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What is it?

Hijab is a system. A distinction of the humans from the animals. It is a

procedure of cleanliness and chastity. It is something with which a
community blooms and without which declines into hardships. We
observe that little struggles often prevent bigger struggles. Same is
the case with the hijab. It solves a myriad of complex problems before
they even happen. Some may not even call it a struggle because of its
multitudes of benefits. What am I talking about? Read on.

Before we begin: One thing to be noticed but often never thought on

is that hijab is an obligation for both man and woman alike. It is
misunderstood as the duty of only the women in our societies. Hijab
of the women is to cover herself, true, most will most likely know this.
But the hijab for the man is there too, to cover his eyes aka "lower the
gaze". Men often forget their own duty and on top of that often
criticise and blame it on the women for not covering themselves. All
the women in the world can start practicing their this duty for that
sake but the real system of hijab will not succeed until the men clean
their minds. Likewise, all the men can clean their minds and cover
their eyes, which is a lot less likely to happen than the previous
hypothetical, but the system will fail again. This time because of the
inherent and the innate weakness of the man. This cleaning of the
unclean *starts* from the hijab of the eyes for the man. Although one
can practice it individually and he/she will surely benefit. But the
system is not really complete until both the members of the human
race embrace it.

If you ask a professor of anthropology, she will tell you that humans
did not use to cover themselves long ago and first started covering
themselves only for staying warm in the winters and for protection
from insects but now wear clothes just because it is the norm and no
one likes to go against the norm. Her theories will tell you that clothes
and coverings were something acquired by the humans. This is not
the case. Humans were CREATED with covering themselves in their
minds hardcoded. We get to know this when we look at the incident
of expulsion of our father and mother Aʼdam and Hawaʼa (A.S) from
the heavens. When they ate the forbidden, their clothes were taken
away from them as a punishment. They immediately felt shame and
started covering themselves with what was near them. They did not
cover themselves because it was the norm, there never was anyone
to "set" the norm as they were the first humans. They did not cover
themselves because of the cold or because insects were biting them
as they slept. They covered themselves because they innately and
inherently felt shame. Hijab is in our genes.

The word hijab literally means "To cover". To cover and guard yourself
from what can destroy you and your soul is what I like to take it as.

What can destroy you?

The answer to this question can be found embedded in the answer of

the question "Why is this hijab thing so important anyways?". You see,
if we want to see what happens without hijab, we do not need to go
much far. Take any "first world country". People of these lands are not
of knowing of the concept of hijab or have forgotten it. Their
paradigms are of (misunderstood) freedom. Gawking and drooling in
lust is their freedom. Going about half-naked is their freedom. Inter-
mixing of the sexes is their freedom. Dating culture is their freedom.
To spend as much money as they want to look good to be attractive
to the opposite sex is their freedom. Being allowed to have sexual
intercourse with anyone at any time is their freedom. Being able to do
literally anything to satisfy lusts is their freedom. These freedoms of
theirs cause them great difficulties whom they label as "hardships of
life" but they never bother to deeply think about the causes of these
hardships. All these hardships and issues are due to the absence of
the hijab.


T. People becomes slaves to their basic desires. They become

willing to do almost anything, right or wrong, to satisfy their lusts.
This willingness to do anything is exploited. Trillion dollar
industries are set up which take advantage of these desires.
Instances of these industries are cosmetics, fashion, plastic
surgery, pornography and prostitution to name a few. All the
products of such industries are, in one way or another, the basic
desires of people which they canʼt control exploited as their
selling points. What else all the products of these industries are?
Waste of time, money and other resources.

Y. Dating means temporary relationships. No commitment. One can

leave the other person without giving any reason and end the
relationship, it is considered normal. The one being left is often
left devastated. They are hurt beyond bounds. Sometimes they
become suicidal. Then they say, "Next time, I will be the one
dumping the other, I will not let this to happen to myself again!"
Such relationships kill love. Such relationships kill trust. Such
relationships kill relationships and what they leave behind is an
empty husk. Sexual pleasure is all what relationships remain.
Relationship become what they are not intended to become.

Z. Your sexual nature driving you is never good. A teenage boy will
go to school and spend the whole day trying to get the attention
of a fellow girl instead of doing what the school is intended for. A
teenage girl gets up early in the morning before school for
studying for her important physics test? No….. She got up early
because she was excited about asking her crush on a date and
you know, you gotta look good for that = makeup time.

