسالم على اشرف النبياء والمرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وبارك وسلم‬
‫ اما بعد‬،‫اجمعين‬
The exelency the adjudicators of english speech competition
The honorable of all teachers,
The respectable of all audiences,
And my beloved friends

Let’s thanks to our god, Allah SWT who has giving us blessings anf mercies so that we can
gather in this place in good condition.

Sholawat and salaam will be always given to our prophet, Muhammad SAW. Who has
guided this ummah from the darknes to the lightnes, from the dark way to the bright way.

Thank you very much to the master of ceremony who has given me the oppurtunity to give
some speech in front of you all.

In this nice occasion, I would like to deliver my speech under the the title”

“The Urgency of Islaimc Education in Indonesia”

Ladies and Gentlemen……………………

Our Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

‫كل مولود يولد على الفطرة فابواه يهودانه او ينصرانه او يمجسانه‬

It’s mean:

Every one of us is born in holy condition so the parent who guide them became good
person or bad person.
Based and hadits earlier, of course that our life need many guidance from our parents,
taeachers and the society. Because the decadent of morality in this this time was happened in all
around the world, even in Indonesia almost 80% of young generation was influenced by foreign
culture. They behave like behaviour of christian and jawish, they was like their dresses, they
believe in their convection, they do what is done by them and all this influences are leading them
to leave he sunnah of our prophet, Muhammad SAW and our obligation as a moslem towards our
god, Allah SWT.

If the young generation in this modern era acting like this, what will happen in the future?
And what will happen our country? If of all young generation and of all people in Indonesia as
moslem country has been influenced by foreign culture, we will not have a bright future for this
countryb if they don’t realize that this live will die and shattered! Therefore, we must pry to our
god, Allah SWT for all of people in the world, especially all of people in our country, Indonesia.
Besides we must always pray to Allah SWT. We need religius education to teach them between
good things realize that there life or not on the right track.

As moslem country, majority of young generation and people in Indonesia don’t

understand about Islam islam they said: We are muslim but they don’t understabd what does
Islam Mean! They said we are faithfull but they don’t understand what does faithfull mean! And
they said we are good muslim but they never obey to the instruction of Allah SWT! This is our
reason, this is our resion why we need relegious education being glorious again in the eyes of the

In fact, they are father and mother that don’t teach their children in islamic education and
don’t order than to study in islamic school or islamic boarding school. Furthemore, most of
parents prefer to the order their sons and daughters to study in non islamic schools. The effect is
they create bad generation because both parents and childrens don’t have basic islamic

In this globalisation era, every parents have to double up their effort to protect their
childrens from bad influences. Teenagers nowdays exposed to negative sosialism when they are
uncontrol by their parents. Development of modern tecnology such as internet, media social,
cyber world, and others will be great disaster for teenagers when it was misused by them
religious education. By religious education, teenagers don’t need anyone to control themselves
because they can control theirselves with the faith in their hearts.

Now what must be done by us as moslem? What must be done by us as parents? What
must be done by us in this time?

Ladies and gentlemen ……………………

I think the answer is:

First : we must teach the children good education

Second : we must teach the children Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits

Thrid : we must teach the children to love Allah SWT. And Muhammad SAW.

Finaly, thank for your attention and coperation, the last I say,

‫والسالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬

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