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English, multilingualism and globalisation in indonesia

A lingua franca is a language or way of communicating which is used between people who do not speak
one another's nativelanguage.

English now is becoming the lingua franca of Asia. For example When the tourist in some country that
can't speak the language in there so the tourism will use english to communicate with the local people

The enthusiasm of the public for the use of English is reflected in nearly all domains of life (Hamied, 2013).
English language have been taught in indonesia and in education english is really important one. Not all
indonesian people can speak english but some of them are really serious to learn english. The people who
can speak indonesia and english fluently will get the opportunities for working in many fields.

This is the point where Indonesia’s multilingualism creates educational dilemmas (Hamied, 2012).
Educational policymakers are challenged with questions such as, should Indonesian be taught from the
earliest stage of education in all schools? Or should it be postponed until students are bilingual? Should
English be taught at primary level,or should it be postponed until they are proficient in Indonesian? And
what about its impact on the teaching of indigenous and heritage languages?

Although english is not the second languange in indonesia, but english is still important for every aspect.
Because indonesia become developing country, and so many foreign companies work together in business
world. In field of tourism, indonesia become one of the country that so many tourism coming there. The
tourism usually need a tourguide. It can be the opportunity for the people who can speak english and be
the tour guide.

In education, there are so many international school. The international schools, there so many childern
from different country like china, japan, australia, indonesia and others. So the student use english for
communicate each others. English become the primary education, they have to fluently and understand
english so well.
English Code Switching in Indonesian Language

As we know english become a global languange. People in every country at least know how to greeting in
english and some of word in english such as "thank you" or "sorry" .

Not just in conversation, simple word like thank you and sorry like mostly used in indonesia and other
country. Especially in indonesia. Even the symbol and sign there is use some word or some phrase in

Some English slogans, sayings or terminologies recently are found along with the situations that happen
in Indonesia recently such as: live streaming, Save KPK Save Indonesia, mark-up, brand, distributor,
offline, online, flashback, and hijab. These words and phrases are not Indonesian but they are found in
newspaper articles and in formal speeches made by Indonesian high ranking officials or ordinary people.
Other words or abbreviations such as toilet, male, female, CV (for Curriculum Vitae) and HRD (for Human
Resource Development) are already familiar to Indonesian people: they are written as placards, signs or
labels which stick to doors, desks or places in need of identification in Indonesian public buildings or areas.

So even when the people say they are not influent in english, without realizing they have spoken english
even though not much. They usually reflect to say english phrase. Like mentioned above. every people
now mostly have a social media, that they are used to say the words "online" , "offline" , "log in" or "log
out" . Sometimes they ask to others to "follow" their social media. So like that english influenced so many
ascpects in indonesia.

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