[. The more the people enslave themselves to their lusts, the more
the people have sex, the more the chances of the contraceptive
failing, the more their are pregnant underage girls. These
teenagers are most likely students and canʼt care for a child. Even
if the underage father of this child chooses to remain with the
mother (which almost never happens), they can never raise the
child up properly simply because they lack the worldly
experience. Most mothers are left single and the child does not
get proper grooming. Resulting in un-groomed societies.


We got to know the harms of hijabʼs absence.
Let us know some of the benefits of the presence of hijab too.

A. Separation from the herd

It distinguishes muslims from the rest of the people. Muslims are

supposed to be a distinct group. They are supposed to be identifiable
by their acts. No muslim should need to introduce him/herself as a
muslim. Hijab is a muslimʼs introduction. Hijab is an identity.

B. Exchange of respect

My observation is that a Hijabi Muslimah is respected a lot. People

unconsciously infer the notion that this woman is not for their
entertainment. Hijab is a statement and a very bold one at that.

For the malesʼ hijab, lowering the eyes is an act of showing respect in
its own. It was made obligatory for the men to show respect towards
the women so much at a time when women were not even considered
or treated as humans.

The ones who respect others, gain the respect of others.

Allahʼs respect is what these muslims are getting.

C. Protection from harassment

No one flirts with a hijabi woman. No one whistles on her. No one tries
to hit on her. No one harasses her. Statistically speaking, the chances
of a man getting animalistic and harassing a woman are greatly
reduced when he practices hijab. Even if the males do get animalistic,
the hijabi women are the last of their targets.

D. Beauty that is veiled is more beautiful

Needs not much of an explanation I think. A woman when on display
is considered sexually appealing, not beautiful. There is a difference.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Men, when they lower their
gazes, are telling the women that their beauty is of so much value
that they are not even eligible to enjoy it, that this beauty is reserved
for a select few.

E. Merry married life

Just looking at a womanʼs face is so much pleasing for a male, yet he

lowers his eyes and looks away. What happens as a result is that
when he gets a spouse, when he is finally allowed to look at someone,
he finds all the pleasure and beauty which he has been lowering his
eyes to all his life in his wife, combined. His spouse becomes the
most beautiful person in the world for him automatically. Feelings of
love for his companion which are clean and pure and not-sex-driven
start filling his heart.

The woman who had been covering herself from all the world all her
life, who has been going through all the hot sweating in the summers
and all the inconveniences of not being able to do certain things
because of her modesty is more heavily rewarded. She is given a
loving husband because people of good faith choose people of good
faith as their spouses. When she is finally allowed to uncover in front
of a person, she automatically feels special towards him. After all,
things of so much value are only for special people. Women are
softer-hearted than men on average. Their hearts melt when they see
that someone is doing things out of love for them. Now they have a
husband who melts their heart and love sprouts in their hearts too.

Both the people value each other.

The marriage finds love and the life becomes a blessing for the two
F. Gift of time

When you have no worry of looking good in front of others, you do

not waste time on making yourself look good. You use this newly
found free time for productive tasks. You do not spend spend your
time on devising plans on how to get attention of that girl/guy. You
donʼt spend time day-dreaming about your crush. You spend time
learning Islam because hijab is a good deed and good deeds breed
other good deeds. You better both of your worlds through hijab.

H. That strange feeling of purity

Ask any women about her experience of hijab and she will tell you
about the feeling of purity and confidence she gets through it.
Similarly, ask any man about how he feels about showing modesty
and he will tell you that his mind remains cleaner because of this act
of his and he too feels closer to Allah because his mind is lesser
tangled in lust.

Both will tell you that practicing hijab is difficult but they will quickly
follow it up with an enthusiastic explanation of the strange good
feeling they get with it.

I. Freedom from the unimportant

You are free from going to the mall and spending hours on buying the
best clothes. You are free from your previous insecurities regarding
your looks. You are free from being a slave to your basic desires. You
are a free person now.

J. Merry married life #2

Hijab prevents from looking at non-mahrams. Only the spouses have

such rights over each other. Muslims do not even think of having
relationships with anyone else. Hijab also prevents closeness
between non-mahrams. Most marriages in the first world countries
fall apart due to affairs. Hijab prevents affairs and saves marriages.
These were SOME out of MANY of the ways in which
Allahʼs ONE order benefits US in THIS world.

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